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Everything posted by Tetra

  1. Tetra

    CIS Captain

    5/5/5. Thanks so much for that! Good stuff!
  2. Tetra

    Casey - Hostages

    5/4/5 Thanks for all your efforts. Was a good time.
  3. Tetra

    F4 Menu Return

    +1. It made it so much easier to see what jobs each battalion had on offer, as well as for subunits as well.
  4. +1. Sounds like a great idea for heavy troopers
  5. +1. Tons of good constructive feedback in this thread that I hope is really taken to heart and considered.
  6. Tetra


    4/4/5 - Started off with droid attack, some bounty hunters got involved and it was overall decent. No server issues.
  7. Tetra

    Cooters Gree app

    As former XO of the 41st under Brooklyn, CMD under Egg and Grief... I of course wanted to see who was currently in charge of the battalion and how they were handling things, especially with the battalion being in the rough shape that it was. I wanted to make sure everything was in the right hands to succeed and that there were plans in place and being set in motion. I have had numerous conversations with this guy, spending hours getting to know him, his thoughts, the way he wants to handle things in the battalion. What he wants to see happen in the future and the biggest obstacles that he sees the 41st facing. There was nothing he didn't have a satisfactory answer to, in my book. I think the battalion couldn't be in better hands and, with the support of the others currently in the battalion and the experience he currently has, I see no reason why this guy shouldn't get a big fat... +1
  8. +1. Cooter has put his faith into you, and so shall I. Just hope you stick around to help us out.
  9. +1. I believe Midlife would make a great staff member.
  10. 5/5/5 thanks for giving the server something to do and drawing in so many players. This was great.
  11. +1. Razen is a cool guy and I want to see what he brings to the table.
  12. Gameplay: 5 great job with the whole event. Kept things going for a while, kept us busy. Was really good. Care and Effort:5, could tell that they put a lot of effort into trying to make things as fun as possible. Server Performance: Surprisingly 5. Didn't see any major hiccups happen.
  13. Gameplay: 4, was a pretty nice shooter event. Care and Effort: 5, lots of variety of enemies, lots of different creatures to fight, a couple bosses. Was really fun. Server Performance: 5, surprisingly ran well.
  14. -1. Too much. We've got bounty hunters. Either remove bounty hunters and do this, or leave bounty hunters in and leave this.
  15. Tetra

    Bud double 007

    3/4. Was a great event. Things got a little confusing at some points, but overall was good.
  16. Tetra

    Kurt - Cloaked Ship

    3/4. Was a great event overall. I enjoyed fighting the droids and shooting at Grevious.
  17. Oliver, you did a great job, for what it counts. Lasted a lot longer than the last few Recon Regimental Commanders have. Thanks for the hard work that you put in.
  18. +1. 501st have a bunch of channels for their trainings. Rancor should too, since they handle the ARC program.
  19. +1, but a little too big brained for my tiny brain. Seems like a great use for assets already on the server.
  20. 10/10. It was great being able to fully dogfight and myself, as well as the other pilots, definitely enjoyed the opportunity.
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