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Everything posted by Foxey

  1. 7/10 Quite a nice little thing, I enjoyed trying to burn Conrad. I thought the RP was cool.
  2. Once SO BDE got our assignment I was worried we wouldn't have much to do, unfortunately I was proven correct. We spent a lot of time waiting for orders to engage and didn't really get to do much of anything until Attack had already cleared the caves and was moving into the base from the other direction. The Recon Team seemed like an afterthought and not something you fully prepared for. I agree with what Conrad said about the map itself, I personally spent two minutes at 1fps and then crashed and had to reconnect. After that there were less hiccups though, so it's not that big of a deal. Having taken a look at your Event Preparation Document I'd definitely suggest going into more detail with the planning, all you really have there is a briefing which serves as a general overview of the event. Be specific! List the specific jobs and NPCs you're going to use, list the health they'll have, list when and where you'll spawn them, have a general idea of what everyone involved in the event should be doing at any given moment- and ensure they actually have something to do. I hope this feedback helps you out, I'll give the event overall a 4/10.
  3. Name: Foxey Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: Infiltration & Betrayal Summary of Event: A single Death Watch operative lowered Shield Generators and snuck into the base through the vents, he attempted to go to the R&D Lab to steal some data. A Senator had contracted the Deathwatch to secure some military data that they might use against their political enemies. That operative was killed, so a larger force was sent in. That assault failed as well. Realizing there was no victory to be had, the Death Watch pulled back at the request of the Senator. Just a little something to give people something to do for a little while on this lovely Monday morning.
  4. +1 You're a good Kal, you'll continue to do good.
  5. Foxey

    Me Shaved Ice

    7/10 Pretty decent way to pass the time, loved the Gungan v Jawa arena battle at the end lol
  6. I remember when you left Admiral and the server to go get a life. Covid-19 is pretty cool. +1 best of luck, Bro. You'll do good.
  7. 9/10. Genuinely. Was there lag? Yes- but that's the inevitability of deploying more than 2 battalions at once... The event started with an amazing, immersive narration on behalf of Shockpoint- the screen crawl from the beginning of the movie. STELLAR. We then rushed to our battle stations and dozens of fighters took off from the MHB. All hell broke loose! It was simply fantastic. It was very clear to me how much preparation went into this. The builds, the story, the event jobs, everything was great. I can't fault you guys for the lag, so I won't. Honestly, just... amazing work. At least from the perspective of the guy who spent the whole time in MHB or in the skies.
  8. Foxey

    Mauldalorian Hunt

    7/10 The overall objective of the event was rather bare and cookie cutter but we were able to have some fun at the end so that was appreciated. A few tips for the future: - Avoid spawning on top of people - Avoid having your lead event guy take a ridiculous amount of damage and never die leading to fighting him feeling pointless - Try to have the AAR ready faster, we sat around for awhile once the event had ended waiting for the DB to start and some people straight up left. With all that being said, thank you for the deployment!
  9. Name: Foxey Staff Rank: Senior Administrator SteamID: STEAM_0:0:101435744 Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 4 Days Reason: Apparently I'm scheduled to take the SAT this week and my school has done an abysmal job setting it up, so I need to do some studying. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  10. Foxey


    7/10 I loved the idea, I had a good time overall- very novel and enjoyable. I'm very impressed with what you were able to do as just a GH with a few helpers. The only real flaw was with the economy, both how points were awarded and how the costs worked. The event was just not easy to enjoy later on with the 20 shot pistol that only does 30 damage per shot. I'd recommend in the future scaling how points are awarded and the prices so that more people can upgrade their guns alongside the increasing hitpoints of the zombies.
  11. +1 I mean, in my time back on the server there have only been a few BHs who I've actually been able to name off the top of my head. Willy is one of them. I've seen you on your BH and I've worked with you in the 104th. You got this. Good luck!
  12. 9/10 I always love being sent somewhere with a vague objective and having to learn and discover and build on the objective as the event goes on. This event gave me a unique opportunity to do some tech stuff which I don't do often, so that was nice. Overall, loved it!
  13. This is not cash money. This is not epic. This is not pog. This is not kosher. o7 Spaghetti. You'll always be the most useless Wolfpack member in my eyes. (You'll still play minecraft, right?)
  14. 7/10 A little bit flawed with the health of the droids and the deadliness of the T21s as well as the spawning, but overall it was pretty fun and I enjoyed the free reign as far as vehicles and stuff went. Cheers for the fun!
  15. 7/10 Not bad, little lacking in overall story and a little harder to follow but we love making our own RP and 104th can add a pair of Umbaran legs to its collection, so cheers! :)
  16. I believe you are a fairly competent Battalion Commander and not a half bad candidate for Regimental Commander. I support a lot of what you want to do within the regiment. With that being said I am not particularly a fan of spreading out negotiation or vehicle responsibilities. Is the 104th the same as 501st or 212th? No. But, then again, we'll always be specialized at heart. I'm not a fan of the idea of taking away what makes the 104th unique and I'm not a fan of having us fit more in line with other attack battalions. Tbh our position regarding managing negotiations and TX-130 in their entirety is plenty proper enough on the server. I'll +1 this, but expect some level of resistance when it comes to some of the changes you plan to pursue.
  17. It's just... not a good idea. It's not a good time to propose this idea. Regarding the community, the server, well, really every perspective forces me to say... -1
  18. AAR Template Name: Foxey Who helped (If applicable): Caulin, Jerry, Matt, Sina, Brick Event Name: The Infiltration Description: A large squadron of Commandos infilitrated the base disguised as 104th and covertly collected intelligence while pretending to be normal troopers. Just a little something to allow some passive RP interaction and what-not.
  19. Foxey


    A general rule of thumb before posting any server suggestion is to do some testing on your own. It helps to develop a list of detailed pros and cons so that everyone reviewing the suggestion doesn't have to test on their own. Either way, -1 this map is terrible and I'd much rather go to some version of Anaxes. We all loved Endor. We have fond memories there. Just let Endor be a memory.
  20. I've spent a bit of time doing some looking around, some testing, and I've come to a general conclusion about my opinions on this map. Is it better than Titan Base? YES. Is it better than the original Anaxes? Well, not really. From the perspective of the Chief Flight Officer- this map seems too good to be true. Unfortunately, it is. The Space above the planet has one entry and exit point, meaning that when you fly above a certain height it will place you in the center of the space region and you will be facing 0 degrees north. When you fly too high in the space region, it sends you down to this point as well. When you want to leave the space region, you fly down and are teleported to a set location right outside of the base, facing 0 degrees north. If the teleportation isn't annoying enough when trying to perform offensive / defensive maneuvers around the main base, the fact that you enter and leave the region facing north is worse- as the LFS ships go haywire adjusting to the new mouse direction. The skybox on the actual planet is also significantly lower than on the original Anaxes, making ground support and flying within view of the ground much more of a challenge. From the perspective of the average trooper, I still like the base. It hasn't changed much. But the surface of the planet overall? Well, in my opinion the outposts on the original map were better. They seemed less out of place, less a combination of a bunch of random assets. I believe the two outposts, the tower, and the village made for much better map decor than the options presented in this map. The Jedi & Bounty Hunters just seem to be giving up quite a bit for not much payoff. I wouldn't really say the Jedi and the Clones having to spawn in the same massive base increases roleplay between them in any significant way. When Compared to Original RP_Anaxes: PROS: Increased Map Size Slightly Different Map Layout CONS: Glitched Lighting Buggy / Poorly Built Space / Skybox Feature No Jedi Temple No Bounty Hunter Village Lower Quality Outposts Expanded Area is Barren Inferior Optimization (In my experience during testing) Ultimately, I feel Original RP_Anaxes is a better choice for our next map. Have we been there before? Yeah, we have. But it beats Titan Base and it beats this revised version of Anaxes. Perhaps this map could be added to the event server pool as the barren wasteland below the map would probably be a cool place for deployments. -1 (I would prefer this map over Titan Base but I would much rather prefer the normal Anaxes already in pending)
  21. +1 Sina is fully prepared to take on this role and he'll do a great job as Battalion Commander.
  22. I didn't really do much regarding interacting with your event jobs or the story, but I had a good time running around with my buds trying to figure out what was going on. 7/10, had I seen more of the story I might rate it higher or lower, but I had a good time doing what I was doing.
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