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Dargon's Senate Commando Captain Taggart Application


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Steam Name: [SR] Dargon [A]


RP Name: Dargon | Obi-Wan Kenobi


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:121488730


Battalion or squad you are applying for: Senate Commando Captain Taggart



On Icefuse


Previous - Jedi Master Obi Wan under Yoda/Llama


Previous - 501st Executive Officer (XO) under Fog/Tup/Rex

Previous - ST Lieutenant Colonel Thorn (LTC) under Fox/Trumpski

Previous - Security Regimental Commander Fox (RCMD - basically Battalion Commander of ST)

Previous - RC Foxtrot Squad Executive Officer (XO) under Gregor/Fao

Previous - Red Guard under Captain of the Red Guard Jayarr


On Synergy Roleplay


Previous - Master of the Order Mace Windu under Yoda/Llama

Previous - Grand Master of the Order Yoda

Currently - Senior Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi under Yoda/Tyzen


Previous - DU Battalion Commander Doom (BCMD)

Current - 501st First Lieutenant (1stLT) under Acorn/Rex


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I want to and should be Captain Taggart because I’m exceptionally active, I have tons of experience, & I’m very well educated on how to run battalions/squads/factions.

To start things off, having experience is very important when applying for a major leadership position within a battalion. I have experience running & leading within both attack, defense, security, specialized, and recon battalions. (Stated in the experience question)

This experience I have gained gave me many abilities, attributes, characteristics, & traits that I believe Battalion Commanders or a faction leader should have such as but not limited to,

Decisive - I a lot of situations, especially ones where you don’t have anytime to think, leaders need to make quick, effective, & efficient decisions. I can adapt to situations exceedingly fast & make choices swiftly that in a majority standpoint have positive effects.

Neutral - In a lot of situations I try to be as neutral as I can, as many others in leadership positions should be. If there is ever a conflict I try to help the situation instead of taking sides & causing arguments.

Level Headed - I’ve noticed many people in leadership roles show a lot of angry emotion & that's something I dislike to do. I try to be calm in all situations to think of a sensible outcome instead of rash choices that could cause many problems

Innovative - This is one of my strongest assets. I try to come up with things that could possibly make this battalion better in every way.

Accountability - I see a lot of so called leaders blame others for their accidents or mess ups. I know I’m capable of being a Battalion Commander and a faction leader, however I am humble enough to know I can fuck up. I take responsibility for my own actions, especially if it’s a mess up.

Honesty and Integrity - In any leadership position you set the example for those below you. If you aren’t honest or have integrity how do you expect those below you to have these traits? I try to tell the truth as much as I can and practice these values.

Delegation and Empowerment - As a leader you can’t do everything and a battalion/squad cannot be run by one person. If a leader tries to do everything than it brings a bad work ethic, especially when the leader decides to take a break or possibly even leave their position. As well it can bring many other problems such as lack of trust between the leader and their subordinates.

I am not perfect, no one is. I’ve been told that I can be rash sometimes. I try to sit down and think everything through before I do something, but sometimes I don’t.

Secondly, as a faction leader you have to be active, especially as a Battalion Commander or a faction leader that needs to make sure everyone in Senate Commandos are doing good. I’m on everyday for long periods of times & if I’m ever not on it’s usually because of a real life situation. If I happen to not be able to get on I will always have access to the forums & different phone applications such as Kik or Discord so I could always have communication with the battalion.

Lastly, Positions like this isn’t permanent, eventually I will lose or stop being it. As a leader, in charge of a group of men, you have to be there for them and mentor them. In all the leadership positions I’ve been in I try to be sorta like a teacher and pass on my knowledge to them. Although I agree that you should worry about the battalion when you’re the actual Battalion Commander or a faction leader I believe you should equally think about what happens after you’re gone. Many people don’t do this, which is why I want to be or should be Captain Taggart.

If I happen to obtain Captain Taggart I will bring nothing but my best efforts & work my hardest to make Senate Commandos flourish pass the state it’s already in.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion?




All times are Eastern Standard Time

Monday (4:00pm - 12:00am)

Tuesday (4:00pm - 12:00am)

Wednesday (4:00pm - 12:00am)

Thursday (4:00pm - 12:00am)

Friday (4:00pm - 3:00am)

Saturday (1:00pm - 3:00am)

Sunday (12:00pm - 12:00am)

Depending on the days those times are as accurate as possible


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

Since the servers been up.


Do you have a microphone?:



Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

Well Captain Taggart doesn’t exactly have a term, but I assume this question means when or if I resign. I know I have had positions in the past and I know I’ve resigned. Obviously I don’t plan to resign and never do when I become a position like this one.

As stated above in why I should be Captain Taggart no one, even Egg, can’t be or won’t be in their position forever. By the end of my “term” I want Senate Commandos to have a foundations, have members, and be stable for those who go for Captain Taggart after I am done. I want to try and make sure everything is polished so that it’s more relaxed and easier for those after me.

I wrote the same thing last time when I applied and I still have the same goal. Moose did a lot for Senate Commandos, but I have a lot more ideas I want to implement. I was hoping to work with higher ups in Senate Commandos to try and implement them. The first week of Senate Commandos we had a meeting where we brought up ideas, so I was hoping we would have another one so I could bring up everything I had.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:



This is basically my application from before. I only changed a little bit from what it originally stated.

To answer a few questions that may be asked, yes I can balance Obi-Wan and Taggart. I am going to be dropping some positions if i get it however. Incase you wanted to know why I voided the first time I wanted to go on LOA and didn't want to be Captain at the time. Things have changed and the position just opened, so I decided to go for it again.

Thank you for reading and leaving feedback, even if it's bad feedback.

*Like stated above, in preparation of the battalion being added I had already created documents for Senate Commandos. I was going to talk to the higher ups about it, but we only had one short meeting where I didn't get a chance.*

Edited by Dargon
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2ndAC Parjai-4 WO BadDog

Former:   Head Admin |TCO Commander Kix Mechanized Regimental Commander Obi Wan Kenobi Battalion Commander Cody | Wolfpack Commander Comet |104th Jedi Master Plo Koon |TRD |GMD | Overseer | 2ndAC Commander Barlex SO Major DU Commander |Waxer Foxtrot Adi Gallia Quinlan Vos Skywalker Consular leader Shadow leader Guardian Leader Gray Jedi Master Commodore Wilhuff  tarkin 

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