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Everything posted by Tetra

  1. Welcome to the server! I appreciate what you are trying to do here, as bringing the community together is always a good thing, but I do not think that this would be the best approach. While Discord is a great tool to bring a community together and consolidate everyone in one place, it is currently not in a good enough state for managing what we currently do. As has previously been mentioned, we have a lot of different battalions and factions and they all have the freedom to do things in different ways. If everyone was cookie cutter the same across the board, this might be more manageable and feasible to do. Because each battalion has their freedom on how they operate, each battalion is very fundamentally different in how they approach. @Mystic did a good job going over most of the logistical issues with this. Each battalion may have the same ranks, but each battalion has a different way of viewing these ranks, so their access to things are different. Our intel teams also function differently and have different purposes. The approach the 41st takes to Intel is different than the approach taken by other battalions. We each have our own unique needs and purposes, and there's simply not enough tags to go around to make sure those purposes are met. Logistically, it would be a nightmare managing hundreds of people at once. -1.
  2. I am going to drop a few here. Riusi Gerboo Beskar'taal Verda'cona Nalhalla
  3. Tetra

    Map Poll

    Listen. I think we need to take the best parts of all the maps we have played on and put them on one map. What did Endor have going for it? It had that nice path that circled around the entire map going past every outpost, plus the long dark tunnel. You could also walk through the base wall and view around the base as well as inside the base. It had those deep landing pads you could land on, but they also opened and went into a vertical hangar bay. It had the CQC sim room, plus the L shaped sim room. Anaxes v1 had a pretty awesome Jedi Temple with the two floor archives, detailed holocron vault with multiple laser grids, Jedi Security Room, the botanical garden room, a classroom. It had the Citadel with plenty of observation space on either side and above for it and the SIM room next door. I liked the Outposts too. BCC provided good overlook on the base, but didn't quite measure up to the sneakiness of Endor's walled base with laser gate. They also had that really cool waterfall cave system that looped around and had side rooms. Onderon has plenty of wide open area and the village, but could have benefited from a better Temple and some cool outposts. While the village was large in size, it was very underutilized and that attention could have been put elsewhere. The cave system is pretty nice, reminds me of the Anaxes caves a bit Correlia. Hate the name. But I like how it has those different planet areas to give variety to what can be done. It's got a nice height to it's skybox. The temple is really cool, but could benefit from the Anaxes 2 floor archives with attached security room as well as a holocron vault. Dojo rooms are fine, slightly bigger would be better, as well as a their own dedicated SIM room or two.
  4. Tetra

    41st BOTM

    10/10/10. Thank you so much.
  5. Was a long path to get here and we will continue to push forward as we can. It's an honor.
  6. I have sat down, written, and rewritten this several times. This is one of the most difficult things I have had to write in my entire life. There are just so many emotions that I have had to try and process and overall, I'm just so disappointed. For those of you who do not know, I am currently Mace Windu. I have known Par Par (Super) for a very long time. We never really used to communicate a lot, but over the past half year, we have gotten to know each other pretty well. I remember when he first put effort into rising up in Jedi, when he became a member of High Council. We worked together as equals, from Lulu's term, into Entity's term, and beyond. Which is why it is heartbreaking for me to write what I am about to, as within the past month or so Super seems to have become someone I do not recognize at all. The first two months of his term were amazing. We, the High Council, myself, and Super, met almost every night to discuss changes that we were planning to the Order, things that we were noticing, issues that we wanted to improve upon. We were all treated as equals; not one person acted as though they were better than any other, and things ran smoothly. After those two months, however, things started to slowly change. We met less and less, Super started to spend more and more time in the SOBDE channels or just with SOBDE members overall and the High Council heard less and less from him unless he wanted something done. Instead of being requested to assist with plans as an equal, the things he infrequently needed done became a demand. The person before me has changed in the past month, and not in a way that I think positively benefits Jedi. The High Council started hearing from him less and less. Any time we wanted to speak with him or we searched for where he was, the answer was always a locked channel that very few people had access to, most often the SOBDE channels. Sure, he was always available via DMs or could be pulled away, but you never had his full attention. Most of the time, within the past month or so, whenever I did need to speak to him, he was always engrossed in some other game, even when we had a pre-arranged meeting. I understand that I don't get on as early, EST, as others do and he is completely valid in playing other games with friends, but just as many people say they never see me on Windu, I never see him interacting with the Order because he is always in a locked channel. Speaking of meetings, there we so many times that I had to bring things up multiple times before they got done. For example, the rule rewrites he brings up in his app. I would bring a rule to his attention or something that needed further clarification, and would state that we would need to sit down and just go through the entire rule set to make sure everything was up-to-date. He would say "Yeah, we do need to get that taken care of." A few days later, I would have to remind him again that we needed to set up a time to get things taken care of. Almost everything that needed to be done required me reminding him several times that they needed to be done before we actually set a time to work on it, usually last minute. Half of those times that we set up a meeting, he would show up late and distracted. The High Council and I would usually do most of the writing and revising and he would just say "Yeah, that sounds good." We would discuss ideas and his biggest input would be "yeah." Some of you have asked why some of these concerns weren't brought up before today. They have. I have talked to Super personally about a lot of the issues with the current rank system. His reaction was to brush me aside stating that it was a work in progress and could always change later. My original idea for this ranking system was to allow Padawans to attend the trials in any order that they wanted, so that if there was a trial they struggled with, they could still see progress while they worked on their "skill issue" i.e. fighting the best sparrers in the Order. The original plan also included using merits as a way to progress further in the Order with maybe some kind of way to bypass a trial for outstanding performance in an event or tournament, as long as the action was related to the trial. After finding out that we weren't swapping to the new map, I brought up my concerns on needing to get dupes created for the rest of the trials so that they wouldn't be held up. Here it is, a month later, and they are "being worked on." I have not seen any of these new dupes, I don't know what the plans are for these new dupes, and I don't know how many people are involved in the creation of these new dupes. I've just been told that one is done and the rest are being worked on. A lot of the other requirements that are listed, I did not agree with and I voiced my concerns before they went live. "Work in progress. Can always change later." I don't doubt their quality and no offense is meant to the admin working hard on them. It's just nothing is really being communicated at this point in time. When Super has issues with someone, he doesn't really communicate those issues to the parties directly involved. He keeps lists of the issues he has with someone. He lets those issues fester and when he doesn't see improvement to behaviors that haven't been communicated, he either removes them or has someone else remove them. Often times, we as the High Council wouldn't even hear about these issues through him directly, instead they ended up communicated to us by third party individuals afterwards, many of whom shouldn't have even been involved. He dislikes directly confronting the individuals unless he is the only one that is able to. Sometimes, he has even removed someone without communicating why and that person then finds out from someone else the reasons. He was there when the Jedi Disciplinary Guide was written, when we stressed that when someone is removed, they need to be communicated the reason why and it needs to be clearly documented because of issues that have come up in the past. We have always stressed communication and no removal without warnings unless the reason is really egregious, in which case the reason for removal should still be stated. He throws that out the window. Let's talk about this shadowing system that Super brought up in an earlier post. One day, out of nowhere, this form was posted for shadowing High Council Members. No one in High Council knew this was coming out. I didn't know this was coming out. There was no discussion about it. A few hours after the form was posted, a message went out saying that it was full. The first two people to put in a response were the only ones being allowed to "shadow" the current High Council members. Those High Council members weren't given any input on who was chosen or why they were chosen. What if they wanted more than one person to shadow them at a time? Needless to say, concerns have still not gone anywhere even after bringing them up. I think it should speak volumes when the majority of +1s on this app are from people who aren't part of the Order and contain very little substance, but the majority of the -1s are from current Masters and Council Members who have at least attempted to explain their positions. A majority of the people who spend time in the SOBDE channels know more about what is happening in the Order than the people who are actually in it, including the High Council and myself. And I had DMs with Super almost EVERY DAY. This is plain to see when you look at the individuals who have responded to this app. If they aren't current Masters or Council Members, the majority are members of SOBDE or were recently members of SOBDE, the channels where he is seen more often than his own faction. To summarize, there are a lot of things that need fixing, things that have been brought up to him previously only to be brushed aside. Lack of communication has only further pushed the Order apart and I am worried about the future it will have. He has done some things that I believe will benefit the Order in the long run and I liked who Super was. I wish him the best, but I do not believe he is the best person to move the Order forward into a successful future without him relying heavily on those around him. -1.
  7. 5/5/5. Thank you for the RP. I appreciate it and your efforts.
  8. +1. I think you would do a job. :3 iyk, yk.
  9. Name: Tetra RP Rank: Commander Suggestion: Add Bowcaster to Improcco Company Lore: 41st has been known to hang out with Wookies, so it makes sense that they would have access to Bowcasters. Workshop content if applicable: Requires Development If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following if not, leave it out. Add or Change: Change Job: Improcco Company Clanky, Fi, Gett, Nye, and Tenn Slots: N/A Description: All of Improcco should have access to a Bowcaster. Model: models/player/squares/improcco/tenn/IC_tenn.mdl models/player/squares/improcco/nye/IC_nye.mdl models/player/squares/improcco/gett/IC_gett.mdl models/player/squares/improcco/fye/IC_fye.mdl models/player/squares/improcco/clanky/IC_clanky.mdl Weapons: rw_sw_bowcaster Other: N/A
  10. Name: Tetra RP Rank: Commander Suggestion: Add DC-15X to Green Company Medical Scout and Green Company Faie Implementation: add in rw_sw_dc15x Lore: Green Company are also known as scouts. Workshop content if applicable: Requires Development If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following if not, leave it out. Add or Change: Change Job: Green Company Medical Scout, Green Company Faie Slots: N/A Description: All Green Company jobs but Medical Scout and Faie have both the Scoutblaster and the DC-15X. No reason for the DC-15X to not go with the rest of Green Company since they all have it along with Scoutblaster. Model: models/synergy_roleplay/41s/medic_green/medic_green.mdl models/synergy_roleplay/41s/officer_arf_green/officer_arf_green.mdl Weapons: rw_sw_dc15x Other: N/A
  11. 5/5/5. Thanks for the fun!
  12. Thank you. It's been a long path to get to this point, but the big shout out goes to our NCOs, SNCOs, and Officers! These guys have been devoting themselves to pushing the battalion forward and we hope to continue this momentum forward.
  13. +1. Cool, relaxed guy.
  14. 5/5/5. Always great to have one of these, great turn out. Lots of fun.
  15. Tetra

    Base attack

    5/5/5. Very fun. Thanks for hosting something fun for us late night!
  16. Wowwwwwwwwwwww. The only thing I can think of saying is.... O7
  17. 5/5/5. Thanks for the event!
  18. It's not about the difference in perma props. They just look ugly. Plus that statue that is normally in the Archives is a Sith statue. They do help to fill the rooms, but with them out of the way we can be a little more creative in our use of perma props. +1. These things are ugly.
  19. +1. Temple Guard and Shadow desperately need holding cells for their RP and immersion. It makes a lot of sense.
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