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[DIRECTORS] Make PTS always active in DB room


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Name: Deadly

Suggestion: Make PTS active in DB room at all times

Implementation: People tend to scream into their mics before a DB begins, most notably while the naval are marching in and it breaks M Y  I M M E R S I O N. Also, sometimes the person hosting DB forgets to say that PTS is active, usually in Optional ceremonies, and troopers will sometimes scream into their mic because it was never actually said, even though it's clearly enabled. This would stop this from happening. Also, people always screaming into their mics directly after DB as well just because.

(Just put up a text screen at the entrance that says that PTS is always active in this room)

Lore: People didn't scream as loud as they could when naval walked into DB in lore, and then stop as the said PTS is active, they were already silent, out of respect for the naval and commanding officers. Also, people didn't start yelling out in the middle of DB or directly after it ended.

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I don't understand where the "issues" come from. It's the same thing as when we had to switch back to standing & then sitting. There will be a period of adjustment and then it's back to being settled.

Part of the reason I +1 is because a lot of the meme/jokes are during this brief moment. Nearly every DB is filled with people yelling at each other from the other side, tossing jokes, etc. It's like a Classroom right before the teacher steps in. Specially the one trooper that always has to stand out and yell "____ on deck!" as if nobody else was aware.

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Personal Opinion: Back in the day on IceFuse when I was DVL(Director here), this was forced to be a thing. It was the more idiotic thing forced on the server. I personally took down the text screens. Also to state a few things about the "Lore" that you are talking about. 

1. We have never seen from Comics-Animated series a debrief like how we do it. The only "debrief" we have ever seen was the Strategy Confrence  meeting in Season 5; Episode 13. 

2. The only pseudo debrief we have ever witnessed close to a full army/battalion/squad etc etc was in a comic that came out fucking years ago and there were no naval, no clones EXCEPT Obi and Cody. You didn't see promotions, didn't see a debrief room(besides the tiny office they were in), nothing. It was 2 or 3 tiles.

--Non-lore Aspects-- 

1. If Naval doesn't call PTS is active, CG(this is mandatory) will advert it WHEN NO ONE is adverting to draw your eye and to read it.

2. It's kinda common sense to you know...shut the hell up when others are talking.

3. I've been a part of almost every battalion besides a few, EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. there is a debrief, you hear in their channel, PTS is active.(Obviously ts is different to game but it always carries on.


Tester Opinion:

Pros: It MIGHT make it more organized.

Cons: Read my essay above. <3

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-1 lol. That's like you taking guns or drugs off the streets to keep criminals from getting to them. Lol. It never works. Same for this.  If saying PTS is Active doesn't work sometimes.  Please explain what a text screen is gonna do?    Good idea and could be helpful. But. No... 

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3 hours ago, Snadvich said:

-1 umm No. What if you need to tell someone to stop sitting down or teaching some PVT to sit down properly. Try explaining that to the dozen of angry people yelling at the CG who arrested him/her

/W to them or /pm? This doesn't actually address what I'm suggesting...as this would be dealt with exactly the same as now.

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5 hours ago, CBlake said:

-1 lol. That's like you taking guns or drugs off the streets to keep criminals from getting to them. Lol. It never works. Same for this.  If saying PTS is Active doesn't work sometimes.  Please explain what a text screen is gonna do?    Good idea and could be helpful. But. No... 

The text screen would make PTS always active in the room so people wouldn't mic spam and such directly before a db or directly after it finishes as it is cancer. If they break it, CG or someone else with a baton could enforce it.

Also, no it's not the same as what you're suggesting, I'm not advocating stripping everyone's weapons to stop DB shootings...or muting everyones voice in-game to stop breaking pts.

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On 3/13/2018 at 1:07 PM, Deadly said:

/W to them or /pm? This doesn't actually address what I'm suggesting...as this would be dealt with exactly the same as now.

Fair enough. Yet this brings the server closer to being that one server where everything is absolute and people are scared to speak out and no one wants that 

Edited by Snadvich
Made a statement with no proof
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On 3/13/2018 at 1:07 PM, Deadly said:

/W to them or /pm? This doesn't actually address what I'm suggesting...as this would be dealt with exactly the same as now.

You see CG will arrest for that aswell since it counts for breaking PTS, I'm pretty sure even Gene when he was a marshal was arrested for it and used as an example.

Edited by Vires
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DENIED based off community feedback and the lack of role-play this action would actually create.

Thank you for the suggestion and please come back when you have another one in which you feel strong enough to put in a suggestion for.

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