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Sanchez's Gree application


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Steam Name:[SR] Sanchez [HA]




Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:128227301


Battalion or squad you are applying for: 41st Elite corp/Battalion Commander Gree



For all of this Im saying what I learned not what I did, as in my eyes that matters more.

Real world

Drill team commander

Much of the reason I believe I’m qualified is my real world experience keeping a program/Team alive. I am currently a drill team commander of a small drill team, we are currently experiencing a lack of members and i'm still pushing through to competition hoping to the best that the team can do. I’ve been the commander for 3 years now with many challenges thrown my way. With my XO we maintain uniforms, practices that happen everyday and planning for competitions. This takes a lot of hard work from both of us but, when were doing our job no one should notice that its even being done. The things I have learned from this experience have made me into a proficient shadow worker, teaching me how to work in the background and make operations run smoothly.

Platoon leader

As a platoon leader last year I was in charge of maintaining many of the squad members under me as well as multiple squad leaders. During my time as a platoon leader it has shown me how to spot who has the drive to advance and how to recognize them for their hard work in their squad. Be promotions or putting them up for an award. This also helped me learn how to teach people and be patient with them while getting people into the program with other squad members.

Synergy experience

41st SUPO

I Was first made support officer by kazuto when I was a Sergeant-major in the 41st . During this time I worked hard to try to keep the support troopers alive and healthy in the 41st. This was one of the most enjoyable times in the 41st with Flax as another support officer next to me.

41st SUPO Faie

While I played as a support officer, I have offered many pieces of training to the members of the 41st but sadly ER isn't held in such a high regard as the loadout has fallen out of favor with the battalion. I am still striving to support our support troopers during this tough time in the 41st.

41st ARC officer

My time as ARC officer was short lived as I stepped down to revive the pilot branch, but my time as a ARC officer was a fun one. I would often observe selections with Dragon/fizzik seeing how well our 41st troopers were representing our Battalion during their training.

41st Pilot lead

I took the job of the pilot lead after I stepped down from ARC officer, during this time I ‘ve promoted more RP among our pilots by offering a Pre-flight checklist on the V-19 with more ways to increase immersion to come soon. I’ve also made it a point to make Piloting something to be proud of. During my time as a pilot lead its allowed me to get better at doc work and communication with other battalions. Unfortunately or fortunately either way baseops is now incharge of this with the RAF program.


Trainer manager

This has been one of the most enjoyable experiences in staff, as a trainer manager I maintain TRO’s. This had allowed me to not get personal with people and look at them from a outside and unbiased perspective even if I'm friends with them.

This experience has given me the valuable ability recognize when to remove someone from their position if they are not performing up to standards. I also have learned how to be efficient with docs and how to encourage people to do tasks given to them.

All these experiences I've had have allowed me to grow into the person I am and make decisions that will positively affect this battalion and encourage activity among its members.



Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I'm already in the 41st this may not seem very large but, the 41st is extremely close to each other and we all work closely together. My work ethic towards this battalion is also a large part of why I believe I should have the position of Gree, with the guidance of other Battalion Commanders and other 41st members I plan to make the 41st one of the most active and engaging battalions on the server. I also understand self reflection is extremely important for a leader as I actively do this as a COL in the 41st looking how I can improve myself and the battalion as a whole.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes


Availability: At any time between 9 am CST and 11pm CST but if I'm needed I can respond to it anytime


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I've been on synergy for around 4 months with over 1170 hours on the server


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want your Battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

  • Stronger NCO Structure

I want our NCO structure to be a lot stronger with a proper chain of command in the 41st. Teaching the Senior NCO’s what to do in a certain situation would help them be a lot stronger in situations when they have to make a split decision they can’t go back on.

  • Proper Branch Leadership

I want branch leaders be active respected in the 41st and to be positive role models for other 41st members.

  • Battalion Population

One of my primary focuses will be on recruitment of new members, and retention of current members. Currently there is an acceptable recruitment rate but a low retention rate, I will work with leaders in the batallion to fix this problem and foster a more stable battalion population.

all the time can greatly improve activity and them staying the 41st.

  • Commanders

Exceptional Commanders, the 41st has a history of bad/inactive commanders this can easily be changed by having weekly check ins with the commanders and a list of things to accomplish that week.

  • Reputation

Currently the 41st has a reputation as one of the most mingy battalions on the server, I find this to be unacceptable and will ensure that those in leadership positions encourage healthy and serious roleplay while also making the battalion fun for those who are less interested in pure roleplay. If officers don't show proper behavior in regards to minging and aren’t acting in a manner that promotes a healthy battalion culture, they will be demoted or removed from the battalion.

  • Officer core

The 41st is currently lacking when it comes to a strong officer core. While recent events have caused turmoil in the battalion, it has also opened up opportunities to promote those who have been active and dedicated in the 41st to positions they were previously unable to achieve. One of my first priorities as Gree will be to restructure our officer core and promote higher standards of activity and behavior in our leadership, as well as institute weekly or bi-weekly meetings with Officers and Commanders in the battalion to find where we can improve and to encourage activity. My overall goal is to improve the relationship that the 41st has with other battalions as well as our reputation on the server as a whole.

  • 41st Jedi

I strive for a strong jedi system in the 41st, with the help of elijah I want 41st jedi want to interact with the battalion and help us work for a better 41st future. With a proper structure for them this can be accomplished.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes


Do you understand that your position has a three-month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: yes


  • Winner 1
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After High command and High Staff purged Egg and the Commanders, I honestly cannot make a decision on anyone. I was also under the impression that you needed to have been a CMD before and atleast a CPT now to be able to apply for BCMD. You did a lot for the battalion, but you would never understand how much hours and effort Egg has put into his time on the server, and feel like all that is about to change. I like you as a person, but I do not personally think you should be Commander Gree, but with all this said, Good luck.


I believe a few people are going to agree with me. I'll see you later, I'm leaving.

Edited by Wombat
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+1 From past experience in the battalion. I saw Egg strive to try and make it fun and entertaining, but with this Purge. Some one needs to take up the mantle of responsibility, and I was thinking of doing so, but I am a RC, and I made a commit to do so, and feel bad that i cant help to only my ability too, but Sanchez, you do your Work, and always try and fix things were no one else would look at. I will be there to help you, and all I ask is that 41st stays fun, and not turned. If you get what I mean. 

Sanchez is the best choice, and I put my vote for him. As a old legacy member, A friend, and a current Outreach. I support Sanchez, and only him.

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Former: Liaison


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Well, Sanchez, while I respect you, there have been times where I've been severely beyond annoyed with you. But I've heard great things about your work in cracking down on your subordinates. With such big promises in the application, I hope you can uphold them. There's no denying the achievements you've made in such a short time, so let's make this one of your biggest. Show them what the Elite Corps can truly be like.

  • Agree 1

The Reprehensible Ratio!



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Forum Admin


I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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+1 Ever since I started on this server I had always seen Sanchez as the most dedicated member of the 41st. He was always the one that was keeping the battalion alive and I feel he is the most worthy candidate to take the Gree position after Egg's exodus. At least you didn't crack like an egg.

Edited by Casual

The guy who was second command of two removed battalions

Now star trek rper

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I’m not going to bother quoting whoever said it but.

if you -1 this application just because, “He’s Not Like Egg.” “He doesn’t lead the same as Egg.”


Well guess what? He’s not Egg and you have to suck it up. Anyways onto my vote.


Sanchez, you’ve done a lot for 41st and I believe you should recieve this position. I’ve witnessed your leadership capabilities when I was Barriss and well, you have what it takes. (TBFH you should’ve been XO like long ago but whatever lmao.) +1 from me chief.

  • Agree 1
  • Winner 3
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Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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21 hours ago, Red_Panda said:

I’m not going to bother quoting whoever said it but.

if you -1 this application just because, “He’s Not Like Egg.” “He doesn’t lead the same as Egg.”


Well guess what? He’s not Egg and you have to suck it up. Anyways onto my vote.


Sanchez, you’ve done a lot for 41st and I believe you should recieve this position. I’ve witnessed your leadership capabilities when I was Barriss and well, you have what it takes. (TBFH you should’ve been XO like long ago but whatever lmao.) +1 from me chief.

But like... nobody said that? Not unless the post was deleted.


Edit: I stand corrected

Edited by Fizzik
  • Agree 2

Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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