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Everything posted by Fizzik

  1. Do you have a phone? If so, do a wifi speed test in the same area your computer is in. If it's similar to what the desktop is getting, odds are there isn't a single wifi card you can buy that will help significantly.
  2. haven't even heard from the odinsons in ages, wtf brought this up lol
  3. Fizzik

    wooo 18

    just making me feel old man that's all
  4. Fizzik

    wooo 18

    ugh.... sorry bolt happy birthday!
  5. Has to be the best take I've seen on this. I think you might be able to realize your dream, considering you have the most talented dev team I've seen in CWRP ever. I wish you guys would use the rayshield hacking minigame more, it's really easy to figure out after a bit but it's so much better than nothing.
  6. Totally understand you struggling with it being like it's a revolving door... Wish I hopped on more while you were here... Didn't get to relive any of the Senior Commander Conrad days like I hoped. Best of luck man!
  7. Pythin also beat up my grandma and stole her purse. Legend says he still wears it to this way. F U Pythin!!
  8. I can sorta agree that yeah there are some useless ranks that could have been rid of, such as SSG, MSG, 1LT, but I do think you guys went a little too ham on this one. I think a little bit more foresight would be in order, as there was some genuine purpose in some of the ranks removed. This may just pertain to my specific style, however, these should have stayed: XO - this, to me, was there specifically so there's one person in charge. Two people provides a potential point of contention in my opinion. There is a pretty good quote I remember from a the movie Ford vs. Ferrari, "-you can’t win a race by committee. You need one man in charge." WO - Again, this may have been just my style, but I really appreciated having a rank that could be dedicated to running the NCOs as if they were a BCMD themselves, and WO was it as there could only be one. While the argument could be made that this is still possible if you just give a LT the job, making the WO a singular position made it feel more special to me. CSM - Kind of piggybacks off my WO argument. If the WO is the "BCMD" of the NCOs, then the need an XO, and the CSM was it. Also, what happens to existing battalions that have 3 or 4 CMDs? Guess some BCMDs have some decisions to make on who to demote, that's a rough position to be in. I do not envy them.
  9. this entire thread is a complete enigma
  10. Looks like it just expired like normal haha, guess the host decided not to renew for whatever reason.
  11. 2 years now old Kal, gonna have to pour one out for you tonight! RIP
  12. It was nice until you pissed off Dreams or something then the entire battalion would boycott healing yours.
  13. Lmao I remember that, good times. Back when 91st was the only battalion with their own medics for years!
  14. While I wish the population was higher, you guys are getting it the best for sure. Far more development potential, much better ai, quest system looks awesome. You have so many more tools to make events, such as consoles, shield generators, etc. Far more than we had back then.
  15. Feel that man. I was 16 years old when I started, never even had a job yet. Now I'm 22, will be 23 in a few months, graduated university, working full time. To think, I won GMod in a damn GIVEAWAY, if I didn't get so lucky, I would never have joined up. Also makes me think about how the very VERY specific chain of events got me the great friends I did. I was initially trained by a DU, so like most, my intention was to join the battalion of my trainer. Just so happened on the way to their tryouts, I passed by a 91st, and thought that they looked too cool, so I decided to go there. What if I didn't join 91st? I've thought about this before, it's such a damn rabbit hole. 91st is where I met Zander and Tomas, two of my first friends I ever made. Through them, I because friends with Joah (our battalion jedi at the time). I joined the Intel team which Joah ended up running, I tried going for Intel manager but instead he decided to make Forseen the manager, and because of that, I ended up gaining probably the best friend I've ever had online. Because of people in the 91st pushing me, I applied for ARC BCMD, which ended up shaping the last 6 years I've been here. ALL because I joined 91st. It's crazy to think about.
  16. First off, I know this is totally lame and weird lol. I know, probably not QUITE 2000 days considering my time spent not being active, but it's damn close if not. I've been reflecting/feeling nostalgic a bit lately on the time I've spent here, Thought it'd be fun, even though kind of weird, to post a photo/video dump of my time. I sadly did not take a lot of pictures some years, I wish I took more. Just a forewarning, I'm formatting this for desktop view haha. It may come out HORRENDOUS on mobile view. Group picture with my first battalion, with Zander as Neyo (if you remember). August 4th, 2016. Lots of youngling trying out, lol. Early Doom's Unit. Anyone remember when the Z6 made the "activating" sound constantly? This is something you could get banned for at the time. Got away Scot free. Hands down one of the best event job names I've ever seen. This was RedHawk. Odyssey's final briefing. I doubt many people remember him, this is when he quit though. Biggest debrief I'd ever seen. These two pictures are from probably the proudest time I've ever had on the server. First time I ever got BCMD, taking over a completely foreign battalion (ARC at the time, renamed to Rancor a few months later). Was probably the most hostile takeover ever seen, probably one of the first battalion wipes. Ended up dealing with raids and RDM attacks from the old regime for at least 3 months afterwards. This was a battalion that would give you a free pass if you said "fuck n#$!&rs" at ANY point in the tryout, and was finally shaping up to be a respectable battalion. Thanks a ton to Kazane for helping with this, would not have been possible without him. You guys still feel the effects of his work today, as he had a huge part in making the ARC training system. Most of it is still in place today, although, it has been altered. You can call him mom. - Biggest party on base, 40 credit cover charge. Video can be found here if you want to see it all. Ion team! Probably the peak, however, it didn't last long. This would mark the end of our time at Icefuse, as shortly after this base map released, we would split off to Synergy. This was a cool map though! Had one of the best order 66 events here! I know it's not technically Synergy so maybe I shouldn't include it, but I believe that pre-split Icefuse counts towards "Synergy Lore" I sadly don't have any pictures of when we first transferred over, this is the oldest one I have. Gave 91st a shot shortly after passing Rancor over to Vint, was very short-lived. This was our first quartermaster. Back when ARC Trooper "Fourdo" had 4 whitelist spots. Was me with @Dragon @Daytona211 @Stockings - I had a way with LAATs during my time with Base Ops. Further proof can be found here. Friendly relations with the regs, haha. Don't have any pictures of me initially getting marshal, but, I do have a video I saved of when I was supposed to be "super serious". Thanks @Venom/TJ for lightening the mood, I was definitely very nervous at the time of recording, hence the horrendous laugh... This was probably my third-most proud moment Anyone remember my seizure room? Probably the worst promotion I've ever seen, had to keep it. Sorry to call you out @GM-3022 Havok These are the last screenshots I have, ending March 21, 2021. Sorry if this ended up being too long, tried to keep it to a minimum. And yeah like I said and I'm sure many of you will say it, is lame nostalgia, feel free to call me whatever for it haha. Just been feeling nostalgic lately, couldn't tell you why...
  17. +1 I can tell he's been doing great, every time I hop on (rarely i know) he's always doing good with the battalion.
  18. What if they add back Military RP though?
  19. NPCs dude too, they actually are a challenge.
  20. Just tried the new quest / NPC system out for the first time. God damn that shit was insane! Did that lost contact quest... Whoever coded that, BRAVO. I wish I had this system back I was current haha. I will say, the NPCs in the quest were a LITTLE bit too heavily tuned, but still, took a lot more effort just for those than any droids I've fought in other events in the past 6 years... Good stuff.
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