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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2022 in Posts

  1. Battalion: Jedi RP Name: Yoda Date: 9/27/2022 Reason: So I just took an LOA I finally got caught up on school and everything is good. However I am now only at 18 hours in the last 2 weeks. This means that I am going to have to grind again to get back up to my hour requirements which i may have fallen behind in school again doing that because honestly this server was like an addiction for me. Goodbyes: Alright so this is it im resigning from everything. For those of you that I don't tag just know this doesn't mean any ill will towards you I am wanting to focus on school and make sure I get good grades this semster and my DMs are always open if anyone wants to add me SquishyFishy#0001 For those of you that think you can't do anything. I was jedi for 5 months before I got Yoda and I had a lot of haters and still did it. Honestly the best tip I can give you guys is if you have worries about something like that set yourself up with a cushy fall back something that will make you happy if you don't get the position because then you won't worry as much. @ClutchI am glad to have had you as my windu you really helped me when I asked for it and were there for me as Luminara when I was Barriss as well. You really helped me more than you know. @ConradYou were there when I had stupid questions and realized I am my own biggest critic which you were able to help me out better. I appreciate you a lot and actually looked up to you on the server if I am being honest. @Xaze I know I am leaving on the wrong foot with you besides the few arguments we've had honestly you've done some pretty crazy shit on this server keep it up! @Gears I left senate with the reasons I gave you but I still respected you and appreciated you and even though C9 is way better than FNATIC it's ok we can still be friends haha. You 4 keep the Jedi afloat. I am sorry I couldn't do more in the order I really am and I hope that I left it in a decent enough spot to get the ball rolling. I believe you guys can get shit going in the right direction and that's why I let Xaze and Gears be voted on for the positions even though it states Yoda chooses the overseers. @Lovestruck @BlueBeetle First of all beetle consider this my resignation from staff lol. But yeah you 2 were with me in rebuilding the consular branch to the powerhouse it is today. Although ya know imma take most of that credit :p because ya know 80+ trials haha. Thanks to you 2 for being there for me. I vented to you guys a lot and I always thought it was funny that you beetle had plans to be Yoda at one point and said you'd make me Windu looool look at you now not an active Eeth Koth lol. Lovestruck you were there to let me vent and I appreciate you for that a lot more than you know. @MasonAThe only british person that wasn't a huge dick to me <3 love ya buddy LOOOOL I think this is everyone I got for now if I missed you and you respond to this don't worry I will respond to your message on this post. If there is anything I will leave you guys with is remember this is a video game. I struggled to forget that at times and got way too worked up and ended up forgetting about school because I honestly cared too much about my reputation on this server and knowing people disliked me I was still trying to get them to be ok with me. I wish I learned sooner that fuck the haters but don't be dicks back lol. If you are going for a leadership position IT IS A LOT MORE WORK!!!!!! I knew it was going to be hard as Yoda but people were telling me that they were going to leave if we didn't get a Yoda so honestly, I didn't want the position I was going for it in hopes that if I got Yoda less people would leave than if we didn't have one and all I wanted was the best for the order. I am really sorry I couldn't do more for the order and I hope I left it in a decent state. Don't worry about reaching out to me if you guys have any questions. I will hop on here and there but I am not looking for any type of commitment on this server for the time being..... Maybe I will just become a forums old head and cry about the good ol days all day lol
    7 points
  2. @SquishyFishyyi already miss you a lot. I’m still here when you need me brother.
    2 points
  3. You proved the damn haters wrong, got alot of shit for helping you, completely worth it. In the short time as Yoda you presenting yourself as one of best Yodas in Recent memory, you went against the status quo of how the Council is ran and how the Order should be ran overall, If you were able to continue as Yoda you would have been slowly moving towards a Golden Age for the Jedi Order.
    2 points
  4. Thank you for being a Yoda that stood their ground, and actually did good stuff for Jedi (also for actually being active in HC!!)
    1 point
  5. Like Gears said, you would have brought the Order into a Renaissance almost if you continued your term. But I understand things happen. Also I'm gonna act like you're complimenting me here instead of calling me out for focusing on the Battalion I'm now BCMD of xD Best of luck with everything Squishy. I'm glad to have called you a friend in my time here. o7
    1 point
  6. o7 BRO FLEX ON THEM HATERS, TAKE YOUR PERMA MASTER AND YOUR LEGACY AND RUN FOR THE DAMN HILLS! You were always one of my favorite people to hang out with here. It's not gonna be the same without you. HMU if you ever wanna play together broski. Good luck with everything!!!
    1 point
  7. o7, thank you for the hard work you put in, in HC. Hope to see you back soon.
    1 point
  8. Appreciate you and enjoyed all the fun we had late nights on the old map. I don't think I will ever forget spamming music while you flew that LAAT and shot things for like an hour lol Appreciate you more than you know! I will definitely reach out every so often see how youre doing and I will hop on the server every so often :)
    1 point
  9. i was referring to empire day. I enjoyed doing it.
    1 point
  10. @meowthemeower had sent this proof that @Xaze is NOT a trustworthy individual! There is also a clip further proving this! I implore you all to stay away from this man or he WILL take your Discord account! This alone proves that Jayarr is the better developer!
    1 point
  11. o7 I remember a little Padawan Squishy joined 41st when I was Lumi I saw great potential in you. You have really come a far way and I am proud and will miss seeing you around! Don't be a stranger!
    1 point
  12. o7 GMOD isn’t worth the stress. Sad to see you go but glad you were able to realize whats more important and focus on that. Hope you find some time to poke around here and there! Enjoy life without Garry mod
    1 point
  13. You didn't like forcing models every 35 seconds? haha Hopefully we can get people to push for it. Its super exciting having those days
    1 point
  14. Man I did the same shit last year and I 100% regretted it. Full respect for taking your life more seriously then synergy. You toiled through a lot here on Synergy and its going to suck with you gone. I hope the council continues to change without you in a positive direction, you were definetely moving it to become better.
    1 point
  15. Remember the giant Phase 1 Geonosis day we had? That was kinda cool. Edit: Oh yeah @Donodidn't you help host it? lol. Love to see more stuff like that!
    1 point
  16. Gears is right. Your Yoda app put alot of pressure on you as Yoda. I agree. I think you knocked the ball out of the park. Go rest. Take your time. Hopefully we see you back in the future. o7 Squishy.
    1 point
  17. that actually means more than you know tbh I didn't think I was doing enough one day bro I will be back but I was honestly addicted to this server and was skipping assignments to get things done here.
    1 point
  18. GOD DAMN. Im gonna miss you man. Good luck with school and keeping that together. I hope you come back eventually!
    1 point
  19. I think it is my duty to provide context as to why i think zim is better than xaze... Man has egirls...
    1 point
  20. I liked @Xaze in his pre-developer times. Now I find @Daytona211 to be the better dev.
    1 point
  21. Imo the RP we had for this imperial stuff was nothing like what we had with Sith. The reason this worked as well as it did was because the whole server was in on it
    1 point
  22. I think it would be cool to have a battalion.. maybe a subunit of troopers who were trained in such operations in general! This would be an amazing way to push more hostage and negotiations techniques. Perhaps infiltration? Especially in these Imperial days! There were alot of sabotage missions in the Empire era....
    1 point
  23. Got something like 60ish kills the whole weekend, definitely a perk of being the emperor Aside from that, player interaction was pretty much at a constant, even in the mornings, which is saying something. Loved the new interaction with troopers and all the characters people put behind themselves, was an all around good time. @Mavelle https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/ClB24GNPFhW60/d1337azuOkZ5?invite=cr-MSxqV1YsMjU0MDg3MDMs ^clip of mavelle murdering me in an RP situation (so rude!)
    1 point
  24. I had too much fun as Second Sister. The RP being made around me and my purge troopers was cool af. Going to the village and seeing like 15 civilians walking around, I thought they were all NPCs. I was genuinely stunned to realise they weren't. I also love how involved this was. Felt like anyone was able to do anything within reason. This whole Imperial thing was a massive example of roleplay above ruleplay. We definitely need to do it again!
    1 point
  25. Had fun for the most part, besides getting shot at when a inquisitor got there panties in a bunch
    1 point
  26. In the end, IRL always wins. Thanks for proving me wrong, from what I heard you did a good job.
    0 points
  27. 0 points
  28. I just want the fuckin Reformed title bruh.
    0 points
  29. This honestly sounds like the BEST evidence backer to bring sith back.
    -1 points
  30. Not saying it would come back. But the evidence that people enjoyed the presence of it speaks
    -1 points
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