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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. Need more GMs and SAs tbh +1 i'd love to meet returning players
  2. and its so sad to see green number get lower
  3. 4/4/4 bro didnt even advert AAR or host DB
  4. +1. The only ATK Reg i know and love. sorry.... 5th Sector
  5. i agree with this as well. It seems that alongside the things mentioned above, and the fact that people are growing up and getting jobs, prime time seems abit earlier nowadays. All those people that were 16/17/18 are no longer able to stay up until 2am and host events or do fun RP or spawn funny dupes. Which is also affected by the inability to use the map in SP which limits event dupes and limits creativity on main server RP. This also hurts not only the playerbase, but GMs too. The final part you mentioned, the lack of recruiters seems like a timezone thing, however it is surely not just that. It is no doubt also because people are getting off earlier to play different games. ps (i also miss the f4 menu. hard to join a battalion that you can't really see into a little bit)
  6. I happen to agree. Almost every battalion has something similar to it already on the server. It seems like theyre trying to make everything uniform, but its removing peoples RP and available ways to express themselves playing how they want. This is turn affects player pop because even if we try to stop the main character syndrome people want to feel useful. How do you feel useful when 20 other people can do the same thing you can? It devalues people and makes roleplay scarce which kills drive and pushes people off the server
  7. +1.... again........ damn.
  8. BCMD is still a thing, Unlike SO. Rest in Peace Special Operations. May they forever live on in my heart....
  9. thank ya. I wish you best of luck in the interview +1.
  10. Would this be something to worry about currently? I see you around abit and i would like to know how you plan to pace yourself to prevent any burnout, Especially when you're in a position like Guild LT already.
  11. +1 you should be ok as long as Kage doesn't apply :P
  12. I've always had pretty good interactions with you. I got a single question If you got BCMD would you attempt to mend the ties between TG and CG? (no offense meant here) As all of TG Leadership is ready to do so, but CG is a little hard headed haha Other than that big +1 from me,
  13. o7 you were fun to work alongside in GM. Didn't last long but it was enjoyable
  14. o7 never spoke much but heard you were a great GM and great person
  15. o7 See ya around! and best of luck with your college studies
  16. +1. Former SA comin back is always appreciated.
  17. I believe it should be pushed during peak hour events. But full on seriousRP would plow some of the active players like Piff said.
  18. but you didn't help rancor win bvb did you? +1 im sure you can do this.
  19. @Clutchdid maul.vfx make this
  20. I can't really see anyone else running for Gree tbh. If you managed to handle being an RCMD i have faith you can handle being a BCMD. You've shown alot of dedication to the 41st. +1
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