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Wood's Regimental - Waived by Director v2


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Steam Name: 

Woods | Toby Syner.gg

RP Name: 


RP Rank:

Lieutenant Colonel

Steam ID:


Regiment you are applying for: 

10th Sector


2017 to 2018 - 212th [PVT - 1stLT] (2ndAC)

During my time in 212th, I built many relations with wonderful people that introduced me to the server. They showed me the ropes and taught me a series of different ways to enjoy the server. Overall, it constructed my base understanding of the server.

2018 - 501st [SSG - CSM] (Pilot)(REGO)

During my time in the 501st, I was built up by a lot of individuals. Here was the first time I finally felt like I belonged somewhere on Synergy. They brought me in with open arms and I spent several weeks if not months, everyday, playing with them. Whether it be Synergy or another game in which we played. It showed me the true passion found within the people you talk to daily.

2018 to 2019 - Doom’s Unit [SSG - CPT] (Engineer)(REGO)

Doom’s Unit. My home territory. Here, I finally understood what the server is about. I found people I could call some of my best friends at the time. These were people I met in real life at one point. They took me in and I stayed for well over a year. They treated me as their own family, and I, the same to them. Here, there was no politics, there was no drama. It was a bunch of dudes playing Star Wars for the fun of it. 

2021 to 2022 - Coruscant Guard [PVT - CSM] (Pilot, TK)

The Coruscant Guard. What do I even say? These people are highly misunderstood. I’ve seen a lot of discouraging comments and regards towards individuals and the battalion as a whole, but in my opinion, they’re some of the best folk around. They treat each other with a level of respect I hadn’t seen in a while. They understood what needed to be done and not once did I see any of them act in an unprofessional manner. Here, I learned professionalism through compassion.

2022 - Doom’s Unit v2 [CSM - LTCOL] (REGL)

These boys are my family. I can confidently say they’d do anything for me and I’d do the same for them. They brought me in when they were struggling, but never showed it. They built me up and encouraged me to go far. They’ve been there for me throughout it all, and I plan to be there for them too when they need it. These guys have shown me more than what I thought this server could. 


Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

I could give you the same response everyone does, but I’d rather show you.

I have an extensive list of goals, achievements, and mile markers that I’d like to hit through this three month period. These goals will highlight what it means to be a Regimental Commander. It’ll not only effectively improve relations through each battalion, but hopefully extend into the other Sectors of the server. It all begins in Month 1.

In the first month, I plan to begin to build and/or reinforce relations with all members of Rancor, CG, and 41st. Hopefully integrating myself as a reliable and trustworthy fallback for each member to come to whenever they need me. I plan to build my relations further with Mexico, Void, and Mercy and whomever becomes the future BCMD’s during the term. I’d like to plan out with these three and the Gamemaster Team a series of events and encounters that could encourage the roleplay that they each individually seek in their battalions. I want to be that source of fresh, original ideas for them to keep up retainment. 

To provide more information on what I mean, I want to establish that I’m here for them, not vice versa. My entire goal for this first month is to start an active system in which I can maintain all three battalions’ goals that they have set and push for each one to be complete in a certain manner. 

The second month is when the pace starts to increase. Here, I have multiple deployments that build upon each other for each battalion. My goal is to, at least weekly, have a deployment ready for each individual battalion, and at the end of the week, connect it to the entire Sector Deployment. This will not only encourage the roleplay between each three, but build excitement and tension, as they’re not just completing a once over mission. They’re completing an entire campaign. Each individual deployment will be custom fit to build upon the skills that each battalion has.

Here’s a sneak peak…

Coruscant Guard is deployed first. Here, they are escorting one of our beloved senators to a moon to build relations with a new monarch (sound familiar?). Here, their meeting will be interrupted by none other than the CIS. From there, our boys in red will push them into a retreat, where they’ll be tracked to another sector of the system.

41st will then be deployed. Following suit of this CIS to scout out their base of operations that was previously unknown in this sector. They’ll do pick offs, eliminate forward operating bases, and finding the core of this massive scale fortress. Their goal will be to find select intel that relates back to the Monarch.

Rancor’s deployment will then be a siege of the moon. Taking over in the name of the Republic from the nation that set the trap for them and the Senator. From here, their main goal is to establish an operating base for the Republic to launch a frontal attack on the fortress. Which leads to the main deployment.

This series is one of many. I have a lengthy document full of ideas that I’d love to hear input on from our beloved BCMD’s.

And lastly, for month three, I hope to build off month one and two and encourage the continuation of all the goals set in place. By this point, I plan to have a stable line of relations with everyone and hope to be the main supporter of our CG, 41st, and Rancor. I hope to continue with each project I’ve set out to complete. 

Alongside this, I know the boundaries and stipulations set for a Regimental. I want each to know I have no intention of overstepping boundaries and giving an independent discretion to each BCMD and letting the choices for their battalion be their own, with my own opinion and points presented to them. At the end of the day, it’s their men. I’m here to help and provide aid and support where I can. I’m not afraid to voice my concerns or opinions, but at the end of the day, they’ll know the choice lies within their lap and no one else's.


Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

Absolutely, I do.



3 PM - 12 AM EST (Server)

24/7 Discord Messages.


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

501st Officer 212th Officer 327th Officer Doom's Unit Senior Officer REGOx3 REGLx1


Do you have a microphone?:



Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

As previously stated, I hope the Regiment will be in a spot where people are looking forward to getting on everyday. I want everyone within the regiments below me to look at Synergy and smile. Alongside this, I want each battalion within the regiment to be able to comfortably rely on the other in times of need. Whether this be motivation or flat out help, I want everyone to coincide together.


I’ve come to realize after conversations with Void and some other members of Rancor, that they’re in a state that is detrimental to the future of Rancor. I’ve come to realize a new understanding of the behind the scenes of Rancor and have a game plan as to where we, collectively, can get the battalion too. As of now, they’re reworking the ARC Trainings and working diligently to get those released. In light of that, I’ve been attempting to come up with ideas regarding it to pitch to coincide with these new motions set in place. Hopefully, we are able to set a new responsibility upon ARCL’s and ARCO’s of other battalions and create a new system that relays the information regarding which battalion tries out and succeeds the most in training.

Alongside this, Void has been working countlessly to restructure and maintain the officer core. With new systems in place to test and trial run members that are attempting or are currently officers. To help with this, I plan to be there to help move along this system and give inputs and objective standpoints regarding the new officers and current ones. I believe this new system is, not only effective, but something that has been needed in Rancor for some time. Doing so, I hope to help Void set the tone for the officers of Rancor.

By the end of this term, I hope to see Void’s goal accomplished. I want a foundation set for Rancor that’ll surpass what he originally hoped for. I want to see that Rancor has that voice that’ll speak for them and give them an opportunity to grow and surpass their past. I hope that they’ll give me the opportunity to prove it to them.


“Hard times create strong men.” 

I’ve spent some time recently playing, watching, and talking to the members of the 41st. They’re a collective bunch of friends that enjoy what they do for the most part. I love to see that comradery between them, as all though they’re serious, they’re not afraid to have fun. I hope to keep that momentum going with Mexico’s new leave of absence and term coming to a close.

After speaking with Unkindled, I have a good sense of the direction 41st needs to be taken. I know fully that he’ll be able to get it there. I plan to work beside him to give input when needed and give an objective view on decisions and discretions. I know there is a want for more passive and progressive roleplay in 41st and I have several ideas I hope to work with the officer core to provide to the battalion as a whole. Series of events and encounters or an introduction of more BARC RP and a necessity to rely on them for the 41st.

Outside of the roleplay aspect, I understand the seriousness of the battalion. I know the direction it wants to be driven in and the standard that needs to be set for Officers and the one that already has been established. I plan to work with Unkindled diligently to help progress the seriousness of the battalion, whilst continuing the retention and quality of the entire battalion while not overstepping as a Regimental.

Coruscant Guard:

Coruscant Guard has recently been through several changes in the past year alone. I plan to build off this current state of Coruscant Guard to build up even more. I hope that after my potential term, Coruscant Guard is looked at completely differently with a whole new image. I’m aware of the current goals they have set in place and the people that are pushing for them. I plan to work countlessly, especially with Coruscant, to get it to the point it truly deserves again for terms to come.

I’ve spoken with a majority of the members of CG and I know where the collective is at. I know their aspirations and I know their goals. I know how to get them there and I know where to not overstep. I’m confident in the new era of CG and I’ll leave it at that for now.


How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

As I’ve stated before, with these events and encounters, I hope they bring a sense of comradery between each individual. I want to meet with the BCMDs weekly and plan out how they want to see the battalion grow and build off one another. I want to encourage the use of joint comms in joint training and reward it. 

Most importantly though, everyone is a person first, and I think that is overlooked a lot. No matter the rank, no matter the status, we are all people. I hope to carry that light and show that each individual deserves to be respected and I lastly hope to show that respect to everyone.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: 


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:


Closing Remarks:

I know there was a rocky start in relation to my application for this position. I wish I had more time in regard to application, but I must go on LOA for a week coming up and I'd like to give time to answer any questions to any who may have them. I plan to spend more time everyday with each battalion and work with them regardless if I get the position or not. I intend to see each one of these battalions thrive as I know each have had their recent ups and downs. I've spoken with a majority of the BCMD's and future BCMD's for each battalion and I've formulated game plans and situations to help them achieve their goals that I've partially explained above. I understand the seriousness of this role and I understand that it isn't just a leadership role, but a guide to provide whatever is needed to maintain. I'll only be responding to questions on this post as I should. Any genuine feedback is appreciate and my DM's are always open for private concerns or conversations you wish to have.


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So just a few questions I have before I give a -1 or +1.
1. Other than just having the battalions do deployments together how do you plan on having them get a better relationship within 10th sector as well as other battalions out side of it
2. From what you said on the second month how would the deployments be any different than than what the GM team does weekly with their battalion deployments
3. How do you plan on combating the fact that you have had little relations with theses battalions but are now attempting to become their regimental. ( I understand talking to them can reveal alot but at the same time talking isn't the same as experiencing what the battalions do day in and day out)
4. As well how is your statement "To provide more information on what I mean, I want to establish that I’m here for them, not vice versa. My entire goal for this first month is to start an active system in which I can maintain all three battalions’ goals that they have set and push for each one to be complete in a certain manner." Different from what any other Regimental should be doing for their battalions
5. Seeing as how you haven't had any Commander Experience. So why do you feel like you are suited for this role without it and feel as if you are better for it than someone who has

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Dirt has been actively trying to help CG just from an officer in another battalion standpoint, trying to understand our problems and how to fix them. I think that he will be a great backbone to the 10th sector and I wish you the best of luck!


Edited by Clutch
My grammar is ass
  • Confused 2
  • Dumb 3

 Kaiser                 Zeros                    Clutch

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13 minutes ago, Xiao said:

So just a few questions I have before I give a -1 or +1.
1. Other than just having the battalions do deployments together how do you plan on having them get a better relationship within 10th sector as well as other battalions out side of it
2. From what you said on the second month how would the deployments be any different than than what the GM team does weekly with their battalion deployments
3. How do you plan on combating the fact that you have had little relations with theses battalions but are now attempting to become their regimental. ( I understand talking to them can reveal alot but at the same time talking isn't the same as experiencing what the battalions do day in and day out)
4. As well how is your statement "To provide more information on what I mean, I want to establish that I’m here for them, not vice versa. My entire goal for this first month is to start an active system in which I can maintain all three battalions’ goals that they have set and push for each one to be complete in a certain manner." Different from what any other Regimental should be doing for their battalions
5. Seeing as how you haven't had any Commander Experience. So why do you feel like you are suited for this role without it and feel as if you are better for it than someone who has

1. Disregarding deployments, I have a multitude of ideas that I've bounced off of the BCMD's currently and officer cores. I have plenty of ideas regarding joint trainings and exercises, but that could and should be expected of me. Beyond that, I plan to, at the minimum, host weekly meetings between all three BCMD's and myself to plan and coordinate different exercises, events, encounters, and trainings to not only mesh each others existence, but to also increase retainment between all three battalions.

2. How our deployments will differ is that there will be separate deployments between each battalion that wishes to participate that incorporate into the main deployment at the end of the week. The Battalion Commanders have full decision over whether or not they want to have their own planned deployment that we can incorporate any aspect they wish to be seen into it. By doing so, this contributes to the other battalions through a sense of roleplay and communication for relaying what they know to the others. I hope to make BCMD's of other battalions apart of these events with this same mechanic.

3. In all honesty, I know a good decent bit of people in each battalion, but that doesn't really measure up. I plan on working daily with each battalion and learning what I can from there, disregarding talking. I want to immerse myself in the day to day and get a feel for what's changing and developing in each battalion. As of now, I've been doing this before I've put this application and I can say that I've learned more from just experience rather than talking. So I plan to continue this even till my potential term ends.

4. It's not much different from other Regimentals in an innate sense. But the difference comes from the connection of trust I hope to establish between the BCMD's. I want an open door policy where they have the final say. They will know more about their battalion than anyone. They were made BCMDs for a reason. I want to collectively establish these goals they have and be their voice for High Command matters in times where it feels like they don't have one. By furthering these goals, I hope to establish long term and short term goals for weekly and term wide. This will keep course to establish great foundations for each battalion.

5. My experience ranges farther than the server. I've been a manager of multiple communities and been in multiple commander/leadership roles. I'd be more than happy to give the list, but that's not what you're asking I believe. I think I'm suited for this role because I believe I understand what most don't. I've watched and learned from many people and have come to an understanding of how it all works. I don't think I deserve it above anyone else though. I think everyone deserves an opportunity at something great, but I know by giving me this opportunity, we can create a foundation that supersedes what past thought imaginable.

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While I am confident in certain aspects of your plans, I wish to address a main concern that has been discussed and presented to me. 

As you seem to be extremely motivated at the idea of ensuring battalions are receiving an additional deployment individually to lead up to the main deployment at the end of the week. Furthermore, the combination of goals being set weekly and a meeting to be established on a weekly basis and the push for joint-trainings and exercises. 

While this sounds good to people on paper, applying this seems chaotic. I'm already busy in my position as it is, while I do enjoy my position now, with these added responsibilities I am most certain that burnout will be a factor not for myself but the entire regiment. I know for certain if this was to be pushed I would end up resigning due to being overworked, or the common trend of the two week LOA and then the resignation. I can not speak for @SEXICOor @Mercyhowever, to me this is too much. Bare in mind my schedule is to ensure that the ARC Program is operational for the community, plus recruitment and evaluating the Officer Team, paired with public relations and answering questions on a daily basis, paired with dealing with internal issues. Finally the overall daily running and changes inside the battalion.

I hope these will not be mandatory and that it will branch out to our respective Command Teams and the Senior Officer Team. 

Before I cast my vote, I want to ask how you aim to tackle burnout, because this will most certainly drive time away from your other parts of your life to implement these plans, but also how do you plan to tackle burnout in all three battalions?

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18 minutes ago, Void said:

While I am confident in certain aspects of your plans, I wish to address a main concern that has been discussed and presented to me. 

As you seem to be extremely motivated at the idea of ensuring battalions are receiving an additional deployment individually to lead up to the main deployment at the end of the week. Furthermore, the combination of goals being set weekly and a meeting to be established on a weekly basis and the push for joint-trainings and exercises. 

While this sounds good to people on paper, applying this seems chaotic. I'm already busy in my position as it is, while I do enjoy my position now, with these added responsibilities I am most certain that burnout will be a factor not for myself but the entire regiment. I know for certain if this was to be pushed I would end up resigning due to being overworked, or the common trend of the two week LOA and then the resignation. I can not speak for @SEXICOor @Mercyhowever, to me this is too much. Bare in mind my schedule is to ensure that the ARC Program is operational for the community, plus recruitment and evaluating the Officer Team, paired with public relations and answering questions on a daily basis, paired with dealing with internal issues. Finally the overall daily running and changes inside the battalion.

I hope these will not be mandatory and that it will branch out to our respective Command Teams and the Senior Officer Team. 

Before I cast my vote, I want to ask how you aim to tackle burnout, because this will most certainly drive time away from your other parts of your life to implement these plans, but also how do you plan to tackle burnout in all three battalions?

As I said in my application and in the comments, all of this optional. It's all determined by what you guys want as a whole. No additional responsibilities will be added if they aren't wanted. As I've stated prior to you in call and over this application, I'm here for you. Not the other way around. I know each battalion is struggling in their own sense right now and time needs to be allotted to helping each one adjust before any action can be taken. It's only for those who wish to participate. All in all, these are just ideas. The main reason behind this application is to tackle those issues that each one are facing and provide a hand in aiding in the reduction of each.

As for burnout, I have alot of time for the next three months. I've already had time set aside for things as such. Burnout is a state of prolonged emotional exhaustion that is caused from severe stress. This server shouldn't be causing the levels of stress that is said to. I hope to alleviate some of this stress from Junior Officers, Senior Officers, and Commanders through just making the server an enjoyable place. That's where all this ambition for events and trainings come from. It's all the create a fun environment where people can come home and look forward to playing. It shouldn't be looked on as a task or a chore, but more of a way to relieve that stress that your real life is causing you. I won't force anyone to do anything they don't want to. 

As for the weekly and term wide goals, those already should be determined before my potential term even comes to be. These are goals that you, yourself, have already made in hopes for the future. If you don't have them, then you're driving aimlessly. To put this in the best terms I can, you know where you're driving to, I hope to sit in the passenger seat and help give us directions to that goal. I understand your duties now, more than ever. I hope to make those easier for you, so you can enjoy this server too.

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I'm gonna go through this piece by piece. I hope you don't take this as rude, I simply mean to give constructive criticism.

On 7/29/2022 at 12:44 PM, Fimmzy said:

2017 to 2018 - 212th [PVT - 1stLT] (2ndAC)

During my time in 212th, I built many relations with wonderful people that introduced me to the server. They showed me the ropes and taught me a series of different ways to enjoy the server. Overall, it constructed my base understanding of the server.

2018 - 501st [SSG - CSM] (Pilot)(REGO)

During my time in the 501st, I was built up by a lot of individuals. Here was the first time I finally felt like I belonged somewhere on Synergy. They brought me in with open arms and I spent several weeks if not months, everyday, playing with them. Whether it be Synergy or another game in which we played. It showed me the true passion found within the people you talk to daily.

2018 to 2019 - Doom’s Unit [SSG - CPT] (Engineer)(REGO)

Doom’s Unit. My home territory. Here, I finally understood what the server is about. I found people I could call some of my best friends at the time. These were people I met in real life at one point. They took me in and I stayed for well over a year. They treated me as their own family, and I, the same to them. Here, there was no politics, there was no drama. It was a bunch of dudes playing Star Wars for the fun of it. 

2021 to 2022 - Coruscant Guard [PVT - CSM] (Pilot, TK)

The Coruscant Guard. What do I even say? These people are highly misunderstood. I’ve seen a lot of discouraging comments and regards towards individuals and the battalion as a whole, but in my opinion, they’re some of the best folk around. They treat each other with a level of respect I hadn’t seen in a while. They understood what needed to be done and not once did I see any of them act in an unprofessional manner. Here, I learned professionalism through compassion.

2022 - Doom’s Unit v2 [CSM - LTCOL] (REGL)

These boys are my family. I can confidently say they’d do anything for me and I’d do the same for them. They brought me in when they were struggling, but never showed it. They built me up and encouraged me to go far. They’ve been there for me throughout it all, and I plan to be there for them too when they need it. These guys have shown me more than what I thought this server could.


I will say now, based on your listed experience, you have never been any rank above Lt. Colonel. You've also only been a Junior Officer or lower in other battalions than Doom's unit, which to me, is a red flag. This is a really big rank jump, and could seem like a large power grab, especially seeing as this isn't even your current regiment. However, I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt.

Do you think you can handle a position of this caliber, given you've never been in such a high position on Synergy?


On 7/29/2022 at 12:44 PM, Fimmzy said:

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

I could give you the same response everyone does, but I’d rather show you.

I have an extensive list of goals, achievements, and mile markers that I’d like to hit through this three month period. These goals will highlight what it means to be a Regimental Commander. It’ll not only effectively improve relations through each battalion, but hopefully extend into the other Sectors of the server. It all begins in Month 1.

In the first month, I plan to begin to build and/or reinforce relations with all members of Rancor, CG, and 41st. Hopefully integrating myself as a reliable and trustworthy fallback for each member to come to whenever they need me. I plan to build my relations further with Mexico, Void, and Mercy and whomever becomes the future BCMD’s during the term. I’d like to plan out with these three and the Gamemaster Team a series of events and encounters that could encourage the roleplay that they each individually seek in their battalions. I want to be that source of fresh, original ideas for them to keep up retainment. 

To provide more information on what I mean, I want to establish that I’m here for them, not vice versa. My entire goal for this first month is to start an active system in which I can maintain all three battalions’ goals that they have set and push for each one to be complete in a certain manner. 

The second month is when the pace starts to increase. Here, I have multiple deployments that build upon each other for each battalion. My goal is to, at least weekly, have a deployment ready for each individual battalion, and at the end of the week, connect it to the entire Sector Deployment. This will not only encourage the roleplay between each three, but build excitement and tension, as they’re not just completing a once over mission. They’re completing an entire campaign. Each individual deployment will be custom fit to build upon the skills that each battalion has.

Here’s a sneak peak…

Coruscant Guard is deployed first. Here, they are escorting one of our beloved senators to a moon to build relations with a new monarch (sound familiar?). Here, their meeting will be interrupted by none other than the CIS. From there, our boys in red will push them into a retreat, where they’ll be tracked to another sector of the system.

41st will then be deployed. Following suit of this CIS to scout out their base of operations that was previously unknown in this sector. They’ll do pick offs, eliminate forward operating bases, and finding the core of this massive scale fortress. Their goal will be to find select intel that relates back to the Monarch.

Rancor’s deployment will then be a siege of the moon. Taking over in the name of the Republic from the nation that set the trap for them and the Senator. From here, their main goal is to establish an operating base for the Republic to launch a frontal attack on the fortress. Which leads to the main deployment.

This series is one of many. I have a lengthy document full of ideas that I’d love to hear input on from our beloved BCMD’s.

And lastly, for month three, I hope to build off month one and two and encourage the continuation of all the goals set in place. By this point, I plan to have a stable line of relations with everyone and hope to be the main supporter of our CG, 41st, and Rancor. I hope to continue with each project I’ve set out to complete. 

Alongside this, I know the boundaries and stipulations set for a Regimental. I want each to know I have no intention of overstepping boundaries and giving an independent discretion to each BCMD and letting the choices for their battalion be their own, with my own opinion and points presented to them. At the end of the day, it’s their men. I’m here to help and provide aid and support where I can. I’m not afraid to voice my concerns or opinions, but at the end of the day, they’ll know the choice lies within their lap and no one else's.




This section of the application is meant to explain what makes you fit for the position, but I feel instead you turned it into a secondary place to explain some of your plans, which there is already a question designed to give you a space to do that. There is nothing about you here. 

I think this section explains why you should become a Game Master more than it does a Regimental Commander.

What makes you worthy of this position? We know what you want to do, but anyone could do these things. What makes you the best fit?

On 7/29/2022 at 12:44 PM, Fimmzy said:


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

As previously stated, I hope the Regiment will be in a spot where people are looking forward to getting on everyday. I want everyone within the regiments below me to look at Synergy and smile. Alongside this, I want each battalion within the regiment to be able to comfortably rely on the other in times of need. Whether this be motivation or flat out help, I want everyone to coincide together.


I’ve come to realize after conversations with Void and some other members of Rancor, that they’re in a state that is detrimental to the future of Rancor. I’ve come to realize a new understanding of the behind the scenes of Rancor and have a game plan as to where we, collectively, can get the battalion too. As of now, they’re reworking the ARC Trainings and working diligently to get those released. In light of that, I’ve been attempting to come up with ideas regarding it to pitch to coincide with these new motions set in place. Hopefully, we are able to set a new responsibility upon ARCL’s and ARCO’s of other battalions and create a new system that relays the information regarding which battalion tries out and succeeds the most in training.

Alongside this, Void has been working countlessly to restructure and maintain the officer core. With new systems in place to test and trial run members that are attempting or are currently officers. To help with this, I plan to be there to help move along this system and give inputs and objective standpoints regarding the new officers and current ones. I believe this new system is, not only effective, but something that has been needed in Rancor for some time. Doing so, I hope to help Void set the tone for the officers of Rancor.

By the end of this term, I hope to see Void’s goal accomplished. I want a foundation set for Rancor that’ll surpass what he originally hoped for. I want to see that Rancor has that voice that’ll speak for them and give them an opportunity to grow and surpass their past. I hope that they’ll give me the opportunity to prove it to them.


“Hard times create strong men.” 

I’ve spent some time recently playing, watching, and talking to the members of the 41st. They’re a collective bunch of friends that enjoy what they do for the most part. I love to see that comradery between them, as all though they’re serious, they’re not afraid to have fun. I hope to keep that momentum going with Mexico’s new leave of absence and term coming to a close.

After speaking with Unkindled, I have a good sense of the direction 41st needs to be taken. I know fully that he’ll be able to get it there. I plan to work beside him to give input when needed and give an objective view on decisions and discretions. I know there is a want for more passive and progressive roleplay in 41st and I have several ideas I hope to work with the officer core to provide to the battalion as a whole. Series of events and encounters or an introduction of more BARC RP and a necessity to rely on them for the 41st.

Outside of the roleplay aspect, I understand the seriousness of the battalion. I know the direction it wants to be driven in and the standard that needs to be set for Officers and the one that already has been established. I plan to work with Unkindled diligently to help progress the seriousness of the battalion, whilst continuing the retention and quality of the entire battalion while not overstepping as a Regimental.

Coruscant Guard:

Coruscant Guard has recently been through several changes in the past year alone. I plan to build off this current state of Coruscant Guard to build up even more. I hope that after my potential term, Coruscant Guard is looked at completely differently with a whole new image. I’m aware of the current goals they have set in place and the people that are pushing for them. I plan to work countlessly, especially with Coruscant, to get it to the point it truly deserves again for terms to come.

I’ve spoken with a majority of the members of CG and I know where the collective is at. I know their aspirations and I know their goals. I know how to get them there and I know where to not overstep. I’m confident in the new era of CG and I’ll leave it at that for now.



I'm glad you went and spoke to the battalions before doing this, but that seems like all you did. I don't see anywhere where you say how you want to get it there other than 'help in any way I can'. All this really says to me is "As Regimental Commander, I plan to do my job".

I suppose my question is why do you need to be a Regimental Commander to help these battalions get to where they need to be? What do you plan to do with the position that a BCMD cannot to help these battalions?

How will you give CG a new image?

How do you plan to make 41st more roleplay serious? 41st has a reputation of being a mingy battalion. How do you seek to remedy this as a Regimental?



In my opinion, this application is very weak.

 - Your experience is lacking. Lt. Col is the highest rank you've ever held, and your first time as a Senior Officer. Your current battalion isn't even in the 10th regiment. This is a big jump.

 - You didn't tell us anything about yourself, instead using the first big section to describe the first half of your plans, most of which was a deployment idea, which to me has very little to do with the actual regiment.

 - You spoke with all the battalions. but I still think this section is a little weak. There's not much substance other than "I will help the battalions".


I don't think now is your time. I think the application is weak, and says nothing about you. The plans are generic, or are less plans and more statements about the way things are now. I don't think you're ready to be a Regimental Commander right now.


Edited by Lovestruck
  • Informative 2
  • Dumb 1

Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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1 hour ago, Lovestruck said:

I'm gonna go through this piece by piece. I hope you don't take this as rude, I simply mean to give constructive criticism.

I will say now, based on your listed experience, you have never been any rank above Lt. Colonel. You've also only been a Junior Officer or lower in other battalions than Doom's unit, which to me, is a red flag. This is a really big rank jump, and could seem like a large power grab, especially seeing as this isn't even your current regiment. However, I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt.

Do you think you can handle a position of this caliber, given you've never been in such a high position on Synergy?


This section of the application is meant to explain what makes you fit for the position, but I feel instead you turned it into a secondary place to explain some of your plans, which there is already a question designed to give you a space to do that. There is nothing about you here. 

I think this section explains why you should become a Game Master more than it does a Regimental Commander.

What makes you worthy of this position? We know what you want to do, but anyone could do these things. What makes you the best fit?

I'm glad you went and spoke to the battalions before doing this, but that seems like all you did. I don't see anywhere where you say how you want to get it there other than 'help in any way I can'. All this really says to me is "As Regimental Commander, I plan to do my job".

I suppose my question is why do you need to be a Regimental Commander to help these battalions get to where they need to be? What do you plan to do with the position that a BCMD cannot to help these battalions?

How will you give CG a new image?

How do you plan to make 41st more roleplay serious? 41st has a reputation of being a mingy battalion. How do you seek to remedy this as a Regimental?



In my opinion, this application is very weak.

 - Your experience is lacking. Lt. Col is the highest rank you've ever held, and your first time as a Senior Officer. Your current battalion isn't even in the 10th regiment. This is a big jump.

 - You didn't tell us anything about yourself, instead using the first big section to describe the first half of your plans, most of which was a deployment idea, which to me has very little to do with the actual regiment.

 - You spoke with all the battalions. but I still think this section is a little weak. There's not much substance other than "I will help the battalions".


I don't think now is your time. I think the application is weak, and says nothing about you. The plans are generic, or are less plans and more statements about the way things are now. I don't think you're ready to be a Regimental Commander right now.


Before I begin to get into this, I want to say I truly appreciate the feedback. It let's me know what the community is looking for in terms of information that needs to be provided. The feedback is more than helpful and I hope this comment clarifies some things for you along with anyone else who decides to read it.

I do, however, think we think differently of the title of Regimental Commander. Yes, it's a leader, but it's also a supporting role. I truly didn't believe that the Commanders of these three respected battalions wanted me to explain in depth their problems and information and how we planned on fixing it, but I'll be more than happy to oblige.

I've already spoken on Rancor and would preferably like to keep my statements on them limited as the privacy of that information may have affects we'd rather not deal with.

So, I begin with Coruscant Guard. CG has been in an unstable point on the server for the past several months. Days in and days out, there has been a lackluster amount of CG present on the server and in all honesty, the battalion has been a bit of a disappointment. The Senior Officer Core and the Junior Officer/NCO's have not had any communication between them. It has been a touch and go subject for several weeks now. Most of them would not be seen on at the same time and it almost seems like small cliques have formed. There has been declarations that progress has been made or new things are going to happen, but in those weeks, nothing has changed due to a lack of communication and improper documentation.

Coruscant Guard needs a restart. I believe the new BCMD and myself, who I've already spoken to, have a set in stone plan on how we can execute the revival of CG. The main focus of this plan, is the officer activity increase. We will be providing incentives on this to encourage the officers to be more active and evaluating each one independently and determine their place in CG. Alongside this, we'll set aside time to go through and clean up each of the documents in the battalion. With this in mind, it'll create a cleaner and fresher environment to start building a foundation. I'll be attending their weekly officer meetings to help go over and structure the game plans for the week and formulate new drives to encourage recruitment in the NCOs. Through this document cleanup, a Discord cleanup will be in affect as well. This means most of their channels will either be touched up on, or just removed based upon the discretion of the officers and BCMD.

Now, 41st.

I'd like to ask that you not call them mingey anymore. They've worked on it diligently and I know Mexico has put a lot of effort into that and I know it's paid off significantly. With this though, I plan to have the return of the report form for the battalion and use it, not only for 41st, but in general with Rancor and CG. This will help anyone on the server be able to point out acts of mingeyness or FailRP from the 41st. From here, we can weed out possible declining views on the battalion. As for the roleplay, 41st has a lot of opportunities that other battalions don't necessarily have. Whether this be through BARC Patrols or other means, we have several ideas. One of the bigger ones is the resurgence of the IT Trainings in 41st. As of now the Translation trainings are underused. We hope to provide a new wave of restructured IT Trainings to help increase roleplay with the new focus on passive roleplay on the server.

Next, the officer core of the 41st is to be expected to be held to a higher level. I've spoken with Unkindled regarding this and I believe that he has the correct idea. We hope to create a new atmosphere in the Officer Core in which they can be looked upon as role models for the 41st NCOs and Enlisted. This means they'll be held to a new standard. I've tinkered with the ideas of requirements for shadowing at least a training a week or hosting a patrol as now WO+ may "leave the base" without permission.

Lastly, why do I, of all people, deserve the position?

I won't tell you a list of reasons as to why I deserve it over others, I think that's very redundant and a redundant question on the application. That's not my place to determine as that's why this application is created.

I do want you to know, however, I understand that you have no intention to play on the server anymore. I know you've resigned from everything and called it at that. When I'm done, I want people like you that have resigned, to come back and smile. To see what has changed and what has happened while you were taking a break. I want you to come back to an environment where there is no stress induced burnout. Where people can just have fun.

I know this is my first "larger role" on Synergy. But, it's not my first ever stride towards helping others in this grandocious way, but I do hope to achieve something that no one else seems to want to do.

Edited by Fimmzy
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Holy shit @Guacdid you write this app?

Actually though. This can be TLDR'd to
- Deployments
- Joint Trainings
- Give input on ideas
- Keep ball rolling

While this is essentially all you CAN say, cause there is only so much you can actually do on a Gmod server, it's legit.

However, what I see nothing of, is how you will be in High Command. My opinion is everyone who becomes an RCMD should have spent some time as a BCMD, or even an Commander at the least. High Command is an extremely important part of the structure. One of which you have 0 experience in. You will be making decisions FOR the server with the others in HC. Not to mention voting on new BCMDs. I can't trust you in that aspect, having no clue what to look for when you have never been through it or close to it. Sorry if that sounds harsh, not intending to be rude. While you have good intentions for your battalions, I wouldn't trust you as a leader of the server with no experience. 


  • Agree 1
  • Winner 1
  • Pay Respect 1
  • Confused 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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1 hour ago, Brooklyn said:

Holy shit @Guacdid you write this app?

Actually though. This can be TLDR'd to
- Deployments
- Joint Trainings
- Give input on ideas
- Keep ball rolling

While this is essentially all you CAN say, cause there is only so much you can actually do on a Gmod server, it's legit.

However, what I see nothing of, is how you will be in High Command. My opinion is everyone who becomes an RCMD should have spent some time as a BCMD, or even an Commander at the least. High Command is an extremely important part of the structure. One of which you have 0 experience in. You will be making decisions FOR the server with the others in HC. Not to mention voting on new BCMDs. I can't trust you in that aspect, having no clue what to look for when you have never been through it or close to it. Sorry if that sounds harsh, not intending to be rude. While you have good intentions for your battalions, I wouldn't trust you as a leader of the server with no experience. 


Huge agree on this. Deployments and joint trainings like that are literally something a Senior Admin could arrange just be asking an Officer in each of the battalions if they want to get deployed or have a cool joint training (highly doubt any would say no unless they already have something planned out). Why do you need Regimental Commander to do this? I see people say “it’s easier” and I believe I’ve said the same, but honestly if you want to help these so much you can go for SA and do it yourself. 

I was skeptical of this from the moment I heard you got waived, with most people I spoke to not even knowing who you were or seeing any outreach from you. (It seems like you only started to do this in a serious capacity after you realized you could make a massive power play and got waived. I heard that as of you getting waived you had not spoken to any of the BCMDs yet). 

-1 apply for Doom instead

Edited by Keegan

Current: Nothing

Former Vice Chairman Mas Amedda | Former Senior Senator Meena TillsFormer 41st BCMD Gree (Shrimp) | Former 501st Major Kix  | Former Senior Admin

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13 hours ago, Fimmzy said:

I've already spoken on Rancor and would preferably like to keep my statements on them limited as the privacy of that information may have affects we'd rather not deal with.

I'm confused. What makes you think what they've said needs to be kept so private?

  • Agree 4
  • Winner 1

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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I have a question i'd like to ask, many people above have hit a lack of experience, namely the fact that you've never even been a Commander. Now you've been playing since 2017, probably on and off throughout the years and not 5 years straight, however thats 5~ years of playing still. Thats a lot of time to gather experince, see tons of leadership styles, and grow on the server. With all that in mind,  Why do you think you've never made it to the rank of commander despite playing for such a long period of time?

  • Informative 3


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1 hour ago, Brooklyn said:

Holy shit @Guacdid you write this app?

Actually though. This can be TLDR'd to
- Deployments
- Joint Trainings
- Give input on ideas
- Keep ball rolling

While this is essentially all you CAN say, cause there is only so much you can actually do on a Gmod server, it's legit.

However, what I see nothing of, is how you will be in High Command. My opinion is everyone who becomes an RCMD should have spent some time as a BCMD, or even an Commander at the least. High Command is an extremely important part of the structure. One of which you have 0 experience in. You will be making decisions FOR the server with the others in HC. Not to mention voting on new BCMDs. I can't trust you in that aspect, having no clue what to look for when you have never been through it or close to it. Sorry if that sounds harsh, not intending to be rude. While you have good intentions for your battalions, I wouldn't trust you as a leader of the server with no experience. 


I heavily respect that. You were upfront and honest. There's not much aside that could reassure you without showing you in person. But, that opportunity may not come until the time is to late. The feedback is much appreciated though. All I can assure is that I have more experience than meets the eye. You would understand firsthand though, as a former MCMD, what it means to be a High Command so in that regard, I respect what you say.


23 minutes ago, Finn said:

I'm confused. What makes you think what they've said needs to be kept so private?

A lot of the information relates to their trainings and with the new leak of majority of their documents, I don't find it quite suiting to speak on it without Void's permission first as it's not my place to speak or announce things for.


22 minutes ago, Conrad said:

I have a question i'd like to ask, many people above have hit a lack of experience, namely the fact that you've never even been a Commander. Now you've been playing since 2017, probably on and off throughout the years and not 5 years straight, however thats 5~ years of playing still. Thats a lot of time to gather experince, see tons of leadership styles, and grow on the server. With all that in mind,  Why do you think you've never made it to the rank of commander despite playing for such a long period of time?

As you can ask other individuals of battalions I've been in, I've always stepped back from those positions and pushed others into the lime light. I have played Garry's Mod for a rough total of 6,000 Hours. In that time, I've been every position you could imagine. From BCMD's on Icefuze, Leaders of Factions on Fallout Servers, Management, Development, and all around typically have been one of the higher ups. I took my time here to just enjoy the server and play with people who have the initiative to move forward and pave way. Now though, I think it's time for me to reenter myself into that aspect and start contributing to Synergy in the best way I can. I hope through this with my previous experience, that I may help move us forward in setting more foundations that have already been paved by people such as yourself and other members of High Command.

Edited by Fimmzy
  • Informative 1
  • Friendly 1
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16 hours ago, Fimmzy said:

Before I begin to get into this, I want to say I truly appreciate the feedback. It let's me know what the community is looking for in terms of information that needs to be provided. The feedback is more than helpful and I hope this comment clarifies some things for you along with anyone else who decides to read it.

I do, however, think we think differently of the title of Regimental Commander. Yes, it's a leader, but it's also a supporting role. I truly didn't believe that the Commanders of these three respected battalions wanted me to explain in depth their problems and information and how we planned on fixing it, but I'll be more than happy to oblige.

I've already spoken on Rancor and would preferably like to keep my statements on them limited as the privacy of that information may have affects we'd rather not deal with.

So, I begin with Coruscant Guard. CG has been in an unstable point on the server for the past several months. Days in and days out, there has been a lackluster amount of CG present on the server and in all honesty, the battalion has been a bit of a disappointment. The Senior Officer Core and the Junior Officer/NCO's have not had any communication between them. It has been a touch and go subject for several weeks now. Most of them would not be seen on at the same time and it almost seems like small cliques have formed. There has been declarations that progress has been made or new things are going to happen, but in those weeks, nothing has changed due to a lack of communication and improper documentation.

Coruscant Guard needs a restart. I believe the new BCMD and myself, who I've already spoken to, have a set in stone plan on how we can execute the revival of CG. The main focus of this plan, is the officer activity increase. We will be providing incentives on this to encourage the officers to be more active and evaluating each one independently and determine their place in CG. Alongside this, we'll set aside time to go through and clean up each of the documents in the battalion. With this in mind, it'll create a cleaner and fresher environment to start building a foundation. I'll be attending their weekly officer meetings to help go over and structure the game plans for the week and formulate new drives to encourage recruitment in the NCOs. Through this document cleanup, a Discord cleanup will be in affect as well. This means most of their channels will either be touched up on, or just removed based upon the discretion of the officers and BCMD.

Now, 41st.

I'd like to ask that you not call them mingey anymore. They've worked on it diligently and I know Mexico has put a lot of effort into that and I know it's paid off significantly. With this though, I plan to have the return of the report form for the battalion and use it, not only for 41st, but in general with Rancor and CG. This will help anyone on the server be able to point out acts of mingeyness or FailRP from the 41st. From here, we can weed out possible declining views on the battalion. As for the roleplay, 41st has a lot of opportunities that other battalions don't necessarily have. Whether this be through BARC Patrols or other means, we have several ideas. One of the bigger ones is the resurgence of the IT Trainings in 41st. As of now the Translation trainings are underused. We hope to provide a new wave of restructured IT Trainings to help increase roleplay with the new focus on passive roleplay on the server.

Next, the officer core of the 41st is to be expected to be held to a higher level. I've spoken with Unkindled regarding this and I believe that he has the correct idea. We hope to create a new atmosphere in the Officer Core in which they can be looked upon as role models for the 41st NCOs and Enlisted. This means they'll be held to a new standard. I've tinkered with the ideas of requirements for shadowing at least a training a week or hosting a patrol as now WO+ may "leave the base" without permission.

Lastly, why do I, of all people, deserve the position?

I won't tell you a list of reasons as to why I deserve it over others, I think that's very redundant and a redundant question on the application. That's not my place to determine as that's why this application is created.

I do want you to know, however, I understand that you have no intention to play on the server anymore. I know you've resigned from everything and called it at that. When I'm done, I want people like you that have resigned, to come back and smile. To see what has changed and what has happened while you were taking a break. I want you to come back to an environment where there is no stress induced burnout. Where people can just have fun.

I know this is my first "larger role" on Synergy. But, it's not my first ever stride towards helping others in this grandocious way, but I do hope to achieve something that no one else seems to want to do.

Thank you for answering all of my questions. You have spirit, man. I like you.
I'm changing my -1 to a +1

I like your responses, and you've been informative with every response. I feel like you at least deserve an interview.

  • Agree 1

Current: Navy RDC SCPO Greg
Former: GM DD MEDL MAJ Jedi Chief Instructor, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Jocatsa Nu, Barris offee Jar Jar Binks

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Forum Admin
9 hours ago, Brooklyn said:

Holy shit @Guacdid you write this app?

I ghostwrite all applications. Surprised you only noticed now.

I appreciate your enthusiasm and ideas. I think you can offer a fresh insight to HC and the Battalions you represent.


  • Winner 1
  • Dumb 1

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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People have hit upon lack of experience, which is a concern. Nevertheless, I see an individual who has strong passion for the things he does, who actively engages the battalions that he wished to become the RCMD of, and actively engages with his critics in an honest and detailed fashion without holding any dislike or hate.

On 7/30/2022 at 11:15 AM, Fimmzy said:

IAs you can ask other individuals of battalions I've been in, I've always stepped back from those positions and pushed others into the lime light. I have played Garry's Mod for a rough total of 6,000 Hours. In that time, I've been every position you could imagine. From BCMD's on Icefuze, Leaders of Factions on Fallout Servers, Management, Development, and all around typically have been one of the higher ups. I took my time here to just enjoy the server and play with people who have the initiative to move forward and pave way. Now though, I think it's time for me to reenter myself into that aspect and start contributing to Synergy in the best way I can. I hope through this with my previous experience, that I may help move us forward in setting more foundations that have already been paved by people such as yourself and other members of High Command.

This post, in particular, I feel should assuage concerns about lack of experience. There will always be people who claim "but it wasn't Synergy!", but I am personally satisfied. Leadership is a hard thing, but if you were able to get on the saddle once, I believe you will be able to do so again. And with this one response, I am no longer worried about lack of experience.


+1. I wish you the best of luck in your interview.

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I've had a rather conflicting argument the past few days to myself on whether I am for or against this application which to me determines a hesitation based on instinct. 

For me personally, I will remain neutral throughout your process on potentially becoming a Regimental. While you express a strong argument and indicate a true interest in the position paired with your ideas that you wish to implement. For me this is not enough, 

We can all express on what we wish to do on paper, however sadly I have never properly had the opportunity to see how you operate as an officer inside your respective battalion, combined with how you deal with situations and implement changes on a drastic and fluid stage. With the on-going situations inside numerous battalions, including the battalions associated inside the regiment, practical experience that has been demonstrated throughout the community is essential. While we have had conversations and I appreciate both your honesty and co-operation, I am yet still left hazed at the idea of you becoming a Regimental. Personally, I do not believe you would be the correct candidate to represent Rancor and I must put the priorities on my battalion and what would be best for them. 

If this application does progress, I do wish you the best of luck in the interview and furthermore if granted the position for you to prove me wrong.  Please understand this is not me being negative of you as a person or a community member and that I'm protecting the interests of Rancor. From conversations and overall interactions, you are a brilliant bloke, however when it comes to your overall "work ethic" I am left in the fog, therefore I can not provide a solid vote. 

Edited by Void
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This Application is VOIDED

I'd like to clarify somethings before assumptions are made. There is a few reasons as to why I'm voiding this and stepping out of the race. The main reason behind this is I don't feel as if I can leave my boys in Doom's Unit in this new era they're about to enter. It's going to be a new start and a new day for Doom's Unit and I'm excited to be apart of it. It feels very selfish of me to leave the position I hold in the battalion and leave them in this new time that could determine the fate of the battalion.

Another major reason as to why I'm stepping down is due to the other applicant. I believe Stix is a wonderful applicant for the role and I think he can take the ideas that each BCMD has had farther than any of us could expect. I do believe he is a great runner for RCMD and I hope to see him get it. Alongside this, I'd like to personally thank Void, Unkindled, and Arizona, alongside every officer for taking the time to speak with me when you didn't have to. Thank you for giving me at least the attempt to try for this position and I hope to go for it again someday. I hope to see your ideas and goals become reality and I hope I can help if you ever need me.

Lastly, for those select couple who sent me those very hateful direct messages. I have seen them, but I hope that you'll delete them and we can move past whatever issue you may have had with me.

  • Friendly 4
  • Pay Respect 1
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This application has been VOIDED by the author.

You are permitted to put up another application for other positions, however;

If you void another commander application within 30 DAYS, then you're subject to a 30 DAY cooldown from applying.


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