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Everything posted by Ching

  1. Ching


    Damn dude, not gonna lie, you look like a backstabbing cunt for making this but rules are rules I guess. Not gonna lie, I'd rather die in hell than be your friend tbh. +1
  2. All of you fuck off my Nade. It's finna be me and him. A bitch what? Last time I checked I was the Bangalore, bitch is a badie like me.
  3. +1 I've known this guy since he came on the server. He's really dedicated to what he does, and I've seen that by his effort in leading Spec Ops. Although too much didn't happen in your previous term as a SO Commander, I've seen you as an officer from my own eyes and know that you can lead a tight knit group of people. Best of luck!
  4. Korm is a fucking grandpa lets be honest.
  5. traps are gay for real though chief, don't fuck with those people. Your sexuality will become confusing.
  6. +1 This man did my GM tryout when the server came out omegalul
  7. Alright boys, it's been quite the rollercoaster. Mixed emotions and overall the quality of life I'm enjoying while not on Garry's Mod has lead me to do this. My drive and overall morale when I'm the Military or Clone Wars RP server isn't that great to be honest. I came back in December hoping to be re-motivated to play, but it just hasn't been the case. Don't feel like it's for me anymore nor will it be for me in the future. I want to the thank the entire Military Roleplay community for giving me an experience so rich, and so fun. I'm gonna hit a lot of tags because I'm probably not gonna come back ever again. @Doc - I didn't know you until we started talking after I got denied for MARSOC Commander. You're really good leader, and you know how to run shit, and I consider you a good friend. I might've bugged ya ass about shit but it was because I knew you could execute it. Hope we can stay in touch my guy. @ItsMarc - I'm gonna be completely honest, you deserved MARSOC Captain over me. Here's your chance, don't let me down. @Sinister - I thought you were a stick in the ass when I first met you but you ain't bad chief. I appreciate your work for Military and I hope it prospers in your favor. @Red_Panda - Listen here Mereel FuRry, you're a great guy. You might be edgy at times but you're funny as hell. Keep in touch @Pythin - Not gonna lie, didn't think I was gonna like you at first, but you ain't bad chief. You've become a really good friend along with many others, keep in touch. @Buzz - Called it. Loved your ranting about lazy ass staff. In all seriousness, it was really good working beside you and I hope HA goes well. @Sock Monkey - Bock Monkey, where's my poop sock? Hope we stay in touch to play other games and shit. I always enjoyed talking to you. @Jorrdan - You're funny as hell. Keep in touch. I need carry in bortnite. Good luck in your endeavors in AFSOC. @Korm - What a lad. Keep in touch General Arthur. @COC4INE - Keep in touch man, you're funny as hell as well. @Derv - Where ya been chief? @Faded - Faded, my brother, keep in touch. You god damn made MRP for me enjoyable. @Bazoo - You're my best friend. We talk about everything. Keep in touch. We need to play ARURF sometime soon, shit just came back. @Turbine - Honestly, you're an alcoholic. Good Niner. @Fours - Let's go genocide some younglings. A good potato. @Quill Khan - Good looks. Keep in touch, really chill man. @traditional - Yo where's the mice video at? @Venom/TJ - DM whenever, I'll carry ya ass on fortnite again. @woeny23 - Was fun having ya in MARSOC gamer. o7 @Nade Jones - My best friend as well. Where's the minecraft server chief? Sorry if I forgot to tag you. I'm studying for 2 AP Tests whilst writing this farewell.
  8. How dare you speak to Smokes like that?
  9. Dargon deserves another chance a like Mike and Nightmare. +1
  10. Ching

    Ryders Palpy App

    +1 This will be quite the show to watch
  11. Sounds like someone wants Rhino
  12. Pythin I love ya, but we aren't a daycare center nor are we a behavioral center. None of us are here to teach people how to be a decent human being, it's something they learn and do themselves. Nightmare learned on his own how to be less toxic and I hope I can say the same thing for MayMays.
  13. NADE shit b time to main minecraft
  14. I remember when we held debate club in the debrief back on the venator. Good times
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