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Meows MCMD App


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Steam Name: ム | Meow | ム | Synr.gg


RP Name: 20th RCMD Meow




Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:90701592


Position you are applying for: Marshal Commander   


Why should you become a Marshal Commander?:
There are many reasons why I wish to become a MCMD. One key reason is that I have an unwavering effort and dedication to make the server bigger and better; and although I have a laid back personality, I know when and how to act serious and give information and/or feedback on anything that someone may ask of me.

During my 4 years on this server, I’ve seen Synergy change throughout the years, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. Although I don’t know what lies in the far future, I believe I can make a positive change with this position through my position.



Discord—>8am-1am est or longer

Server—> after 6pm till 1am this will depend on Homework Load       


Give a brief overview of your achievements and experience on the server:    

Dooms Unit PVT-BCMD


Doom’s Unit was the first battalion I joined after joining Synergy for the first time. This battalion taught me a lot of things, like leadership and intel work. I eventually became the ITD of the battalion and soon progressed to becoming an ARC and eventually ARCL. After achieving the rank of Battalion Commander, I focused on achieving growth and prosperity but had to unfortunately resign due to a personal loss, which led me to leave the server for a while.

501st 2ndLT to CPT

After discussions with the Command of 501st, I was given the rank of 2nd Lieutenant to help lighten the burden on Intel and Torrent Company. This battalion taught me the unity and strength of being within a sub-unit, making me realize how unique the sub-units are and the players within them. I worked up the ranks of TC and soon became the XO of TC, where I helped with the rebuilding of TC. Once achieving that goal, I soon realized that it was time to move.. to Foxtrot.

Foxtrot PVT-XO

Still in my stride after achieving the goals I had laid out for myself in 501st, I was eager to play my cards in the Shadow Brigade, or SOBDE. After a few tryouts, I had made it into SOBDE and more importantly, the Foxtrot Squad, becoming Tech. Within this battalion, I learned about discipline and how to improve my roleplay to another level. After a long period of helping Foxtrot with whatever I could and socializing or roleplaying with the other members of SOBDE and the server itself, I achieved the rank of XO and was leading the unit for a small period of time with the introduction of Gregor. After a period, I took a break from the server.

21st PVT-CPT

Following my return, I decided to join the 21stNC/GM. It was during this time that I had started to do things differently. Promotions in this battalion worked in a way I wasn’t used to, which were merits. While it was an imperfect system with flaws, in some ways, it did work. By making it my goal to rise through the ranks and give all my effort into the battalion, I had rose to the rank of WO, where I underwent a probationary period. After successfully completing my term, I was moved up to the rank of Captain and had also achieved KU XO shortly after. However it wouldn’t last long as the battalion was wiped, with every officer moved down to 2ndLT.

Galactic Marines 2ndLT-CMD

Following the reformation of the Galactic Marines, every officer had been moved down into 2ndLT, including myself. While some .. disapproved of these changes, I had made it a goal to make sure this battalion rose to the heads and shoulders of other battalions, alongside that goal were my secondary objectives of achieving Captain and Charger once again. Due to my actions within the battalion, I was slowly promoted up to the rank of Major and was made Keller. 

I was made Keller at the same time Lyonaxis was made DDL. We both put effort and spent our time in the two subunits, improving it as much as we could, while also focusing on the battalion itself. Soon after we gained the rank of Colonel, our commander, Bacta, had resigned, leaving us in charge of the battalion for 3-4 weeks. After this period, Lyonaxis was made the BCMD of GM. This is also where I had started preparing for my eventual leave for Regimental Commander.

Regimental Commander -2 months

While I initially had specific goals for each battalion, this quickly changed due to the turbulent period of reassigning which battalions were in which regiment. My new goals became stability, teamwork, joy, and order. During my term as Regimental, I learned how much of an effect I could have on the server and what it truly meant to be part of High Command. I have a responsibility to both the server and its players, which I believe I’ve done my best in fulfilling. I hope I can make as many positive changes in Marshal as I did with Regimental.



Jedi Padawan - Council Member


When I rejoined, I was given the rank of padawan due to being a former Knight. With this, I quickly joined the Guardian branch and soon after joined their sub branch, WS and became a knight. After being in WS for a while I decided to apply for a manager position, I soon achieved this and continued to do trials for many weeks to come. After being a WSM for quite some time WSL opened up and I jumped at the opportunity for it. Soon after I was granted the rank of master and with it the lore position of Luminara and Guardian master a week later. 

41st CPL-CMD (Jedi)

This was the first battalion I joined where they treated me like any other clone. After a while I was given the chance to be XO of improcco and WO. Following the end of my WO term I was granted the rank of 1stLT and began remaking all of the Improcco documents and building a dupe for them. It was during this longer stretch of time I was promoted to a Senior officer position and began overseeing the officers and training them for eventual leadership and doing all of the Improcco tryouts. Eventually during this time I was granted the rank of CMD where I've stayed for a few months up until recently.



Do you have a microphone?: Indeed.   


Where do you want the Grand Army to be at the end of your term: 

Stability & Prosperity

While the server has its ups and downs, I believe that this goal would have a long-lasting effect if done properly. For stability, there must be a clear line of trained individuals that work well under pressure and are willing to dedicate some of their time towards improving a specific battalion. While this may take some time, it will undoubtedly lead towards a greater GAR. For prosperity, the battalions must be appealing and fun, but must not overstep the boundary between fun and mingery. While this is not a guarantee, it is what I hope to achieve in my term.



Having a community that freely roleplays that isn’t limited to events or scenarios is the dream of every Marshal. While I cannot guarantee the success of this, I hope to at least have a portion of the server roleplay with each other, no matter what the situation is, with HC leading the way. This community is capable of making RP situations on the spot, but we just need to show them.


With the current vacancies in leadership roles, it is imperative that regimentals and the future Marshal push BCMDs in the right direction, taking in feedback and giving out sound advice, no matter the situation. Above all else, is to make sure the BCMDs feel comfortable and find the server fun, instead of a burden.



How do you plan to improve relations within the Grand Army?:
While there are a few incidents that can spark an outrage between battalions, these can always be quelled by understanding what happened and how you can prevent it. Beyond that, we cannot always force relations to improve as it must come naturally over bonding.


The easiest way to answer this is with “Joint Trainings” or “Joint Events” and while they are useful, they are not always fulfilled. However, there is potential in these phrases. By utilizing these two plans, you *can* have battalions that are friendly with each other. 


How do you plan to improve relations within the VIP factions?:
Again, while we can somewhat influence relations between regiments, battalions, and factions, we cannot force them for the better… but, including them in more events or rp scenarios would be a step in the right direction.       

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes       


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your Marshal commander rank?: Yes   



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Gonna be honest, I'm real skeptical about this.

Aside from the past few days, you haven't been pushing RP and being an active presence on the server. How do you plan on pushing player population?

The timing of the application, and the private conversations we've had, makes me concerned about your reasoning for running. Why did you wait so long to put the app up?

Who's going to replace you as Sector Commander?

Can you go more into detail as to why you would make a good Marshal? That answer is very vague. 

  • Agree 1
  • Dumb 3

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Thigh High Connoisseur|


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I agree with much of what Finn has said about the RP and the presence. I don't think its a problem with you yourself, I think if anything its perhaps a lack of experience in leadership. Something that the clear competitor does not lack. I believe that you are passionate, however, I have yet to see you use that passion to push for greater things on Synergy. I'd like to see more Meow before I see Marshal Meow. I STRONGLY believe that our high command team will benefit from you staying in your current position and Metro taking the reins as Marshal for this period. However COMMA, I am willing to hear you out on whatever you have to say on these points before finalising my stance on the application.

  • Winner 1

Ex - Minge, Commander Fox, 14th RCMD


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59 minutes ago, Finn said:

Who's going to replace you as Sector Commander?

Not sure why it matters who will replace Meow as regimental in this app as all that should be determined by whoever applies, how well their application is received, and how their interview goes without someone preselected!


+1 Meow has a long-standing history of being an excellent officer/command member in so many aspects of the server, has sought information from me and what I want to see happen before posting (which I appreciate as BCMD and Senior Senator), and overall is the best fit at the time for the position. Meow has shown a true care to see the server succeed as he has not shrunk in these bad hours of the server and has helped push people through many aspects of the server in RP, staff, and GM. 

  • Agree 1

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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+1 I am a huge fan of both candidates and i will gladly work alongside either you or Metro.

Edited by Mystic

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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+1 easy day 

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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7 hours ago, Finn said:

Gonna be honest, I'm real skeptical about this.

Aside from the past few days, you haven't been pushing RP and being an active presence on the server. How do you plan on pushing player population?

The timing of the application, and the private conversations we've had, makes me concerned about your reasoning for running. Why did you wait so long to put the app up?

Who's going to replace you as Sector Commander?

Can you go more into detail as to why you would make a good Marshal? That answer is very vague. 

With the part about me not pushing rp recently:

That’s true within the last 4 weeks I’ve been on 2 LOAs and then one week long ROA with staff and high command. This was due to me being severely sick during that time. Umm before the last 4 weeks I would say I was doing my job in the aspect of pushing rp within the people I work with 41st, DU, 104th, 501st, and many of the people I encounter in game, the in game stuff was always on a smaller scale. maybe it’s due to the times we play? It did take me 2 weeks to get a meeting with you due to both our schedules conflicting.

How do you plan to push player pop: 

I plan to be a presence on the server encouraging rp and creating entertainment as a GMO and a player whenever I can. For new players joining there isn’t much I can do in that aspect. To get players online, well that kinda comes with the entertainment people play the server to do things or to talk to friends and people. I’ll make it known stuff is happening and pushing and doing stuff but it’s up to synergy itself to get online after that. If I can make it so people enjoy the sever when I’m on and look forward to popping on when I’m on then that’s basically all a marshal can do in this aspect. They arnt server leadership.

why did you wait so long to put the app up, and the concerned.

Do you mean since metro applied or even before that? Initially before anyone applied I was planning on applying after my term which is one month from now. If we are talking in terms of since metro posted it would be due to talking to people getting opinions about things and seeing what people want. And for the concerned, as I told you at 2 am yesterday I’ve always wanted this position is it a month sooner then my ideal goals maybe but that’s been changes a few times, I was gonna go for marshal after Xaze but then that ended and so I decided I’ll go after my term. It’s been pushed up by almost exactly a month but I can assure you I’m running cause it’s a position I’m passionate about.

About The Who’s going to replace me: Honestly I never thought this question would be asked as I’m not in a bcmd position where you have a clear line of leadership and supposed to know who’s up after you. My position of 20th sector is now above a few good battalions, any number of people could take the position.

Give more detail on why I’d make a good marshal it’s vague:

No I cannot I said in a pretty clear way what I said, it’s up to the people that interact with me and play with me to decide if Id be a good marshal after the fact.

  • Winner 1
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13 hours ago, meowthemeower said:

With the part about me not pushing rp recently:

That’s true within the last 4 weeks I’ve been on 2 LOAs and then one week long ROA with staff and high command. This was due to me being severely sick during that time. Umm before the last 4 weeks I would say I was doing my job in the aspect of pushing rp within the people I work with 41st, DU, 104th, 501st, and many of the people I encounter in game, the in game stuff was always on a smaller scale. maybe it’s due to the times we play? It did take me 2 weeks to get a meeting with you due to both our schedules conflicting.

How do you plan to push player pop: 

I plan to be a presence on the server encouraging rp and creating entertainment as a GMO and a player whenever I can. For new players joining there isn’t much I can do in that aspect. To get players online, well that kinda comes with the entertainment people play the server to do things or to talk to friends and people. I’ll make it known stuff is happening and pushing and doing stuff but it’s up to synergy itself to get online after that. If I can make it so people enjoy the sever when I’m on and look forward to popping on when I’m on then that’s basically all a marshal can do in this aspect. They arnt server leadership.

why did you wait so long to put the app up, and the concerned.

Do you mean since metro applied or even before that? Initially before anyone applied I was planning on applying after my term which is one month from now. If we are talking in terms of since metro posted it would be due to talking to people getting opinions about things and seeing what people want. And for the concerned, as I told you at 2 am yesterday I’ve always wanted this position is it a month sooner then my ideal goals maybe but that’s been changes a few times, I was gonna go for marshal after Xaze but then that ended and so I decided I’ll go after my term. It’s been pushed up by almost exactly a month but I can assure you I’m running cause it’s a position I’m passionate about.

About The Who’s going to replace me: Honestly I never thought this question would be asked as I’m not in a bcmd position where you have a clear line of leadership and supposed to know who’s up after you. My position of 20th sector is now above a few good battalions, any number of people could take the position.

Give more detail on why I’d make a good marshal it’s vague:

No I cannot I said in a pretty clear way what I said, it’s up to the people that interact with me and play with me to decide if Id be a good marshal after the fact.

I appreciate the responses. This is gonna be a -1 from me, dawg. I don't think you're ready for MCMD. 

  • Friendly 1
  • Dumb 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Thigh High Connoisseur|


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5 hours ago, Void said:

Curious on your current thoughts of SOBDE and do you have plans around them for your term?

Ooo good question, so rn I don’t have too much going on in my head about SOBDE I do know they currently don’t have a good middle ground of people either your a low rank not able to host tryouts or promote or CMD. So I would honestly have to discuss with Finn since he has had you for so long and see why this is happening and see what can be done by talking to him along with the current leadership. Outside of that issue and ig squad spots being open I don’t see too big of a problem, please do keep in mind I don’t have discord perms to see the inner workings of SOBDE and I hevent specifically talked to other CMDs yet in SOBDE. To finalize your question I do not have plans specifically toward SOBDE but I would love to create some or discuss what can be done sometime.

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On 10/20/2022 at 12:53 AM, TessaKitty said:

I agree with much of what Finn has said about the RP and the presence. I don't think its a problem with you yourself, I think if anything its perhaps a lack of experience in leadership. Something that the clear competitor does not lack. I believe that you are passionate, however, I have yet to see you use that passion to push for greater things on Synergy. I'd like to see more Meow before I see Marshal Meow. I STRONGLY believe that our high command team will benefit from you staying in your current position and Metro taking the reins as Marshal for this period. However COMMA, I am willing to hear you out on whatever you have to say on these points before finalising my stance on the application.

Most if not all of this is your option but I’ll try to find some points in this.

benefit from me staying

Of course it would, that is never a reason to not strive for something greater. If the opportunity is open why would I not strive for a interview and take my shot, if I’m unworthy I’ll know why and can work on it. I’m not leaving High Command if I fail, metro even knows why I’m trying and that if I fail I’ll strongly support the server from my reg spot. So yes it would benefit I can’t argue with that.

Experience in leadership.

my experience speaks for itself holding a leadership position in Almost every battalion on the server high or low I consider officers leaders. And I would say the same about you with regimental but you succeed. I may not have they amazing experiences in leadership you would like but with any situation that comes up I’m confident in handling it with my experience leading. If we are talking in game if you could read the response I quoted in Finn’s that will explain in game. 


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I was working in the lab, late one night
When my eyes beheld an eerie sight
For my monster from his slab, began to rise
And suddenly to my surprise
He did the monster mash
(The monster mash) It was a graveyard smash
(He did the mash) It caught on in a flash
(He did the mash) He did the monster mash
From my laboratory in the castle east
To the master bedroom where the vampires feast
The ghouls all came from their humble abodes
To get a jolt from my electrodes
They did the monster mash
(The monster mash) It was a graveyard smash
(They did the mash) It caught on in a flash
(They did the mash) They did the monster mash
The zombies were having fun (Wa hoo, tennis shoe)
The party had just begun (Wa hoo, tennis shoe)
The guests included Wolfman, Dracula and his son
The scene was rockin', all were digging the sounds
Igor on chains, backed by his baying hounds
The coffin-bangers were about to arrive
With their vocal group, 'The Crypt-Kicker Five'
They played the monster mash
(The monster mash) It was a graveyard smash
(They played the mash) It caught on in a flash
(They played the mash) They played the monster mash
Out from his coffin, Drac's voice did ring
Seems he was troubled by just one thing
He opened the lid and shook his fist and said
"Whatever happened to my Transylvania Twist?
It's now the monster mash
(The monster mash) And it's a graveyard smash
(It's now the mash) It's caught on in a flash
(It's now the mash) It's now the monster mash
Now everything's cool, Drac's a part of the band
And my Monster Mash is the hit of the land
For you, the living, this mash was meant too
When you get to my door, tell them Boris sent you
Then you can monster mash
(The monster mash) And do my graveyard smash
(Then you can mash) You'll catch on in a flash
(Then you can mash) Then you can monster mash
Easy Igor, you impetuous young boy (Wa hoo, monster mash)
(Wa hoo, monster mash)
(Wa hoo, monster mash)
(Wa hoo, monster mash)
(Wa hoo, monster mash)

And because of that, +1
  • Agree 1
  • Funny 1
  • Winner 1


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One of your fellow regimentals has -1'd you. The other hasn't yet but brought up issues. This isn't a good look to me IMO. These are people you will be above and if they aren't confident in your leadership and you as a person then this could lead to a lot of issues in your term.

-1, but i'm open to changing my mind based on if tessa responds or you convince finn, but speaking form experience if they don't want you above them its probably for a reason.

  • Informative 1


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I trust Finn’s judgement on applications like this cause he is very honest. But I have my own points too. As you stated you were on LOA for basically a month of your term and active for 1 month before that. In my opinion, you’ve only spent 1 month actually being a RCMD. I REALLY suggest you apply at a later time. I also question your ability to keep the RCMDs AND BCMDs going at a steady pace, seeing as how 2 battalions that you ran are in a very deep hole at the moment. There’s a post on the forums that reflects that. Even if Metro doesn’t get it. I would rather see it stay open than you get it at this current time. -1

Edited by Brooklyn

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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43 minutes ago, Brooklyn said:

I trust Finn’s judgement on applications like this cause he is very honest. But I have my own points too. As you stated you were on LOA for basically a month of your term and active for 1 month before that. In my opinion, you’ve only spent 1 month actually being a RCMD. I REALLY suggest you apply at a later time. I also question your ability to keep the RCMDs AND BCMDs going at a steady pace, seeing as how 2 battalions that you ran are in a very deep hole at the moment. There’s a post on the forums that reflects that. Even if Metro doesn’t get it. I would rather see it stay open than you get it at this current time. -1

For the Loa time your info is wrong I was on loa for 1 week and then a roa where I did command duties and meetings and such just less as I could barely talk. And then one weekend Loa. for the battalion part umm when I was actually in charge of DU it had a steady 3 online during prime time. As well as I didn’t put as much work as I should’ve due to being told I was the temp reg and we had apps up. I could’ve done more with them yes. Think of battalions as a Lego set now think of how you finish building a Lego set when pieces are taken away and random others are thrown at you. That’s the problem with the sectors that I hate.

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2 hours ago, Brooklyn said:

I trust Finn’s judgement on applications like this cause he is very honest. But I have my own points too. As you stated you were on LOA for basically a month of your term and active for 1 month before that. In my opinion, you’ve only spent 1 month actually being a RCMD. I REALLY suggest you apply at a later time. I also question your ability to keep the RCMDs AND BCMDs going at a steady pace, seeing as how 2 battalions that you ran are in a very deep hole at the moment. There’s a post on the forums that reflects that. Even if Metro doesn’t get it. I would rather see it stay open than you get it at this current time. -1

Regarding DU. It was in decline before Meow took the spot as RCMD. As someone who was good friends with the BCMD at the time he was very adamant about DUs lack of activity after his vacation. When he resigned from Doom it fell further. Even when DU got new models they had maybe 3-4 people on at prime time. The decline is in no way related to Meow, but lies within DU itself.

Edited by Mystic

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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This application has been VOIDED by the author.

You are permitted to put up another application for other positions, however;

If you void another commander application within 30 DAYS, then you're subject to a 30 DAY cooldown from applying.


  • Pay Respect 1



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