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From the Desk of Mazen



51 members have voted

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Marshal: Mazen (Mazen)

Palpatine: Luther (Conner)

Director: Marvel (John Halo)

ATK REG: Finn (Lucas)

MECH REG: Bane (Johnson Smith)

Spec REG: Vacant(I am currently running the Speci


Wanna Start this off with a explanation of the past 2 weeks with my recent activity, I have been moving! From living in the liberal city of LA I escape to the liberal city of San Fran, sadly there will be some stuff that needs to be adjusted, i cant be as loud as i want to be, but in general my schedule is much more concrete then before, with being in Uni it has given me alot of perspectives that I have enjoyed, overall I am happy that i didn't get called "Inactive" but want to assure you guys i should be fully back.

A small note for all my battalions I want to remind all battalions of a couple things,

-Leeching isnt something tolerated onto the server, if you are caught leeching members to your battalion in a aggressive matter and such, you will be punished by your HC member

-You are playing a CWRP server, this is a PVE server, battalions should be striving to better each other , im not a fan of seeing people jealous of other battalions, it should be a celebration and in general positivity across the board, we are working for all battalions to get better, not just yours. 


During this I sent out a nice HC Feedback Form, the goal/point for this feedback form is to have a  good start on big issues that I know have plagued HC, and i want to address and talk about alot of this, while i will keep my promise and not leak any of the responses, i will be summarizing alot of the points that were given to ensure that i am publicly addressing the issues and what me,Luther, and Marvel have done about/will do about it. We want to be a proactive HC team that focuses on fixing alto of common pitfalls that HC used to suffer in.


Since the recent server boost of us having a much more consistent player base of around 60-70, Marvel has been much more conservative with giving waives, currently I think we have already denied a good handful of waives, our mentality has been we want to see true impact, if you are coming into the server after not playing for 2+ years, i wouldnt recommend getting a waives, with a much more constant and newer player-base, it has been something we addressed and we are now back to normal with extreme waives on the server.


This is something that we have done as a HC To avoid, I would like to say this HC is pretty unbiased and willing/have removed people from positions of power due to Bias, this is something we take extremely seriously, if you want to talk about this 


This is something that is dear to my heart, part of our route of being in HC is to try to facilitate more roleplay, a small thing that i have been doing is two things that i think will go along way

-Respecting Jedi and higher ranks, this is something I have been pushing every-time im getting on, calling all Jedi MASTERS, and deriving respect, clone troopers respected jedi and this is something that i will continue to push for!

-Respecting and working with BH/Senate, this is something im also trying to push, giving them the benefit of the doubt, helping them out and being kind goes along way! When a senator comes in, its all hands on deck to protect and be nice to them, I want to push for this and will continue doing this.

In general also with me as HC i have been trying to have small stories for the day, I saw Rancor the other day AFKINg looking cool with cross arms (FRONT), so i gave them a task to do just to get them to do something, taking care of a CT arguing with another PVT, ( @Hanzand @Baron), in general if im seeing you just AFKING be prepared for me to randomly call your battalion to do a task!


The Good Stuff!

I saw alot of good stuff that was focusing on what HC has been doing, and acknowledging and saying that they are happy with their REG and in general with the direction we are taking the server for RP, we hope to continue serving you guys as HC and want to remind you all that we are all preety open people, if you have stuff you wanna talk about dont be afraid!

I am also happy to see the SPEC changes have been meet with warm receptions, going through HC/BCMD voting properly, i was very happy with most battalions seem happy/excited with their SPECs now.

We still have alot of positions open from SPEC REG and alot more positions opening up!  We are cooking up alot of stuff so get ready!


As always my DMS are open, HC is in a very motivated and working position! Im excited for the future and excited next time i post another these we are getting 80+ players consistently 




Poll: What if we gave a option for battalions to have a poll, as 1 HC as a community vote by their Battalion

EX: I am running for 212th BCMD, and during the time, it will be recorded the votes of the people in the battalion and all those votes will add up to 1 HC Vote.

Give thoughts/opinons this is just a IDEA that im floating around, and curious how the community will like this, i wanna see more community engagement when it comes to roleplay apps so im trying my best to push for anything.









I do not like @Spieler, very mean and not good person!

Edited by Mazen
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Battalion votes should've always been a thing tbh. If your battalion loves you there isn't a reason for a vote from someone that doesn't play to matter.

  • Winner 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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@Baron Stop throwing shit at me

On a serious note...

I think the battalion vote is kinda dumb. I will always use this example in this topic because it is extremely relevant. Back when 501st and specifically TC was run by the now perma banned breaking bad kids, torrent company was a joke. When the XO Appo decided to run for Rex every single person in the battalion was on board, when it was obvious for everyone outside the battalion he was a horrible choice. If those members had a say in the HC vote it could've changed the outcome on that application. People will vote for whoever they like the most and a lot of times that is not the man for the job.

Edited by Hanz
Actually read the post
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i have never seen the HC system as a democratic system. High command is self sustained entirely in its voting process whereby regimentals vote on other regimental applicants. The player vote on regimental applications and bcmd applications could very easily be subverted by HC in this system. Even if there were 20 more -1s then +1s on an application, someone could very well still get a regimental position or bcmd position  in our current system due to HC being a self ran circle of elections. Therefore, you cannot guarantee that regimentals are players that are voted in by the people to represent the people they lead since the people who ultimately vote on who takes over as bcmd, could not have the same intentions as their regiments constituent.

I would love to see some more democracy in this community so that players actually feel like their voice and opinion matters. Right now there is very little place in this community for what the normal player has to say, allowing a battalion vote in the bcmd selection process would help contribute to people believing their voice matters, especially about who should be leading them.

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21 minutes ago, Hanz said:

@Baron Stop throwing shit at me

On a serious note...

I think the battalion vote is kinda dumb. I will always use this example in this topic because it is extremely relevant. Back when 501st and specifically TC was run by the now perma banned breaking bad kids, torrent company was a joke. When the XO Appo decided to run for Rex every single person in the battalion was on board, when it was obvious for everyone outside the battalion he was a horrible choice. If those members had a say in the HC vote it could've changed the outcome on that application. People will vote for whoever they like the most and a lot of times that is not the man for the job.

Having a single vote in HC dedicated to the battalion vote will not completely disrupt the vote into a question of popularity. There are nearly 10 members of HC that all hold a vote. 1 extra vote will not throw everything off

Edited by Dono
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When voting, the high command should take into account how well a BCMD would work with their battalion; they don't necessarily need their own vote. It's not a popularity contest, it's how well you'll do in the position that matters most.

  • Agree 2

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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The issue with battalion votes is if a situation, like the one DU was always in, arrises and 1 group holds complete control over a battalion. as long as HC gets the final say but a battalion still has strong influence I think it could be a useful voice of the people as long as it doesn't make 1 vote and shows how all the battalion voted.

You could even do it where it's a secret vote to the battalion but to HC they can see who voted so while the battalion feels secure and unpressured HC can get an idea of what factions are in the battalion or how different crowds arrise. People might be pissed about HC seeing how they vote but an anonymous vote would make it harder for HC to determine who is supporting what cause the voices of people who've been stuck at SGT for years and the voice of a newly promoted Captain are vastly different in information.

  • Winner 1

The most fuckable person on Synergy Star Wars RP~

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I am going to put my two sense in here because I received a ping and I may have some experience here. The battalion voices and votes are to get you through the application process. That is where their voices are heard and that is where they can help you to convince others to support you and your visions and ideas for the future of the battalion. The High Command gamers have a vote on entirely different criteria than just liking you, such as how most of the battalion votes. Additionally, there would need to be some sort of battalion representative in the high command voting chats to ensure things go smoothly and are voiced properly. Secondly, the subject of the voting is also primarily on your interview and how you're able to handle and prepare for that, which is supposed to be a pretty protected process. Basically what I am trying to say is that the reasons only high command votes are because they are promoting you to a leadership and role model position for a large part of the server and a rank with power and pull around the server, battalion, and forums, so the promotion effects much more than just that one battalion whose votes are being tallied. High command may act like a bunch of apes sometimes, but generally they're able to handle themselves pretty well and think pretty objectively.


I know that's a lot of words and most people are probably not gonna read them, so I will give a TLDR:

Battalion votes and support are for getting you through the application process and to the interview. After the apps, it's all on you to convince high command in the interview and actions in game and as a leader to prove that you're not going to be out there eating glue and licking windows.

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