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Everything posted by Mavelle

  1. Name: Mavelle Who helped (If applicable): Day Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The Cryogenic technology did NOT work as intended. Don't trust republic research facilities. You guys know that. Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: MANY! Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  2. 4 / 2 / 5 That shit was funny as hell. Lots of entertainment
  3. Genuinely really love looking through these every time you post 'em.
  4. There is some lack of information on the situation involving the Mass RDM that several people have referred to; I'd like to clear some things up so that people do not make application decisions based on something that is possibly false. The entire Veteran Admin team, myself, and both directors viewed video evidence of an RDM situation in which an ammo box was spawned underneath Hanz on a landmine, killing multiple people. The team investigated and reviewed the video closely and determined that there was not enough evidence to determine that Hanz spawned that ammo box, because of both physical aspects of the video and the statements of the people surrounding Hanz at the time. I recommend not including that specific aspect of that situation in your reasonings here, as there was not enough evidence to come to a clear conclusion on whether or not there was guilt. (This is not a vote nor an opinion, merely information pertinent to comments on the application.)
  5. 5/5/5 There was legitimately not an issue. Nearly perfect group of players to RP with, had an absolute blast. I didn't go down once even though that shit was HARD and FUN. The combat was super, super fun. This was absolutely wonderful. Literally wonderful.
  6. @shroudis incredibly good as Anakin. That is all. He does the voice and the roleplay SUPER well and I love interacting with him. Shoutout good roleplay when you see it. Who are the people you enjoy interacting with in RP the most? I'm curious!
  7. 4 / 2 / 5 I had a lot fun in RP and with the other players, but the story was... i mean almost none of our group had any clue of what was meant to be happening, there was a general sort of lack of theatrical polish- always spellcheck; I would maybe use a voice changer or something else to make the impact of the "evil scientist" voice a little less unintentionally comedic. This was extremely ambitious for your first deployment and I'm very proud of you for running a regimental deployment. Good work! In future events I'd like to see some more building/usage of a pre-made dupe and a more cohesive story that's accessible to all players.
  8. Mavelle


    Gameplay: 4 Care and Effort: 4 Server Performance: 5 Gameplay was very fun, the beginning map was way to tiny but the RP made it pretty much work. Lots of fun. I enjoy your deployments! Care and effort were a 4 for me because I feel like a lot more building could have been done for the second part, but it was fun nevertheless. Many stealth events, by that I mean pretty much every one is on Gm_excess_island_night, but you can't control that. Fun stuff!
  9. Gameplay: 2 Care and Effort: 4 Server Performance: 5 While I very much enjoyed the opportunity to RP as the guild in this deployment, it generally lacked some cohesiveness for me- this would have operated well as a battalion deployment because of the apparent linearity, but the shear numbers and unpredictability of the BH faction made it near impossible for everyone to know what was going on for more that 65% of the time. Even as someone who tries to actively get involved in as much RP as possible, I found myself almost checking out at the midway point because a general lack of... theater? I don't really know how else to describe it, but most of the story beats kind of lacked impact- the music choice was a liiiiittle odd for some of it, (Had cowboy bebop high-action jazz playing right before some early 2000s electronic/video game sci-fi action background music), in which there wasn't really a string connecting the songs together. The songs themselves worked independently, but together they didn't really mesh. In future BH deployments I suggest giving us a more open-ended goal around a location, allowing each person to go about achieving that goal in their own way and with their own RP- the core of BH philosophy on Synergy. That's only really something that you can do with a LOT of event jobs, though, as you almost certainly know. Thank you very much for the deployment tonight!
  10. Reminder that we have a new rating system! Read the template above also good work keeve <3
  11. @Mavelle @Spieler @Lyonaxis I gotchu bro <3
  12. Mavelle

    Defcon 1

    Gameplay: 3 Care and Effort: 3 Server Performance: 5 The gameplay was a 3 from me because it was really... normal, gameplay wise, but the actual presentation of it lacked any kind of flair- there was no announcement, no RP leading up to the ships, no bombardment- really big thing is just don't be afraid to really tap into the dramatics! Put on a show! Give us some spectacle! Give us something to really immerse us and bring us into the experience instead of droids just... showing up. Because of that stuff above, it didn't seem as though an above-average amount of effort was put in. The thing that could have put you up a point for me on that was the sub-story about the fallen jedi padawan- but because that roleplay only reached very few people, it's impact on the event was very minimal. Next time, when you have an honestly really cool substoryline like that, make sure it gets its time to shine! Have it reflect on the rest of the event! As always, Heart contributed a lot to the experience with some really good RP augmentation (Defcon 1, intercom RP, etc!)- thank you heart :) The players also did a pretty great job of keeping the passive RP ball rolling back at the Aurek encampment. Cheers to that!
  13. HUH??? :( I love you bro. Gonna miss you. You did a fuck ton of great work and have made a lot of people here happy. <3
  14. Name: Mavelle Staff Rank: HA SteamID: Copy and paste it off the GM roster lmao Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 4/4/22 - 4/18/22 Reason: Gonna take a bit of time off Synergy to focus on some other aspects of my life. I have an amazing girlfriend and am starting up a new DnD game to prep for, and Lego Star Wars- The Skywalker Saga comes out tomorrow. A whole bunch of stuff that's leading me to just want to lay back for a while! Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  15. What did you like or dislike in the encounter homie?
  16. Name: Mavelle Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Thing! In the caves! Hope it was fun! Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Hell nah lol Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  17. Gameplay: 4 Care and Effort: 2 Server Performance: 5
  18. Day's speaking facts, but even if- there's not actually more effort being put into rating it; maybe a few more key presses? But if I can write this entire response in less than 45 seconds I don't think that's a huge time increase. The system, instead of making players do more work, just gives them more of a clear guideline of how to rate so that everyone can be on the same scale.
  19. Hey Mor! Just a reminder that we've switched over to a new AAR system. The template has been updated
  20. Hey everyone! It's your friendly neighborhood GMD here. We have decided to move to a new AAR rating scale for a couple reasons. -Many events will get minimal constructive criticism about how to improve, or even what people enjoyed in said events -Many people operate on a personal scale different from the one put forth on the AAR template -The GM Leadership team was not able to get information on whether or not a GM was actually innovating, doing well, entertaining, etc. with those two above reasons. In order to move forward and insure that we're able to help people improve as well as see what people need improving in, we're moving to a new scale. We have three scales now; on a scale of 1 to 5. They are as follows: Gameplay: How much you enjoyed the actual meat/play section of the event Performance: Pretty self explanatory, how well the server performed (We are aware performance is not always a GM problem; as such, we don't have to look at this rating as a general indicator of how good the event was if you're doing other things right!) Care/Effort: This is how much you put in to the event, whether it be the depth of story, roleplay, building, game design, etc. The whole point of this is that we want to know whether or not someone is merely trying to entertain the server with some low-depth stuff (Which is still okay!) or whether they're doing the thing we really want in the team; pushing the envelope. We want GMs to provide new and interesting experiences for people! Pro-Tip, GM's, some of the best care and effort I've ever seen has been on event server deployments. The AAR format will be updated, as well as every link to the google form. The old google form's responses will be locked, so you'll know if you're on the wrong one. This is super public and we're always open to feedback; please send any concerns or questions you have to any member of GM leadership! The discord and the roster are public for that very reason. This change, along with everything the GM program strives to do, is to ensure that every member of the GM team and the community as a whole can have an equal opportunity to let their specific talents shine. At the end of the day, this system is about your enjoyment- and so is the entire GM team. I'd also like to put this right here; an enormous shoutout to @Bacta, @Daytona211, @Jovanovic, @Guac, and @Dono- we went through months of debating, changing, compromising, testing, and chiseling this thing down to a fine logical powder. The team wouldn't have had this big step in the right direction without this wonderful team of GMMs. Two of them have resigned recently, but that doesn't mean their legacy in this system won't carry on. With high hopes for the great future of gamemastering, Mavelle
  21. I love you man. Wish you could have been Atin in every indiana jones event I've ever hosted.
  22. 7/10 It was actually a pretty entertaining main server event! The troopers in 501st and 104th really heightened it with their willingness to participate in the RP I was trying to create, so big shoutout to them! Thank you for the entertainment!
  23. Unfortunately, your application to become a Game Master has been DENIED. You are allowed to reapply after 2 WEEKS from this date. // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - DENIED You're totally chill to reapply after the cooldown- but really take some time to look over those docs @Heartsent or even the template in the GM training document!
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