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Deadly's BCMD Doom Resignation


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Battalion: Doom's Unit

RP Name: Battalion Commander Doom

Date: 2/1/8/2018

Reason: I don't normally talk about my personal issues on video games, because it always ends up starting drama and losing friends, but I feel it's necessary to give some reason as to why I'm resigning so suddenly... That being said, you should all know that I'm gay. My boyfriend, whom I would've been dating for 2 years as of March, passed away this morning after a car accident. This morning I met up with him to go to iHop for breakfast, because I missed him, and there was a car accident on the freeway on his way home, the details are still mostly unknown, but he was pronounced dead around 12. I was on my way to see him at the hospital right after his mom called me to tell me what happened. It's been a few hours now, and I just got home. I didn't expect this to happen and I don't know why it did. I'll be honest, I don't know how to deal with this. One thing is for sure, I definitely do not have time to fulfill my duties as Battalion Commander Doom, and for that reason, I am stepping down from the position. I'm so sorry for failing you, but real life comes first. I'll probably be on ROA for a while just trying to cope with this, as he was the one person I truly felt like I could go to for anything. Like I said, I'm sorry for not being able to accomplish all my goals as BCMD, but I will try and still play on the server and help DU and the next Doom whenever I get a chance. I just can't deal with the responsibilities of Battalion Commander right now.

Goodbyes: I'm not quitting the server, just my responsibilities and position as Battalion Commander Doom, so here are my recommendations for the next BCMD Doom:

@kod4545 (CMD Kody)

Dooms Unit COL Ninja

@Carter (COL Chambers)


I feel terrible for leaving my battalion like this, before I even got a chance to give them a heads up, but hopefully you all understand why I have to do this.

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Damn dude. I've had boyfriend issues a lot as of late but never to the extent of death. You were a good commander when I was doom, you did well.

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Real life always comes before a game, you did not fail anyone. You were a good BCMD and we have your back Mr. Deadly. Thank you for your service towards the server.

BCMD Neyo/Bruce Swain

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Image result for hell or high water jeff bridges

Choose your place, hell or high water, there is no in between.

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Holy shit, I did not expect that... As soon as I started reading what happened my face went from :| to :o... Rest in peace, I'm sure 99.9% of this amazing community will be here for you if you need anyone (if not 100%). Personally, didn't talk to you much but I know you were a great guy and I'm here for you if you need anything! It's great to see you were fine with stating your feelings on the forums. 

It was great to have you... Another one bites the dust...

Take care man!

-212th Commander BlackMamba

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Well Mr. Deadly I don't know you to a personal extend but if you ever need to talk to anyone about you situation and need support it's what were here for. Me and my Naz... CG will always support you with anything you need. o7


Side Note: You were not a failure as Doom

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My fucking good There is nothing I can say except good luck I hope Nothing like this happens to anyone but it does unfortunately You need help or someone to talk to we always have your back. I hope you recover from this horrific incident we wish the best for you.

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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The pain must be unbearable, Please don't bottle up your emotions, talk to people, let them out, hell cry if you need too. Spend time with your family, take it steady good fellow. Best of luck to you. 

We as a community are always here to help you.

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Thank you all for all the support. It really means a lot to me. I expect to start trying to play on the server normally on Thursday, if not hopefully Saturday. I'll have to rebuild my activity, because I do need to tone it down, especially now that I have extra problems on top of schoolwork and other stuff.

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11 minutes ago, Deadly said:

Thank you all for all the support. It really means a lot to me. I expect to start trying to play on the server normally on Thursday, if not hopefully Saturday. I'll have to rebuild my activity, because I do need to tone it down, especially now that I have extra problems on top of schoolwork and other stuff.

Don't rush back into playing on the server just for activity. After all, you suffered a type of loss not too many people in this community have felt. Take as much time needed and your return will still be great to see.


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