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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. @Xazei think he's onto something
  2. Only if you give them a fucking bite SWEP jesus +1
  3. just for future reference its 10 per battalion job, 5 per subunit job.
  4. ^ Not to mention most battalions have a limit to each specialization as far as slots go.
  5. Who helped (If applicable): NA Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): NA Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Scientist on Sector 2 was experimenting on dead clones Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: NA Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  6. More props, textures, and unrestrict other props. For exampe Jedi has no holocron model we can use. And we went from so many props to so few in an update. Building feels stale and events are becoming halo prop centrial, which isnt bad, it just leaves little to no room for a change of scenery this is a Gmod issue. Whoops. Add more utility to play like leaning or sweps or adding stuff like mantling/proning (maybe not quite these things, but additions like this that adjust the way we play. Make it more like an FPS in fights that way we can RP formations and whatnot better.)
  7. i will give you a prayer. In the meantime clear your cache and glua cache.
  8. Bro spelling turret as turrent took me back to the kindergarten days fr. +1 though #immersionnumber1 And it even looks star wars-sy!
  9. (First of all I'd like to apologize, I know I resigned and I regretted it instantly. I contacted Marvel and was approved to reapply, i have spoken with my Commander Core and they are also aware and supportive of this. ) Steam Name: Mystic RP Name: KU MED LT Mystic Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:543219273 Battalion you are applying for: Galactic Marines How many terms you've held the position?: One. Why do you wish to maintain this position?: With all the changes I've made to GM in the past 3 months, It had taken some time before I saw the fruits of these efforts arise. I realized after my resignation that I hadn't had as much fun on the server in awhile as I did in those final days. That was when I realized that the team I put in place, my effort and my actions alongside those around me changed my perspective as a whole and made me want to reapply for this position. I have left GM in a place that has seen its most activity since our change to Onderon, it’s well formatted, well rounded and our standards are slowly on the rise as things progressively get better within the battalion. With an influx of many old friends and GM alike, I would love nothing more than to RP and lead the battalion once more. My time in Galactic Marines has easily been the highlight of my time on the server. Through the bad and good times the battalion has been there for me, and I wish to see many of my present and future plans through. This way I can be held accountable for anything I may do, and attempt to fix things that may not be liked if the battalion wishes it so. Current availability: Usually about 4-5 days a week. Anywhere from 12-4pm EST After 10:15 pm EST on some days. Almost 24/7 on discord. What have you achieved within your battalion during your past term?: As Bacara I have… - Managed to bring about the most active GM since our Onderon switch, averaging about 5 players on and 6-7+ on deployments, - Reworked the Honorary system to give people something to work and strive towards, while not setting it too high as to circumvent future rank progression - Reworked the discord to be accommodating, Less bloated, and have more to do during downtime/off server - Implemented the lore squadron into Devil Dogs (Jark, Sten, Fixer) to give it more appeal and roleplay uniqueness around the server. - Instated a Keller who I worked alongside at the revival of KU, who has since made KU the most populous subunit in GM. - Added a Marine Advisor role (with inspiration from the 41st Advisor role) to allow former BCMDs and long time members of GM to give input and valuable information to future BCMDs who may need it. - Garnered insane amounts of feedback on the Return Special Operations post and brought it to the Founders attention. - Minor other quality of life changes in docs, discord, rules, and in our roleplay that would be nitpicking if i mentioned. What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion?: As far as things go, GM is in an outstanding spot compared to the start of my term. As of now I would love to start adjusting documents and looking for things to add to GM as a whole. With our constant activity right now, scheduling SIMs, Trainings, or Patrols would be ideal to build a relationship and presence on the server. Another thing was brought up to me upon our seasonal map switch that I never got to implement, and that was bringing back a version of Cold Weather Warfare. While this wouldn’t be mandatory, I would love to sit down with the Officers of GM and find a way to make it into a SIM or a Patrol we could all do in between an event and invite other battalions to do so alongside us. I plan to increase the standard of roleplay in GM as well. I would contact the Mechanized Regimental (Who is our GMD and a great dupe builder) to ask if we could get together and build unique dupes for the battalion to run through so that our weekly SIMs wouldn’t get stale. During my term, communication was somewhat decent in the battalion, but at the end things got rough and some discipline became mandatory. I think some of this could be solved by bringing back weekly/bi-weekly meetings voted on by the battalion now that we have people who can attend. I would also look towards giving KU as a whole more of a purpose on the server. As it stands with KU being our most popular sub-unit, it’s not a surprise that in the past they’ve just been regarded as White GM and I would like to sit down with the current Keller and change that. We have spoken about it in the past and have some ideas regarding some possibilities. Finally I plan to take any possible surprises in the future head on and make sure to always be in contact with my Officer core to ensure that nothing surprises anyone and that we are more than capable of handling the things we chew. I can achieve this by giving each Officer a weekly task. Whether this is hosting a Patrol, SIM, Training or a meeting, this can bring incentive for promotions, credit rewards, relationship building with GMs and Battalions, as well as providing entertainment. Of course I can't expect to know everything that would happen under my term, but I always plan to be as communicative as possible. Towards the end of this term, if I get a 2nd one, I would like to send out a feedback form to the battalion and ensure that I would be leaving the battalion with as few flaws as possible. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: I do.
  10. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the CWRP staff team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  11. I still think anything relating to GMACT is an awful idea. There is no reason for GMACTs anymore especially if you make these optional. I personally think you could use some more time in the battalion before you attempt to push your ideals on the battalion. GM in the last year has been insanely delicate and just needs time to soak before you try to push RP changes onto it. I personally think while some of your application could work, and ideally your plan works well its just too many ifs and alot of hoping with no show for a backup plan if it doesn't work this way. You also put down a lot of wants in Phase 2 but never really go in depth about how you plan to execute them. I feel your application has a way you want things to go, and experience with not much else in between.
  12. Your LOA has been logged as COMPLETED. If this is an error and you require more time, please contact a Veteran Admin+ immediately. // LOCKED // MOVED TO LOA - COMPLETED LOA'S
  13. i am pretty iffy as you JUST came back. but regardless +1 you have the experience, the drive, and youre a great person. Even just having you as a figurehead will be insanely better than not having Palpatine
  14. You are not Commander Fox please fix your signature!
  15. @LovestruckI finished my term! Unless you count resigning 7 days early as not finishing it.
  16. Battalion: Galactic Marines RP Name: GM BCMD Bacara Date: 1/11/2023 Reason: I have fulfilled everything i wanted, i don't want to write a second application since they apparently changed the re-app process again. I have left a solid team behind and i have faith they can operate in my absence. Goodbyes: @MisfitGood luck running for Bacara @CubbyIt was fun having you as my XO. Rip the rank though keep up the great work i'll be watching. @Som @ZerosYou almost made me run for a 2nd term but i don't want to. @GadgetThanks for grooming me into the BCMD position. @Mavelle@Mazen@Daytona211thanks for hosting some of my favorite deployments while i was in 21st/GM. @GanarYou didn't exist as Mundi. Thanks for being our Fisto occasionally @TommFunny ass Gree and a great WO. Thanks for your work in the short time here. @TecThanks for all the fun we had as SO/KU. I will always miss you being in GM. @ FounderTake care of GM. Quit wiping them that's not what they need. (not dissing, i just genuinely need you to know this. its a serious matter) I appreciate all the RP and all the help I've received during my time as BCMD. It's been an amazing run but i have nowhere else to go in this battalion. Maybe ill return one day.
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