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About YellowSnowman07

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  1. +1 never forget some things decided with a game of uno.
  2. Steam Name: Goose RP Name: Waxer RP Rank: Major Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:775542895 | 76561199511351519 What battalion are you applying for: 212th Experience: January 2024 - Present 212th PVT - MAJ When I first joined the battalion, I immediately fell in love with the realism of the ranking system through the enlisted ranks, NCO and officer ranks. I knew then my end goal was to be BCMD. As an SO it proved not only to be valuable in game but also in the back-end work of 212th. This helped shape me into a strong and clear Senior Officer. ARCO From when I joined the server, I strived to become an arc trooper. They are considered the best of the best. I then began my trails and passed all three trails and became an arc trooper. After I began working with our ARCL on issues and expectations for the 212th ARCS. During this process he saw fit to move me to ARCO to let me have a greater impact on the 212th ARC. I then became a ghost company arc trooper. I went to many arc trails to grade and help shape the next arc toppers on the server while making sure all 212th members going for arc had all information and advice with guidance. After a while I was promoted to REGA and had to find the next ARCO with the ARCL and found great inspiration amongst the other 212th as an arc trooper. While also helping 41st setting up their tryout and documents for their battalion. This was my last act as ARCO. Regimental Advisor With Nexus being promoted to BCMD, Tyler began looking for a new REGA. I peeked interest seeing as it’s been a paved way to BCMD. Once I was awarded the position, I quickly got to work attempting to rebuild what seemed to be a dying SUP, ARF and HVO branch in the battalion. I was able to assist in getting SUPL and SUPO filled with active players along with several active SUP troopers. ARF has struggled, but with recent changes to leadership a surge of active and consistent players have joined, and I’m confident CBlake will continue to keep them strong. Prophet and Roger have given us a few rocket troopers to add power to our HVO branch. These moves have helped me be able to make difficult decisions all while balancing GM, SO rank, and GC command. GCC I started out my journey as a HVY, before the 212th was an entry level HVY battalion. Ghost Company peaked my interest when I noticed the immersive roleplay between their characters, so I set my path to join. Upon joining I quickly became an integral piece in scheduling tryouts and earned myself a GCO slot, in which I continued my diligent work of scheduling tryouts, training and helping out new GC members anyway possible. Recently, Tyler (Boil) chose me to be his XO,during my time in XO, Tyler showed me the ins and outs of a subunit lead, just as Gator showed him and promoted me to Ghost Company Commander. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: The reason I should become the next BCMD is I'm determined. I worked hard to meet the high expectations from my superiors. Not only did I want to meet them, I wanted to exceed them. I doubled all my efforts. I learned how to host NCO meetings every Sunday. I learned how to judge disciplinaries, from stern talks to removals. I have done many officer evaluations learning how to communicate strong suits and areas officers need work. Most of all is taking criticism knowing problems I need to correct to enhance my skills as well as helping others see their faults. Then showing how to correct them and move forward productively. I have shown commitment to grind and strive for change. I want to tackle the concerns of 212th. There is so much to fix that the past 2 BCMD Codys didn't work on. This alone will provide goals that can be achieved, and expectations met. In my time in 212th I have met expectations as REGA, ARCO, GCXO. I have pushed my SO responsibilities and exceed them beyond 212th Command goals for myself. In my time as SO I focused on decision making and stern voice. Part of the job is to know who can make it. While cutting those who can't meet the responsibilities of the job at hand. I have made many hard decisions while also helping other officers find the same stance I learned. Availability: I work a 2 2 3 Work 2 days off 2 days work 3 days then it alternates. Days worked 5pm - 9pm. Days off 8am - 9 pm. Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Around 1700 hours. Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?: The biggest problem in 212th is 2nd AC presence during events and deployments. The current Barlex have taken the back seat of leading 2nd ac. This has led to idle and unproductive game play. I would work toward finding a Barlex who will focus on revamping 2nd ac training and event/deployment presence. The New Barlex will focus on having more influences on the effort of how 2nd ac attacks and responds during events or deployment. Ghost Company will increase its exclusive stance and elite status in 212th. I will continue its path toward holding a high standard on how they are perceived on the server. I would push for more RP situations where Ghost Company takes charge with vip rescue and tech intense RP. On the notes of regiments ARF had dying numbers and no leadership. Myself and Tyler worked to get a new leader to help increase numbers and officers within the regiment. In the Two days of this change ARF numbers were increased to a strong stable stance. Officers were put into place to manage and guide the regiments. With ARC I will work toward more joint training with other regimental arcs to increase perspective. ARC should be the embodiment of the elite trooper of the server; how they respond in battle reflets skill. Doing more joint missions and training. Support stance is no leadership and inactive officers. I would look to get new strong lead and officers. Support is a strong regiment with armor support and piloting. I would push to do pilot missions and air support with y wings. Along with engineering RP. Support needs to show the abilities and strength they are capable of. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes Do you understand that your position has a three-month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes
  3. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:775542895 How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: 1,684 From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 10 Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I have been staff before and had a wonderful time being able to help create events and entertainment to enhance players RP. I have more time now to allow me to give more time to focus staff. I also have many great ideas to bring more intense moments to the sever. Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes Link us to 2 documents. One that is a deployment for the event server and one for a main server event. These will likely be the first events you do as a GM. An idea for a deployment would be the story of the invasion of mandalore! It would start by telling GAR that maul and his followers that they have taken control of the government. We will have to invade to retake mandalor of this major threat to the universe. Would start with 332nd and 2nd AC to advance to clear a landing site for the invasion force. Once all forces have touched the ground would start with fighting the way to maul last known location lead by Ahsoka and 332nd. After forces reach the area jedi would fight to detain maul. Once secured forces would have to fight back to the Venator to extract. once on the venator would be attack by CIS to take maul back for unknown reasons. AN idea for an event would be ghost company would need to recon a crashed ship. once they have found it, it is full of commando droids securing a landing site for an invasion. once location is comms in with intel on force strength the rest of the base would commence invasion protocol and prepare for the forces. The question is how the slip past could undetected to find comms with a traitor. After fight with main CIS all officers of all battalions to watch for spurious behavior. once traitor has been found he will try to escape quickly detain and find out why he has chosen to betray the Republic and his brothers. once interrogation is done the clone would be sent to Coruscant to live the rest of his days in prison.
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