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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. I completely disagree, seeing as though the sheer amount of complaining most GM's get when they use an intercom (even for as long as 10 seconds) is enough to stop them from using it alltogether. I'm going to +1, because if this is something we could add, it wouldn't detract from the server at all. Also it'd be really, really useful for GMs on the main server :P.
  2. I would really like to see small groups of Jedi being actually given opportunities to command forces on deployments, so don't be afraid to ask the GM team for opportunities!
  3. That would be insanely cool. All kinds of little touches like that just add LOADS to personal immersion. And at the end of the day, immersion is what we're here for!
  4. Name: BACTA Who helped (If applicable): MAVELLE JAD JAYARR BARON SATAN Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): NONE Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): WE DID ANOTHER NPC TEST! YOU GUYS DID A WHOLE ASS ASSAULT!!!!! Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: No Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  5. This is a bit of advice (Not a rating as I was a helper) Be careful with characters like that jedi. People don't often like having commanding officers that they aren't familiar with, unless they're a recurring character in your events. Even then, don't necessarily give them a physical presence in the event. It can make some people bitter.
  6. +1. I think these have a place on Synergy and can be a very good immersion tool.
  7. I'm at the end of my fucking rope 4/4/5
  9. What a year and a half of nonstop playing does to a mf
  10. Name: Mavelle Staff Rank: HA SteamID: Copy and paste from the GM roster pls ;-; it's public Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 6/2-6/21 Reason: We out here burning the fuck out. Everything has felt like it's grinding to a halt recently so I just need to take a break. Plus, I have plans every single night from here until 2 weeks from now. I can barely play in the evenings because of it. Once graduation is done it'll clear up a SHIT ton. Talked to maddoxx, the time is waived, dw! Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  11. It's all fuckin' awesome, because it's star wars! I love the universe and characters so god damn much that I will eat up anything they give me like a greedy little fucking hamster. There is no part of the universe that I would not LOVE seeing more of. It's all so fuckin cool! Seeing the disney shows is like watching all of my dreams come true, all the set design, music, costumes, stories, characters are just so COOL I am perfectly happy to be a little bit blissfully ignorant because god damn does this franchise make me happy! I don't see a need to stop that!
  12. come back to play at least one day when the update rolls around will you? I'll see u tomorrow my man <3 OH PS Spieler was one of the best Scorches this server has literally ever seen and is probably the best wrecker we've ever had. We're missing a big player today :(
  13. These are usable on the event server and I've never come across any issues with them. I imagine they were originally blacklisted just because... idk, combine? I don't know- but they're some really nice props. +1
  14. 5 / 5 / 5 This was great. The only complaint I have is that I wanted more- I fucking LOVE events where I start off with no equipment and have to be super resourceful, but that was only 15/20 minutes ;( Music was very good- wasn't super thematic other than Star Wars themed music, but that was because the mission wasn't very environmentally themed. I would love to see you do a more atmospheric event with some themed music- some desert shit, forest shit, horror shit, cyberpunk shit, idk. HMU if you want playlists! Droids were good. EJs were good. That was a shit ton of people and tickets, so your gamehelpers did a really good job too!
  15. Mavelle


    um um um um um um unu mu hu m uhh u nm um h mu um https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/lMh6xbWoDWElC/d13379k8Eb32?invite=cr-MSxITk4sNTQ2OTQ0NzIs
  16. 4 / 4 / 5 Gameplay was pretty good! Simple enough to let us RP but the actual layout of the event seemed a littttle lackluster just because of the placement of stuff? By placing the senator in such a central spot the event was shortened by a lot. There's also a flaw in deploying this many people when only a couple are going to get to RP with the hostage/hostage taker (everyone wants to be the one negotiating, people start butting heads, etc.) The music added a lot. Whichever GH did that, let him do it again. Nah, make him do it again. Do it again. Hell yeah!
  17. 5 | 5 | 4 GM_Marsh is a pretty risky performance map, but it's returns are really high. Good shit! I really enjoyed it. I can tell you're taking the time to learn from those around you and it really shows. Really makes me extremely happy. Keep going, Beetle. You've got a really good future. For things I would improve; uh.... not really many things other than build more!
  18. Mavelle

    The Devour

    Hey, reminder that our current AAR rating system is different! please look back up at the template!
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