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Rider/Bltiz Recon Regimental Application


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is ==========[ Regimental Commander ]==========

Steam Name:Nightrunner453


RP Name: Rancor ARC BCMD Bltiz


Steam ID :STEAM_0:1:42071921


Regiment you are applying for: Recon


Experience: Been Rancor BCMD For over 2 or 3 months, Former MedL for RANCOR

Been Rex and Delta Boss Last bastion gaming. helped make  different hand books for those units and  worked with multiple different servers and started some that were semi successful

My app may not look like much  I'm not very good about talking about myself so sorry 

here is my 501st rule book this was made a while ago 



Why should you become a Regimental Commander?: Because I will go that extra 110 percent to make sure all regs under my command are in great shape I want recon to actually Train in recon and scouting instead of just Blasting Droids when they seem them. Giving reports on what the droid Presence is and how many their are. Eventlly maybe Some AT-RT/BARC Speeder Training. i have may other ideas I want to work on and becoming Recon Reg will help in those ideas 


Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:Yes I Know a lot of Lore about 41st/Green company, Rancor/Alphas, SO and 91st Recon

I count Legends material as canon as well

41st/Green Company: Were under Command of CC-1004 Gree, Commander Faie After Gree was KIA Jedi General Luminara Unduil  and Jedi commander Barris Offee 41st and Green company were in the same division but 41st was the main and Green company was a smaller subunit of 41st. They Participated in a couple of different campaigns such as the Second battle of geonosis along side the 501st and the battle of Coruscant where they were station on the ship Guarlara and the Battle of Kashyyk they were lead by High Jedi General Yoda Quinlan Vos and Luminara Unduil. Commander Faie Tried to kill Vos by Blowing up one of his  own mens  juggernauts but Failed to do so.

RANCOR: They Are a Battalion of ARCs and ARFS lead by Commander Colt Blitz Havoc. They were mainly Stationed on Kamino During the Clone wars. They were  their to help Train Cadets and look out of Potential ARC Troopers. One of the Battles they participated in was the thrid battle fo Kamino where they fought B2 B1s Aqua droids ventress and Gervious. During the battle Colt and havoc were KIA leaving only Blitz and Hammer. RANCOR was also Given Experimental Phase 2 Armor to test that was a mix of Phase 1 and 2.

Special Operations: were a Group of Clones under the Command of Commander Blackout and CC-1993 Jet They were first spotted from what we know helping General Skywalker abord a prototype Stealth Ship during the Battle of Chrisophsis. Another Group was with Jedi General Mundi and Commander Jet during the Second battle of Geonosis 


91st Mobile Recon Corp: They were Lead by CC-6454 ponds until his death where Marshal Commander CC-8826 Neyo was put in charge the Jedi generals were Oppo  Rancisis, Stass Allie and Adi Gallia. they had a small sub unit called Lighting squadron. They were manly Composed of BARC Troopers and ARF Troopers they used BARC speeders and  AT-RTs  Their markings were a small red circle with a white sword pointing upside down Some of the Battles they participated in were the Battle of Anaxes and the Siege of Saleucami

I would count mace windu for 91st as well but 187th 


Availability: All week everyday 


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: Successfully Helped bring Rancor Close from death back multiple times and helped come up with some things for the Alpha program  helped design new Citadel Dupes and Training dupes such as W&T and some others. Developed some MED Tryouts and doc for Rancor. Became CPT Twice in Rancor and then BCMD


Do you have a microphone?: yes 


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term? I want all Regs under my command to be a great spot once Im done with good numbers good rp and great people Keep as serious as it needs to be and over all make it fun for the players 


How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?: Do some sims and try to implement a training secluded where battalions from Recon can do some training or sims together  Do some Specialized Training such as the Scouting and Recon training and maybe AT-RT/ BARC speeder Training for Regs that don't often use them so if a time comes they can use them if the other Battalions are not around. Maybe even a Game night if people are up for that. I do have some other ideas that can come down the line.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: yes of course


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: yes 


Edited by Night453
  • Agree 1
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-1 These are my reasons why:

  • The first time you made the application you put little no effort into it
  • Most of the lore you put down is incorrect
  • "Keep as serious as it needs to be and over all make it fun for the players" Trust me this has been tried and it has failed
Edited by J.Jefferson
  • Agree 1
  • Disagree 1

Former Positions: 

  • 41st XO
  • 41st Green Leader
  • 41st Faie
  • Temple Guard Manager/Cin
  • Overseer
  • Gamemaster
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Neutral, rider you have done fantastic as Blitz. You've revived a basically dead battalion after the bans of the previous CMD's and removal of the BCMD. You've redone the ARC program yet again and made it better. The standards you have set are great.

Yet, i still feel that rancor needs you for a little bit longer... this is just my opinion 

Edited by LixCoffee
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Rider over time you've become one of my favorite people to talk to on the server and a really good friend. You're a good advisor which is good for a Regimental position. I feel like this position would be a good fit. But for the love of god @Night453 Add more details to this. I will remain neutral and come back in a day to see if more has been added or not. 

Edit: +1, but i'd still like to see a little more.

Edited by conrad


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-1 Nothing different than the status quo. 

2 hours ago, Night453 said:

i have may other ideas I want to work on and becoming Recon Reg will help in those ideas 

Pray tell, what ideas are you pitching to help out Recon entirely? 


2 hours ago, Night453 said:

Do Some sims and try to implement a training secluded where battalions from Recon can do some training or sims together I do have some other ideas that can come down the line Do some Specialized Training such as the Scouting and Recon training and maybe AT-RT/ BARC speeder Training for Regs that don't often use them so if a time comes they can use them if the other Battalions are not around

Previous Recon Commanders have done the same. It's just a matter of availability and willingness by the battalions themselves if they chose to partake. 

Judging by how lazy this app seems to be, I would have expected much more from you or anybody else with the credentials going for Recon CMD. This just seems like a simple copy-pasting of generic battalion lore. 

  • Agree 1
  • Disagree 1
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3 hours ago, Night453 said:

==========[ Regimental Commander ]==========

Steam Name:Nightrunner453z


RP Name: Rancor ARC BCMD Bltiz


Steam ID (SteamID Finder):STEAM_0:1:42071921


Regiment you are applying for: Recon


Experience: Been Rancor BCMD For over 2 or 3 months, Former MedL for RANCOR and LAst of the Old alpah Been Rex on others servers and lead it well  worked with multiple different servers and started some that were semi successful My app may not look like much but if you seen what I have done for rancor on the server in its most dark times then please considred that into your 1+ or 1-  


Why should you become a Regimental Commander?: Cuz I will go that extra 110 percent to make sure all regs under my command are in great shape I want recon to actually Train in recon and scouting instead of just Blasting Droids when they seem them. Giving reports on what the droid Presence is and how many their are. Eventlly maybe Some AT-RT/BARC Speeder Training. i have may other ideas I want to work on and becoming Recon Reg will help in those ideas 


Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:Yes ik a lot of Lore about 41st/Green company, Rancor/Alphas, SO and 91st Recon

I count Legends material as canon as well

41st/Green Company: Were under Command of CC-1004 Gree, Commander Faie After Gree was KIA Jedi General Luminara Unduil  and Jedi commander Barris Offee 41st and Green company were in the same division but 41st was the main and Green company was a smaller subunit of 41st. They Participated in a couple of different campaigns such as the Second battle of geonosis along side the 501st and the battle of Coruscant where they were station on the ship Guarlara and the Battle of Kashyyk they were lead by High Jedi General Yoda Quinlan Vos and Luminara Unduil. Commander Faie Tried to kill Vos by Blowing up one of his  own mens  juggernauts but Failed to do so.

RANCOR: They Are a Battalion of ARCs and ARFS lead by Commander Colt Blitz Havoc and ARC Trooper Hammer. They were mainly Station on Kamino During the Clone wars. They were in their to help Train Cadets and look out of Potential ARC Troopers. One of the Battles they participated in was the second battle fo Kamino where they fought B2 B1s Aqua droids ventress and Gervious. During the battle Colt and havoc were KIA leaving only Blitz and Hammer. RANCOR was also Given Experimental Phase 2 Armor to test that was a mix of Phase 1 and 2.

Special Operations: were a Group of Clones under the Command of Commander Blackout and CC-1993 Jet They were first spotted from what we know helping General Skywalker abord a prototype Stealth Ship during the Battle of Chrisophsis. Another Group was with Jedi General Mundi and Commander Jet during the Second battle of Geonosis on the server the SO have Shadow Company Armor 

91st Mobile Recon Corp: They were Lead by CC-6454 ponds until his death were Marshal Commander CC-8826 Neyo was put in charge the Jedi generals were Oppo  Rancisis, Stass Allie, Adi Gallia and Mace windu they had a small sub unit called Lighting squadron. They were manly Composed of BARC Troopers and ARF Troopers they used BARC speeders AT-RTs and AT-TPs Their markings were a small red circle with a white sword pointing upside down Some of the Battles they participated in were the Battle of Anaxes and the Siege of Saleucami


Availability: All week everyday 


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: Successfully Helped bring Rancor Close from death back multiple times and helped come up with some things for the Alpha program  helped design new Citadel Dupes and Training dupes such as W&T and some others. 


Do you have a microphone?: yes 


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term? I want all Regs under my command to be a great spot once Im done with good numbers good rp and great people Keep as serious as it needs to be and over all make it fun for the players 


How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?: Do Some sims and try to implement a training secluded where battalions from Recon can do some training or sims together I do have some other ideas that can come down the line Do some Specialized Training such as the Scouting and Recon training and maybe AT-RT/ BARC speeder Training for Regs that don't often use them so if a time comes they can use them if the other Battalions are not around


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: yes of course


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: yes 


That means +1 :)

Phones don't work I'll fix later



Edited by Lucky
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 capable manager, down to earth, not power hungry (unlike many), would do very well in this position



former: cadet,private,private first class, specialist,Sergeant,Staff Sergeant,Sergeant First Class,Master Sergeant,First Sergeant,Sergeant Major,Command Sergeant Major,Warrant Officer, Sergeant Major of the battalion, 2nd Lieutenant,Lieutenant,Captain,Major,Lieutenant Colonel,Colonel,Commander,Executive Officer,Battalion Commander,Regimental Commander,Marshal Commander,501st,212th,DU,21st,CG,RANCOR,104th,SOBDE,Jedi,Naval,41st,Event Job,Gamehelper,Gamemaster,Gamemaster Officer, Gamemaster Manager, Gamemaster Director, New Admin, Admin, Senior Admin, Veteran Admin,Head Admin, Director,Managment, Founder, Retired Founder, forum mod, forum admin,forum dev,Yoda,Mace WIndu

current: Versock

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7 minutes ago, Doc said:

I’m gonna stay neutral for a few reasons. 

1. I’m supporting grief for this position

2. The app seems to be jumping around at points and some points isn’t detailed enough

3. With Jefferson, some lore stuff is off, at least i know for sure that rancisis is not a part of the 91st. He was a tactician during the siege of salucemi, and oversaw the 91st 212th and 501st, he was not one of their Jedi generals. Not sure if any other lore is messed up, really only focused on view of 91st


  • Agree 1
  • Disagree 1

Rule-maker and rule-breaker.

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3 hours ago, LixCoffee said:

Neutral, rider you have done fantastic as Blitz. You've revived a basically dead battalion after the bans of the previous CMD's and removal of the BCMD. You've redone the ARC program yet again and made it better. The standards you have set are great.

Yet, i still feel that rancor needs you for a little bit longer... this is just my opinion 

What is that of a reason, Rancor cant always hang on the same guy and if rider wants to go for regimental commander let him, honestly I think rancor will figure it out even without him.


Edited by Joshua
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  • Coordinator

I think your capable of being able to run the recon reg i just never see you on 


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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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+1 lore good but not great but it’s not mainly about that it’s about if he’s qualified enough to lead it and i believe he is. He has lead RANCOR very well and will do good as the regimental 

Edited by Hero
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  • Founder

Congratulations your application has been accepted for interview 

Please contact a Director on teamspeak by July 7th

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  • Founder

Congratulations you have been accepted for the position of Recon Regimental 

Your term ends 9/2/18

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