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Everything posted by 40Ninjaman

  1. +1 hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  2. +1 I feel if I don't plus one ill be shot and kidnapped and sold into slavery... again
  3. you will still always be DU 1 hour WO +1 dude get it goin
  4. it said decrease before but now it say - Increased Z6 accuracy from 0.03 to 0.025 - Increased Z6 damage from 20 to 30 Im pretty sure it said decrease from .3 to .2 before and how is lower better? @Zim your messing with me now aren't you?
  5. 40Ninjaman


    Honestly the point I was making was pointing out to the people are forgetting how weak the current Z6 is. And Havoc squad specialized in Shock and awe tactics. But each battalion has a big hook to them.
  6. 40Ninjaman


    +1 So all you know I am the DU HWSL and also Crush. 1. The DU subunit has no shields to utilize we just don't have them and it's been brought up. 2. The thing about the shields is they are very difficult to use correctly considering it needs flat ground to stay up in the first place. 3. With the new update for the Z6 they personally will be harder to fight with because the Accuracy is dropping for .3 to .2 but with a damage increase from 20 to 30. 4. The HWS is the current largest branch in DU and we try and try. Your all looking at the z6 like it was the old one that was a literal laser beam it would absolutely shred and destroy everything even just as 1 person. The z6 has changed... the weapons have changed they are not the same op weapons as before. The current z6 has the accuracy of the Dc-15s which no one uses unless in super close range and the z6 has a wind up where once it drops to 153 remaining in the clip that's when it shoots the fastest. I try and raise z6 awareness, but most battalions suffer in the HWS because the weapons are not great. I've talked with a few of them. It's not a great weapon considering there is half the server running around with much strong perm weapons (even though I understand they worked for it) 5. Like truffle is saying the z6 is a "hook". Every battalion has a hook. Rancor has their ARC. 501st has their main story and are the most known of any battalion within the Clone wars. 104th are known from the show because of wolffe and snow coon and heavily use vehicles. 21st has unique models and noticeable features. CG is the police force with their batons. 41st uses a lot of AT RT and have quite a few ARF along with yoda. 212th is the same thing as 501st with them being so well known from the show. I've seen it too often lately where I watch our battalion trying and trying for hours and days to get a recruit and get someone who might tryout till they ask about if we had shields and z6's. Even though we tell them we have a HWS branch they can join I've personally witnessed them up and leave to join another more enticing battalion. Some of these CT's that did this I still see on the server so it's not like some of them were one and done. When I see this and find out people have done this to some of our troopers who are trying their hardest its very demoralizing to that extent. Just remember when I say the z6 in its current state is a much weaker weapon compared to before the equalization update.
  7. Decreased z6 accuracy? it can barley hit the broad side of a barn in the first place. Your killing me @Zim I say this as Crush and HWSL that this is appalling. Other than that liking the big update good work.
  8. +1 bob is a good man I trust he will have good encounters
  9. +1 my dude that way you can do outreach work for DU ;)
  10. +1 both are fit for the position too hard to decide
  11. +1 both are fit for the position too hard yo decide
  12. recommend getting them hours up ;) afking over night a few times helps
  13. +1 my dude. You are absolutely amazing. I've heard about what's happened just before you put this app up, but I want you to know with the short time working with you to help improve DU it was a pleasure. I'm glad you going to do this and honestly your a great guy. It feels just like yesterday when you kidnapped me and tied me to my z6 when I was out on patrol. P.S I want you to know that your guys trainings have already started to help improve DU and I thank you for that Good on you man and Thxs for the shoutout in that little section in your time in null
  14. -1 I'm sorry holo I never knew you and only heard of you from daddy centurion, but considering trashing on the founders and directors in a post that really was not that long ago I can't see you rejoining the staff team. I get what you were trying to say and do, but putting that post was ultimately "burning bridges" I don't think it smart to do so either as high staff would we wary of you any how
  15. +1 imagine being Neptune and being stinky give this man a physgun and aboose his powers
  16. +1 things are getting a bit foxey now
  17. +1 this man is a absolute mad lad he does amazing work especially as a outreach
  18. +1 im infamous in SO BDE for my dumb ass hahahahahaah Jango Fett
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