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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. and 91st and 187th... and the people who resigned form the 21st wipes... and the SOBDE wipe.... and the minge era of 41st.... its never worked. You bring up a good point with the population loss. Everytime somethings been wiped or removed its caused quite a few resignations.
  2. Who helped (If applicable): NA Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): I spawned droid ships, everyone was dogfighting. cool Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  3. GM Changes were baller. I'll forever be asshurt that my subunit was removed lmao
  4. PFFT. I know how it feels. Nobody cares about that and it sucks.
  5. +1 easily one of the most unique ideas suggested
  6. Be active before making a suggestion! No wonder you cant pick a rank! Kidding. +1 it makes sense, but Founder sounds much cooler
  7. Kill logs are back! I LIED THEYRE GONE AGAIN
  8. Bug Type (Server:): Console Severity level (Low - Medium - High): High Evidence (if you can): @Cubbyconsented Description of the bug: Kill logs dont log kills. It was working at some point earlier but not anymore. How can we recreate it: kill someone.
  9. Jedi on this server is pretty baller. Hope you have fun.
  10. Name: Mystic l Jedi Master Cin Drallig Staff Rank: SA SteamID: Roster (if you need it ill update this post) Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): ROA 13th - 23rd. Reason: My sister and my niece are up from South Carolina on plane tickets bought by my Grandmother, Going to spend some time with them while they're up here! Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yep
  11. Mystic


    i had hot and spicy cheez its
  12. @KeeganMeena Tills needs to go fr
  13. Very Academically Capable And Not Terrible He just blows every interview out of the water my god. o7 Gears. Hope to see you around the council still.
  14. 200 rep! woohoo! you should come back too
  15. Damn you got on the forums. Good to see you.
  16. +1. This is the same thing i try to explain to people that try to get Investigators back. If we can't fill 3 lead positions theres no reason to add more.
  17. I wish i had the power to. (and it was Me, Deathtiger, Goda, and Misfit)
  18. Mystic


    I dont propose being on the venator for 2 1/2 days. Read my post. Using it for literally a few hours to RP going to another planet would be insanely different than sitting on it and spamming pilot events for 48 hours. I've used this map its actually pretty good.
  19. Nobody can promise to stay for a full term, i however plan on it if its within my ability. I do plan to build a team around me at the very start of my term to ensure stability if life hits me. My absolute first goal is stability. At the bare minimum i plan to execute most of, if not all of everything in my application within my first few weeks or first month of my term. I appreciate your concern as well. I get it.
  20. 4 - looked like you planned it out with the doc and whatnot 3 - Pacing wasn't very good. Confusing at times but was nice to have the Admiral give pointers. Zombies kinda ruined it with their insane health 3 - The Zombies spawning, the dupe on fire, and the dupe itself made sparring on Jedi impossible. Fighting the EJ was not an option. Ping was high 180s most of the event. overall it wasnt too bad
  21. Steam Name: Mystic RP Name: Jedi Battle Master Cin Drallig l GM DD SSG Deadeye RP Rank: Staff Sergeant l Jedi Master Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:543219273 Battalion you are applying for: Galactic Marines BCMD (Commander Bacara) Experience: 21st (SSG-CMD) (Commander Jet) This was my first serious run on this server. My work ethic in the 21st was INSANE under Gadget as my Bacara. I learned more here than anywhere else. I learned how to keep a subunit active and functioning, as well as how to advertise subunits to their fullest extent. Using my experience in SO I plan to put the same plays into effect with DD and KU. Doom’s Unit - (MSG-) 212th (PVT-SGT) Under Bacta I learned how to welcome new players and how to keep them interested with friendly jokes and a well worded explanation of the battalion and its workings. Jedi Master (Cin Drallig l TGL l TGM) Temple Guard has been insanely important to me. Under people like Bro I've been able to look at things way differently, and I have several ways of approaching people in different situations, as well as having learned to incentivize branch work that could be transferred to battalion subunits. SOBDE (PVT-SSG) (Yayax - Foxtrot) I joined in the heat of the moment. I know exactly how to pair up DD/KU and SOBDE should there ever be a joint operation with the two battalions. We share similar RP aspects that I'd love to capitalize on and having seen some of the inner workings of the battalion as well as getting along well with their Leadership, I believe that my past experience could make for some deployments that would make GM and SOBDE work well together and increase our interactivity. 501st (PVT-PFC) I mentioned this as it gave me insight as to why 501st works so well and how I can approach them in the future to work together and how I can make GM’s subunits much more popular. Galactic Marines x2 1st. (2ndLT - CPT) 2nd. (PVT-SSG) (DD Deadeye) Current. Not much to say here it kind of ties in with my past experience with GM under Mazen. As well as a few High Staff and a Commander Position on some other servers that aren’t exactly relevant. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: (If you have any questions, ask away below or DM me Discord Mystic#8765) Starting off, The only few active people remaining in Galactic Marines are people I've worked with in the past 21st. With Bane I worked with him towards the end of 21st to the birth of GM. Cubby has been my SUPL, my Spark, and a reliable Officer and NCO during 21st, and has become a solid Commander under Lyonaxis’s term. Blank was my Blackout during my first few weeks in SO, As well as my Commander and Major after his resignation from Blackout. I get along VERY well with the current battalion leaders and having spoken to them about applying, they encouraged it as I work well with them. Setting aside my companionship with the Officers, as a Senior Admin I have plans to host patrols with other battalions while hoping to also bring back the use of joint communications in Teamspeak to increase battalion interaction. I’d also start by promoting some of the NCOs who’ve been sitting in their ranks for days due to bad time zones as it's beyond demoralizing to be a Sergeant for 60 days because of your timezone or availability. With the new regimental system I'd love to reach out to both the Regimentals and as well as GM’s to attempt to give Galactic Marines more deployments with other battalions. I believe that this, along with encouraging advert bind usage and possibly bringing back NCO of the Week/Month could bring back a couple of well needed members in the battalion. I would love to get the Intel Team working a little harder as well. I'd probably do a slight discord cleanup and replace a couple channels with Google Forms (such as suggestions) to get rid of clutter and make things more accessible and anonymous for members of the battalion. Referencing a line from my last application, I believe , especially with the current state of the server, that it's important to work on maintaining stability and holding onto our current players. Availability: 24/7 on Discord 3pm to about 10pm EST weekdays (Could change with my upcoming job) All day on weekends Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Slightly under 2000 hours. (by like… 40 hours) Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?: I am aiming to bring the activity in Galactic Marines out of hiding. Having seen the reasons why some people still play, and the reasons others don't, I have some ideas to bring out the activity that's hidden in the NCOs. After speaking with a couple of the NCOs over my time in GM it’s become clear there is NOT much of an Officer presence in the Galactic Marines, I want to change this by bringing up a full Commander crew and an XO to run things after my term is over. I want the battalion to have Officers who are deserving to run the battalion and also ones that the NCOs can feel comfortable sitting in Teamspeak with, as well as bringing issues up to if it arises. There are quite a few deserving people in the Marines and I want to bring them up and give them the drive to put in the work of rebuilding GM. I would love to set up a battalion ambassador system as well, having a certain set of people in charge of joining Discords and organizing Sims, FFAs, or even just chilling in a channel with other battalions to get GM out of the gutter and into the social aspects of battalion interactions. Topping things off, I feel like we don’t advertise our sub-units enough. Devil Dogs is a faucet of untapped potential. I'd love to help Bane build an active Devil Dogs by encouraging boarding RP or even setting up a skill set for each person a little bit like SOBDE had with EOD and TECH (He mentioned doing this before, I think this idea is outstanding) I’d love to also get with Watermelon and work on advertising Keller’s Unit as a small squadron who works well in small groups while also being a deadly flank force with their Westars and attempt to give them abit more purpose on the server, whilst not straying away from their main purpose as cold weather assault specialists. I would also like to finish the Honorary system Lyn added and would love to flesh it out to make its requirements well known. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: I do. Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes.
  22. Mystic


    Conrad said it just like it should be. People agree. The only ones who -1 don't even play or have a hate boner because they saw the Venator get removed.
  23. Mystic


    Nobody likes it because it was us going to a Venator for 2 days then going back to Anaxes. Like what was the point? If they gave going to the Venator a purpose it would've lasted much longer than it did. +1 for the idea, but I disagree with most of what was said. I believe Onderon is an upgrade. I also believe that doing full server deployments will work just as well as ImpRP did because it's unique and new. Something to mix up the 5 years of CWRP. Ex. 1 day RP to us getting on a Venator, stay on the Venator for a few hours, onto a workshop map or something for the day with people on EJs and events through the day hosted by the GM team.
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