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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. (all in good faith and jokes. Genuinely one of the funniest compilation videos that tends to swim around the server here and there)
  2. While i would agree with you, we just locked DU and Doom applications. Asking to add another battalion when we can't even support the current ones is redundant.
  3. 4/4/4 It was funny a little confusing and alot of booms. i enjoyed it.
  4. Your LOA has been logged as COMPLETED. If this is an error and you require more time, please contact a Veteran Admin+ immediately. // LOCKED // MOVED TO LOA - COMPLETED LOA'S
  5. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the Game Master team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  6. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the CWRP staff team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  7. Meow has been one of the best regimentals i've had the pleasure of working with. +1 from me.
  8. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Contact a GMO+ within 7 DAYS from this post to organise your interview! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  9. You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Please contact a Veteran Admin+ to organise your interview! Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  10. Your resignation has been LOGGED. Thank you for your service to the Staff Team.
  11. Attack, Spec, and Siege were much more defining, They allowed battalions to show what they did easier to new recruits. Siege sieged stuff. used heavy armor etc Spec was recon, intel, specialized clones like ARF and ARC (Rancor, SOBDE etc) Attack was your number heavy batts the ones who would flood the field with blaster fire and were in almost every fight. (212th 501st) It was just easier, and made more sense. Not to mention it was much easier to memorize.
  12. Your LOA has been logged as COMPLETED. If this is an error and you require more time, please contact a Veteran Admin+ immediately. // LOCKED // MOVED TO LOA - COMPLETED LOA'S
  13. You have been ACCEPTED for an interview! Please contact a Veteran Admin+ to organise your interview! Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application. // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - PENDING
  14. I will add on to this, If this is reinstated I will more than likely go for a 2nd term to make sure the team put in place is successful and will meet any misconduct with removal should the offense be grave enough. During my time in SO Leadership I removed 2 people total. After maybe 25-30 recruits? The rules were simple with harsh punishment. And I would love to have it this way again. For the GM part, i agree. I can't lie, i've done this but only due to orders from BCMD+. This is definitely something that everyone needs to follow, not just SO. I would be more than happy to sit down with server high command and set ground rules for cloaking as a whole
  15. I respect your opinion, but in all there was no real criticism here other than your own experiences. SO didnt have these issues when i was CMD. Nor were they an issue under Blank or Apoc. This seems a little one sided and more in line with the leadership. SO was a 1 strike removal. It should always stay this way. If we want to clamp down on cloakers, thats fine. It just seems that the amount of people attracted to this sub-unit would do far more in terms of helping boost population, rather than hurt the playerbase or the atmosphere of the server. Either way i always appreciate your input, I just think in this case it is a difference in perspectives.
  16. I'll make a battalion suggestion when we can support a battalion. This is how the prior SO subunit worked. I was simply implying to reinstate how it was. Adjustments can be made. It was just made that SO CMD had 2 models on it, Blackout (CMD) and Jet (XO). If they want to swap the models to the respective jobs more power to them. But i very clearly stated at the bottom that this is subject to any change and adjustment.
  17. Name: Mystic l GM BCMD Bacara RP Rank: BCMD Suggestion: Return Special Operations to the server. Please take a moment to read this before jumping to +1 or -1 this. I am making this suggestion as the Last CMD Jet and the current BCMD. I will state some reasoning behind this, As i know Special Operations was removed in favor of uniformity. I believe this is where you did the wrong thing. Uniformity is boring, People don't want to be like the person next to them, If everyone was the same life would be boring. Having 2 subunits that do the same thing is something that is mind boggling. Having unique things on the server such as SO, Alpha, Wolfpack and 2ndAC are vital to the health, longevity and player base of the server. If you favor uniformity over uniqueness you begin to flood the server with things that are too similar and don't allow people to change their RP which in turn burns them out. As we know Devil Dogs are VERY similar to 2ndAC and serve little to no purpose comparatively. Devil Dogs has less popularity, isn't in a mainstream battalion like 212th, and overall doesn't fit the roleplay of Marines like the Founders wanted. As someone who has seen the popularity of SO firsthand, inside and out, as well as someone who was both a CMD and a BCMD within the same battalion I will say this, The removal of SO and the GM reform caused 12 people to resign. It caused others to be moved to a battalion or sub-unit they may not be as interested in. It caused people to lose drive and motive. It even pissed off people not affected as they know that the uniqueness offered by SO was something nothing else could offer. (excluding Omega as SOBDE in and of itself is unique). Special Operations not only impacted the server player base and many Galactic Marine's activity, it also affected GM's. There were countless times when Special Operations was the reason events started, It opened up more play for Negotiations and hand in hand roleplay with 104th as we cloaked behind hostages or did RP to defuse bombs while cloaked. This was something i often expressed love in doing with @Turtleduring his time as Wolffe. We had multiple sub-unit only deployments with 12+ people BECAUASE the idea of of SO was so intriguing people wanted to play it. They wanted to join. They wanted to roleplay with their cloaks and cool armor. They WANTED to. That's something lacking as of now on the server. For what little this is worth, A whole lot of the Former GM still around are Ex-SO. A lot of Former GM would be more than ecstatic to rejoin the server is SO was added back. This is something that people wanted that was taken away unnecessarily. When i type this, i just want people to know that i am the BCMD of the Galactic Marines. I think about my battalion beforehand and i can solemnly swear that the decrease in numbers of GM would be reverted if SO were returned. This suggestion was not put up lightly either, I contacted and made sure everyone in DD would be okay with this if it panned out, This was made with the approval and excitement of my XO. This was posted with 7+ Former GM telling me if it passed they would return. This is posted with the best interested of GM and what it can offer to the server in mind. The activity SO brought to the server was something that would surpass most battalions at the current moment. This is just another reason to come to the server. Its another reason to play differently and another way for more people to change their roleplay and to meet new people and try new things. I know DD just got new models but please don't just think about the models we got. Think of the roleplay, the possibility, the popularity and the love the subunit had within the battalion and the server. This was a place many people called home and a place that had (and still has) ALOT of useable content. The return of SO would already have all of its doc work taken care of and would just require the roster adjustment. This is something I, and many others were very adamant about. Many thought it looked bad if SO had more numbers than GM, but in reality SO was 21st. SO activity was 21st activity. It was loved, and nobody in the battalion thought SO was separate, and while jokes were made, if it went any further than jokes it was shut down fast. SO was loved across the server and we won’t be able to make memories like this anymore. (Also, another bit of proof of how fun it was to die randomly, and how unexpected turns could happen due to player interaction, and how 104th is negotiating while we were disarming the threat) This also allows Gamemaster's to open their minds to even more avenue's of roleplay. Since Omega is the only cloaking unit now, bringing back SO will allow them to use an "Omega" replacement on a larger scale to affect everyone instead of a small group of people. During the time that SO was on the server, GM was at an all time high in terms of numbers. Even when SO was removed and we used SO ARC as a GM ARC whitelist, it was higher than it is now, and ARC was filled. Removing things has barely worked well for this server. From my knowledge the removal of 327th, 91st, and 187th brought alot of resignations. With a mass majority of 91st completely leaving the server. Returning things the players want will make this server turn around. These pictures are only about 6 months apart. The left side was an almost GM exclusive deployment, whereas the right side was a 3 battalion deployment. Notice that we had 5 GM, 5 SO and 2 Jedi. 1 of these GM resigned because they got SO and it was removed. 3 of these SO also resigned. These were dedicated members of the battalion who originally averaged 70+ hours a week. The only people in that photo who remained were Cubby and I. Special Operations could bring back so much lost potential and uniqueness on the server. I really hope that people can take this at face value. The 21st change post received 50+ negative rep and about 65(ish?) negative responses. This caused disdain in the community and distrust in High Command. While most of them are no longer in those positions it caused a seed to grow in peoples minds. Many of those people wound up resigning. It wasn't just the removal, but the execution and the announcement of it. The removal of SO didn't kill the server pop, but it played a large part in the state of the server today. Implementation: Remove Devil Dogs and replace it with Special Operations Lore: Special ops clone troopers were soldiers in the Grand Army of the Republic, trained to move quickly and quietly and detect enemies at a distance, while also wearing advanced gear that improved their senses. During the Clone Wars, Clone Commander CC-1993 "Jet" was a special ops clone trooper who commanded a battalion made up of special ops troops and clone flametroopers. During the Battle of Christophsis, Clone Commander "Blackout" and clone trooper CT-1284 "Spark" were among the several special ops clones who served aboard a IPV-2C Stealth Corvette under Jedi General Anakin Skywalker. Together, they were able to break through the Separatist blockade under Admiral Trench and deliver supplies to Senator Bail Organa's compound in Chaleydonia. Later, Jet and his battalion were placed under the command of Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi during the Second Battle of Geonosis. *This lore fits GM better as DD was much more comparable to 104th in terms of service and purpose. They wore similar cold weather assault armor. SO worked directly with Ki-Adi-Mundi and had little to no connection to anywhere else, which allowed for plenty of head-canon and theorizing due to GM's relation to the 4th Sector Army. Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2325847074 This is the old SR SO Models. Since this pack is compressed and owned by Square, i assume this can be uncompressed and split apart from that pack and added back to the server. Implementation: This is something that wouldn't need to change. The ARC slots are in GM already, and ARC would need to be the only class swapped out of SO. SO Commander: 2 slots. (Replacing Sharp and Deadeye) Dual DC-17s DP-24 DC-15A DC-15S Camouflage Device SO ARF: 5 slots (Replacing Devil Dogs Trooper) DC-15X DC-15A DC-15S Camouflage Device SO Pilot: 5 slots (Replacing DD SUP) DP-23 DC-17 DC-15A DC-15S Camouflage Device SO Medic/SO Trooper: 5 slots (Replacing DD MED with restrictions on cloaking that would be set in place by discussion with Directors) Bacta Kit (If Medic is chosen) Medical Syringe (If Medic is chosen) DC-15A DC-15S Camouflage Device (I made MED interchangeable as SO MED was controversial, and both KU and GM offer MED slots already) These are ALL subject to change, as the classes aren't the reason to push for SO's addition. I have no issue fleshing this out further with anyone who wishes to do so. My Discord is Mystic#9245 and my DM's are ALWAYS open.
  18. I just want to ask, How do you plan to execute this? Almost every 41st BCMD app mentions reforming themselves to no longer be known as the "minge" battalion. The battalion image is based off the people in it, right now i don't think any of the active 41st are mingy. I just wonder what you plan to do about this stereotype?
  19. +1. While i think some of the plans could use tweaking as stated above, Drone would listen to criticism. While he can't really take it back on his app, he can adjust it as his term goes and im willing to believe he'd do just that with the right feedback.
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