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Everything posted by 40Ninjaman

  1. i got myself captured again 4/4
  2. Fun fact Enzyme said as long as noble said it was fine it was fine. I mean he is the 501st jedi commander
  3. I'll admit the end of the encounter became kind of a mess, and the main part was completely over. But i would also like to point out that noble who is Ashoka was ok with the situation on it. I do also want to point out that regardless of the fuckery going on in a event you had commited breaking of the golden rule so hence the need for your detainment. Initially wolf was as a tact droid saying the name as commander Druc or whatever, but without actual 501st officers on it was to add to it by being a officer job. I do apologize about the acclamators gun, but were werent killing left and right we heavily injured most with a few kills. I hope this at least clears up some of that.
  4. would spawn excessive amounts of droids again 4/4
  5. 4/4 seemed like everyone had fun
  6. absolute 6 head would never let him be staff as his ego would over take the team <3 +1
  7. oh no if bbstine gets MCMD i have to watch my back at all time and i know he will try and pigeon me. CAW CAW *SCREAMS THAT ABRUPTLY CUTS OUT* +1
  8. After all our late night sessions of standing out in the hall I've determined your standing around has made you worthy of Cody. Beware If you step outta line ill sheild bash you over and over again in our duels. +1x1x10/10x1
  9. Imagine being Enzyme Super Smelly, but great dude +1
  10. My patrols tend to have this effect 4/4
  11. Listen James you may have ripped my arm off and had reaper replace it with a trandoshan arm, but it's not like i didn't like you. I thought you were a character. Your younger than most so i tried to look past that. Just try not to knock out 104th troopers and inject them with HIV. I hope there is no hard feelings between us. I hope to see you in the server again one day. O7
  12. Scribbles I didn't know you all that well, but all i ever heard was nothing but good things about you. The problem is I want to have a lot of trust and faith in people to do the right thing. This is 4 MAJOR offences and your well liked enough to have gotten away with it for so long. The issue is I think this is a way of saying take a break from the game. you weren't playing in the major league you were playing teeball, but even they strike out eventually. I hate to do this scribbles as I enjoyed your events and your RP but I need to -1 this for any full appeal. you do have my +1 to staying in the TS i see no issue with talking with the friends you made. -Ninjaman
  13. *looks away for being reason he AOSed himself* *sweating intesifies*
  14. +1 as long as he still lets warcrim... negotiations occur
  15. +1 great man. Love you BB sorry for the incident ill make it up to u <3
  16. +1 This blue boy. You can still come join DU :P
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