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Attempt to Make 332nd A Real Sub-Unit

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GM Leadership

Name: Joyboy


Suggestion: Turning 332nd Into A Real Sub-Unit

Implementation: This implementation would be to change the 501st Officer job into a 332nd Siege Trooper. Here the brief things I would like to see should this suggestion pass.

-Changing the name of the Officer whitelist to Siege Trooper

-Changing the title of the Officer whitelist from 501st to 332nd

-Addition of DP23 shotgun and Heavy Shield to the whitelist

Lore: None

Workshop content if applicable: Requires Development

If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following if not, leave it out.

Add or Change: Change

Job: 501st Officer to 332nd Siege Trooper 

Slots: 5

Description: N/A

Model: models/synergy_roleplay/501/officer/officer.mdl

Weapons: rw_sw_dc15a_o, rw_sw_dc15s, rw_sw_dp23, rw_sw_dp24, heavy_shield

Other: This is an attempt to make 332nd more appealing for people to join but also make them into a real subunit. There isn't much to classify 332nd as a subunit since they don't have models or anything special about them. I think that a really interesting way to go about this is utilizing the heavy shield instead of the deployable. Since 332nd is part of an Attack Battalion it makes more sense to be constantly holding the shield and continuing the push with the main forces. Also as far as I know, there aren't any jobs on the server utilizing the heavy shield so this wouldn't impact those units/battalions.

Edited by Joyboy

My time as Echo was shorter than Clutch's Yoda Term

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Veteran Admin

+1 Make 332nd a real subunit

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Head Admin

I think you can realistically add more to the suggestion to make it more appealing. Maybe a DP-24 and a DC-17 Extended instead of the shotgun?

Sentiment for the suggestion is a W, I just think you can ask for a touch more. 

  • Agree 1

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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GM Leadership
Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, KaiserNeiner said:

I think you can realistically add more to the suggestion to make it more appealing. Maybe a DP-24 and a DC-17 Extended instead of the shotgun?

Sentiment for the suggestion is a W, I just think you can ask for a touch more. 

I personally think swapping the DP-24 for the DP-23 fits the theme that I would like to see this suggestion go in. The shotgun fits more into the Siege aspect that I want to try to play into with the sub-unit. 

Edited by Joyboy
  • Agree 1

My time as Echo was shorter than Clutch's Yoda Term

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Veteran Admin

It's time to make 332nd into a REAL subunit. It's an injustice not having a proper job for 332nd which makes it harder to promote and recruit folks into, unlike Torrent Company which has the proper setup for the subunit to be successful.


  • Winner 1

Current: 501st BCMD Rex | Veteran Admin | Game Master Manager | Quest Master TRO
Former: 332nd Captain Vaughn (x2) | Torrent Company Commander Appo | 501st Regimental Advisor | 332nd Officer Vyse (x3) | TC Officer Kano | TC Officer Tup | TC Dogma


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Head Admin
7 minutes ago, Joyboy said:

I personally think swapping the DP-24 for the DP-23 fits the theme that I would like to see this suggestion go in. The shotgun fits more into the Siege aspect that I want to try to play into with the sub-unit. 

oh I was confused, I misread the "addition" part of your thing but didn't see the DP24 initially. I think you can get a pistol too but in general, +1 

  • Friendly 1

                                                                                                             Kaiser        Zeros        Clutch



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Veteran Admin
10 hours ago, Arroyo said:

Are you aware that the heavy shield can not be deployed? You can only hold it out and only breach doors that are DarkRP doors. I would say swap it to deployable shield

We do understand it can't be deployed, the main reason for the shields to be non-deployable is 332nd is a siege unit and is aggressive with taking objectives. We prefer the non-deployable as it sticks to the theme of an all-out assault style play. As well as we don't wish to take away from other battalions that have the deployable shield and still allow them to remain unique in a sense. As an attack battalion our may job is to be at the front line leading the charge not defending points with the shield or using it to lock down an area, it's made to siege and attack more efficiently.

  • Agree 1
  • Winner 1
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Veteran Admin


Dude I'd Swoon  if I saw a shield wall of 332nd troopers during an event.


If I could +1 this twice I would.

Current: Battalion Commander Fox
Former: Walon Vau, CG Commander Danny

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