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Llama's Marshall Commander Application


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Steam Name: Llama Thor


RP Name: Recon Regimental Commander Llama 


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:41031163


Brigade you are applying for: Marshall Commander





41st XO Cooker


Defense Regimental Commander


Jedi Master


Consular Leader


RC Jedi Master Kit Fisto


RC Jedi Master Jocasta Nu






The First Synergy Yoda :)


The first A’den Skirata


Rancor Commander Colt


Ion Team Trace


41st CPT Cooker


Anakin Skywalker


A’Sharad Hett


Recon Regimental Commander

Why should you become a Marshal Commander?  I should be Marshall Commander because I think the Clone Battalions of synergry could really benefit from my experience in leadership. I have been an XO in 41st, been a commander in Rancor, and run the Jedi Council as synergy’s first Yoda. I’ve been a Regimental before, as well as recon currently  and I think the experience I have gathered, especially as past High Command under Core and recently under washington, will allow me to make a positive impact on the battalions without being forceful or trying to make huge changes to the way they do things. I have seen too many times the effects of having a High Command who either is too harsh and tries to force change on battalions, or is too lax and allows battalions to fall apart without trying to assist them in any way. Knowing the difference between a time to step in and help the battalion with good advice and a firm hand, and when to step back and just let a good battalion run itself. I want to make sure all of the battalions on the server are all keeping solid numbers, being lead well, and most importantly having fun.


Do you understand the lore of the Grand Army?:

Yes I understand the lore of the battalions on the server completely.


In terms of discord and communication basically constantly if I am not sleeping, as far as in game I can be on from around 3pm until pretty damn late at night every weeknight, weekends are pretty flexible for me as with most people so I tend to put in a lot of time then.



Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:  I have held many positions quite successfully on this server. When the server opened I had the pleasure of being it’s very first Yoda and helping to establish the Jedi Order here along with my allstar group of Masters that made up my Council. I was also one of the original Null during Duck’s time as Kal Skirata playing as the first A’den Skirata on Synergy. I helped Vex during his time as BCMD of Rancor when I was Commander Colt, running ARC trainings and such. I was High Staff all the way up to Head Admin where I tried to promote hard work within staff and worked to ensure that people were rewarded for their hard work. I have also been in and out of being a 41st Officer for over a year now. I am currently Recon Regimental Commander and believe I have done a good job in that role.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want the Grand Army to be at the end of your term?:

I want the overall roleplay experience of playing a clone on synergy to have improved, no matter what battalion you go to I want new players to be able to have fun right at the start. No matter what battalion you happen to join you should be able to enjoy your roleplay experience as a clone as well as having other like minded people to roleaply with. I also want battalions to be able to come together and roleplay together as a group of people from the same community.

How do you plan to improve relations within the Grand Army?:    I think the best thing the Marshall commander can do to improve relations between battalions is to host simulations and other roleplay scenarios where in players from several different battalions have to work together and communicate, as well as facilitating communication between different battalions on a more casual level, making friendships happen between battalions. The Marshall commander should promote and improve roleplay and relations between battalions and that is what I would intend to do.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your Marshal Commander rank?: Completely 

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1 minute ago, DexGunz said:

-1 just the fact of how many people asked who is Llama when you became regimental and it seems like you haven't been Reg that long

If people don't know who Llama is then you're blessed or you're new to the server.


+1 Good candidate for the position.

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2 minutes ago, DexGunz said:

-1 just the fact of how many people asked who is Llama when you became regimental and it seems like you haven't been Reg that long

If you don't know who llama is then that's a issue because he's been here since day 1 lol. Llama helped push the reason me and many others switched to synergy.

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1 minute ago, Dargon said:

If people don't know who Llama is then you're blessed or you're new to the server.


+1 Good candidate for the position.

no, it is not for the fact that I didn't know who Llama is I do know who he is I was in the group of users who jumped servers. but the common user during him getting reg said who? over and over again . this is nothing against Llama

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6 minutes ago, Carter said:

Neutral. I haven't interacted with you much but I think that's because of a timezone.

Please refrain from neutral-ling these things, it doesn't help at all.

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  • Coordinator

As much as i fucking love you llama

 Ima -1 this, I see this more as a powerplay than anything else it might just be me

But you are a  good leader I gotta agree

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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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>tfw i wake up to Llama applying for MCMD

Make Clones Great Again

+1, is everything that involves applying for a position someone else is going for a powerplay these days?

Wait til Llama goes full Stout-when-he-was-Windu



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+1 TBH Yeah you are the best choice The small interactions I've had with you are basically all positive I can't say anything on behalf of your regiment but I've seen you do good go far

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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Fattest      -1

I can possibly give, my personal experience from being anywhere near you is fucking awful. You went on the biggest witch hunt imaginable against me before I left and even removed me from staff as a part of it. Fuck you I hate you. You abused your staff powers and were overall super fucking power hungry.

But then I got to kill you when you resigned and we jettisoned your flaming body into space and I got all my frustration about you out. And i've seen some of the things you have done recently and TBH I don't really know if you changed, but others seem to plus 1 so.

+1 haHAA


Edited by Chris
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