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Everything posted by Logic

  1. Wish Granted but you can never eat again out of fear of obesity. I wish I could be less toxic
  2. 4/10 I really wish you had explained the beginning beforehand so the people who werent interested could've not come. I like the idea, but it was messy. 2nd Part was pretty fun. Work on jedi incorporation next time
  3. Bro hows this a powerplay. He came to help the battalion, some of us welcomed him. (others attacked him), he helped us, we are in a great place right now, and he decided he wants to stay and commit and lead us 3 months more.
  4. Name: Logic Suggestion: you know how each section is split up like Clone Wars > -Announcenents -Commander apps. Yeah it used to allow us to click directly into Server suggestions but now you can't. Why should we implement this? Because its a minor inconvenience that was changed and is therefore a minor annoyance How will this improve the Forums? It just will
  5. I don't personally know you or what you've done other than from this application and the fact that you meme alot. As long as you treat the position with the professionalism it demands I will +1.
  6. @ForseenWhy. Just. Why Im not upset but why me lmfao
  7. WHO PUT MY FORUMS PROFILE PICTURE TO KERMIT! This wasn't me I I need to know Why can other people do this?1?!?
  8. I used my first post to meme, but I want to say this. You guys are all focusing on Dennis's past. I have no clue how recent all this stuff was/is, but I think Dennis has shown growth as a person/leader. Ive seen some people saying he only gets along with his friends / high rank people, I actually completely disagree. Dennis has been very open and communicative in his time in the 21st, and is actively searching for the right people to put into the officer corps, an example is Oxa/Cannon, who has shown great amounts of leadership. Another thing I'd like to say, is that without Dennis we never would've been able to make the changes we made, like implementing a merit system, massive overhaul on the roster, or a complete intel reform. Like gadget said intel isn't everything when it comes to a bcmd, but it is still vital imo. But Dennis has also shown us that he actually gives two craps about the battalion because not only is he sticking around, he feels he can offer us more by becoming the first Bacara to run the new 21st. I've also seen some people say Dennis doesn't take stuff serious or has an attitude issue. Dennis has a very thin line where he'll switch to serious if he needs to, but he also remembers hes on the server to have fun, which is the truth, if hes not having fun why would he stick around? As far as his attitude, I personally just think its sass, and sometimes people on this server misinterpret sass to be an attack or insult. Dennis is blunt yes, but that in itself is a leadership quality you need to respect, cause it means he isn't gonna sugar coat and put up with BS. Some people think holding Dooku is going to interfere, I can't speak for how much he does internally, but CIS is like a toy he winds up and lets it walk, it should be able to function without him holding its hand. And its not a full time job to be on dooku, and its not like when he is he is completely unreachable. Last parts for comics, Hey I know it says he helped bring baseops back up, but that doesnt mean saved, if he was an active committed presence, he deserves credit for helping. And Comics, his report was bad yes. But since then he has turned around and learned from it. You just recently got banned for racism, yet applied to Mas, claiming people shouldnt judge you on past actions. So please take a deep breath, think carefully, and try not to attack the Puppet master. And lastly: https://pasteboard.co/JP6Aje4.jpg Why image no upload from phone >:(
  9. Well... This is sudden +1 Hes doing good shit and has been running it as it is.... Also
  10. +1 I talked with Cloud for hours last night on his plans and scenarios, I believe he is very well fit for this position and is the better candidate, Good luck in that interview. I will never forget the days when you would follow me around and I kinda hated you <3
  11. 8/10 Really Really well planned and creative (I also don't know anything about Halo) Only downside is kinda short I want a gravity hammer next time
  12. I don't like any of these ideas tbh, but I really hate the lack of format
  13. Logic


    I ate on of those meijer cookies, the sugar ones with the sugar frosting
  14. Nonono worst gamemaster, actually puts effort and story into his events +1
  15. We use DarkRP on the server, so that very well could cause an issue
  16. Logic

    Umbara Raid

    8/10 Really well planned shootem up, Dono is the Pong Krell of Clones
  17. Logic

    Hyperspace Zones

    +1 only if no issues, would also need placements better than that video's
  18. + fucking1 LIFT YODA DOES Strong with this one the force is
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