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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Name: CT PVT NotChris Suggestion: To replace the current safety pose, which just sorta puts the gun down. It just doesn't feel right RP wise, especially when trying to march in columns or look at least somewhat serious. Implementation: More along the lines of this: for SMG's RC Weapons and some other small arms for example that would really work for something like this: I mean, just look at that. It would look so much better than the current safety pose, and would just be another small thing that just helps immerse. Lore: I mean.... Workshop content if applicable: Would require development, couldn't find anything on the workshop.
  2. RP Name: RM PFC NotChris Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:79657121 Age: 19 Gender: Male Timezone: EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I always enjoyed staffing on servers, it adds another layer of enjoyment. When I first joined, I wanted to be a part of the staff team because I wanted to help this server grow into the greatest SWRP server around. And I want to join now because I still want to help see this server grow, and I want to be a part in helping it and making sure things continue to run smoothly. I enjoy having responsibilities and being apart of the staff team adds a lot, from training the next generation of players on the server, to keeping order during confrontations, to just helping someone who is stuck in an elevator. Not only that, but the staff community is overall, greater than any other server I have seen, while, people may have their differences, everyone's goal is to help the server become greater. The message this server gives in that what matters most is the players, is why I want to be an administrator, to do my part and help this server continue to thrive. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My name is Chris, I have been playing SWRP for close to 4 years now. I live in Orlando, Florida and I have since I was around 4, so if you have any questions about what Disney World is like, feel free to ask lol. Currently A sophomore in college and I plan to join the Air force Officer Training Academy once I get my undergraduate degree in Biomedical Sciences. Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes, I was a staff member on Ice-fuse before synergy was formed, when synergy was formed I moved over and applied for staff here. I was previously a member of staff quite a few months ago, but due to Hurricane Irma, my duties as staff suffered and I was removed. EDIT: Not sure why this was double uploaded, when I uploaded the first time it said it didn't process and made me do it again.
  3. Fattest -1 I can possibly give, my personal experience from being anywhere near you is fucking awful. You went on the biggest witch hunt imaginable against me before I left and even removed me from staff as a part of it. Fuck you I hate you. You abused your staff powers and were overall super fucking power hungry. But then I got to kill you when you resigned and we jettisoned your flaming body into space and I got all my frustration about you out. And i've seen some of the things you have done recently and TBH I don't really know if you changed, but others seem to plus 1 so. +1 haHAA
  4. If yall still want to talk then pull me in, ill gladly talk instead of just messaging back and forth on Derv's application. And I mean that in a way where I can catch up and hear things from yalls point of view.
  5. Then ill admit I was wrong, Rush had said after I left Derv was blacklisted from RC and he wasnt sure how he got back, which was my only understanding since the only other people there were ordo and someone else, cant remember who. And if he has changed then fine, good for him, but the past cant just be forgotten, but it can be redeemed, and if I see how he really has changed then my viewpoint will change as well. But I still can really only see from others points of view when its only been about 3 days, and the only RC i've seen in game, was gregor. Which yay foxtrot i guess.
  6. im not going to argue with this anymore on this thread, this is not where this should be argued about, if you want to talk in teamspeak and vent there, fine. Ill gladly talk to you. I'm not trying to start an argument with anyone, I put a lot of thought into my reply for Derv's Boss application because I care a lot about RC, its something I've been involved with for almost 4 years, so i'm going to put my input. I put a +1 at the end of my reply because of what people are saying about how he has matured, which I respected, I also said that the more i'm around, then ill have a chance to see it. I'm not trying to be toxic, and i'm not trying to increase anger. But after making a reply I get blasted immediately by Tyzen about how i'm wrong. And if i'm wrong, then fuck, i'm wrong. If Derv really has changed then thats totally fine, and ill respect what he has to say. Simple as that.
  7. If you think I’m talking shit then you need to re evaluate yourself, you are the same group of people joah had to roast saying if red hawk was still around, he’d have you all removed. So trying to act like hard shit over this isn’t going to work, it especially isn’t helping your case that you felt the need to put some cringy bottom text meme on a reply. You say stop bringing shit up from the past, when all there is the past buddy, you obviously didn’t do much reading into what I said because what I said wasn’t meant to be talking shit, it’s all I knew him as, and I haven’t been around to see if he matured, so that obviously went right over your head. Lol, as for lying my way into a role, not too sure how that’s gonna work, and if this the current yoda, as well as sev, then I think I’m with josh when he says things are bad for rc. I’m sure I’ll be talking to you soon to say these things, “to your face.”. Thanks for the reply though. Edit: ALSO, behind someone’s back? Fucking lmao, this is as direct as I can get without talking to him in team speak, which I can’t do because I don’t have access pal. So if you want to keep trying to vent and act like hard shit, pull me in and we will see if you want to talk.
  8. I'm not sure how to feel about this. I still remember when we had to blacklist you from RC because of you utter incompetence as an EOD, and as an RC in general. How you managed to come back is beyond me, and the fact that you seem to be the only candidate for the role bothers me. However, looking at some of these comments, it sort of seems you have matured. I only say sort of because a lot of them just seem to be +1's simply because of your meme of blowing everything up and acting like a minge. But others actually seem to say that you have matured, i'm coming back to the server so im sure I will see you plenty. So i'm going to give this a neutral. -1 because of how I knew you, but +1 because in my absence it seems you have matured, but I cant say for sure.
  9. These squads are meant for the best of the best, people who don't just accept failure and will put in the hours to make themselves better so that they may pass one day. When I first tried out for RC in the age of RedHawk and Hydra, tryouts were much harder than they were now, and look at the people it generated from their legacy. It took me 2 attempts the first time, then when I went on LOA for a while, it took me 3 to get back, and I kept working my way up. Then with Alistair, it took me one try because I wasn't fucking retarded.
  10. Had to come back just for this. Embrace the relief of letting go. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  11. Date of full resignation: 10/4/17 Well guys, its been a hell of a 2 years playing SWRP as RC. From FSAS to Icefuse to Synergy's first Boss. But its time for me to move on. I have been putting off real life for too long and its become unhealthy. I love most of yall and I wish everyone the best, even those who may have done me wrong. I'm recommending Punda to the role of Boss and I hope RC prospers forever. My only regret is not being able to see RC get the things they were promised :^). @Redhawk The best Ponds there ever will be. You and a few others got me to where I am today. @Hydra The best piece of shit Boss there will ever be in my eyes, tried to reach your levels. @Trump The best Scorch there will ever be, hilarious, nice, and an excellent Union General. @OldManLogan The best Gregor there will ever be, inventor of the Gregor lap and overall badass who was a master of PT. Taught me how to bunnyhop so the nighttime PT wouldnt be so ass. @Banana The best Sev there will ever be. Man of few words but lots of passion in each one. @Duck Congrats on the position my mans, ill always still know you as Sarge tho. @Joah Congrats on making a server and adding more money to your already full coffers. @Punda You blew away all expectations, and you proved me wrong when I said i think you were let in on just favoritism and not true skill. Good luck man. @Max The only palpatine I have ever known. Hope you and Duck turn SOBDE into a great thing. @Cipher Pretty damn good at RP and a modern day excellent leader on the server. I know you will make a good Kal @Fido™ Fuck you @Baxter You good, I like you. @Alistair Pretty damn good Ponds, you put in a lot of effort and its sad to see how you departed @Faoeoa eoaeoaeoaeoaeoaeoaeoaeoaoeoaeoaoeaoaeoeaooeao. Seriously tho, being in the channel late at af with you was always chill, you made RC a lot more enjoyable to be in @ Gray RC I miss yall @Venom You're a fucking baller at PVP. @Izanagi God you're a piece of shit and annoying but you were the good kind, it was always cool having you around. @ crisis I remember when you were a measly senior mod in gray RC that somehow made it to CEA in a month. @ Arb The best Fi there ever will be. Hope your brain damage gets cured you piece of shit. Love you man. (no homo) @ Freck Good luck in the SC, you seem like you are capable of leading. @ Bruno Good luck on making money on OSRS @ everyone else Its sad to say goodbye but its time for me to pass the torch. I wish all of yall goodluck in your future edeavors. No this isnt about the fucking SOBDE thing, im happy Duck got the position, this has been something ive been thinking about for a while now. And a certain piece of shit really gave some insight. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=965786059 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=834027192 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=834027213 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=834027237 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/450745254170770978/7E680841527C715E954647AEB521B2C2432ACDF1/ had to edit this fucking thing in. Props to TJ, and OG RC. Thats me before I was boss, under command of Hydra. We snuck on the first icefuse event server to check out the new skins.
  12. It wasn't tooo bad. There were some pretty bad frame drops at times. Even when there weren't any NPCs. But most of the time it was ok.
  13. +1 to you man, got to talk with you earlier, maybe a bit of work on being assertive, but other than that. Good luck.
  14. The minus 1s are fair, maybe a bit exaggerated but fair, had a week off from hurricane Irma, and my week back I didn't bounce back like I should have. But if that's my only reason for the negatives, then it's an easy fix.
  15. Steam Name: Cannibalpie RP Name: RC 38 Delta Squad Boss Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:79657121 Regiment you are applying for: Special Operations Brigade Experience: Over two years of RC experience as a leader and squad member. Major in the pilots way back in the day, as well as a SGT in GM way back in the day. However, the best experience I have gotten is from being a part of, and leading an elite unit of players to be the role model and best there is on the server. Why should you become a Regimental Commander?: I feel I should be Regimental Commander for 3 reasons; My experience as a Leader, my maturity, and my drive. I have been the leader of RC for a total of around a year now, and I have seen plenty come and go, but I always make sure, that when they leave, they are ready to continue their knowledge and skill to better themselves in their future roles. I'm pretty flexible when it comes to leading, I will listen to complaints and make sure everyone is satisfied if I can, however, I don't take any bullshit. I will tell you how it is, and if there is going to be a problem, I will take the actions necessary to make sure the problem is resolved by any means necessary. If somebody in the battalion is dragging the rest down, and is giving a bad name to the rest of the squad, I take care of it. I'm not afraid of removing someone, if its better for the battalion as a whole, then what needs to be done, will be done. This comes with being a leader. I live in the real world, I work a job, I go to college, I have responsibilities. I don't bother myself with petty bullshit because I know that its not the end of the world. Ill tell you what i'm thinking, and i'm not going to hide behind some personality. I can joke and have fun, but when it comes down to being serious, I will flip the switch and take care of things like its business. However, i'm not going to pull a Corvezeo and become some sort of power hungry tyrant because I have power of some people over the internet. Like I previously stated, I will make sure what needs to be done will be done. Its a rare thing to say you have been a part of the same battalion for 2 years. But its because I have the drive to get back on again and again to not only better myself, but to better those I lead. I want to make sure when its time for someone to move on to other things, they can take what they have learned and better themselves. When the server was established, I had to basically form RC all over again, I made all new training Docs, and fresh new tryouts. I do things that seem like a grind to others, but for me, its doing what needs to be done to make sure the job is done correctly. Another thing is I won't procrastinate, if something needs to be done for someone, I will put that as my priority, and make sure it is done the right way the first time. These are the reasons why I am qualified for a Regimental Commander role. I have the drive, the maturity, and the leadership experince to make sure the Special Operations brigade is run smoothly, and correctly. In the past, it had its issues, my goal is to make sure those issues are resolved and the Regiment is polished. Do you understand the lore of your regiment?: Yes Availability: I can be on Mondays and Wednesday at around 12:00 until the rest of the day, and for Tuesdays and Thursdays I can get on at around 4:00 for the rest of the day. This is assuming I don't have work on these days, in which I wont be on until later. I don't have a set schedule for work so it varies. Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server: I am the first Boss this server has seen, and I have set the foundation for future leadership RC so that the torch can be eventually passed with confidence that RC will continue to do well. RC Started out in the special operations brigade, and it didn't really work out well. And was eventually negotiated that RC would be under the command of the senate. It just turns out the senate part never really went through. Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?: I want all Battalions in the Special Operations Brigade to have full active numbers when it comes to RC and NULL. And a healthy active number of Spec ops troopers. I want the BCMDs and the leadership roles of these battalions to be filled with only the most experienced, passionate, and active players. How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?: Delta, Omega, and NULL are already communicating very fluently. And I feel the same can be done with Spec ops. TS involvement during down times to connect better and build a sense of OOC camaraderie to boost the opinions of one another so that cooperation and missions done together can have a higher potential of working at maximum efficiency. As for in game relations, when necessary, it is crucial for each battalion to work together like a well oiled machine, each part with their own specific functions to ensure that the task is completed. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yes
  16. Well, the numbers that show up are pretty low since there really isn't anything special about RC anymore. Why leave the friends in your battalion when stat and kit wise, you can be on a level playing field.
  17. So like, how each squad member could revive eachother with bacta?
  18. I have been in RC longer than anyone on this server. I have seen it at its peak, and at its lowest. Im trying to bring RC up as close as I can from when it was considered the "Golden Age" for RC. This was the FIRST system of the RC. When Icefuse first started. RC was basically a Batallion. Ponds was the Commander, Boss, Niner, and Gregor were considered equal Ranks at XO. But the squad leads only led their squad, and Gregor led what was known then as the Gray RC. There was a MAXIMUM of 20, but it was decided that we would only have 10 Gray RC at MAX. That was if we could even get those numbers. Back then, everybody wanted to be in RC, we had amazing health and armor, special weapons, great leaders, and cool armor that stood out. (Not the gay ass CGI shit). Tryouts would make you a Trainee in gray RC. And once you reached CPL. You were able to tryout for a named position IF tryouts were held. It was commonplace for handpicking. It was how I was chosen for Fixer under the command of Hydra. He saw me as the best for the role. The tryouts were incredibly difficult, and it resulted in only the BEST getting into gray RC, and only THE BEST OF THE BEST, getting into a named position. During this time, just about everyone looked up to RC. People would always talk shit and think we were hardasses, but you could bet your sweet ass they would show up to tryouts. I have screenshots of hosting tryouts with 30 plus people. For 1 Gray RC spot, only one could make it. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=834027237 I want to make RC great again. And this is the first step.
  19. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:79657121 RP Name: RC 38 Delta Squad Boss Battalion: Republic Commandos: Delta Squad. Who is in command until you return?: Punda AKA Fixer Length of Absence: Honestly, i have no clue, this hurricane Irma is being a real bitch and its still unknown as to what could happen. It turned BACK into a cat 5. So, anywhere from 3 days to a week.
  20. Shit, forgot steam ID. Gonna edit it in, Steam is being AIDS RN for me.
  21. RP Name: RC 38 Delta Squad Boss Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:79657121 Age: 18 Gender: Male Timezone: United States EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): So I believe I should be an administrator for a number of reasons: My maturity and willingness to compromise and find solutions to issues, my work habits, and communication skills. As for my maturity, I can play around and have fun, but when it comes down to being serious, I get serious, and its usually a pretty quick snap, and when I'm working, I take it very seriously and wont give up until the job is done. If something goes a way that I didn't enjoy, ill express my distaste but ill get over it, if I'm working and a bump in the road appears, I compromise and stay flexible to try and find another way to the desired destination. I work very hard, and I don't give up on the given task until its done, while I can multitask and try and kill two birds with one stone, I will always make sure the job is done correctly, and if its not, will correct the issues to make sure things run smoothly. Another thing about my work habit is that I like to get work done fast so that I can move on to other issues. This doesn't mean ill cut corners to just say I got another task done, it just means I'm not going to procrastinate. Finally, when it comes to communication skills, to simply put it, I like talking to people. I'm not shy and just going to hide away, I'm very willing to express my opinion on a matter and while I have limits on things I will say, there aren't many. I'm going to tell you how it is, and ill hardly sugarcoat it. If there is a problem then there is a problem. Also, kind of unrelated, but I currently work at Chick fil A, so if you know what that is, then you can probably make the assumption about what I'm saying. And if you don't, then, idk look up chick fil a hospitality memes. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My IRL name is Chris Martin, I live in the gayest city in the country: Orlando Florida. I say these things because I don't feel like I need to hide behind some sort of barrier and be secretive about who I am. I started playing SWRP over a year ago on FSAS when it was popular, and was a TMOD there before leaving due to corruption in staff, and was a moderator on Icefuse before leaving due to staff corruption. Currently, I work at a chick fil a to get that sweet sweet minimum wage and I enjoy the grind of work as weird as it sounds. Do you have any previous staff experience? I was a moderator on Icefuse. For a short time, I was also a T-mod equivalent on FSAS.
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