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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. +1 i miss the Citadel tbh honestly was useful
  2. Check the update notes. This is already being worked on
  3. Would love to have you back. Spoken to you off server and you seem apologetic Same concept as Hansen, You come back, we get a player. You come back, we ban you again. There is no losing here. +1
  4. 4/4/4 forgot to rate ngl
  5. 5/5/5 i love Wrecker promos
  6. You would be applying for NA. Be sure to update it.
  7. +1 especially when 2 dupes are spawned in and it moves all the important shit off your console never to be seen again God knows Filter doesn't work
  8. BvB revisited but instead we kill civilians!
  9. The grammar is not with this one. On a real note, i think having a 24/7 PVP zone with rules could really help some minges stick around and find out that killing people over and over really isn't that fun
  10. Your LOA has been logged as COMPLETED. If this is an error and you require more time, please contact a Veteran Admin+ immediately. // LOCKED // MOVED TO LOA - COMPLETED LOA'S
  11. Your LOA has been logged as COMPLETED. If this is an error and you require more time, please contact a Veteran Admin+ immediately. // LOCKED // MOVED TO LOA - COMPLETED LOA'S
  12. Your LOA has been APPROVED and LOGGED. Please notify us if your LOA is to end early, by tagging me here with an @. If you have not requested an extension to your LOA before the original date then you will be assumed to be off LOA after the LOA period is complete.
  13. Your LOA has been logged as COMPLETED. If this is an error and you require more time, please contact a Veteran Admin+ immediately. // LOCKED // MOVED TO LOA - COMPLETED LOA'S
  14. +1. Afaik Warthog didn't have a jetpack because he was a pilot, Piloting is nowhere near as prevalent as it once was, and it isn't as OP as it used to be having a jetpack. +1
  15. +1 ive had the pleasure of working with you unlike others who are voting. (Not against them and their opinions) The work and dedication you've given to 41st is a rare sight, let alone someone willing to step into a BCMD position. It takes alot of nerve to apply and dedicate yourself to non-irl obligations in a 16 year old Roleplay game. I wish you the best of luck.
  16. Ever since i was in SO this has been how its worked I dunno if its a bug but its been a thing foreverrrrr
  17. Install Microsoft Visual Studio Code and you can edit it. Since its a Source file and not a txt you can't open it with Notepad. alternatively, (im not sure how this works) send someone your cfg file who has VSC installed, have them edit it and send you back the cfg file and you simply put it back into the config folder. This is just if you have 0 clue how to use VSC. but its beyond simple to add text to a file via VSC anyways.
  18. Change to "Is the best Canadian on the server'
  19. You must be Clone Wars! (Guac will inevitably hide this!)
  20. Your LOA has been logged as COMPLETED. If this is an error and you require more time, please contact a Veteran Admin+ immediately. // LOCKED // MOVED TO LOA - COMPLETED LOA'S
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