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  1. Steam Name: Kaiserneiner RP Name: 212th MAJ Kaiser | Rahm Kota Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:146600285 | 76561198253466298 Battalion you are Applying for: Coruscant Guard Experience: (Relevant) 212th BCMD Cody for 9 months VA for 253 days Guild LT Equivalent for 30 days Rahm Kota for 30 days Both VA and BCMD have given me an extensive amount of experience in problem solving, running a battalion, and discrepancies with rules. I successfully ran 212th for 9 straight months and represented the battalion well besides 1 month. I’ve been a lot of different things in 212th such as REGA, SUPL, and in both subunits. While 212th is a very different battalion than CG, a wide portfolio of positions allows me to relate with a lot of different positions in any battalion structure. My experience with staff has given me firsthand experience of how differently rules can be interpreted by people of power or authority, and I have made constant ruling and decisions within the gray area that can sometimes exist. This will allow me to rule on CG arrests or enforce rules within the server efficiently, especially with the new changes to the rules document. Why should you become a battalion commander?: So the primary reason I’m applying for Fox is to help fix CG. After seeing the negative community sentiment around the most recent Fox applicants, the general distaste for CG, and all the issues internally between staff and CG, I want to make CG great again. I genuinely have positive and sincere intentions to help get Coruscant Guard back on track. It is my belief that we’re one openly bad experience away from removing CG’s ability to arrest and have staff handle it all. The battalion needs to start producing results in terms of a lack of problems and helping the server run smoothly. After speaking to both CMD’s of CG, I’m confident I can make this happen. While I may not have experience in CG or any SPEC REG, I have what’s needed to run a battalion successfully and the knowledge of rules, standards of the server, and a connection with the staff team to bring CG back into the spotlight of success and glory. Availability: I currently have no firm availability constraints, and am mostly reachable whenever needed. Estimate of how long you’ve played the server: I first joined Synergy back in October of 2022, and have not made any significant resignations or taken any long breaks from the server. Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?: This is where I get into my plans. Officer “Wipe”: So it’s not a full wipe, but if I were to be accepted as BCMD, I would give every officer 2 weeks to prove they deserve to be at their position. I would evaluate communication skills, sits handled, and overall impact on the battalion. If they do not prove themselves to a certain level of standard, they would either be put down to SGM from a Junior Officer or a LT as a Senior Officer. There seems to be a LOT of animosity within the officer corp of CG based on being told about it from multiple people within CG, and shaking the tree is how we get the bad apples out. Open Communication: So the password for the CG main channel was already removed, which is a great step in the right direction. If members of CG need to speak privately, they can talk in the other 3 channels they have available. For the first 4 weeks, I’ll host “Office Hours” where MAJ+ of any battalion can come talk to myself about ANY inconvenience or issue that they or a fellow battalion member have experienced, and we can create an open dialogue and attempt to solve the issue. After the 1st month, this will be opened up to other members of CG High Command to help assist me with these problems. I’m also considering removing the CG Feedback Form as I believe it to be impersonal. If problems are going to be solved, actually speaking about them in TeamSpeak is the best way to do it. If we keep the feedback form, I’d like it to start pinging officers every time it’s filled out. After the ping, an officer “claims” the case, and has to reach out to the person and deal with the problem within 3 hours of “claiming” it. This is my first step to improve battalion relations. Officer Evaluations: So this is something that I brought back in 212th and it has worked exceptionally well when educating and helping officers work on their problems and become better leaders within the battalion. This is a super simple process where all officers fill out a form on their other officers at the start of every month and CMD+ of the battalion sits down and talks to them about their responses. This gives direct things to work on to hopefully better shape officers to be future CMD’s or BCMD’s. Myself and another VA sat down and listened to two Senior Officers within CG speak about how they were worried about standing up to authority in the battalion at a risk of being removed. Hearing that made my jaw physically drop, and is one of the main reasons I’m seeking out this position. Officer evals will help open communication between officers making sure issues like this never happen. I hope to create the next Fox after myself with good mentoring of current officers and potentially NCO’s. Respect of CG in Game: When a CT comes into DB and starts mic spamming to break PTS or starts shooting up DB, it can take some time before they’re properly arrested. I think this is a very in-game reason as to why people don’t respect CG. A lack of efficiency with doing a job is a great way for people to make fun of or disrespect CG. I plan on hosting weekly baton training exercises to make sure CG is as effective as possible. Pushing RAOS’s: Over the past 30 days, myself and Bacta have been pushing the idea of RAOS’ing more than snap AOS’ing. I believe this opens more communication on intent and brings the humanity of another player to the situation rather than just a sheer judgment call based on one individual's perspective. Obviously it also makes the arrest a bit more concrete due to evidence. This mindset is something I’m going to be pushing at the start with CG officers if the rule break is against themselves, and this will hopefully trickle down into the NCO corp. This will decrease the amount of false arrests FROM CG members, and improve our judgment by having experience looking at both sides of situations. This is my second step to improve battalion relations. Subunits: I personally dislike tracker RP, but I know it’s important to members of CG. Unfortunately I do not see a lot of action from anyone besides Hound right now, so my priority will be to focus on DS when I first take office if I’m accepted. DS has a very unique ability to RP with civilians and senators, and also be the front line of base defense events and responsibilities. I want to start working on this a lot. DS could lead patrols to the Guild Hall or Village to inspect and patrol civilian hotspots and work closely with the senate if the Senate Guard doesn’t come back for a while. I really believe DS could lead the higher combat level of CG with their kit shields for tactical maneuvers, and I want to start working with that a lot. If senators aren’t online, DS should be on the front lines supporting other battalions with armor, medical, and protection. Bridging the Gap with CG and Staff: Right now I think a lot of CG that are staff actually know what they’re doing, they just need to communicate better. As someone with experience as VA twice and a lot of other times as SA, I can mentor and lead these guys to be more efficient with hosting entertainments for the battalion, hitting quota constantly, and using their power for good for the server and the battalion. This is my third step to improve battalion relations. There are a lot of small expectations I have for the intricate parts of the battalion, but I wanted to focus on the ideas I’ve listed as I think they’re the most important. I also do not want this to be extremely long and wordy, and I’m more than happy to answer questions about other issues y’all might see with CG and what I want to fix. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes and I do not plan on going for a 2nd term.
    6 points
  2. I think it's very wild how some people here have done nothing but bitch and moan about Arroyo and Shady, without stating names. BUT COULD JUST AS EASILY dealt with this kind of problem through directors if they thought it was that huge of an issue. But obviously this is a "wait for the app to shit on the previous bcmd" type deal. So, respectfully, I can't take anything y'all say seriously. Kaiser, get this bread. My opinion of you has only gotten better the more based you got. I have respect for what you are trying to do, and think you literally have the best chance to do ANYTHING with CG. You are the type of person to deal with issues when they arise, and not the type to blame issues on others. Cause that isn't productive. +1
    5 points
  3. 1: Well after just talking to Shady abt the CMD report it sounds like the current officers causing problems are the ones that leaned on him to make the report, the same officers that are claiming he was a major problem. I think anyone that was involved in both are snakes and I do not need their approval or support. Shady and I have officially buried the hatchet, so this isn't a concern for me. 2: There are a lot of good and bad leaders and mentors in CG right now, and I want to rally the people that keep an open mind to change. There are a lot of people in CG that have approached with me with private questions, and I keep assuring them that while I do want to make major changes to improve CG I'm not going to ignore their issues and concerns they bring to me. The people with open minds have already reacted positively to this, and the people that don't have not. 3: Gonna keep it a stack the "where do you want the batt to be" is outlined in my app heavily. I'd like to get BOTM either my 2nd or 3rd month after creating success within CG, and my activity is going to be a great push for why that can happen. I can answer this question again if you still have it, but I have outlined it in my app already <3. 3b: The concept of the suggestion is good, even though most of the problems with CG do NOT stem from enlisted making wrong arrests, but WO+ making biased or way too harsh arrests. I would LOVE to see a different suggestion, a "Probation" Whitelist that is a public dunce cap for CG members that consistently make false arrests but are also not toxic and need to be removed the battalion. This whitelist would not have a baton, but it would not be restricted to just PVT-CPL. That being said, I do not think either suggestion will pass due to the work needed to create it. 4: I think both are inflated right now and I will probably impose something similar to what I did day 1 as Cody which is the officer requirements. It's proven successful in boosting numbers for BOTM, proving that officers are engaging the battalion in game, and creating entertainment for our guys. Maybe one of the baton training courses once a week from the officer corp? NCO's are a bit different, and I would probably look at the hierarchy as BCMD/CMD training Officers, Officers training NCO's, NCO's training enlisted(obvious). I know not everything I did in 212th is going to work in CG, but leaning on NCO's to really spearhead recruitments which in turn create relationships with enlisted is a great way to extend the life of new CG members and mold them to be excellent.
    5 points
  4. oh thanks! -1 You are part of the issue with CG as it stands. You are the highest rank where is the effort to fix the battalion already?
    4 points
  5. -1 You absolutely do not have my support. You have been a commander since I have joined this battalion, and have not guided this battalion in the correct direction even in the slightest. My first interaction with you was negative, and it only ever went downhill from there. I remember trying to talk to you about a sit I was in over an arrest when I was a lower enlisted, you ignored me and I even had to say "Do you hear me Arroyo?", your response was "Yup" and nothing more. Every time you were online it was "Fuck you" and "Bitch" constantly, and that is coming from a Commander. It took people speaking with the BCMD to change your behavior. You never even give a simple "Hello" upon joining Teamspeak, it is usually just calling people "Inactive" and in the past "Bitches". You do not respect your fellow Coruscant Guard's opinions, ideas, or even them as individuals. It is insane how many times your names has been given to myself and fellow Coruscant Guard when we ask the community about their issues with our battalion. During our time together in Coruscant Guard you have always been a Commander, and have done nothing positive with the position. What you do with the rank is disrespect, flex, and stonewall all your fellow battalion members. From my perspective you have nothing but disdain for your troopers and you have shown me to be right. It is also no secret you talked with Directors to secure your Commander position, with the uncertainty you would remain your current rank with a new BCMD. You are extremely tone deaf and this application shows it, read the room. You do not have your Officers support, and from my perspective you do not have the community's support either. You refuse to mentor Majors on any roster work just so that you can not be replaced. You put yourself above this battalion, there is nothing you need to be BCMD Fox to change that you could not have already changed in the 217 days as a Commander. You yourself have even stated on multiple occasions that the only difference between you and Fox is that Fox has to fulfill the bi-weekly 40 hour requirement.
    3 points
  6. yeah I totally understand and I would be skeptical too of outsiders. I think your feelings on this are extremely valid. I'd like to look at what you just said on Arroyo's BCMD app. "I have been in CG for almost 2 and a half months now, almost my entire time on the server, and during that time I have never seen you contribute to CG in a meaningful way even now as a CG officer. (besides some routine document work). I have no personal issue with you but I cannot upvote you in good faith knowing there are more qualified candidates." I think that kinda speaks to the current feel and tear between the officers within CG right now. That is your CMD, someone you should be on good terms with imo. If you're not, maybe it's time for a change?
    3 points
  7. i wasn't going to vote on this app but now i need to in order to roast Drips ass so i dont get guacblocked make sure you zip it up when its done buddy. +1 (without the glaze you did well in 212th)
    3 points
  8. yeah tbh i dont disagree, I think this is right. I think the current situation calls for a different approach, but 90% of the time I agree with this sentiment.
    2 points
  9. After working through some issues and discussing with Kaiser I believe he is fully capable of leading CG and fixing the mistakes I made during my term. A big +1 from me.
    2 points
  10. Okaay i havent coment for so long beacuse its all fun and games until i have to deal with a lot, Right now as comander of CG the battalion needs help, And i dont see any problems with Kaizer leading and helping the battalion, of course i would prefer Within CG but in this case, I have been thinking a lot on the best possible solution and im gonna give my support on this i hope Kaizer can help and guide not only me but the battalion. The way you run battalion there is no denying you know what you doing. Kaizer if you get FOX i will help in what i can +1
    2 points
  11. -1 as a current CG officer I have seen you actively do nothing to benefit the battalion for the better. You have actively gone against every suggestion brought up to better CG. You are a strong supporter of the CG TS channel being locked and never open. I have also personally seen you play different sides to different parties with your own personal interest in mind. You also lied to your own officer corp about a "merit" form; which you now are calling for a officer wipe, because the vast majority of CG officers want to take the battalion in a different direction. Finally you have spent exactly 217 days as a commander; which is 2.4 Fox terms. If you couldn't better CG in that time frame as a commander; why would you as Fox?
    2 points
  12. -1 You have been a Commander for a long time and yet the battalion is failing. I think its time to reevaluate yourself and the decisions you're making for the better good of the battalion's future.
    2 points
  13. Thanks for the response. This is the kinda stuff i want to hear about. The denial of attempts to fix the battalion need to rise above the want to fix it in these cases. +1 best of luck man truly
    2 points
  14. +1 he had a a chat with me before putting in this app, and i think he is a good fit for BCMD, plus with what ive seen of RANCOR while he was their BCMD gives me high hopes if he were to become 41st BCMD
    2 points
  15. +1 I couldn't stand to read the whole app. Colors are atrocious.
    1 point
  16. +1 Kaiser can make CG on top simply
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. +1. CG is in dire need of change in culture and leadership. Kaiser's proven track record as BCMD of 212th, as both a leader and a chooser of leaders, speaks for itself. I think he will bring the change necessary to revitalize and better balance the RP/Community portion of CG and their role as Rule keepers
    1 point
  19. Before I put a vote in on this I would like to have a conversation with you regarding some things about DS and DS Jedi being the current DS Jedi Lead. Nothing super long but a bit longer than what can be back and forth on a forums post. LMK in TS or Discord if you are willing/available for the conversation <3.
    1 point
  20. A couple things. 1. I don't think outsourcing to fix your problems is always the best idea. As a leader, you should be able to sit back and reflect on your battalions position. Which I don't really see happening. 2. I like the idea for DS. 3. I don't think you should be bcmd at this time. There seems to be a clique going on, and without it being squashed, it only goes to show that you and the rest of the officer core aren't identifying internal issues. -1
    1 point
  21. +1 I think he has the potential to cook up some quests for us!
    1 point
  22. +1 I really don't know you however your reputation is well known and honestly, I think its worth more that someone from the outside is willing to jump into a situation that doesn't look great. Good luck on your app!
    1 point
  23. +1 Rohan is a good guy, and I think he could do some good as spec reg, and if he struggles, there’s a plethora of people in Spec that can assist him. Just hope that with being HA doesn’t get in the way of it, but good luck broski
    1 point
  24. +1 could be one of the best Gree’s we have seen in a while, if he can play his cards right. Iceman has done a lot of good pretty much anywhere he goes. I can see him putting 41st on a better track then were it is
    1 point
  25. Hey Rohan, the same way I +1'd your Rex app because I knew you'd do good there, ima do it here as well. Your application has some good plans in it and I trust you have way to execute these plans. +1 from the old man Centurion. Good luck mate. -Spartan | Centurion
    1 point
  26. I don't dislike Kaiser at all. Specifically I think its dumb that he could write "WO+ making biased or way too harsh arrests". I strongly disagree with this statement and think it's absolutely wrong. @Cucumber @KaiserNeiner
    1 point
  27. 5/5/5 Wasn't there but Misfit always does W events
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. At this time I do not plan on going for a second term, only one to fix current issues and prep current and potentially new officers for a BCMD role after my term. Mentoring people that actually have passion for CG and have a good understanding on behavioral expectations is the key, and involving people in situations to listen is can be beneficial too. There will be times that someone will want to speak to me personally and I'll attempt to bring along an officer so they can listen in, understand server politics a bit more, and get firsthand experience for handling issues. I plan to lead by example, and for others to continue that on after I'm gone.
    1 point
  30. @Tide I am looking at the reactions and see you dumbed this reply Kaiser gave too Moose. I am curious what you may think is dumb about his reply? Would like some insight on this. Surely you have a valid reason other than disliking someone from the outside applying for BCMD. Would love to know,
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Right now I will stay neutral, but I would like to ask a few questions. What stops you as a MAJ from doing the things you've put in this application? Once again, what stops you from doing this as MAJ? Do you believe that your high command within the battalion is what holds you back? Or do you not have the support of your Senior Office Corps? For the third time, what prohibits you from doing these things as a MAJ? However, this application is a lot better and more detailed than your previous one which has my minus one. If you can give me a detailed explanation that genuinely proves that you know how to take CG by the reigns and give it the good experience and rework that it needs/deserves, I will plus one this app. EDIT: +1, Thank you for your answer Chips. Godspeed.
    1 point
  33. Kaiser I bet you was looking through this and like man Kirk forgot me. But do not fret, Kirk is here. Kaiser listen man I don’t really agree with an outsider leading CG BUT, I think an outsider can help bring insight for change. But I do have to ask this question everyone is hounding the other apps for their rank and “not doing anything” or “why do you need BCMD to do this” so my question is to you my friend WHY do YOU need BCMD to help change the path of CG, why not join CG first them help build that path, learn our ways, help change things before BCMD?
    1 point
  34. Yeah, I didn't wanna be in the same battalion as the guy who failed to CMD report me...I don't think thats a wild take. Appreciate your vote even if it is against me.
    1 point
  35. +1 as a former 41st i think the state of the officer corps I think you would do well as being a bcmd spoke to you about your plans and I like them
    1 point
  36. fair enough and i respect that. though i do wish you luck , i hope to see what magical changes you bring in CG +1 to the man that was the longest Cody in 212 , loved seeing your work there
    1 point
  37. So I know I just criticized Iceman for doing this same thing in 41st, but I think in this situation it's much more warranted. You have an undisputed proven track record in running the most consistently successful battalion on the server (BOTM 3 times!), and CG desperately needs strong leadership at the top to get them on the right track. I also know from experience that you have the right mindset and work ethic to show you respect CG and will actually try and help them. This is an easy +1 for me.
    1 point
  38. yeah that sounds a little too specific and this type of thing is exactly the kind of drama id like to avoid within CG. This is kind of just ugly passive aggressive punches and not something that benefits the discourse of a BCMD app. I think you're excellent but respectfully I don't think answering this question will benefit the situation like you want it to.
    1 point
  39. before i vote i have an important question, how would you handle a discourse between a senator and a CG member that is power tripping over the fact. said senator doesn't want to be locked up in brig all day and would rather RP with others but the member of CG would then threaten to AOS the senator for not complying with CG. This totally isn't a Dig at current CG HC or former members of CG
    1 point
  40. -1 you didn't even finish your application and I've witnessed first hand you bending rules to your advantage you're part of the problem in cg and i feel like you becoming bcmd would ruin cgs image even more
    1 point
  41. I like how informative a lot of these questions are so i will go a bit into detail about each of your points. The first is the officer core, when it comes to setting an example to start obviously it would be discipline, then demotion and so on and so forth, but i and a few officer have been taking steps towards this already. We have the main channel open we are going to be host outreach a lot more and we pushed these suggestions through a lot of work. I know it isn't the biggest step yet but we are doing everything we can with what we can. Second I would like to state as a major my abilities and say in CG have been limited severely, i had gone out and talked with people on multiple occasions taking their input and putting something together presenting it to HC, but as i had stated earlier for some other responses they have always stated "its not that bad" or "its only one group of people" i put forward plans towards fixing things and was held at a stop sign that's why I'm doing this so the officer team can be more open to each other and getting out of this we need to be sealed off mentality. Third, i have not hesitated myself to remove people who deserve it, but as stated above i cannot announce any changes CG can make due to HC being unwilling to change. no matter how many projects or proposals i put forth they are shot down and if i try to do anything on my own i get berated.
    1 point
  42. Unfortunately as major, i'm not sure how other battalions work on this but i have had to fight for every small change that I have done already. I do not want fox as a legacy or something as a stepping stone to further things, all i have wanted is to improve CG and make it a good place or at least a respectable one.
    1 point
  43. +1, 41st needs the help. Iceman has a track record of success.
    1 point
  44. +1 nice commander app and a nice guy to be around. I feel like he will be a good fit for Commander.
    1 point
  45. +1 -> I like the application, and this guy has honestly been an amazing officer within the 41st Elite Corps. Let me explain... Since the day Iceman joined the 41st Elite Corps, he has offered his support and care for the team and has seriously benefited the Elite Corps. I'd say the whole reason why 41st made 1st place in the Battalion Competition was because of him, the guy came in like a wrecking ball and gave us an amazing and unique training that no 41st has seen before. I enjoyed the training he provided to us, so I took on from him and started hosting a similar training for the rest of the 41st Elite Corps, and it kept everyone engaged. Any recruits we made since Iceman have been actively engaged with the community and have not felt the need to stop playing. Now sure maybe some recruits went inactive, but that's normal. They join for a day, try something out for a cool character, then dip and never really give it a try... so they never stook around enough to see what our training is like. Anyways, after a few trainings I hosted WHICH REMEMBER FOR THE RECORD I took on from Iceman himself, I began to notice that our members liked it so much to the point where our men were hosting the same type of training for the rest of our battalion ON THEIR ACORD. Now sure, I provided a little push since I'm the CPT for the battalion, I asked people to be engaged with training since we had a competition coming up, and yes I even explained to them how to properly run through and host the good quality trainings that Iceman brought to us. Now, till this very day, I see our men constantly pushing for activity, and actively hosting those same unique trainings every single day. So yes, I do believe Iceman is the reason why we placed 1st, and I also think he's the reason why the 41st Elite Corps has gotten so damn active recently. It's all because he joined the corps and hosted that 1 unique training that I was in, and so I took on from it, then the Officer Corps took on from it, and then the NCO Corps as well, so this all led to 41st being active as SHIT all day and all night. Last night at 4:52 AM EST, the 41st Elite Corps was the most active battalion in the server. And mind you, this is during server downtime hours, and this didn't just happen at 4:52, it lasted from the morning yesterday, all the way to the middle of the damn night. 41st activity hasn't just been amazing once, but multiple times especially since Iceman joined. It got BETTER since he joined. 41st managed to become the most active battalion on the server more frequently than before. ^ The left photo was taken around 10:22 PM EST yesterday | The Right photo was taken around 4:52 AM last night. ^ So do I think he would make an excellent BCMD? Yes, I truly believe that Iceman would make an amazing Battalion Commander for the 41st Elite Corps. I love the guy, and I am 100% not being biased. I spoke to the guy, he provided his feedback, and I agree with all his views and ideals. With him in the high chair, I believe that 41st will thrive to become the best battalion on the server, and probably even become the most efficient in combat and communications compared to most battalions on the server. - Jahmez -
    1 point
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