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Everything posted by Tetra

  1. 10/10. We were protecting the Admiral, so we didn't get much action, but it was great getting all battalions involved with a deployment instead of always doing everything on the main server.
  2. 8/10. End got a little stale with only frigates spawning and no more droids, but the rest of it was good.
  3. 10/10. Lots of EOD and Tech RP, which I love.
  4. 10/10. It was a fantastic event with a lot of tech RP and defending the base. It was great.
  5. 8/10. There were a ton of RP mechanics available for the event and I love how you incorporated.
  6. 10/10. You did a great job. We had so much going on and a lot of different RP situations that we could participate in. A lot of care was put into this.
  7. 10/10. Short and sweet. Nice Tech RP involved too.
  8. 9/10. Was a great event. Sith were involved. It was fun.
  9. 10/10. Thanks for the event! I know a lot of people weren't on for the event.
  10. 10/10. I diffused 3 bombs and killed a lot of Deathwatch.
  11. Tetra

    Chromes Death

    9/10. Great event. Fantastic send off. Good amount of action and fun.
  12. -1. While I do not doubt your expertise, there are a few issues with your application that I can see. First, I just want to address that it is the 41st Elite Corps. Green Company is the elite subgroup of the 41st, not the main group itself on this server. Secondly, the Clone Wars were from 22 BBY to 19 BBY. I don't know where you got 912 BBY, but that's 890 years before the Clone Wars even began! Third, people have called into question your activity on the server.
  13. 10/10. Would be last surviving infected again.
  14. Tetra

    Blaki - The Revenge

    10/10. Best event I've seen since I've been on the server. It was fantastic. Do this during the day.
  15. 10/10. Was a fun event. Should have more of these!
  16. 10/10. Was pretty fun!
  17. Tetra

    Ziro and Jabbas debt

    10/10. Would be Jabba The Hutt again. I enjoyed the event. It was fun.
  18. 10/10. Was a great event. Enjoyed the way it went.
  19. 10/10. Was a great event. Really enjoyed the usage of air combat, even though it almost crashed the server. Was a fun event.
  20. 10/10 was a pretty fun event.
  21. -1. I know that I am super new here compared to a lot of you, but hopefully you can see the reason in what I write. I will agree with most of you that Egg does have the experience, from what I've read in these posts. I will also agree that the app is a very solid app. Having said the above, I've only seen Egg within the past week. Before that, I've not seen him nor heard of him. I'd like to see him spend more time within the battalion to better gauge what the current situation is and how to best proceed forward. A week is not enough time, in my opinion, to best formulate a plan around how to adjust a battalion, especially when you haven't met or spoken to most of the battalion's members. I think we've only exchanged a few words here and there, usually when an event is going on, and then Egg would be either AFK or headed offline. If I saw more of Egg and if I heard more of Egg, then my opinion might change, but as it stands now I barely ever see this guy online.
  22. +1. I see Brooklyn online constantly. Not only that, I hear from him constantly too. He's always there in our teamspeak or online and he's always interacting with the battalion. I like how he makes us feel like a family and is always there for us. I can be online for 6+ hours and still see this guy going at it. That's why he gets my vote.
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