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Everything posted by Dono

  2. Dono

    An ARC-170 Change

    +1 looks sexy as hell. Im willing to see what the smart coder people say about whether or not it would cause problems. Im willing to download the addon even if its large if it doesn't impact performance immensely.
  3. Name: Dono Who helped (If applicable): no one Event/Encounter Name: Endor Assault take two Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Reconned endor, then assaulted the base.. yeah
  4. 9/10 jesus christ my head hurts that was so chaotic and confusing but it was fun as hell.
  5. Dono

    Peril on Vandor!

    8/10 I literally killed hundreds of droids with force repulse.... my bad lmao
  6. Yu Yu Need to get some bitches (hakusho)
  7. Alright all that talk about video game soundtracks got me going. Whats yalls favorite movie soundtracks or TV series soundtracks? Ill start- Movie Soundtrack: Organ variation by Hans Zimmer is my favorite piece. TV Series: Beethovens string quartet (song number 6)
  8. Question / Concern: Ok so recently I randomly decided to look back at an old map suggest I threw out and was placed into pending. When I look at the trello I cant find it anywhere and also a bunch of the links on the trello to certain maps suggestions just lead to one singular post that was denied. I looked through the denied section and couldn't find it there either or in any topic. Was the post hidden? or am I just having a stroke. I'm not asking for the status on the suggestion but just want to make sure I'm not going crazy. I swear I posted a pretty big suggestion filled with maps and saw it on the trello as well not too long ago. Thank you for the help! Staff: Not really sure who to ping so Ill let the Forum people ping who should see this.
  9. We can only try to do our best! I wont make promises but just know that leadership is aware of these problems and are attempting to implement solutions.
  10. Name: Dono Staff Rank: VA SteamID: Its on the roster Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 5/7/21 - 5/21/21 Reason: I have a fair amount of work to do catching up on my classes and need some time away from synergy to make sure I actually pass all my classes this semester. I also have exam week from the 17th to the 21st and really need to study for my exams. Ill definitely be around on TS and might pop online sometimes here and there but I really can't handle quotas right now with the amount of work I have to do. Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yes
  11. @Piff Please make your event idea doc public :)
  12. Just so everyone is aware as well. The GM leadership team is planning some things in the hopefully near future that would address some ideas that were brought up here. I wont say much, but I can assure you that there are members in leadership that are pushing for something more to be done than just the endless cycle of event - db - do nothing but wait until next event. Strap on in because things might be getting a little funky if things go well. :) Passive rp starts with the individual - if you want something to happen, you can't always just sit around and hope for it to just magically come to fruition. Its easy to miss one person trying to promote rp out of 60+ players but, bring in others and it becomes harder for staff and other players to not see what your doing and chime in. I urge you, if you ever have any ideas for events or just any rp that really just can't be done alone, reach out to a staff member in game, teamspeak, the forums, discord, etc. Use myspace if you have to. Even if its just a Admin spawning a couple droid at aurek or civilians in the village. No matter how scuffed it is, you will enjoy the experience a lot more than just standing around in MHB or lobby and doing nothing. As a side note, if you have any deployment ideas that you would like to see completed for your battalion, regiment, etc. Please contact anyone in the GM team. Exam week is approaching but that doesn't mean all of us are unavailable. If yall liked that planetary incursion that shockpoint did on endor and have any ideas for that as well please dm them to me ;)
  13. +1 Orion is honestly the face of the 501st. I have seen him so much as ahsoka and hes done an incredible amount of work for the battalion. He deserves to make it to the interview for all of the work he is has put forward for the battalion.
  14. Dono

    Dantooine Invasion

    Name: Dono Who helped (If applicable): Arty, johnson, jay Event/Encounter Name: Dantooine Invasion Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): CIS set up a MOB on Dantooine.. republic anihilated it after doing recon.
  15. 41st: As a 41st member who watched the entire situation break apart and seen both sides of the situation through and through, I can attest that this time in the 41st was not a very fun time. The battalion essentially split in half with two sides as soon as the BCMD applications opened. For the two weeks leading up to the application process many secret little meetings were held amongst certain members supporting specific sides when only Cloud or Wren were online. Ultimately, we all know who got the position and when a certain chain of information was recieved, actions were done accordingly by Cloud. I WILL NOT take sides on who was right or wrong in this situation as in my opinion both sides were definitely not doing good things. What happened in the past should stay in the past. If Jova had simply just given up on Synergy after the incident in the 41st, I wouldn't be writing anything after this. Jedi: When I joined jedi, Jova completely convinced me to become a Sage and now months later I'm a consular manager helping out in the Jedi. When I first stepped into the Jedi, I really didn't care to try doing anything because all my expectation dropped as soon as I become a Padawan but we can leave that topic for another forum post. Jova convinced me to RP on my jedi and stick around and honestly looking at it now, he was the main reason why the consular branch performed so well for the past couple months. From my perspective, Jova held the consular branch and Sages up during his time as leadership and lead by example in the Jedi. Senate: I became Bail O(bama)rgana on a whim to see what the senate would be like. I was looking at the time to join something that would allow me to apply more complex rp in tangent with my Gamemaster responsibilities in game. When I joined and still to this day, Jovanovic practically runs the senate from my perspective. For the first time in my career on Synergy, I actually saw the Senate doing more than just existing on the f4 menu or running around in the MHB. If you join the PUBLIC SENATE DISCORD, you can see just what we have been doing and I can confidently say that mostly all of what we currently do is a result from Jova stepping up as a Senior Senator and actually placing infrastructure for the senate to rp. Mas Ameda is a senate position, Jova has done a ridiculous amount of work for the senate and I believe his actions as a Jedi and Senior Senator have shown that his character is not simply just some random dude powerplaying. He could've just left after the 41st incident and joined some other random SWRP server to rise in their ranks if he was interested in powerplaying. Jova puts in genuine work and I believe that he is the best candidate we have within the Senate to take the throne of Mas Ameda. Lemme remind you the last time the world held grudges and profusely punished a country for their actions. The Treaty of Versailles can be accredited for most of the cause for WWII and all it took was just people to move on and treat others humanely. To the 41st, Jova fucked up and his actions were not ok. I would like to remind you that only hate broods out of hate, jova is putting in more hours of work in the Senate then any other senator and he deserves the right to be accredited the position for what he is doing in the Senate. Life goes on, people change and sometimes, people need to move on. Jova stuck it out regardless of what people thought of him and gave his best in each of his duties I have seen him attend to since. I ask you all to look only at one instance, one event does not define a persons character. I believe jova has proved himself over time that he is seriously trying to improve Synergy RP and honestly not too many people are willing to put in the same amount of time and work that he does.
  16. Lemme know what radio channel to tune into when your live, I better hear that clone impression at least once over the radio again. Also I wasn't joking about all your dupes.. .you better throw them at someone remaining here before all of that gold is lost forever. This is what I felt at the GM meeting when you announced it: Go fix your grades :)
  17. +1 gaz your a great guy and I think you’ll be a fine addition to the staff team. Although, you might need to change you’re ts name
  18. Dono

    Mediaplayer Use Rule

    I have no idea what you mean by this... are you saying to stop running battalion / regiment specific events on main server?
  19. 8/10 very fun only 3-4 ppl crashed on geo! great statistics!
  21. Luther wins no cap... Bacta just gonna throw insults Incoming: "REPUBLIC DOGS!" from bacta
  22. Dono

    Mediaplayer Use Rule

    I am not refering to AAR ratings... I am referring to people showing up to events in the first place.
  23. Dono

    Mediaplayer Use Rule

    Lol I guess we really just gonna keep the possibility that a gm puts in tons of work to prepare an event to entertain the PLAYERS on the server and have them get fucked because a bunch of dumbasses are sitting around watching keyboard cat.... smh
  24. The link worked for me but honestly it doesn’t matter cuz this pack is gonna get denied anyway. I’m just hoping the whitelist rework is pushed through by the end of this summer.
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