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VIP - Mystic
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Everything posted by Mystic

  1. amazing is abit of an overstatement
  2. Your resignation has been LOGGED. Thank you for your service to the Staff Team. Crazy with all the staff on here it was never completed lol.
  3. Your resignation has been LOGGED. Thank you for your service to the Staff Team.
  4. Going to iterate a bit on this, Yes you are a pain in the ass sometimes. Yes you suggested some things for Jedi. But you never pushed them on us. You never really pushed anything on us. We always offered you a place to speak and give suggestions in our meetings and it never really went poorly. As a "pseudo-Palpatine"(???) you really let us run ourselves and just were there if anyone needed something. Truthfully you did it really well. I share the same opinion as Gears and Silvian and would love to work alongside you again. (Guac don't delete this, with all the catching up i did i felt the need to put my 2 cents!)
  5. can i get more selfies +1
  6. Just to clarify, I wasn't in any form of power at the time and never promised him Blackout or anything of the sorts. This happened after my term. I was assuming he would get Blackout much like everyone else at the time since my term ended early. It was however implied that as the DD Lead he would be retaining his position and Both Zeros and I were fine with this, if i got a 2nd term. +1 from me. Truthfully some of the -1s here have valid responses. Some of them can't really be replied to without leaking chats in the higher channels so unfortunately you have to live with them not knowing. but i know, and i know that not all of what you did was out of spite. I think as long as you pick up your attitude and activity and you continue use the resources available to you if you get this position you'll do just fine.
  7. Also retracting my +1 after reading Keegan's statement. I don't think you posting porn was an issue at all. Personally a perm for it seems dumb imho but i get the reasoning behind it. The fact you're choosing to blame someone else for your ban shows no growth and maturity issues. Not entirely sure wtf the "Onderon Patriots" are but it seems like a group of losers. Associating yourself with people like that is a bad idea from the start. If you were truly remorseful i don't think you'd be laughing about it and advertising it to a group of people. Past that, using an already permbanned person as a scapegoat when they have no way to defend themself is fucked. -1.
  8. The question regarding a Jedi Lead isn't really a question for him. but for myself. As a GM and the Military Overseer our Lead is usually Mundi or the next Mundi. So until Mundi exists or someone has an interest in Mundi we will not have a lead. Your 2nd question still stands though. Hopefully you get a response you find fitting
  9. +1 from me. Never truly had interactions with you but only heard good things.
  10. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the CWRP staff team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO STAFF APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  11. I don't really see a plan here. I see alot of "wanting" but not any "how to achieve" How do you plan to achieve some of these goals? How do you plan to incentivize people to host trainings? How are you planning on keeping the battalion afloat as a whole. I feel like this is alot of high hopes and not really touching on current issues within the battalion.
  12. make sure to follow the bug report format listed here
  13. Your LOA has been APPROVED and LOGGED. Please notify us if your LOA is to end early, by tagging me here with an @. If you have not requested an extension to your LOA before the original date then you will be assumed to be off LOA after the LOA period is complete.
  14. Name: Mystic Staff Rank: VA Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 4 days Reason: Just taking a breather. Been working my ass off on Intel work, and helping people out. Gonna relax and come back fully charged. Do you understand that if you go on LOA/ROA while holding a leadership position, a named character position, or a position with limited slots you may lose your position? Yessir Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your staff/leadership position?: Indeed.
  15. +1. Not reading that shit cus I was there when you were writing it. I love you and hope you get the position you deserve it!
  16. Your LOA has been logged as COMPLETED. If this is an error and you require more time, please contact a Veteran Admin+ immediately. // LOCKED // MOVED TO LOA - COMPLETED LOA'S
  17. Yeah we're good. I appreciate you walking me through my stupidity
  18. Bug Type (Server:): Visual/Name Severity level (Low - Medium - High): 1 Evidence (if you can): Get on an SO job Description of the bug: When on an SO job our name is "Galactic Marines SO (PREFIX) (RANK) (NAME) which makes our names stupid long and look different from regular GM/KU who's names are GM (PREFIX) (RANK) (NAME) and KU (PREFIX) (RANK) (NAME) respectively How can we recreate it: Get on an SO job or have someone type in chat on one
  19. o7 Forseen. Thank you for everything you've done. Thanks for keeping me up at 8am to figure out my forums banner.
  20. What would you three say is a good implementation to allow SO/SOBDE to see cloaks? I have a few ideas, alsng with what Marvel mentioned but i think if we do push for something it may as well be unique. This was put up with other suggestions in mind, but i just fell back on what we used to have. I am definitely open to adjusting this accordingly as suggestions are also about feedback
  21. +1. I don't wanna look across the map for a tiny blue visor
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