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Everything posted by Finn

  1. Not gonna lie, it's a bit of a red flag to me that you're applying in this manner. You were just BCMD of Rancor, and you've only been in 41st for 5 days. A lot of your goals are also far reaching, for how you say the state of the battalion is. Just to list a few: Changing the standard of the battalion from being laid back and fun to professional and more serious is a massive undertaking, especially if the battalion doesn't want the change. Does the rest of the battalion have a similar mindset to you? You say you want to enforce officer activity requirements and NCO quotas. Why do you think that will help the battalion in it's current state, and how are you going to combat burnout? What do you think needs to improve about the officer team? You mentioned it "isn't bad, but definitely needs more work." Do you plan on running for a second term to continue to push the changes you're suggesting? Most of what you want to accomplish will need longer than 1 term to fully realize. Lastly, how can you assure us this isn't just you jumping from power position to power position? Why didn't you spend more time with the battalion before making the app?
  2. +1 this would be really useful
  3. +1 please let me find out who is who on that roster!
  4. easy +1 you'll make a great spec reg!
  5. Brb Switching to Heavy Ordnance for this competition.
  6. -1, for a few reasons First, your app is lacking in details IMO. You give ideas and details in some places, but they are sporadic, and missing where I think they shouldn't (NCOs and Battalion are good examples) Second, 'A need to improve' is not a good reason to apply for a BMCD position. Everyone can improve things, the fact that you're actively improving yourself doesn't give you any extra qualifications to being a BCMD Finally, I don't think anyone in CG is capable of correctly fixing the issues that the battalion currently has, seeing as everyone is either complicit, or unaware of the problems. You guys need someone with an outside perspective, that can make large changes quickly, and I don't believe you're the one to do that. If you want to discuss any of this further, my DMs are always open.
  7. I appreciate the answer. I'm gonna -1 this for a few reasons. Firstly, your application is very bare bones. You talk a lot about where you want the battalion to be, but not nearly enough on how you're going to get them there. Making sure NCOs feel valued or wanting to see DS do more on the base are good areas to start, but that alone isn't enough. How are you going to value your NCOs? What are you going to change about how you operate DS that will allow them to have more agency on the base? These should all be answered somewhat already, and you haven't touched on them Secondly, you're filling your app with buzzwords to make it seem longer. Everyone wants to have a dedicated, professional, and respected battalion, you don't need to say a variation of that in every bullet point you make. Saying it once or twice is ok, you're just going overboard. Thirdly, your answer to my question was very lackluster to me. Similarly to your application, you aren't telling us what you're doing. Being unbiased and professional isn't actually solving any issues, it's just preventing additional issues. 212th and CG had some pretty public issues in the recent past and you either didn't do anything to help repair the relationship, or you haven't said it here, both of which aren't good. Personally, I've had more conversations with your NCOs about issues between CG and 212th than with you or any other leadership member of the CG, which leads me to my last point. I don't think anyone in CG is capable of correctly fixing the issues that the battalion currently has, seeing as everyone is either complicit, or unaware of the problems. You guys need someone with an outside perspective, that can make large changes quickly, and I don't believe you're the one to do that. If you want to discuss any of this further, my DMs are always open.
  8. Bro who cares about Senate Commando, that's got nothing to do with running CG Before I vote, I'm curious, what have you done so far to try and accomplish any of the stated goals in your app? As a Major, you have the rank to at least attempt to solve some of the issues plaguing your battalion (battalion relations seems an easy place to start)?
  9. +1 You were a good obi wan, and were always looking for the best of the battalion. I don't see why that wouldn't translate into making Rancor a better battalion too.
  10. Everyone out here a Corellia Hater. Trandosha is a rat place to live and no one wants to be there. It doesn't even look like Trandosha
  11. If Agree gives 1 rep, Disagree should remove 1 rep. They're opposites. -1
  12. Corellia Master Race (FYI, the entire planet wasn't a city, it has a ton of jungles and forests like any other generic planet has).
  13. 2/2/3 The gameplay was really generic, with NPCs spawning on top of people, EJs with a shit ton of health, and it went on far too long. There was not much effort put into this, with inconsistent spawning, a real lack of roleplay, and you had the audacity to type in advert '/me Hyperspaces out with tech :D' There was some noticeable lag, but it was overall not too bad. I'm really disappointed in this event tbh.
  14. Looking into this now.
  15. This Quest has been developed and IMPLEMENTED into the server! // LOCKED // MOVED TO QUEST IDEAS - IMPLEMENTED
  16. This Quest has been developed and IMPLEMENTED into the server! // LOCKED // MOVED TO QUEST IDEAS - IMPLEMENTED
  17. Gotta make it Corelia for the planet, it's on the hologram in the War Room
  18. We found the issue with this and it should work as intended now. Thanks for submitting a report!
  19. +1 I've worked with Misfit for a long time in 212th, and I'm confident he will be able to keep 212th strong and steady.
  20. 4/5/4 A very fitting last deployment for our boy Kaiser.
  21. Ok, I think this is getting slightly off topic at this point. Staff issues aside, you posted 6 clips 2 are of his actions on a BH, which don't have any bearing on his capacity as a BCMD. 1 is of him standing next to a CT trying to use the intercom, which seems to be ok, as a CG member is present to handle the situation. I'm not sure what he was supposed to do in that situation. 1 is of him telling a CT about vehicles in MHB (and kinda implying the CT should get in it), which isn't the most professional, but isn't breaking any server or commander rules. 1 is of him in the DB. I'm honestly not sure if that would be counted as battalion disrespect, though even if it is disrespect, a warning should have been given by you guys, and that would be the end of it. Based off the clip alone, I can't tell if any warnings were given or not. the last clip is of him in the LAAT, which again, isn't him breaking any rules in his capacity as a BCMD. I really don't want this to spiral into anything more than it currently is, so I'll just say that in the future if you have any concerns about a 212th member (even if it's Cody), please feel free to reach out to me and talk. I wasn't aware of all of these incidents, and quite a few of the recent interactions between 212th and CG are just bad communication on both sides. I think if we try and commit to talking out any issues we might have, it will prevent issues getting to the point where you feel that a commander report is the only way for results to be seen. One last thing I'll mention is that, just because you don't think any reprimands were given, doesn't mean they weren't. There are a lot of situations (both in staff and in High Command) where an individual is talked to or reprimanded without it being made public. This honestly should have gone to Joyboy before being made into a thread, as he would have been able to tell you more clearly is if punishments were being given (which I can conform Kaiser does get in trouble for a lot of the actions he does on the server), and would have been able to talk you through any issues you have with Kaiser.
  22. I just want to add here for context that for the majority of these incidents, Kaiser was punished for it or not on his clone job, which can't really be held against him in his capacity as a BCMD. I'm not going to say much as it'd come off as biased, I just want to make sure everyone has correct information.
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