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Everything posted by Ching

  1. I came from many fucking places. Garnet was first, then icefuse then here. I never really had any interest in icefuse however, because if you don't have any donor classes, your fucking life on there is boring as hell. However, I must admit, Corv has done a pretty clever job on making money on that server.
  2. -1 is not aids wait +1 Would be a great Niner. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
  3. You're my daddy. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=754962442&searchtext=pepe+playermodel
  4. Icefuse is a muahfucking sweat shop.
  5. ❤️ STEAM_1:0:61059175
  6. God damn, finally my shoulder feels light. Holeeeeeeeee fuck.
  7. ryx est un amoureux du piège
  8. Ching

    Korm's Senior App

    With all due respect, SOBDE is a very small collective group. In order to fully understand what Korm really does, you would have to be in the collective group itself. His actions aren't always known widely, but he does do a fuckton of things for us and I think all of SOBDE can agree with
  9. Ching

    Korm's Senior App

    +1 Good luck dad.
  10. God damnit. I’ll miss you if you god damn remember me lul o7
  11. I mean, don't get me wrong, this was a very harsh way of doing it. However, I feel like this needs to be though in both senses of both people. Skeeti possibly wants people to work up again and reform how promotions will work. Yes, as said in the beginning very unusual and harsh way of doing so. Sure, tryouts can't be put out but maybe he just wants to stick with this group of however many people. Again, I'm not sure if this is correct but this is my "assumption".
  12. +1 deserves a fair shot
  13. Ching

    Max's Application

    +1 no need to explain
  14. 1. I’m sorry you won’t be getting anything honey. 2. Last time I checked all the “Named Characters” knew how to read and didn’t put a server suggestion in the forum suggestions.
  15. is there a possibility of getting it back?
  16. Bug Type (server/forum): Server Severity level (1-3): 2 Evidence (if you can): Nothing, because Jedi was semi-broken. Didn't take any screenshots. But my balance did go from 2.2 mil to 500k after the 1.7 mil purchase. TS convos is really it, cause after I received it, I logged off. Description of the bug: I purchased a corrupted dark inner white crystal. I was swapped it to see it and then swapped it back. This happened before the box change. Not sure if that had anything to do with it but when I came back it was gone. My theo hilt is also gone. (AFTER WIPE/BOX CHANGE). I have Natsu as witness. (NOTE: I have one right now cause I bought another one) How can we recreate it: You can't. It was before and after the box reset.
  17. I never want to see you again. You made me fucking feel for calling a girl out for sounding like a man and made me FUCKING PAY FOR THAT SHIT WITH A 5 RANK DEMOTION, a public demotion, and the feeling of fucking guilt. Not only that, you made up how you were getting bullied at school for that shit which made it even worse. I don't want anyone to experience that shit ever again. Trust me, I don't think anyone wants you here. I would say more, but my words would get the best of me. MINUS FUCKING 1
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