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Everything posted by Foxey

  1. Name: Foxey Staff Rank: Senior Administrator SteamID: STEAM_0:0:101435744 Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 5 days Reason: School work Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  2. I can vibe with this... pretty epic. +1
  3. Unless high staff has been entirely revolutionized in the past two months- Forseen has plenty of time to do this job and do it well. I am confident that the 501st will be alright regardless of who the Directors choose for this position. I'll be leaving my +1 here as Forseen is an incredibly capable and dedicated individual.
  4. +1 You shall not be shaving my beard.
  5. +1 Good luck, and welcome home- er, back.
  6. +1 If 86 hours wasn't enough for the staff team, the required hours would be higher. I reckon this lad deserves a chance! Though, I recommend editing the post and fixing the title to follow the correct format :)
  7. Thank you for everything you've done for Synergy, Enzyme. Have a good summer, enjoy retirement. o7.
  8. 3/4 Fun, easy to navigate through, overall as a simple trooper I didn't experience much of the story but I enjoyed the shooting and I believe the attack was well executed.
  9. +1 Best of luck to ya
  10. As a shoot em up I'll definitely give this a 4/4. Tanks, various droids, waves of many attackers, it was very fun and immersive and I had a good time. Keep up the good work!
  11. Good choice. First one is best.
  12. I'm not sure exactly how to rate this because that format is confusing and convoluted but I'm going to give you a 3/4 because I enjoyed the waves of droids and the combat. As a shoot em up it wasn't bad at all.
  13. RP Name: 104th 2ndLT Foxey Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:101435744 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 17 Timezone: Eastern Standard What was your previous staff rank?: Head Administrator Are you currently staff on a different server?: Negative. Why did you leave the staff team?: Had a discussion with Forseen and decided to step down from the staff team due to needing a break and no longer being able to adequately perform my duties as a Head Administrator. Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): Some good friends of mine have come back to the server.. and with summer on the horizon and my mind refreshed, I have decided to join them. I always enjoyed working on events, and that's what I plan to do once again! I've had some time to come up with some ideas for events, but also for the program as a whole that I believe will help the server improve. We'll see where time takes me, but at the moment I hope to eventually rejoin the Head Administration team. How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): I believe my time as a staff member went well, I hope the community feels the same way. At the end of my time as a staff member I began to lose the drive to get on, and honestly should have resigned sooner- but I had hoped to meet my commitments. Ultimately I believe I had some ups and downs, but made many contributions to the server. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: I do.
  14. Easy choice... @Caulin <3 The runner ups know who they are though
  15. Someone told me you resigned, figured I'd come here and drop a mega o7. You were a fine Director. Enjoy your freedom from the retardation.
  16. It's still up and running, I'll have more time to do fun stuff with that now. I was using a Power 1000 bow lmao
  17. Bye! It's been fun. Synergy's been a part of my life for about a year, Synergy was there for my happiest times and my saddest times. I've made great friends, but I need a break. I'll be back to goof around occasionally, and someday I'll probably return and try to make something of myself again. @Caulin @Daxynn Boys, it's been a WILD ride. I will forever cherish those times in the 104th, and it's a shame we don't see each other as much anymore. You both already know everything I could possibly say about you, so all I've really got is I love you both. @Father Michael Battalion Commander Wolffe, sir! You were a fantastic BCMD, a fantastic friend. Damn... this is difficult. I'd feel pretty garbage if I forgot anyone, so I'll stop there lmao. I'll be back eventually anyways.
  18. Battalion: Republic Navy RP Name: Admiral Yularen Date: April 17th, 2020 Reason: I cannot be anywhere near as active as I need to be, for personal reasons. I've never been fond of sitting in a position till the end of a term anyways, this has been a fair time coming. Goodbyes: Auf Wiedersehen.
  19. +1 Words cannot describe how perfect Bro is for the position.
  20. sigh Hasn't this suggestion been denied enough??? -1.
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