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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2022 in Posts

  1. LMAO Call me crazy but rank climbing on gmod swrp servers is what incentivizes 60% of new players to join a battalion and play on the server. No amount of super epic events and broken 100 dollar store bought weapons will make a new player interested in joining a community. Your forgetting the importance of the fluff that exists to generate a larger amount of creative freedom within battalions on how they function. Battalion culture does revolve around ranks one way or another. Not every battalion can be like SOBDE, where nobody cares about rank inside the battalion. 50% cut off of ranks which is the most influential system in the entire server which serves as a basis for all roleplay to occur... without any community consolation on the change before being done???? Another massive change that will cause more problems than it fixes.
    7 points
  2. How come this wasn't Community voted or Meeting about this?
    6 points
  3. Three NCO ranks? Three officer ranks? You realize how long it'll take to be promoted now? We're trying to move forward, not leave people stuck behind and feeling burnt out. Even as a past BCMD, there was freedom to move people up. Two CMDs, no XO? Why?? This is incredibly limiting. What happens to people in the ranks that got removed? This is one change I can't find a single reason to support. Change it back. Please. -1 if you couldn't tell.
    6 points
  4. Noticing yall complaining about useless ranks that 3/4 of all battalions barely used/fast promote past it πŸ’€
    4 points
  5. This bickering is derailing the post, keep it to yourselves.
    4 points
  6. This is def not something that should ever be done without the community's voice in the matter
    3 points
  7. Have fun @Guac moderating the post!
    3 points
  8. Thats exactly what i mean a vote should be brought up to us not leadership the purpose for most of these ranks are for higher ups to watch how we perform, How we act at that rank. It helps higher ranking officers determine whose best for what position
    3 points
  9. I think this shouldve been a community meeting thing or poll. I feel you just cut to many ranks. And now we have to completely restructure TIG, Merits and people's ranks. As well as that I'm guessing it's going to get harder to get promoted with such little ranks so people are going to lose their sense of progression on the server. Me personally I don't care about if I'm promoted or not but I know this is going to burn people out. Maybe cut a few ranks but not this much. Enlisted: keep same without SPC. NCO: SGT, SSG, MSG, SGM and maybe CSM but it's not necessary. JO: 2LT, 1LT, CPT SO: MAJ, COL but honestly can keep LTCOL CMD: 3 CMD, XO is optional, BCMD
    2 points
  10. yo dawg chill with the meat riding please
    2 points
  11. Worst part about this, is that this major decision that affects literally everyone was discussed .01 percent with the community. I don't know... maybe the last community meeting might have been a good time? Yeah okay...
    2 points
  12. inflated how? those ranks stay cuz they have a purpose
    2 points
  13. Yes, but now promotion will slow down by a huge margin. People will be stuck in ranks for *weeks* dude. It's still a race for highest rank, that's why a lot of people play and stay active. To be PROMOTED. The buffers helped you learn and gain more experience.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Unfortunately alot of people are silly in this community.
    2 points
  16. -1 I don't see how this will help the server in the slightest Having the amount of ranks we used to have was so much more beneficial, people could have a reason to get on so they could be promoted to the next rank and keep ranking up. Now, with less ranks, there will be less promotions and less motivation for some people to get on. Sure we're evolving, we're just evolving backwards. Questions: 1) What "server leadership" is involved in this discussion 2) Why was this considered at all, and what are the "benefits" of downsizing the ranks 3) Why was the community not consulted before this happened? I don't like what this server is becoming.
    2 points
  17. I really hope people aren't going to leave because of a rank. That'd be kinda silly.
    2 points
  18. As of the update of July 3rd, the founders were very actively hands-on and you’d spot them in groups for weeks at a time. This was the last time we’d see it in such an active state, before its very inevitable decline. Why do I say inevitable? Because of how you all are as founders. This post may come across as toxic at times, but it is sincerely heartfelt, and spoken from the eyes of a player in synergy. Someone who’s watching this server die at a second hand rate, and wants someone to acknowledge what’s wrong. At no point is there intended offense, and this post should be read in a more concerned tone than an angry keyboard warrior tone. Community figure heading None of you have the time to dedicate to fully assisting and aid in anything this community would actively need at a moment's notice. It’s a lot to ask of someone to be readily available at any moment, especially with real lives at play, but that’s just the root of the problem. Your guys’ life. All of you are very very busy with your careers, and that’s excellent and all, but it has obviously shown that you as a founder team cannot act as you would before. Oftentimes, the community would be looking up to you as a team to do what’s right and to take initiative. But what do we get to watch instead? You promote Xaze to development coordinator and dump everything development related onto his shoulders, when we’re at our lowest we have been. This is just a spit in the face to the community. Having talked to the developers, I know they appreciate this promotion, but they are also aware that this hasn’t changed anything. There power has been the excat same, they have even been able to do stuff without you guys even being aware. Hell, did you guys know that there are some models that have been added to the server for specific events, like the imperial one? This was in fact the opposite of harmful, so don’t get mad at this fact. Infact, the player base was at a consistent 50-60+ players for the weekend it lasted, and everyone loved the two models that were slid in. Your lack of involvement as a team as a whole has left the community with a sour and bitter taste for you all. It’s actually by the day that certain people get called the real founder team over you guys, in OOC. OOC of all places. Now you guys can do what you normally do, which is brushing this off your shoulders and saying that the community doesn’t know what they want, etc etc. But it’s become clear that a good chunk, at least half, of the community don’t trust the judgment coming out of you all as a team anymore. This leads into the next point. Step up, or step down Take a look at all the top communities. All their owners started as no-lifers, constantly grinding out what’s best for their community and doing what they thought was right at that moment. Even still, top dogs like corvezo and scott don’t even have any out of house jobs because they can rely on the steady income their server is making.Which brings me to our next topic, which I’ll go over in just a minute. With what I mentioned just prior, I’m curious how willing any four of you would be in stepping down from your positions. It’s obvious you get free income, and maybe you’ll fight to stay purely based on your past in the community and how deserving you think you are of the spot due to your past deeds, but even if you think you don’t want to step down, take a moment to think. Are you capable of maintaining the old workflow you sought out prior? Is your time valued enough to be wasting away at a garry’s mod server, when your real career demands so much more? The dilemma this post brings up is almost immeasurable on your end, but you have to realize where you are as people in our eyes. The fact that any one of you could step down, and not so much as a blink would happen on how the community is being ran right now, should say heaps to you. This has happened once in the past, and it seems to have come time again, for things to change. Drastically, at that, with who is in charge of the community. If none of you are willing to step up once again and show your face, then there is no reason for you to keep your positions. The longer you sit uptop and do nothing, the more angry your community will be. Server income Any player, and at all, can look at the store page you yourselves made very accessible to track, and that’s a good choice. Because we can see that you get at least $100-$200 a week, maybe even more. At what point is the line drawn between how much of this you will be pocketing? There is no chance in any way, shape, or form that this all goes into development and server upkeep. If we had someone actively track how much income is made from that page alone, and compile it all into a monthly over-all, would you confidently say you're still putting that money back into the community? I would beg to differ. If you are going to pocket money like it’s a business, then at least treat it like one. With that, I’d like to ask for it to be publicly stated. In what scenarios do you pay your developers? Is it just for things like those big battalion packs? That map? Some of xaze’s code? Do people like woeny get paid? Someone who’s been a very active figure and overall leader in the community these past few months? Someone who truthfully is doing the job you all should be doing in a community sense, someone who people respect and look up to? Server status We all know how it is. This community is so unmotivated and unwilling to get on, it’s crazy. The demotivation, in part, comes down to how you as a founder team are acting. With not a peep from your mouths but occasional β€œupdate” community meetings or Q/As, how are we to find any motivation at all. Development is not the problem, and that’s very very clear to anyone. Xaze and jayarr push their asses to get updates out at a constant rate, and no one can say development is at a low. It actually has peaked at this. So what are you as the founder team going to do? Push for a big update? What’ll that do? Absolutely nothing. Two days of hype, then several weeks/months of downtime. There’s nothing more to say about the stats, it’s just sad. Each month we drop about 5-10 players in population, and it just keeps going down the more silent you get. Take a look at this chart https://i.gyazo.com/38f2accfc49e0d5f5afafb13f2b99cb9.png Notice those peaks? Those are all community held events. We have to push, every day we can, to make major events happen, just for a hope, a little spark that maybe people can have fun on the server. Fun is subjective, and not fully your fault as the founder team, but god damn if this just hasn’t been acknowledged publicly or talked about with any form of a solid plan at all. What are you going to do? So with all of that said, what is your course of action? Will you step up and change your ways? Do you have any plans at all devised on what you’re going to do to make things better? Everyone's confidence is low, and we don’t need another beat around the bush answer. Please just tell us what you have in mind, we need to know. If not just for knowledge sake, then for the sake of the community. Don’t just hit us with β€œOh, you all have so much to complain about but no solutions!!!!”. That’s not our job. It has never been our job. This only falls on people who are either management+ or the developers. We as the community are not in charge of longevity and health, we simply maintain the balance by doing something we occasionally have fun with in this video game. I hope this post got the point across, it may have been passive aggressive at times, but there’s no other way to seemingly get the message to you all. If it’s not publicly made, it’s easily disregarded. Please just take a step back and understand where we’re at right now, and don’t take on the defensive in a heart beat. I know this does not seem it but i will always have mad respect for the Founder team, I love Square/Jad/Dragon/Forseen and have looked up to them, but i see no other way at this point to convey suggestions or to push you guys to do the server justice. Put that same effort you guys put in when you first got the server, when it was bouncing back and at its best, seeing Jayarr/Xaze/Woeny/Maddoxx putting in 200%,without these 4 people the server would die, I cant say the same for you 4.
    1 point
  19. Who helped (If applicable): Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): People wanted a breach and clear sim set up so i done that Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible)
    1 point
  20. Can we please STOP fucking making changes without involving the community or least some input? This is like the second or third time this year this has happened and each time you guys claim you'll do better. Then that gets thrown out the window couple of months later.
    1 point
  21. Idk how to feel about this one... I love the NCO trimming but the officer trimming and the loss of XO are kinda weird.
    1 point
  22. Damn @Marvelbeing a director is not good for your Forum rep. Adding on a message so @Guacdoesn't hide this, This change is fine, but i think we could use a couple more ranks to buffer it. Some promotions may have felt insignificant but at least you knew you were being promoted. If we had a couple more ranks i do feel this would be a much better change as JO is 1 rank.
    1 point
  23. yikes not cool -1 on a real note though, I think SOME trimming was needed, however this is too much imo. Oh also bring back Vice Admiral please!
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. its always been that bro. Thats the one big issue with Synergy big changes like these arnt brought to our attention they just put them in and hope it goes well
    1 point
  26. The purpose of the ranks is completely up to the leaders of the battalion, These ranks and the previous ranks are likely different depending on what battalion you belong, A Warrant Officer of 212th could be completely different to one of lets say the 104th. The Battalions have always chosen their purpose for ranks, Not High Command. It has not been universal in my time. The names really mean fuck all and rather its the permissions that come with it, I could call Battalion Commander, Super Grand Trooper and it still be the same thing. its a damn name Side note, Junior Officer is stuck in 1 rank and has no way of progression unless they are good enough to step up to Senior Officer. Overall I think this rank stuff is very half baked and should of taken community reaction and feedback first. once again this is a set back for High Command.
    1 point
  27. Plenty of other things just like this happened like when SO was removed from GM. These things happen and people inside these battalions don't have a choice.
    1 point
  28. PVT PFC dont have a difference SPC CPL AND SGT is where higher ranks start looking at people for NCO SNCO Officer ranks. LTCOL is actually not needed but Major and COL should stay its bascally a holding spot for commander. This also hurts certain peoples access to certain areas. This change shouldnt have happened my rank doesnt change cuz im a LT but for everyone else most likely alot of us are affected in so many ways. every battalion has to revamp their structures for a change that wasnt even brought to us again. this change shouldve been something all of us should vote on.
    1 point
  29. Generally CSM are the people i expect to be active and become my next WO. SGT tends to be the new players who are learning to log things and be leaders within the battalion. (just answering the question nothin else) That's how i use the two ranks anyways.
    1 point
  30. Bruh everything is opinion based. Thats like how the whole world works.
    1 point
  31. The change will impact every battalion, promotion rates won't stay the same.
    1 point
  32. I like this change. Ranks where too bloated and didn't mean anything. Whats the difference betweeen SGT and CSM?
    1 point
  33. For the record, I wasn't part of this decision making process, and I'm not defending the change. I'm just saying that rank isn't something I think people should be leaving the community over.
    1 point
  34. Yes, It is silly, but at the same time there are a good handful of us that like working towards something. Like a rank in a game. Sure, its silly to not play the server anymore because you got demoted and lost more ranks in your battalion, but at the same time like I said, there should be *something* people work towards in Synergy.
    1 point
  35. Well then what was the point in getting merits and TIG? whats to point of trying to get a higher rank if your taking a 3 rank equivalent drop you have stripped us of progress
    1 point
  36. NCO and Officer seem a bit too empty
    1 point
  37. -1 Seems like too few in my opinion. You took more than half of the ranks away from the structure. Officer ranks especially. Honestly should be left the way it is.
    1 point
  38. Why are the ranks upside down? edit: Xaze fixed it.
    1 point
  39. I’m not reading allat bro πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ
    1 point
  40. Honestly, if want to bring back the player base than we need to have more encounters, and event server people just sit idle and just b-hop around when is the last time anyone actually rp that being medbay check ups or eng room maintenance. Or anyone going to village and rp at the bar. Not everything should be placed on the founders, yes they went bravo 6 but the community as a whole just gets on to shoot than leave. The only time I saw actual rp was the imp event. Which is sad because y’all can rp like that any day of the week. Main reason people is because they are bored, just increase the small encounters than a huge event in between.
    1 point
  41. Now more then ever there is need for something to change, the server is suffering and something need to be done.
    1 point
  42. Don't do this in courtyard. Keep it in a bunk or sim room please.
    0 points
  43. Please stop trying to run the staff team from the shadows. This isn’t the 212th!
    0 points
  44. I'm all for adding SO back to the server, but it makes 0 sense to add it to GMs. I'd rather see cloaking to to SOBDE, or for the SO battalion to come back on it own.
    0 points
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