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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. (love the Violet Evergarden pfp goated show) Boris, I'm not sure why you mention what you want to do, and then say its unlikely. Your plans should be solid especially with a battalion like 501st at your disposal. but +1 i have quite abit of faith that even though you worded it this way, you don't mean those words. I wish you luckl!
  2. Your resignation has been LOGGED. Thank you for your service to the Staff Team.
  3. You're right. As the current XO your job is basically the same thing the BCMD does. +1. Nothing would change except your pay and how youre viewed across the entire server. I look forward to working with you if you get the position.
  4. Who helped (If applicable): Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): NA Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): 104th killed stuff to thesh to retrieve a tac droid head Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  5. this is really stupid and is in no way affecting anything but just gives the team more to do. +1 if people really want it i guess.
  6. just bumping this. Really aids to use the chaingun at the moment.
  7. Have you tried adjusting it in the combat Holocron? It should be called like standard grip or something
  8. Aside from the occasional bug the quest system is overall really impressive.
  9. I just hope to God you have the activity to uphold this and your XO/Master position. I really do. Its been awhile now and I think you're an outstanding person, with solid, legitimate plans for this new faction. I am glad to have gotten to know you abit better. Just please don't kyber rifle me in base raids. +1
  10. o7. I'll inevitably raid with you again.
  11. You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Please contact a Veteran Admin+ to organise your interview! Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  12. Your LOA has been APPROVED and LOGGED. Please notify us if your LOA is to end early, by tagging me here with an @. If you have not requested an extension to your LOA before the original date then you will be assumed to be off LOA after the LOA period is complete.
  13. Can confirm. You had reason to ban -1
  14. October 33rd? First im hearing of it.
  15. I'm gonna be honest, i was pretty sure the weapon checker isnt even allowed to be used in RP I don't know how to feel about this because really, using a weapons checker to take Jetpacks seems abit over the top. How many people do you really arrest or detain with jetpacks? Not to mention rolling is just quicker than developing something capable of stripping entities off a person. I think a better idea might be to try to restructure the way detaining and stripping works. To the point where its like if you have 3 people around someone you can't fail to strip weapons. FearRP doesn't apply to anyone on this server except for EJs that arent droids or clones, and Bounty Hunters. My advice would be to figure this out in a roleplay scenario instead of asking for a weapon checker adjustment as the weapon checker is also a default tool from Gmod (unless we use our own made one?) that could be difficult or even impossible to adjust.
  16. Mystic


    Your resignation has been LOGGED. Thank you for your service to the Staff Team.
  17. @Keeganit doesn't have to be like this. i think you meant the other reaction
  18. still waiting for Halo Infinite campaign update
  19. this song plays through some of your guys heads when you scroll through those callout posts Fr the stages of an oldhead
  20. I didn't even know you were around. kidding i saw you pop into TS every now and then bro. Clutch also spoke highly of his time with you, i appreciate all you did in the past and i will eagerly await your return
  21. i think they should bring back SA for these positions tbh
  22. Your resignation has been LOGGED. Thank you for your service to the Staff Team.
  23. The app is lacking for sure. As a person though i know you are capable of this position. +1 I would suggest either adding more to your post before the forum goblins get you, or writing a response in the comments
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