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Jax / Breaker's 2nd Term SPEC Regimental Application


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RP Name:

SPEC REGCMD Breaker | Jedi P LK Jax

Steam ID (SteamID Finder):


Regiment you are applying for:




91st PVT - BCMD

During my 91st career i’ve served under three different Neyos (Black, Zander, Thexan). It was a long journey starting a year ago in december. I learned a lot of leadership skills under Black and still follow his advice to this day. After a while I quit SWRP to soon return a few months later near the beginning of Thexan’s term. I did a lot of grunt work and during the summer I played ridiculously long hours. I rose through the SGT ranks and would soon join the elite division, Lightning Squadron. I would eventually make the push from CSM to SMB and later 2ndLT. Around this time the purge happened and I ran the 91st on Icefuse for a while as all the officers had left and I was still deciding. After awhile a moved to Synergy on the Rishi Moon base. I work as a 2ndLT under Thexan until his eventual resignation. Zander would become Neyo and I among few others survived the officer wipe. I worked a lot into rebuilding the battalion structure with Zander and eventually was promoted to CMD. During the times when Zander was offline it was my role to overseer and make decisions for the battalion. I became the “head-commander” and had complete say over the other CMDs in the absence of Zander. Not long after Zander would be promoted to Director, causing him to step down. At this point it was my time to step-up as Neyo. Although there was some organizational issues during my time the battalion population was booming. Our active membership and recruitment was high. After talking and getting advice from Max a few times I became more competent in my ability to lead and put my foot down when I needed to. When the ranking structure was redesigned I reassessed all my troopers and their role in the battalion. People were demoted and promoted based I where they fit in best and how well they did. I would promote Bigman to CMD and set him up to be my eventual successor. The regimental role opened after Zomb’s term ended and I decided to take the opportunity and run for it.


Specialized Regimental Commander

In late November I would become the specialized regimental commander. During my term I would see to make sure the welfare of every battalion under me was good. I was a complete stranger to the 104th and RANCOR at this time. I would on my relations with them to become a stronger regiment overall and create a clear sense of communication. I setup simulations for the battalions under me and would assist them by pitching their battalions to 101st to get them interested. I helped assist in the 91st situation before they left my regiment. In the new year the battalions would be reshuffled leaving me to learn the characteristics and people in these battalions. At this point i’d say this regiment is extremely diverse in the specialities, leading me to begin work on and think of ways to use them. I’ve helped with ST on the new ship and placing down their positions, and assisted as best as I could with their inter battalion issues. The republic medics were recently added and I made sure their creation of docs and leadership went smoothly.


501st ARC SGT

I took a quick two day break from Synergy in my Christmas break to play with some old friends on Icefuse. I went through ARC trainings over there and worked with some pretty great people. I took some techniques and leadership skills from their officers and commander over there and incorporated new ideas in my leaderships.


Naval PO2

This is probably one of the first positions where I took RP seriously. I ran the defcons, held trainings, and all of the other classic naval duties. Unfortunately I didn’t play this as long as I liked due to facing more important duties to help with the 91st.


Lorekeeper Padawan

I became one of the first lorekeepers before it fell apart. I assisted Medic/Varcko in designing part of the trials. On Top of this I held and created a few presentations and lore sessions.


Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

With the reshuffle of the regiments I have tons of new goals i’d like to achieve in the regiment. I’ve been a regimental before, with my experience I feel that I am ready to take on any challenges I face. I am sharpened up and can deal with any sort of demotion/punishment I need to hand out. I’m not afraid to intervene and change battalions as I see fit. I’m always reachable through discord and I am always open to criticism. I’ve told my men if their unhappy and they have a reasonable complaint, i’ll fix it within a week or put up my resignation. I believe my work not done yet with the specialized regiment and I want to keep working with the great members of it. I am fully capable and competent to serve again as a regimental.


Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:



It’s been a little rough recently due to finals week but after this week my schedule should look like this.

Monday - Thursday: 3:00-9:30

Fridays depend on whether I go out with friends but should be: 3:00pm-12:00am

Weekends: 4pm-1:00am

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

101st PVT - Regimental Commander.

Over a year in this community.

Been apart of Synergy since it was just a teamspeak.

Was loyal to a battalion (91st) for 9 monthes.

Been apart of all three branches (Jedi, Naval, Clone)


Do you have a microphone?:


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

I want to have a stable regiment. All of the battalions in my regiment to have stable numbers and with steady recruitment. I also want battalions with leadership and clear communication. One of the big issues nowadays is communications. I want to have a regiment where we talk everything out instead of starting drama or putting reports up. I want the regiment to have great relations with each other and establish friendship between the battalions. Having a regiment where everyone knows their expectations based on their rank is also important for me to have at the end of my term.. I want to troops to be well-trained,and at the end of I my term I hope to have them say “I had fun and learned new things.”  Finally, I wish to have great leadership who will be able to succeed me.

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

  1. Mixed battalion trainings, have the battalions run training and simulations with each other so that they grow to work with each other. For example, have a GM lead a group of 104th, ST, and RM in a training course. This will help the regiment move together more smoothly and also help battalions learn new leadership styles from each other.

  2. During the regimental meetings have the battalions discuss plans to work with each other and communicate issues and work through issues  they may have with each other.

  3. Cut down and punish any troopers flaming another battalion/person in teamspeak/OOC/whatever even if its not to their face.

  4. Host events that would require to work with each other to complete their objective. It would help them move smoothly and work together to act more as a regiment instead of just individual battalions.

  5. Overall i’ll try hosting things where members from the battalion can do just hang out together to have fun with each other. For example I could do game nights on days like Saturday where we chill from gmod for a night and improve relations by having fun which will eventually translate to in-game and have the battalions work with each other no questions asked or complaints because they don't want to work with a certain battalion.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:


Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:



Edited by Jax
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Just now, Zyner said:

Can't see any of it in the default theme but judging by the spacing it looks detailed.


i thought it was just heavily spaced out at first

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