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Everything posted by Tetra

  1. The arrest docs are public knowledge. His arrests, since they took place in October, are listed under Old Logs. They won't pull up by an ID search because that is only for their new log. He has one arrest on 10/11/2019 by Niro for ERP. "Suck my weiner." His other arrest is on 10/12/2019 by Kubert for FailRP (sat on a bird). To fill in context of the bird, at the time on the server, someone had been spawning in random bird props.
  2. @Trig So, let me first start off by addressing your point, as I feel it was directed at me. I have graduated both High School and College. My job site closed down, so I lost my job as a result. At this point in time, I have nothing better to do than work from home and play GMOD while looking for new job opportunities. Here's a challenge for anyone on the server: I challenge you to find me AFK in GMOD during any of those fourteen hours. Pro Tip: You won't because I don't AFK on the server. Ask anyone who is on at any time during the day at the same time I am. I cannot speak for the other high command in the 41st, but do not dare to try to call me inactive. This server is my life at this point in time. Call me a loser, if you want. I don't care. The only thing that matters to me is the 41st and seeing them succeed. Next, I want to address a point that is being brought up a lot: being watched over during tryouts. You brought this up on the other app, but then quickly removed it. I'm glad you brought it back up because it can now be addressed publicly. So, tryouts were being done and both Trig and Beastly were being tried out to join the 41st. During the tryout, you guys were caught minging several times. One of you thought it was funny to pull out e-binos during a prisoner diamond. A knife was pulled out during other formations. The tryouts weren't being taken seriously, so we were watching the trainer giving the tryouts closely as it seemed he also wasn't taking tryouts seriously. A fifteen minute training took an hour and a half. During Brooklyn's term as Gree, he helped revitalize the battalion. He has filled out the Officer Core with people who are devoted to this battalion, who work hard to make this battalion succeed. He's made a lot of good changes to the battalion. He's worked hard on battalion. Sometimes, you can't get everything done that you want done during one term. Sometimes you need a second term to truly improve things. I want to see what he will do in his second term to make the 41st as great as it could be. Give this guy a chance to show what he can do. Things in the 41st are in a good place. Our members love being a part of the battalion and they're happy with the way things are going. I've seen many people leave, only to come right back because they miss the people and the fun that they have. You get my +1 as long as you do one thing: step up the activity and make some real changes during your next term.
  3. As the most active member of the 41st and one of the most active members of the server, I thought I'd stop by and give my opinion. I regularly spend about eight to twelve hours every day on the server, actively, if not more. I pride myself in my availability for my battalion and the hard work I put forth for them. They are like a family to me and I want to make sure that they are taken care of. That's why I make sure to be as available as possible for them and anyone else who needs something from the 41st. The entire time I have been on the server, I have spent it within the 41st battalion. I have never been in any other battalion and I will NEVER be in any other battalion. This is my home. My family. I would do anything to help this awesome group of people. I mean, I've already given them my most valuable resource: time. Communication within the battalion could definitely use some improvements, but I wouldn't say that it is non-existent. Every time we have a meeting, we post meeting notes so that they can be referred to later. We give notifications that the meeting is going to be held and when it will be held. We have different meetings for the different levels in the battalion. For instance, our Warrant Officer holds a weekly meeting where they talk to the NCOs to SNCOs about issues within the battalion. They are encouraged to bring up any comments, questions, or suggestions that they have for the other NCOs and SNCOs to discuss. The WO takes notes and then during the next Officer meeting, they bring that information up to the Officers for discussion. Also during the Officer meeting, we discuss suggestions that have been put forth in our Suggestions channel, which is open for all of our enlisted to freely discuss their ideas and everyone in the battalion to +1 or -1 the suggestion for the battalion. On top of that, we have a Regimental meeting to discuss the state of each of the regiments in the battalion, things that are going bad and things that could be done better. We openly welcome discussion from everyone in the battalion. During the past four months that I have been on the server, Egg has missed the vast majority of these meetings. I can, off the top of my head, only remember one or two times that he showed up to one. When he is online, he does spend some time in the 41st TeamSpeak, but the vast majority of it is spent in the SO BDE channel or a subscriber channel with his friends, so I could understand how he could think that there was almost no communication going on. Currently, the way the 41st handles ranks is we have a requirement system with no cooldowns. What we expect to see is people going above and beyond their current rank requirements to show that they are really devoted to the battalion. If we see that you're just checking boxes, or don't have the right attitude, you're not going to go very far in the battalion. Activity is another big factor here; If you are not active, we will hold off on promoting you until we see some changes. Because this is Egg's app I'm going to use him as an example. Egg completed his requirements for a promotion a long time ago, but he became really inactive. As a result, he was not promoted until we saw him pick up his activity a bit more. After his promotion, now almost a month ago, he hasn't done any other requirements, so he hasn't been promoted at all. Since he last applied for Gree three months ago, Egg has not actively contributed to the battalion or his regiment in any meaningful way other than having recruited a few people into the battalion. On the topic of actively working for the battalion, to address the issue of people not doing their job, we actively monitor the people we have in various positions throughout the battalion. If we find that they aren't pulling the weight that they should, we remove them from their position and ask them to step it up. If they continue to not improve, we take further action. This has been done several times throughout the past few months. I do not think that loose cooldowns for ranks would be a good idea. The reason I don't think that this is a good idea is because it seems it promotes seniority and holding a rank over doing any kind of meaningful work for the battalion. What will stop someone from showing up, doing great work for a few days, waiting the rest of their cooldown, then coming back and repeating the process again? The current "loose" definition that I'm imagining from what you have stated is that it sounds like some kind of favoritism system. "If I like you, there is no cooldown. If I don't like you, you're waiting the entire cooldown." If you could further clarify your definition of this, that would be great. As far as Green Company outnumbering Elite Corps, you are totally correct and this is not how it should be. It should be a group with a select few individuals. The best of the best. However, we just appointed a new Green Company Leader to manage and control the sub-branch better. I look forward to seeing what he can bring to the sub-branch and what improvements he makes. While I do believe that you could have a very positive effect on the battalion and that you have some really fantastic ideas that could be implemented, I do not think that you have the activity, drive, or tact that the 41st needs to keep moving forward and be successful. We are always open to suggestions and ideas to improve/further the battalion and its regiments. I'm glad to see that your activity has picked up somewhat in recent days and I wish you luck with the application process, as well as all of your future endeavors. But, for me, it's going to be a -1.
  4. I think we should have a map that has a warp between a ship base and a land base. Like Anaxes, but with another warp to a location that has a ship and interior.
  5. +1. Great person for the job.
  6. +1. Would do a fantastic job. Keep up the great work.
  7. 10/10. Thank you so much for doing a Jedi-only event. It was really fun. The Temple Guard all piled into one channel to coordinate and it was great.
  8. 10/10. Thanks 91st for having us along!
  9. 10/10. Great way to send off Yularen.
  10. I love the three crashes in a row, though. My favorite part about Synergy.
  11. +1. I want to see you do a good job. I want to see you work hard and revitalize the battalion. We don't need someone resigning early. We don't need someone abandoning the 187th. Make the purple pride world wide again.
  12. 10/10. Thanks for the amazing event. It was fun and it was great. Can't wait for more.
  13. 8/10. Was a good event with good RP.
  14. +1. I want to see what you can do for us.
  15. +1. Agent has been around a lot and is always engaging with us. He's one of the best candidates around.
  16. -1. I think the other candidate has a much better app. The work I see you do is good, but I think the other applicant has way more going for them.
  17. Yeah. Shock got pretty upset.
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