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GreenBean/Bonzai's Doom Application (Waived)


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Steam Name: Bonzai | SYNR.GG


RP Name: Doom’s Unit 1stLT GreenBean


RP Rank: 1stLT


Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:421414346


Battalion or squad you are applying for: DU BCMD Doom




187th PVT-CSM


Ah yes, the 187th was my first home on the server. During my time in the 187th, I was trained in the ARC program and was taught how to NCO; I was also given the honour of becoming the ARCO of the battalion.


101st CSM-CPT


The 101st gave me my first taste of officer-hood. Around this time I got a lot more serious about the server and first donated for VIP. 101st was a rowdy bunch so this was my first position where I would have to PT troopers for mistakes and mishaps.


91st CSM-1stLt


At my time of coming into 91st, it was dying out. I was given one job when I was recruited: fill lightning squad. I completed this mission and for it, I was promoted to LS Lead and head of BARC training (also made some kickass dupes for Venator BARC training).


187th 2.0 SSG-Major


My climb to senior officer was quite the grind. Once again I was made the ARCO, and after achieving Captain I was promoted to ARCL and filled my ARC slots. The biggest thing that came of this was networking with other battalions to improve my ARC program to groom my guys into the best of the best. I used 1hp sims and I was called "stupid" and an "idiot" but my guys were some of the best survivor's the server had at the time (shoutout to Smalljeff).




After my break from the server, I joined back to a new Venator and new people. As a CT, I became a droid during a droid sale. DU had the highest bid on me and nicknamed me "GreenBean". After the event concluded, I walked up to the 2 guys who bought me and they introduced themselves as Cornwell and Ghoul (love you guys). The three of us became friends and I shot up the ranks until I was stuck at CSM. But honestly, I didn't mind―I had a great group of people to play and interact with. I was once again named ARCO under Cornwell as ARCL and helped him to fill the DU ARC slots. 


187th 3.0 CSM-CPT


Once 187th was added back, I left DU on good terms to return to my home: a broken home, but my home. You know the deal ARCO yadda yadda I love the ARC program but this stay was not long-lived as I was about to find a place that I loved to stay even more than 187th




I again took a break and when I came back 187th was on the brink of collapse so I went back to DU. I entered the channel after being recruited and heard a man with a loud, excited voice telling others that they were "fucking defective" and laughing. I later found out that he  was the BCMD, Dennis. Dennis may catch a lot of shit nowadays but let me tell you something: he is one of the most genuine guys on the server. If you ask him something he will just tell you the straight facts even if it'll hurt your feelings. During this swing at DU I held both the ARCL and PLTL positions. This was when I knew I had found a new home in the Doom’s Unit.


Null-05 Prudii Skirata


I had always seen the SOBDE as a bunch of dicks who were elitist. Then I became one… I'm not going to lie, I went to probably 15 Null tryouts to make it, but it was such a different environment than I was used to. You had a small squad of friends that would play together and it was chill constantly (unless Scribbles joined) but this feeling of a squad mentality made me want to better myself as a player to better keep up with my teammates so I would not slow them down.


212th SGT-1stLT


After leaving null, I took a very small break. At this point we were on Extensive and I joined 212th because I hadn't ever done it before. My achievements during this time were winning Recruiter of the week every single week of my SNCO ranks and making it to 2ndAC.


DU 3.0 PVT-1stLT


After my trip to 212th, I wanted a fresh start with my old buddies at DU. This was my longest time in one battalion and it was 2 years of being active for 3 months, then inactive for 1 but again stole that ARCO spot. During this time I met Trixx, Stroodle, Taco, Zero and a guy I should've known from the start, Mercy.


21st PVT-SFC


After my longest break, I was back and ready to go.  I joined the 21st Nova Corps and quickly thereafter joined SO. There I met a close friend Poker (who was Jett at the time).


Rancor SFC-1stLT


I had been ARC so many times that when Poker left to Rancor, I came along to be in a battalion full of them. I started as an ARC Medic, then two positions opened up. Alpha-98 and Alpha-22. I applied and was chosen for Alpha-22 Aven. After this, an old friend from SOBDE came back and got Alpha-98 Nate. He asked me to trade and I accepted. Shortly after, I was chosen for Warrant Officer but was able to maintain my position as 98. As an officer in Rancor, I started to host ARC trainings and steadily moved up to 1stLT.


Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: 

I should become Doom because I have a combined 3 years in the battalion and know how it works inside and out. I have the ability to lead this battalion from needing high command intervention to its once-thriving self. I am open to criticism, I enjoy thinking through ideas with people and I've matured a lot from what I once was. I am level-headed in every situation and don't show my anger through yelling. I still believe that PT is the best way to show someone they fucked up. Don't jump the gun on demotion or removal: make them understand they fucked up. All these traits combined make me the best option for BCMD Doom.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes I do



Monday-Friday: 8am-11pm CST

Weekends: 6-12 CST

GOOSE#3830 at anytime


Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: I have played since 2017. If I had to take a stab on both my accounts (one got hacked) I'd like to say I've  probably played 10-11k hours


Do you have a microphone?: Yes


Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:


Recruitments (and keeping those recruits)

While the server may not be as high pop as it once was, I still believe that the key to a good battalion is balance. What I mean by this is a good spread of troops through the Enlisted, NCO, SNCO and both officer ranks. Have too many on one side and it will all come crashing down. When I leave DU, I don't want it to topple in my absence. I'd like to shoot for 5-7 recruitments per week. To enforce this I will be giving out credits for:

1. Recruiting a member

2. The member you recruited reaching the rank of SGT


DU HC/Battalion Communication

I want to leave the battalion with a strong group of individuals that will step up and lead DU in a way that will allow for further growth of the battalion as a whole. I will be making a weekly meeting schedule for NCO/SNCO (Lead by WO with a shadow), officer meeting (Lead by BCMD or XO/CMD) and a general meeting (Lead by BCMD) I would like the DU HC to challenge me with new ideas or thoughts on how we could improve the battalion.



Overall DU has an average reputation, but I believe that connecting with other battalions for training is a great way to improve both battalions. Something not working out well, hey go talk to the other group about what you could do better. After all, we are a community: let's start acting like it. I will also be implementing an "open door" policy for DU which states the following: when not in a combat situation or preparing for a combat situation the main channel must be unlocked and free for visitors to enter. I would like to improve DU's public relations, and these are just a few ways of accomplishing this.



I do not want to be the type of BCMD that comes on just to discipline people and deal with issues in the battalion. This is a game we are trying to have fun with. I want DU to be able to run without me having to come on and guide them where to go or what to do. To achieve this, I will be molding the DU High command into an unstoppable force that can deal with whatever the server throws at us.



As a lot of you know, I do not like the merit system. It is an excuse for officers to be lazy and just look for numbers on a sheet. If chosen, I will be removing said system and using purely a TIG system along with reinstating WO reports. Each WO will be given a group of NCOs and SNCO's that they will watch for both negative and positive things. These will be brought to the officer meeting for ALL officers to look through. This, however, is not an excuse for officers not to watch for themselves for stand-out talent in the NCO/SNCO. The WO report is purely a suggestion for promotion, not the end all be all of who is and is not getting promoted.



I would like to see numbers up with an even distribution amongst the ranks. A Strong feeling of family in the battalion. A system in which you can voice your opinion and be heard no matter what rank. More friendliness towards other battalions and groups. A system in which promotions are earned not by numbers on a sheet, but actions in the moment. Last but not least―a group of individuals that will be able to goof around a bit but be serious when needed.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes


Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

  • Informative 1
  • Optimistic 2

Former: 187th ARCO, DU ARCO x4, DU ARCL x2, 501st ARFL, Prudii Skirata, Alpha-22 AvenAlpha-98 Nate Current: DU 1stLT GreenBean


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7 minutes ago, Banzai said:

I do not want to be the type of BCMD that comes on just to discipline people and deal with issues in the battalion. This is a game we are trying to have fun with. I want DU to be able to run without me having to come on and guide them where to go or what to do. To achieve this, I will be molding the DU High command into an unstoppable force that can deal with whatever the server throws at us.

I like just about everything in this app except for this part here, before I make my vote can you elaborate a little bit more on this? Part of being a BCMD is being around to handle these situations and setting a good example of what to do in game. Sounds like to me you are just trying to put people into high command to run the battalion for you.

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Forum Admin

This application is lackluster and seems as though it was written in a day with little to no forethought.
unknown.png Oh... well...

You state that you want a promotional system purely based on TIG, which in the battalions' current state is arguably one of the worst things to do. You have people flooding in from all battalions with little to no vision or intent, hoping to grab a quick rankup.

Your networking section is just a plan Jova has set forth months ago.

You state a lot of wants without any plans to do so; "I will be molding the DU High command into an unstoppable force that can deal with whatever the server throws at us." some Avengers type beat.

-1 for me.

  • Disagree 1
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🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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6 minutes ago, Luther said:

I like just about everything in this app except for this part here, before I make my vote can you elaborate a little bit more on this? Part of being a BCMD is being around to handle these situations and setting a good example of what to do in game. Sounds like to me you are just trying to put people into high command to run the battalion for you.

Thank you for allowing me to explain myself. What I was meaning to say by this is that I don't want my High Command to be scared of making any decisions without me signing off on it. I want to have a rock solid group of people that I can trust to make the right choice on matters. This being said I am very active and will try my very best to be involved with solving any issues that come up involving DU and its troops.

Former: 187th ARCO, DU ARCO x4, DU ARCL x2, 501st ARFL, Prudii Skirata, Alpha-22 AvenAlpha-98 Nate Current: DU 1stLT GreenBean


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I personally hate the whole "Im going to be the savior this battalion needs!" but all that happens is you get Jedi and Naval mains who aren't going to be there in a month, so you get a spike in activity because people want a quick rank up. Thats the same thing you're doing but you're just going a little further, you haven't even been in the batt for 6 hours. Spend some time with the people you want to lead instead of going for the power grab.


Edited by A-a-ron
  • Agree 2
  • Winner 1


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Seen you around for a long time, You left an Alpha spot to help out DU. I think you can add a bit more to the app but overall youre a great person and worthy of the position even if its just to rebuild activity in DU. +1

  • Friendly 1

Longest Special Operations Member on the server.
 Current: Alpha 98 Nate l  Mace Windu
Former: Cin Drallig l First Yayax Squad Yover l Foxtrot Commando l 2nd GM BCMD Bacara l Serra Keto Final SO Commander Jet l First & Last Devil Dogs Deadeye l Veteran Admin l Jedi General Plo Koon l 2nd Returning SO CMD Jet l Luminara Unduli l Wolfpack MAJ Boost l Kit Fisto l Trauma's Unit MED Mystic l Jedi Military Advisor l Omega 36 PVT Darman l High General Shaak Ti l Jedi Chief Instructo


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+1 after speaking with you and knowing you for a while i know you can do a good job with the right people helping you

  • Friendly 1
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Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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10 hours ago, Guac said:

You state that you want a promotional system purely based on TIG, which in the battalions' current state is arguably one of the worst things to do. You have people flooding in from all battalions with little to no vision or intent, hoping to grab a quick rankup.

Your networking section is just a plan Jova has set forth months ago.

You state a lot of wants without any plans to do so; "I will be molding the DU High command into an unstoppable force that can deal with whatever the server throws at us." some Avengers type beat.

-1 for me.


10 hours ago, A-a-ron said:

I personally hate the whole "Im going to be the savior this battalion needs!" but all that happens is you get Jedi and Naval mains who aren't going to be there in a month, so you get a spike in activity because people want a quick rank up. Thats the same thing you're doing but you're just going a little further, you haven't even been in the batt for 6 hours. Spend some time with the people you want to lead instead of going for the power grab.


Combine these two points with the fact that a) incredibly lackluster, generic, and hasty app, and b) the best way to "fix" DU now would NOT be to hastily appoint someone who is not ready for BCMD. I see the people you worked with give you +1s which does speak for support for this app, however, I am concerned about basically Aaron's post. I really wish you had put more effort into the app, it would have made this a much less worrying app. 

Overall from me its a -1. Take the time to write a much better application as well as get support from the people you are actually working with (as well as literally not have just joined DU and claim to care for it and be the model Doom candidate). I have also been in DU total for over a year however that doesn't mean Id be a good Doom candidate. 

  • Dumb 1

I used to play this server for too many hours at a time.

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I just really think this ain't it. To be honest, I don't have faith in you to bring a battalion from the brink of removal back to the norm or even better. -1.

Don't take this personal, you're a good person. It's just in this state of DU, I have my doubts.

Edited by Slak
  • Agree 4
  • Dumb 3

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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+1 tbh if you were waived to the position from the directors, then at first glance they think you could be capable. 

I think you have the right mindset, and will to do what’s necessary, however I have a question. 

what exactly are you going to do to help get DU able, “to handle whatever the server throws at it”? 


  • Friendly 1

Former: Liaison


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I’ll +1. Don’t listen to the people who say “oh you just came into DU or you here for a quick rank up” With how DU is right now in my eyes anyone willing to give it a shot should get it a chance to interview 

Edited by Noodles
  • Informative 1
  • Dumb 1

The guy that plays on a roleplay server but hates roleplay

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1 hour ago, Pythin said:

+1 tbh if you were waived to the position from the directors, then at first glance they think you could be capable. 

I think you have the right mindset, and will to do what’s necessary, however I have a question. 

what exactly are you going to do to help get DU able, “to handle whatever the server throws at it”? 


I appreciate your support and that is a great question. I'm going to be adding more structure, One thing I've been throwing around is having each commander oversee a group of junior officer to insure they are doing their jobs and as I said in my app having my WOs oversee groups of the NCO Corps. The main point of this is keeping everyone accountable, I don't want to micromanage but it's always helpful to have a mentor. Another idea I've talked with people about is making Weekly/Monthly goals for the battalion to strive for, goal setting does work so long as you don't have unrealistic expectations. What both these ideas plan to accomplish is having clear, realistic and understood expectations for every member.

Edited by Banzai
  • Informative 1

Former: 187th ARCO, DU ARCO x4, DU ARCL x2, 501st ARFL, Prudii Skirata, Alpha-22 AvenAlpha-98 Nate Current: DU 1stLT GreenBean


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13 minutes ago, Cannon said:


just slide this in here

I knew that this would come. I fully accept responsibility, it was a massive lapse in judgement that will NEVER happen again. I have talked to and apologized to all parties involved and I can promise that (and I know it wasn't that long ago) I have matured quite a bit. I have a full time job that I work from home and my own place. 

Former: 187th ARCO, DU ARCO x4, DU ARCL x2, 501st ARFL, Prudii Skirata, Alpha-22 AvenAlpha-98 Nate Current: DU 1stLT GreenBean


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51 minutes ago, Cannon said:


just slide this in here

As the one who issued this blacklist, he came back showing genuine remorse apologizing without even asking it to be lifted. But went to Rancor in where his time there and behavior gave confidence to us as a director team it would not be an issue with him going forward. 
Now if your asking how is he in DU now well it was appealed during Stroodle’s term 4 months into the 6 month length it was given.

Not saying it isn’t important fact to look at I just wanted to give some context to it from my end as the one who issued it. 

  • Agree 1
  • Winner 1
  • Informative 3



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On 3/9/2022 at 10:51 PM, Dennis said:

+1 after speaking with you and knowing you for a while i know you can do a good job with the right people helping you

If Lord Dennis thinks you will do good, then it is true.

+1 From me.

  • Funny 1
  • Informative 1
  • Friendly 1
  • Dumb 12

Former: Senior Admin | Dooms Unit SNCO | 187th NCO ST SNCO Senator Gume Saam | SO CPT JetRSB Supervisor LTJG Dodd Rancit | Commander Keller | RSB Supervisor LTJG Alexsandr Kallus |

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Head Admin

+1, good luck

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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Congratulations, You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview!

Please contact a Director to organise your interview.

Failure to do so within 7 DAYS of this post will result in the DENIAL of your application.




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Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

You will be contacted by a Director or relevant High Command for your denial reason.

You may apply for another commander positions after 30 DAYS from this post.




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