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Posts posted by Cox

  1. Detroit become human, I played a while back it’s great it’s highly replay able with like 500+ endings with very good graphics that and one of my favorite games of all time red dead 2 which is also replayable with great graphics and one of my personal favorite stories of all time it’s just great

  2. 6 minutes ago, Cox said:

    I’m bored😒😒 send me videos 🎥🎥 I’m thirsty for you🤤👅👅💦💦imma do you up⬆️ in the bed 🛏 🛏 like a monster 👹👹👹uhhh😫😫uhhhh🥴🥴

    Oh shit wrong thing forgive me

  3. Ya, my life is going back to normal and im enjoying every minute of it, my friends and I are back to being retards hell someone already sprained a foot from jumping off a shipping container so basically ya im leaving, I enjoyed every minute ive played since july and ive enjoyed meeting a lot of you except @Caidooncuz fuck that guy but ill be on to that more in a sec, I think and ik this sounds retarded ive matured as a person from being around yall, I might be back someday but who knows I got a year of time to make up and more and it goin be made up by me sitting here on Gmod, anyways you might see me on CT every blue moon but who knows. Now its time for the part I suck at which is goodbyes.

    @Dekuhad to do this one first but I met you when I joined the server and you are someone imma remember, not in a gay way tho yk how I role, but I enjoyed working with you and playing other games like pluto with clutch and piff and caulin it was fun really was.

    @BleachYou imma still be seeing whenever you down for siege or GTA lk its for the family, you are a chill dude tho even tho I hate Canadians. 

     @EclipseYour one person that made SOBDE fun it was always fun talking to you and talking about the crazy shit that Teaa be posting in his story like that fuckin cat murkin the bug, but ill see you around maybe who tf knows.

     @Caidoon My least favorite Omega, but fr you was fun to be around with your dumbass digging and shit shouldve hired a hispanic like me, but gl 

     @Venom Microcenter moment, if you see this just know that rocket will forever be the gayest thing I have ever witnessed.

     @Harsh As elijah would say "You was a good niner" idk if you will see this either but GL with med school 
     @LutherYou another real one it was always fun with you as Fixer im still routin for you and always will be GL with SOBDE you got whatever comes up.

     @VicodinIll see you on Rust and phas you just gotta lemme know but basically same stuff I said to bleach chill dude good to know

     @Rat idk you @ but you a filthy fuck and you should know that the end

     @Pythin Its not an ALT shut yo long john dumbass tf up you TS mod thats a liason moment 

     @BrooklynNekos is legit liking furries stop being in denial, but fr I appreciate you bein able to talk to even if you are a furry loving fuck 

     @Conrad I remember meeting you back when you was Rex and everytime ive talked to you its just good vibes you got this shit with BB you got this 

     @MarshhBro you can be so annoying sometimes but the rest of the time you fun to be around imma still be on for BH if any of yall ping prolly if im not doin anything so just lmk 

     @GuacLick my nuts respectfully, consular boutta be poppin

     @ColYou are the oldest person ive ever met you legit are a dinosaur like you was prolly the driver to JFKs car when he got assassinated

     @ThunderI already said my goodbyes and im to lazy to so just go back and look. 

     @OmalicI never got those screws that I lost but imma fly to sweden to buy some furniture cuz the one in my state be scamming

     @JaBakuGl with jedi and everything im wishin you the best even if you are a bald mf 

     @SinaHonestly you are one of the most chill and laid back mfs ever thank you for being like that dont change please

     @DeathtigerSerra keto moment not much else to say but you were also good to talk to im not creative

     @RoboRob_Ill never forget recruiting you to JT now seeing you shits great

     @PolikI only talked to you a few times but your great to be around funny asf ngl 

     @ComicsFemboys are gay and always will be 

     @Hanzworst TCC

    Anyways I think thats it if I missed you to bad, im tired basically if we talked you were chill. But now its time to go, but this shit is like Crack to some people and the founders are dealers so imma hope I dont end up like that and comin back within like a week of this lookin at you @Bleach

    Anyways bye. :)

    Fade Away GIFs | Tenor


  4. 51 minutes ago, Dennis said:

    -1 i have more faith in the other applicant, from my personal experience

    maxresdefault.jpg  Your not that guy pal, your just not that guy 

    For once I have to agree with Dennis but -1 don’t get me wrong I like you jovo but black is better fit his plans make sense and mirror what attack needs he is also a bit more involved with attack as he is a current BCMD 

  5. 4 hours ago, Bleach said:


    8 hours ago, Luther said:

    -1 I'm sorry but I still think your app is missing a little something, and I don't really think you fully understand the position of a regimental equivalent. With that being said I have only ever had a few good interactions with you. If you were to get the position I recommend working on your appearance and your social interactions. Good luck! 

    Yeah this is basically what I wanted to say. Most if not all of my conversations with you have been terrible, and you start useless arguments for no reason. I don't know if the Navy needs that type of behavior out of their Admiral.


    Best of Luck however.


    -1 basically what these two post have said I’ve seen you argue with people over some pretty petty things but if you can change that and not argue over things that don’t matter much then best of luck 

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