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Everything posted by Tetra

  1. +1. This is actually a pretty solid idea that I can definitely get behind, especially if it is on the public roster. Will help monitor the activity of members in the battalion to help keep them on task.
  2. +1. I can get behind this.
  3. +1. I think you'll do a good job and the events look good.
  4. Tetra

    Bombs at Thresh

    5/5/5. Nice little diversion. Thanks
  5. +1. I'm ready to see you do a 7 day BCMD term.
  6. Tetra


    5/5/5. Thanks for the recon mission!
  7. I concur with Jayarr here. It will lead to additional problems regarding the Civilian faction and the Republic factions. PvP is fun in theory, but I believe it will only partially be used or used for about a week and then the novelty of it will fall off. Plus, by using Thesh, it limits the space that GMs have for events/encounters/whatever. If we want PvP, why don't we fix the dueling system that isn't being used? We also have SIM Rooms for that for the people that enjoy it. We have features on the server that we don't use. Instead of coming up with something new, let's revitalize what we already have.
  8. Sorry to butt in here on a semi-unrelated note, but I would like more clarification on some of your points as one of the current Commanders of the 41st. You mention that the 41st has a lot of issues right now and I beg to disagree, but I am open for more discussion with you. I regularly communicate with members of the community -- seeking their feedback... conversing in general -- and not once have any of them brought up any issues that they have seen in regards to the 41st, so your perspective on this is interesting. Now, I really don't know much about you as we haven't had much interaction and I don't think I have seen you on the server much, so I don't know how much attention you've paid to the 41st recently, but your perspective isn't lining up with my experience. I will admit I am usually not around in the mornings on the server, so maybe there's something going on in that time frame that I am simply not aware of, but as far as I can tell the biggest issue that the 41st faces is activity. Now, activity is something that I regularly monitor and most of my knowledge of our activity is what I've personally observed and I do, from time to time, check in with the members of my battalion that I know are on during periods that I am not so that I have better understanding of our activity when I cannot be present. On any given day we usually have approximately 2-5 members online and during deployments we tend to have about 10-15 players, so our numbers outside of deployments could definitely use improvement. I believe that this issue with activity is due to a lack of interesting activities happening on the server, including events. But again, if you have observed something that I have not, please let me know. I have only been on the server for about 80 hours in the past two weeks, so there is definitely something I could have missed or something that hasn't been communicated to me and if that is the case, I would like to know so we can start improving it. As for the app itself, I will reserve my judgement for the time being.
  9. 5/5/5. Thanks for the patrol with 501st! Great as always!
  10. Tetra


    5/5/5. Thanks for that
  11. 5/5/3. Thanks for the deployment.
  12. +1. Hate the fog. Map looks prettier without it.
  13. 4/5/5. Was a fun diversion and a return to RP that the server needs! @Soccer
  14. -1 for the previously written comments. Don't remind me. I still remember...
  15. We had a long and extended chat last night about the goals and ideas that you had for the Civilian faction as a whole. With the conversation that we have, I am confident you have the ideas to revitalize things as a whole. That's why I am providing my +1.
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