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If you would like a suggestion to be implemented into the server, you MUST follow this template! Any suggestions that do not follow this template will be denied instantly.

If you are submitting a suggestion that relates to a specific Battalion you must get the approval of said Battalion. Failure to do so will result in an automatic denial. A list of Battalions that require approval and the ranking that may give it is in the Rules & Regulations topic.


Name: CT PVT Halo (Local 187th BOI)

Suggestion: Bring the 187th back. I know its not lore friendly, but to be completley honest, Its Just a video game. I remember when this server had just started and we were on rishi moon. No one cared about lore or what was "correct star wars content". They just cared about having fun on the server (and to be away from Icefuse LOL.) and maybe im wrong, maybe the devs didnt want the 187th because it was becoming a "liability." well attatched is a Document that i have from a good number of old 187th people i stay in contact with, on why the 187th  should return. it contains Quotes from past 187th members, on why they think 187th should return. there is also a photo collage there of all the memories of the 187th. not just from me of course, but from a good number of 187th members. I urge all of you to look through this and give 187th a chance.  #purpleprideworldwide. 


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Edited by Halo
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2 minutes ago, Doc said:

-1, right now it’s slated thag IF we ever add a new battalion it would be 327th, a battalion with real lore. This has no true lore other than some legends and a toy. Has been shut down before and will be shut down again 


This was at the very top of the suggestion. They said after 327th.

Edited by Banjans


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You're comparing how things were in the begining to now. Midway through the Founders stated they want to push the server into a more lore-friendly state and have countless times said 187th wouldn't come back due to their lack of lore.

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1 minute ago, Zyner said:


You're comparing how things were in the begining to now. Midway through the Founders stated they want to push the server into a more lore-friendly state and have countless times said 187th wouldn't come back due to their lack of lore.

that may be true. But look at the document. We put 5  of work into it. Please dont be so quick to judge. im sure that doc will maybe sway your opinion. or maybe it wont.

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1 minute ago, Haloknight5561 said:

that may be true. But look at the document. We put 5  of work into it. Please dont be so quick to judge. im sure that doc will maybe sway your opinion. or maybe it wont.

In my opinion I would prefer they add stuff all battalions can enjoy rather than add a new battalion and split the community further. By stuff I mean instead of models & battalion taking up space, it could be new vehicles, weapons, add-ons, etc. 187th had their time and it indeed was glorious and lasted a good bit, but part of wanting the battalion back is simply nostalgia.

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Just now, Zyner said:

In my opinion I would prefer they add stuff all battalions can enjoy rather than add a new battalion and split the community further. By stuff I mean instead of models & battalion taking up space, it could be new vehicles, weapons, add-ons, etc. 187th had their time and it indeed was glorious and lasted a good bit, but part of wanting the battalion back is simply nostalgia.

No. Its not nostalgia. its much more than that. Its A MOVEMENT. You say it would split the community further. how so? by adding another battalion that wasnt "lore friendly"? I remember when this server first started Our theme was "power to the players" i remember joah say that quite a few times in community meetings. what ever happened to that?


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1 minute ago, Haloknight5561 said:

No. Its not nostalgia. its much more than that. Its A MOVEMENT. You say it would split the community further. how so? by adding another battalion that wasnt "lore friendly"? I remember when this server first started Our theme was "power to the players" i remember joah say that quite a few times in community meetings. what ever happened to that?


A movement....okay Che Guveria 

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31 minutes ago, Haloknight5561 said:

did any of you guys look at the doc?

We don't need to. 187th has ZERO lore, they have ZERO use and there should be ZERO 187th on the server. Overall ZERO/10.

All it will do is cause issues. (Adding Models, Staffing a Battalion, Taking Players from Current Battalions and the overall Minge fest that was 187th will return. Also wanted to add this because I saved it for this SPECIFIC occasion.


Edited by Metro
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"We'll get it done, Colonel. Six out."

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187th is basically a made up battalion at this point. There should be no reason to add it back. If we were going to add a battalion, it would probably be 327th again. 



Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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Just now, Metro said:

We don't need to. 187th has ZERO lore, they have ZERO use and there should be ZERO 187th on our server. Overall ZERO/10

So your saying just because a battalion doesnt have as much lore as the next, it should be removed? I mean327th had a SHIT ton of lore, but THEY got removed. i dont see how your point is valid. Look at the document.

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Just now, Red_Panda said:

187th is basically a made up battalion at this point. There should be no reason to add it back. If we were going to add a battalion, it would probably be 327th again. 



The thing with the 327th was stated in the doc linked in the sugestion. it states they want the 187th after the 327th 


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+1 Honestly if this were to happen I would be revamped for CWRP. The 187th was my very first battalion. When it was disbanded it was a shitty time. +1 +1 +1. The 187th is like a family man cmon, add us back

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Neutral. In the past I have always been +1 when in regards to 187th coming back but seeing that I dont even play on the server anymore it would be unfair for me to give input. The only reason why even know about this post is because someone begged for me to put my input in it.

Honestly, if it hadn't been for 187th, I would've left the server much earlier than when I did. That being said, the 187th everyone knows is one I was not proud of being a part of at the time: a sad, broken minge infested hellhole ran by a battalion commander who was not fit to run and who arguably fed into the mingery. The 187th I left was a powerplayer's wet dream where they could join, get up to a rank that mattered before leaving for the actual battalion they wanted to join up in. The only reason why I stayed in the 187th so long was because I wanted to see it change, and when they left I thought it was bullshit but the more time has passed the more I realized that the 187th that I came to know became a cesspool of rdmers and toxic personalities.

If you can get the 187th to the good old days then good for you, I can respect a good battalion commander. That being said, if it became the 187th that I saw removed, the one that ends up being a cyst on the server, then don't even try getting them back in. Of course, I doubt that the 187th would ever come back, I'm pretty sure that they had enough of it a long time ago.

Of course this is coming from someone who hasn't even stepped foot in the server in months so...

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4 minutes ago, Jackson said:

This post has been reopened as either Zim or Esitt are the only ones who can deny it unless they pass  the post off to Directors.



i wont forget this

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Just now, Bazoo said:

because 187th was terrible after Faoeoa resign. Im sorry but Reaper was a good guy, but he wasnt a good BCMD

but you remember the good times right? you have to. I dont care if this works or not. But if it did, i KNOW it would go back to the glory days.

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1 minute ago, Haloknight5561 said:

but you remember the good times right? you have to. I dont care if this works or not. But if it did, i KNOW it would go back to the glory days.

What do you mean Glory days, if its any time in Reaper terms, you are wrong.

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Tbh it's just better to let it go. There are so many other servers that have the 187th on them, you just need to find the right one to relive the good memories. I know for fact that higher ups don't ever want to see it again, not after the fact that Panzer and a bunch of his buddies shot up debrief while under the 187th job. It's better to let go and remember the good times than to try to relive it and risk letting the clusterfuck that caused it to die to happen again.

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4 minutes ago, JirachiSirachi said:

Halo, I told you over PMs and I'll tell you this now: just let 187th die. I doubt that anyone would be able to recapture the glory days. If anything, it'll turn into another reaper situation.

hey  i remember that dude 

Current: 212th ARFO LT Blake
Former: 212th Battalion Commander Cody | Synergy Roleplay Model Developer

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Lets put it this I'm only gonna Plus 1 for being a former commander of the 187th but i do see both sides of the argument, and IF it was added i would love to be the BCMD but I do understand why it cannot be added so im okay with any decision. 

but i does suggest before just -1 you do read the doc and see for your self

Edited by Noodless
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+1. 187th I feel had a valued input on ice fuse and early synergy. We tried our best to try to get reaper demoted. But no one wanted him gone other than the core 187th offices. If you read the doc. This is for the future not right now. But no one read so it doesn't really matter

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28 minutes ago, AlextheConqustidor said:

I think it’s safe to say the doc doesn’t make the difference so stop using it as your reference. Just let 187th fade away.

The reason we mention it is because people just say things based off of a title. And say. Well 327th will be added so no lol. Even though it is the every first thing 

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-1 A lot of friendships were made in that battalion and I understand why this suggestion keeps getting put up. Also, the current battalions on the server are fine, maybe if one of them gets removed you can put up the suggestion again. Please just stop asking for it, it's turning into the 327th suggestion. 


Image result for 187th legion toy

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I am going to "+1." this.

I say this because 187th has no lore. This means that they have ALOT of opportunity to do what they wish, and to be "different" from other attack battalions. It would also give Windu a chance to be involved with a Battalion.

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-1 We don't need new battalions. We need to improve the activity of the current ones



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former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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1 minute ago, Raider said:

I am going to "+1." this.

I say this because 187th has no lore. This means that they have ALOT of opportunity to do what they wish, and to be "different" from other attack battalions. It would also give Windu a chance to be involved with a Battalion.

thank you! some one sees my point of veiw


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1 minute ago, Raider said:

I am going to "+1." this.

I say this because 187th has no lore. This means that they have ALOT of opportunity to do what they wish, and to be "different" from other attack battalions. It would also give Windu a chance to be involved with a Battalion.

We aren't asking for windu. Windu ran with 91st and lighting squad

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1 minute ago, Raider said:

I am going to "+1." this.

I say this because 187th has no lore. This means that they have ALOT of opportunity to do what they wish, and to be "different" from other attack battalions. It would also give Windu a chance to be involved with a Battalion.

Server tried to use the lack of lore to make it a better experience but people ended up exploiting it. I mean I can't be the only person who remembers how much of a clusterfuck "Hellhound Company" turned out to be...

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6 minutes ago, Raider said:

I am going to "+1." this.

I say this because 187th has no lore. This means that they have ALOT of opportunity to do what they wish, and to be "different" from other attack battalions. It would also give Windu a chance to be involved with a Battalion.

-1 dont need more batts that got gheir lore from a toy line and not gonna lose Windex bcuz some toy designer said he belings to that batt because of the color of his lightsaber

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2 minutes ago, Haloknight5561 said:

same with 187th. Only we didnt have lore. so we had a unfair disadvatage


You guys have lore bc you were made from a figurine. 187th failed bc of not only the lack of lore to go off of and the battalion basically "got" to make up their lore. And because the people who were put in charge abandoned the battalion 

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3 minutes ago, TayTay said:

You guys have lore bc you were made from a figurine. 187th failed bc of not only the lack of lore to go off of and the battalion basically "got" to make up their lore. And because the people who were put in charge abandoned the battalion 

they abandoned it BECAUSE we were getting removed. Check your facts bud.


we didnt get any choice either. as soon as we got word, we got our whitelists wiped

but we still have a discord server to hold out some hope and to catch up w old friends from 187th. there are quite a number of people who would come back in a heartbeat from that discord, if not almost everyone.



Edited by Halo
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Just now, Mike said:

-1 stop this is the 6th time this has been suggested we do not need this and the community does not want it move on

the community? or just a few? i see a pattern now. some people dont want it back becuase its been suggested before.


well you werent part of this community when 187th was in its glory days obviously


And some people dont want it back cause there isnt any lore. well with no lore, it gives us just that much room to work with. who says we cant make our own lore?

and then people just hatin.


well i say this.



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Hey guys think there are still some people that want this. If this doesnt show how devoted we then we have failed. our constant posts askin for it back is because we want a second chance with it. The first time was a bust with leadership bailing due to reaper leaving but with new people and old we could make a great battalion I haven't known a better group of people to do so. Halo has always had heart for the battalion and i will to we just need some support with the endevor we just want one last shot.

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Just now, Haloknight5561 said:

the community? or just a few? i see a pattern now. some people dont want it back becuase its been suggested before.


well you werent part of this community when 187th was in its glory days obviously


And some people dont want it back cause there isnt any lore. well with no lore, it gives us just that much room to work with. who says we cant make our own lore?

and then people just hatin.


well i say this.



WHUT, Mike was 100% here for that. LMFAO and we don't know what we are talking about.

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1 minute ago, TayTay said:

Not true, your BCMD left to GM bc he didn't want to be 187th anymore. Then all his officers followed.

he left because he knew he fucked everything up and left. That couldnt have been helped. Our officers left after because reaper left first. They didnt get much choice like i said either way. They were overwelmed cause they didnt know what to do at that point, and because there was a lot of drama going on as it was at the time. 

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you guys can hate on this all you want , say that its dead. but that doesnt change the fact how a lot of us feel. I know there are players  up in synergy deep down would love to see 187th come back but are afraid to show it. You guys are haters AF

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im not about to start a fight in comments. just say your peice and leave it. +1 or -1 it, i dont care. Im just glad i tried my best to get a word out that 187th isnt done yet.

some people just want it to die though i guess...

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2 minutes ago, Haloknight5561 said:

you guys can hate on this all you want , say that its dead. but that doesnt change the fact how a lot of us feel. I know there are players  up in synergy deep down would love to see 187th come back but are afraid to show it. You guys are haters AF

Not haters, stating facts. There is 0 lore for this battalion. 0 reason for it to be added besides "We want it". 

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-1 you guys are disrespectful and whiny about -1's and for some people, you are even giving bad forum rep, if you want your battalion back, doing that won't help. I would've been neutral but you guys were disrespectful and whiny and giving bad forum rep for peoples opinions.


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  • Retired Founder

NO! LOCKED! I SAID NO ALREADY 53-90284097321-095847123908354710983 TIMES.

327th has more of a chance then some stupid fucking toy story lookin ass battalion.

Also: Bad batch is already being added so eat my butt.

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