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Everything posted by Logic

  1. I would like to see all context regarding these "insults" to you as a furry. I don't think 2 isolated messages give light to this situation. -EDIT Wren gave me the whole conversation: 1st Screenshot https://gyazo.com/c375415cf8834cefb1918f1f36b4a3fe 2nd Screenshot https://gyazo.com/7f6715ecf3078388575b4bf40f294e2d https://gyazo.com/f30a545cbc61fe02173163765a17b08f You can see this is just meming, and was utterly harmless. As far as legacy goes, the pressure legacy puts onto a bcmd is unreal, Ive been told to kill myself from them before, and was harassed by them throughout my term. Not to mention Im currently blacklisted for "destroying 41st" a blacklist written by Cloud/Grief, Grief having MRDM'd the moment egg got removed and cloud not being in the battalion when I was Gree.
  2. I just talked to wren about some of the stuff on this app because I am not within the battalion, alot of the stuff being posted is in response to a single action or the anecdotes given by those Wren has "Wronged" by doing his job. Some of the 41st officers and NCOs do not listen to certain rules, and some have even acted behind his back.
  3. Glad to have you back. The circumstances behind this can be backed up with logs if you would like to provide those please. I would also like to point out that Egg very often goes inactive for 2 months after a Gree is appointed, then comes back in the last month and BOOSTS his activity with trainings and whatnot. Its also Wren's choice to decide who is in his Senior Officer Corps. I don't know if Nissan does any behind the scenes work or anything but its very possible. Again, most CMDs are justified when doing controversial actions, but sometimes the communication struggles for the reasoning. If Egg does run for Gree I will address that further on his application. Please explain how, and all actions you did. In the past you've given CO's many problems, so it may be something unrelated. You were someone I had with a special "Most Perm of all perms" blacklist If I didn't know these CG were great at their job this would pose an issue, however you are speculating on the outcome of their talk being that Wren manipulated when in reality those two CG are 2 I would trust to make the right judgement in this kind of situation. -4-5 hours a day is a very healthy amount of time to play, I'm sure he goes to school and shit, nothing wrong with being AFK if its in his name. -His Recent additions do seem pretty nice, I've had decent interactions with some of the new 41st members. Though the promotions do seem a bit random, something that could be worked on. -His "Experienced Officers" Include you, Egg, Jefferson, and a multitude of old 41st who have given every Gree except Egg and Sanchez the hardest fucking time to run their own battalion. If you guys seriously can't let a single BCMD run the battalion the way they want you will end up removed. Things change under new leadership, embrace it or leave. The only officer I see who isn't a 41st from before the wipe is usually Cloud, and hes a complete goober but has good intentions. You guys complain about everything to get it back to the old way. I remember when you got reduced to a SGT Xeight, you whined all the fucking time about becoming a CMD again. I can agree his promos need some work, however his judgement is still his own, the only ranks that matter are getting to SGT, getting to 2ndLT and getting to COL. Civil war tends to break out whenever Gree Apps come back up, and leading the forefront is Egg. Who should NOT be Gree. Funny you complain of a fan club. If only I wasn't too lazy to go back to some of the old shit on the forums. People running against egg, Hudson's goodbye... yeah. Hypocrites. Wren has some work to be done for sure, but I've seen improvement and it will only get better the lower he slots Egg and those followers. Don't blame the fellow's age, he's still more mature than you. 41st hasn't been great since Egg's glorydays. Its had ups and downs, but until an amazing Gree does shit the right way, will never be great. If only Bauer would've ran after me, that man showed potential.
  4. I may not agree with everything you've done with the 41st but I will say I have seen some improvement as your term has continued. I also believe you are the most fit within the 41st at this point in time. You have a few hurdles to get over but I'm sure you will excel! Some things I want to see is a stronger more stable officer corps, more interaction outside the battalion, and a bit more professionalism from the existing officers. Unpopular opinion I have is wiping your legacy. I know many of the faces and I know how much they can resist change and even attack you. Remember, you are the BCMD and you CAN put them down as far as you want. Personally Legacy doesn't earn an officer position. Keep up the hard work dude +1 Look forward to seeing more positive change
  5. 9/10 Pretty damn close to the best planned, perfectly paced event I have ever done. Loved it
  6. -1 it would be funny yes, but I am going to have to say I disagree. I really DONT want to see event jobs or players fortnite dancing. We're soldiers engineered to fight in a vicious war for the right to rule the galaxy. I don't think dancing is quite how the clones would be acting. And of course before "We're not a serious RP server we're semi-serious" if you start taking away serious aspects from a semi-serious server, you will lose those who want to seriously RP and eventually the server will devolve into mingefest and RP will be a distant memory. Please mass dumb me because you disagree.
  7. Logic

    AV-7 Upgrade

    If this is possible +1
  8. Logic

    Rule updates Yay

    Im not here to argue. I don't care if the server is "serious" or "semi-serious" its still for roleplay. Idk about the PT for leaning on a military base, its just a possible example. Sitting on second story railings could lead to injury, and if a company/government program (ex. the military) doesn't disallow it, they could be sued or something stupid like that. A real life example is back in my highschool we had a reinfirced glass railing with metal mesh on the other side of it overlooking our commons. Kid jumped off and tried to sue bc the school didnt have safety precautions, however its a highly enforced rule not to even lean on the railings. You said it has no reason, so theres a reason for you.
  9. Logic

    Rule updates Yay

    So this is definitely an interesting take. I will go over my opinion. Which tends to differ from others. This is a roleplay server. Not a social life simulator. Talk ooc in ooc chat, in bunks, ooc lounge or in teamspeak. Talk in roleplay elsewhere so that you may encourage more downtime roleplay. I personally have been trying to break character less when I am out and about, because again, its a roleplay server. (God I suck at explaining this) Dont. Sit. On. Railings. I don't care that it can support you. If this military base was real you'd get pt'd just for leaning on it because: if for some reason you do fall, the military has to pay. (Aka its against the rules for rp liability reasons and breaking it is failrp) If someone is a "special snowflake" dont disrespect them. CG doesn't need to investigate, they want to roleplay too. Its a staff issue if the Arrest is false. If the staff deems it disrespect, it was probably disrespect, take it like a man instead of becoming a special snowflake. -1 I just don't think these rules should be edited in this way.
  10. Robb and I managed a minecraft server last year, man is dedicated to everything he does and is great at managerial work and taking moderation actions, even if the wrong doer is a friend. Exactly the right person for Mas +1 anyday big boy
  11. I had this happen yesterday after a crash Steps to take: Retry in console - Fixed mine Restart GMOD -Reinitializes addons Uninstall all addons and reinstall - fixes corrupt addons @Hearttold me there is an addon that breaks wiltos or something so check for "Pills" or something Delete Lua files - Fixes corrupt LUA files Verify integrity of gmod - checks for corrupt game files Complete uninstall and Reinstall GMOD - Last ditch effort to fix corrupt files Do each one and check if its fixed, hopefully its easy like mine was
  12. -Never heard that one before -Gets worse as people make comments that aren't discussing my original question -I suck at explaining things
  13. Logic

    Claw`s ATK Reg APP

    Vote changing to a -1, after reading other feedback I realize I was hasty in my vote. Unfortunately I do not believe you are fit for this position just yet. However do not feel discouraged, you show potential
  14. You missed the point entirely. Its purely for reports. Staff is dealt with by staff CMD by high command Players by staff I am not saying you can't vote on applications, that process is important to the integrity of the server
  15. 9/10 gave much needed love to consulars and the RP side of jedi. Clones were kept busy as well, however the main focus was jedi Remember cloaking rules next time though!
  16. Im discussing, only hostility I showed was towards Egg. I am explaining why your points don't make sense to me, I do apologize for any other hostilities
  17. No reason for people to get super invested if the only thing is the reactions of +1/-1 and the evidence in support or against the person in question
  18. I understand the argument that the person is expected to bring all the evidence, however lets go back to the 12 year old getting harassed by his CMD in voice chat and he reports it. (Lets assume the CMD is guilty) That kid isn't going to know who else to talk to to get evidence, he probably wasn't recording, its his word vs. the word of the CMD, and the community may just assume the kid is whining over nothing, call him a cringe baby, dumb his post, and the Kid voids the report and leaves the server. CMD gets off with no punishment Of course thats a very specific example, but not one thats completely impossible. Another example: Apparently theres a staff feedback form (I think there was an old one) but I didn't know that. A gamemaster made an event breaking MULTIPLE Gamemaster rules and then did not post an AAR, which is against the rules. I decided since a gamemaster is staff, and breaking rules falls under staff abuse, I made that post, because I did not know of any GMO/GMMs and was struggling to spot them in the teamspeak. The community ended up thinking it was a situation to +1 -1 and as mentioned in the previous example, I got called a mad cringe baby essentially. When really this was my way of contacting GMO and GMM I agree on a commander application or staff app it is a nice change of pace, however reports aren't really a joke imo
  19. So where does this include memes and flames? What you're saying isn't actually the current system because people DO the +1/-1 but they also put in their two cents or memes which floods the report, making other people less likely to read and +1/-1 accurately (in the current system) and it just turns into a host of people posting their opinions I understand where this is coming from, but shouldn't the +1 -1 reaction be prioritized so the post doesn't become overflowed with the memes that always follow and the evidence goes unseen by others viewing the post? I'm not saying people can't put down their reactions on the post, the biggest issue is the nonsense that follows. And yes I was giving a +1/-1 too much value.
  20. I genuinely don't understand whats so detrimental about not being able to +1/-1 a report if you aren't involved in the decision making or have no evidence to present. Please someone try to explain the actual benefits of putting memes and throwing shade or saying you support or don't support the report? Why is Marvel being more mature and actually discussing while you guys smol brain this post? (Love you Marvel we just don't normally agree)
  21. Not if its purely evidence, rather than opinion. The evidence shows he promoted people regardless of their behavior within/outside the battalion, His best buds can do whatever they want (as evidenced by slurs hidden on the old roster), he let people into the battalion at the rank of specialist breaking an old CMD rule. And the battalion was in shambles. No friend perspectives can detest that. We're dropping everything to do with Egg below this line _______________________________________________________
  22. You join telling me to stop making posts to "discuss" Its no secret we don't like eachother, so why can't you just leave me the fuck alone.
  23. You are one of the people who would be affected in a negative manner if things were purely evidence and not friends boosting eachother. Get off my post unless you want to have a real discussion This isn't a fucking forum suggestion, its questioning something its not some "Brave post" I just genuinely had the question and thought it should be placed here. You aren't someone who encourages open discussion. So please don't attack me over trying to discuss
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