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Holo's BCMD Bacara Application

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Foreword: Autism made me do it.


Steam Name: Holo


RP Name: Holo | Blackout


RP Rank: CMD


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:96252878


Battalion you are applying for: Galactic Marines




TL;DR: In all, I’ve been playing on the server approximately since April of 2017. Shortly before the switch to Venator Extensive (for the second time). I joined Special Operations when it was its own battalion, then after a couple months I went to the Coruscant Guard. I immediately clicked with the Coruscant Guard and made bonds that persist to this day. I would gain experience under several foxes including but not limited to Une, Shakes, Ratio, Slump, And Anderson. I would run for Battalion Commander myself in February of 2020. Just after Anderson and before Centurion, shortly after my term I would find myself in Naval as the Chief flight officer where I strived for active roleplay for flight, managing to keep the aviation side of the server alive on a map where you couldn't fly, I did this by working with SUPL’s from all the battalions to get ideas of how to make flight more interesting and fun to do, even while you couldn't really fly or dogfight. After a short few months in naval I would retire from the server for a few years and in February found myself back in Special Operations within the 21st, and for the past several months I’ve helped the battalion grow and run with no small help from the rest of the officer corps and have been Iron's 2IC for a little under three months now.. In addition to that I run Special Operation and have made great strides in the subunit with Special Operations being nearly full and new tryouts having been made for the new map. In addition to this the structure of the subunit changed to encourage more active role play within the subunit and allowed for Special Operations to truly stand out more as a subunit, outside of just having the best drip on the server. With all that said I will go into further detail below, but for those of you who do not want to read apps, above has been a “Too Long, Didn’t Read '' version of my time and experience on the server. However I encourage anyone and everyone to read this app thoroughly and feel free to ask any questions you may have by the end. 


Coruscant Guard

I joined the Coruscant Guard in 2017 just after leaving Special Operations. My time spent in the Coruscant Guard was some of the most fond memories I have on this server. I initially joined under Panzer but It was at the tail end of his term and I don’t frankly remember much of it. Under Une and Shakes was when I really started to find my footing on the server, I spent most of my time on the server and made a lot of connections that I still have to this day. This was also around the time I received my first leadership roles within a battalion as Heavy Lead and Jek. From there I began working on leadership skills and understanding how to really make specializations or regiments stand out, even if their base appeal isn’t good. Under Ratio was when I first became an officer, I was Hound at the time and was Tracker Lead (Before it was a subunit). After my promotion I ran for Intel Director within CG and began learning the inner workings of the battalion and inter-battalion relationships. During this time I learnt a lot from Ratio, I consider him to have been a mentor at the time and I consider him the main reason for a lot of my friendships I still have today (Thanks Ratio). Towards the latter half of Andersons term, Anderson took an LOA due to IRL issues. Unfortunately, as did most of the officer corps at the time. So I ran the battalion pretty much by myself for a little over two weeks, and it was during this time that Anderson and our then spec regimental, Crimson, believed I was ready for a Commander role, and once his LOA  was over he and Crimson promoted me to Executive Officer within CG. 

 I began attending commander meetings as Thorn, dealing with trooper reports and basically any drama the battalion had to deal with. And during this time, I really came to understand what it took to run a battalion, the strain it has and how to handle situations delicately, take both sides of situations, take informed notes from meetings, etcetera etcetera. To this day I consider my time as Executive Officer under Anderson to be the most informative time I've spent on the server. Soon after this Anderson would resign and I would apply for Fox on February 7th of 2020. During my term The battalion would have around 15-20 active people a day on weekends, I added two lore characters (who’ve since been removed O7) Commander Grey and Commander Styles, as at the time they were Characters from comics and their armor designs made them seem like shock, this was all in Interest of giving people something to strive towards, giving lower enlisted something to apply for, and actively work towards is I believe one of the most important things you can do as a Battalion Commander. After this, with the help of my then executive Officer (Centurion) the Coruscant guard became a genuinely liked battalion for the first time in a very long time. Finally, I helped Kubert (our at the time our Intel Director) overhaul the intel team and have several active intel members in several time zones, ensuring that every aspect of the battalion’s backend was running smoothly at all time zones. (This was before the fancy automation most battalions run today so this was truly a really important thing for the battalion at the time)



After my term as Battalion Commander within Coruscant guard I joined Naval and helped under Brass, BCMD Jaded me quite a bit and Brass helped me decompress after my term. I took the lessons he taught me in stride and just tried to chill in Naval, I became an officer (I don’t remember what rank. It definitely wasn’t very high) And became Chief Flight Officer on a map that didn’t have a skybox. Yet as a Chief Flight Officer on titan base I managed to still keep flight alive on a map where you couldn’t fly. I messaged all the support Leadership I could and all the ACE leadership I could and gathered suggestions. The solution I took was to make Aviation fun on the server without just needing to fly around, introducing maintenance to aircraft. Trying to add benefits to recon flights (low level terrain sweeps to hunt for Event Jobs) stuff like that. (I also stole Qal's callsign but that’s here nor there, L Bozo) 


Galactic Marines

I joined the Galactic Marines only in February. I have not been here a long time and I am reverent of that fact, however in my time in 21st I have been told that I've genuinely made an impact for the better and that I have been a core part of the battalion for some time.. I joined as a SGM and quickly applied for Regiments lead and began helping out where I could. Implementing old solutions to new problems was something that I did multiple times and it has worked. I’ve tried to keep an open mind however that 4 years away from the server is a long fucking time. And honestly it’s nothing like the server we had in 2020. The people on the server now are some of the most chill people I’ve ever met and there’s a lot less apparent drama between battalions, doing Joint trainings with other mechanized battalions has been an awesome experience and the amount of vehicles we have on the server now truly makes each mechanized battalion seem unique in their own way, even if you’ve never been in the battalion, but I digress. In my time in the Galactic Marines, I’ve risen through the officer ranks and became a 2IC under Irons. Implementing new systems to help the NCO team continue to thrive and the Officer team to grow. I proposed the addition of a new officer team system, minor changes to logging and the roster to help with quality of life. I've continued to interview those interested in regimental lead positions and have done my best to pick those who I believe are going to do best in those positions, and those who are genuinely passionate about the regiment that they are applying for. And overall just helped with Morale, the biggest issue in GM at the moment is that there’s no appeal. And I’ve tried to remedy that where I can as a Commander and tried to make every regiment and subunit fun regardless of the lack of Lore characters or general appeal that other battalions may have. And I believe to that end, I’ve done as much as I can possibly do as a commander. 


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I am dedicated to the betterment of the battalion as a whole. I love the 21st and the few months that I’ve been here have been some of my most fun I’ve had on the server. I do my best to approach all my leadership positions with a firm but fair policy. Treating everyone fairly and equally I want to take this mindset into my role as Battalion commander in the 21st. 

I feel that with my previous experiences as multiple regimental leads and as a previous Commander Fox, I am more than prepared to take on the role and responsibility of Battalion commander.

I already have much planned for the future development of the battalion, for anyone who may be questioning my experience within the 21st know that I have the blessing of the officer team and the blessing of the previous Battalion Commander as well as the current Regimental. I am also prepared to answer any questions anyone may have with my plans on the future of the battalion, feel free to DM me on discord or reply to me here on the forums. (I’m in every battalion discord sans SOBDE, so it won’t be hard to find my discord if you need it, I’m not sure if I’m allowed to leave the username here so I will simply refrain from doing so unless someone tells me I can.)


Availability: I can be on the server every day, usually anytime after 3pm EST. Sometimes as late as 9pm EST. I am a full time caretaker so my ability to consistently be at the PC is limited, however I almost always available for DMs


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I have played (at the time of writing this) for 3480 hours.


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want your battalion to be at the end of your term?: Within my first month as battalion commander I'd like to reform the battalion’s discord, remove old pinned messages that aren't relevant anymore and generally just clean things up a bit also implementing non-modeled lore characters to allow for more engagement in the lower ranks. Ideally I’d also like to increase activity within the officer corps and generally increase our officer numbers overall. In addition to finding promising new NCOs and allowing them to rise through the ranks and be the future of the Officer corps. With more officers would also come weekly officer meetings to discuss the corps as a whole and allow for more clear communication between the teams, each of these meetings would have an accompanying document to place notes into as well as a recording, so that anyone who is not present for one reason or another, can still be informed on what's happening at the meeting. In a perfect world I would want the battalion to have an active officer corps by at least the end of my first month, generally taking most of that time to get things sturdy and more easily bridge the gap between the two BCMDs..


By the end of the second month myself and the officer team will begin pushing towards next projects which would be to start introducing activities for NCOs to do outside of just doing quota. Activities could be events organized in advance specifically designed around the Mechanized regiment. Constant patrols and assignments, RP channels in discord, all just to have activity and keep people in the battalion interested. At this stage I’d also want to start introducing some non-jobbed lore characters to the server. Notably bringing characters from the 44th Special Operations Division, characters from which are actively referred to as “Marines”, this is where the infamous devil dogs sub-unit comes from. I want to be completely clear when I say I have no interest in reintroducing devil dogs as a subunit in anyway shape or form, they are before my time and while I do not have the knowledge of why the subunit failed or why people have such a disdain for them, yet I am aware and reverent of the fact that many people on the server and especially previous 21st members, do not like devil dogs. And that’s perfectly fine, 21st has some of the most active subunits on the server at the moment in my opinion, and I have no interest in adding another. My main goal in adding these characters is to allow for new enlisted or even junior NCOs to have something to strive toward, to have a character to read about, apply to, and receive in a debrief is special to people because it makes them feel like they are progressing. When people have something to strive for, they burn out less and do more. 21st has almost no lore characters outside of the subunits and leadership positions and it hurts the NCO corps. Because people want to strive towards something, if they have nowhere to go maybe because they can’t get waived for a sub-unit or maybe just aren’t interested in any of our subunits. It causes people to want to leave and burns out those who want to make progress but Can’t because someone has been sitting in a position forever and a year. Having non-jobbed lore characters, where people can feel achievement for reaching a position, increases the interest in the battalion and also the retention rate of new troopers. At Least in my opinion and experience.


By the third month of my term I would like the battalion to be running smoothly with an active Officer corps and NCO corps. Within the last month of my term (preferably much sooner) I’d like to push towards revamping Keller's unit entirely. I want to push Keller’s unit away from ARC and their rough past. And give them features that will set them apart from other sub-units and battalions. Keller’s unit has always struggled on the server, In my opinion this is because of a lack of interest, they don’t offer anything unique outside of a single weapon and three slots for jet troopers. And the only time they did. It actively harmed the battalion. I’d like to work with any future Kellers to find something interesting for Keller’s unit and make a server suggestion to get Keller’s unit revamped. Whether this revamp is a new loadout, new jobs, or new rules, is something I do not know yet. The main thing to me is specifically finding something that a future Keller believes in and is passionate about, whatever we end up deciding is what we will fight for. I understand that some of you may disagree with this opinion but Keller’s Unit is fundamentally failing as a subunit. Not because of the fault of any Keller or Battalion Commander, but rather the way the sub-unit is designed. Personally I feel as if Keller’s unit has nothing really going for it. It is a reskin of the base-battalion models with little to no benefits to set them apart. I would like to push for Keller’s Unit to be more assault focussed. And allow them to take on fights that other subunits may not be able to. Whereas Special Operations is focused on stealth and espionage. I would like Keller’s unit to be focussed on Mechanized Assault and Violence.


TL;DR. I want to focus first on stabilizing the officer corps and reinforcing our large NCO numbers. Before pushing onto larger, more battalion changing decisions at a later point, when the battalion has the numbers and activity to back up any suggestions we may or may not make. Footnote: The timeframes given above are very generous and I hope to have them done much sooner than the timeframe given. And if necessary run for a second term to achieve these goals laid out. Not to mention any unforeseen issues that may take place during my term for one reason or another that may cause slowdowns on the projects listed above. Please understand that these things take an incredible amount of time to achieve, and nothing here can be done in a matter of weeks without a mixture of incredible skill and luck, and I will not sit here and lie on this application and state that I am a master at running a battalion. My time in the Battalion commander role is less than 1% of my time on the server, but I can confidently take the lessons that I’ve learnt from other BCMD’s and give it my best shot when it comes to making changes that people want to see.  


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes


Thank you for coming to my Yap Session

  • Agree 1
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Autism made me do it.

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From my time in the 21st, I've come to greatly enjoy and respect Holo. I am confident Holo will do great by the battalion and there are few others I'd like to see as Bacara. Holo is a person who has ideas and executes them, love this fella.

Giga +1 (I still miss you bbbbb)

  • Friendly 1

Current: RC-3222 Omega Squad Private Atin
Former: Rancor Private, 21st CommanderCuy'val Dar Vhonte Tervho, Naval LT Dao Coruscant Guard CPT Thire, KU XO Charger

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Veteran Admin

My god Holo, you know I actually love you right??

 I joined Special Operations when it was its own battalion

This is all I needed +1

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Currently: 501st BCMD Rex  / Veteran Admin of le server

OG ranks - SO CMD Moose and First ever CPT Taggart  - The best Walon Vau - 212th Longshot -212th Boil - CG CMD Hound/CMD Moose - 332nd Vaughn 

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Well, where to start? Always a trooper who looks out for the best for their battalion. This man was the best Jet and predecessor to the name Blackout.  I will only +1 for BCMD Blackout this term. 

Jokes aside +1 

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Current: Destiny 2 Sherpa Human Hunter Awoken Warlock Exo Titan 
Former: Blackout x2, Jet x2, COE x2

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Veteran Admin

Dude, bro DUDE BRO? FINALLY DUDE BRO? One of the easiest votes I have ever made on the server. You are the heart of the 21st. When you are on 21st goes crazy.


  • Friendly 1

Current : Rancor BCMD Blitz TRM  Questmaster Veteran Admin
Former : Obi-Wan Kenobi | Bultar Swan | Guild Marshall Rancor CMD Colt | Rancor BCMD Blitz  Rancor Alpha-09 CMD Bana |SG WO Jayfon

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Veteran Admin

Had a feeling this was going to go up. Hope you get it man you've been a strong member of the 21st for months now.

  • Friendly 1

Current: SPEC Regimental Commander Danny
Former: Walon Vau, CG Commander Danny, Battalion Commander Fox

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Veteran Admin

I have some questions for you before I answer

What have you done for 21st when your last BCMD wasn't around?

Why is it that you didn't apply last month, what changed?

In your eyes what is the biggest problem with 21st and how do you plan to solve it?

You have been a CMD for a long time, What in your eyes would make a difference of you being a BCMD compared to a CMD?

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This guy refound his footing under Iron's first term. He likely held off on term 2 due to Iron's reapp or perhaps still contemplating. 

He has been a backbone for 21st, and while i don't agree with everything he's tried to push for in the past, new ideas are welcomed regardless of what people outside the battalion think. 

I remember joking about this to you and Centurion when you came back for the first time. Won't forget that 6 hour convo we had with Crimson, Centurion and Snadvich. Hopefully you bring 21st grand ambitions after how well Irons did. 

Don't mention Devil Dogs. 44th is just DD. Don't ruin something good here.

Edited by Mystic
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Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Grand Master of the Order Yoda 
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructor l Alpha 98 Nate l Actually Private Crosshair l Mace Windu


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4 minutes ago, Reborn said:

I have some questions for you before I answer

1 What have you done for 21st when your last BCMD wasn't around?

2 Why is it that you didn't apply last month, what changed?

3 In your eyes what is the biggest problem with 21st and how do you plan to solve it?

4 You have been a CMD for a long time, What in your eyes would make a difference of you being a BCMD compared to a CMD?

1. Iron's resigned yesterday, so fortunately we have not had to push for many reforms, myself and the other commanders being Noble and Art, agreed upon Irons receiving legacy and that's literally all we've had time to really do.


2. Last month Iron's was fully confident in his ability to take on a second term and made it clear to his command staff that he wanted to go for it, I asked him if he'd like me to apply just in case he did not receive the position, and he asked me to have an app ready in case, however he did pass the interview. In fact most of this app was written originally in May, hence why it came up so quickly after Iron's resignation.


3. Player retention and interest. 21st has VERY little to offer compared to other battalions, this is because of the lack of lore for the 21st and lack of screen time we get compared to most battalions, personally I think 21st has some of the best concepts despite not having much written lore revolving around them directly, however not having lore characters for people to apply for and not having much to strive towards outside of our sub-units, I believe has caused people to get burnt out if someone is not interested in one of the sub-units. My Idea to fix this is simply to add more lore characters, marine lore characters exist and having something for people to apply for makes them feel special, it makes them feel like they're striving towards something and making progress, even if they don't get a fancy model for becoming a lore character. In addition to that, I want to make Keller's unit as a sub-unit more interesting, so people have more reasons to choose KU over SO, I do not have anything in mind immediately, but I intend on brain-storming with KU members and the current Keller to find a good idea and fight to get it added to the server. (Footnote: I do agree with Iron's suggestion to move the battalion HVO slots to KU and that is something I intend to fight for as well going into my term.)

4. Like I mention at the end of my app, I have already made major changes as a commander, including but not limited to; Restructuring our officer team, to allow more fluid work flow between each sections of the battalion (relations, discipline, NCO corps, Doc Maintenance, ETC) helping to implement new quality of life changes both ingame and in the discord, as well as entirely revamping the way that SO operated on the server, adding systems to encourage more active roleplay even when there is nothing happening on the server. To the end of revamping the battalion for the better and making it a fun battalion to play in, I believe I have done everything I can as a Commander. 


I can elaborate more if needed, but I hope this helps. Thank's for the question.

  • Dumb 1

Autism made me do it.

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1 minute ago, Bacta said:

+1 but holo hates me but i still fuck with him and hes goated

I don't hate you, you're still my favorite cody to date

Autism made me do it.

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Veteran Admin

Thank you for the responses +1 Good luck and god speed

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+1 I fully support Holo as someone who has worked beside him and seen his leadership from the side lines. He is more than ready for this position.

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Current: Game Master | Former: Fox, Thire, Stone, BCMD, Veteran Admin, DSL, ARCLx2
kamino-coruscant — Commander Fox and Sergeant Hound S05x18: The Jedi...

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+1 for me

this man is a legend, he single handily picked SO up off the ground and when irons was having troubles with irl stuff he also carried 21st on his shoulders on top of that

all in all, I think Holo would be an excellent BCMD 

Edited by Sunny
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+1. I think he has the experience, and know-how to lead this battalion to greatness. He is the natural successor to Irons, and I have the utmost confidence he has a plan for us going forward. SO has prospered under him, I'm excited to see him get a chance to bring that prosperity to the entire battalion.

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Veteran Admin

+1 this guy has fully committed to 21st has been there since i joined and stayed even after i left. THIS GUY COOKS


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Current: || VA || GMM ||  QuestMaster ||  212th BCMD Cody || 


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+1 I would follow no one else into battle. His commitment shows just by the members of 21st and SO alone. This application speaks for itself and so does his actions on the server every day.


Edited by Forte
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+1 be the first BCMD blackout so you can keep the cloak

Edited by KillJoy
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Current: Null 10 Jaing 
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd Officer , ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member, ARCM Colt, Dash 44, Wolfpack Mortar


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+1 Good luck mate

  • Friendly 1

Current: BOOM
Former: 501st BCMD Rex 332nd Captain Vaughn (x2) | Torrent Company Commander Appo | Veteran Admin Game Master Manager | 501st Regimental Advisor | 332nd Officer Vyse (x3) | TC Officer Kano | TC Officer Tup | TC Dogma GCO CPT Waxer | GCO SUPL Wooley 2ndAC Parjai

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  • Director

Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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  • Director

Congratulations! Your application for the position you applied for has been ACCEPTED!

Your term will end 3 MONTHS after this post. Good luck!




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