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Black's Rex Application


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Steam Name: [SR] Black

RP Name: 332nd CS-1119 Captain Appo

RP Rank: Captain 

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:121514277

Battalion or squad you are applying for:

501st Legion


38th TR3 - SGT3
Back in the days in 2017 somewhere around early September I joined my first ever battalion, 38th Engineering Corps. Under Apache I learnt the basics of being a Engineer and how to host a battalion tryout.

212th SGT3 - 2ndLT
My time in 212th was mainly me being a flying 2ndAC, I didn't get to do much in a Commanding Officer position, however I have learned the basics of running regiments (Heavy Troopers) and a sub-unit (2nd Airborne Company), back then I have received my first and only demotion for being power hungry. It gave me a lot to think about. That punishment was what probably created my behavior on the server and allowed me to work on my attitude, when I think about it today I do take that demotion as a positive thing. I have never been given examples, of how did I mess up, all I have been told is that I was power hungry, so I accepted my punishment, and tried to care about what i am doing for the battalion, more than the rank that I currently hold within it. I have to point out that I was 14 back than, and that I have matured up in past 4 years

Jedi Youngling - Jedi Knight Of Defense
As a Jedi i have taken some leadership position like Sentinel Manager, Consular Manager and Temple Guard Manager Lead, i have learnt some leadership and how to do trials properly, I was also a in a lore position of Serra Ketto

New Admin - Senior Admin (TRO&GM)

With me being a Staff member i have learnt how to solve certain situations and how to stay professional in many situations, being a Game Master made me able to learn on how to keep people organized and keep them in line while working on a event. However the position of a Trainer Officer learnt me on how to deal and interact with the new players on the server, which hopefully will help me in recruiting into the battalion.

501st SGT3 - LTC (Kain - Quill)
I started my journey under Kain as a SGT3. I have worked as hard as I only could within the Jet Trooper regiment and the recruitment program of the 501st, which eventually made me able to go up to 2ndLT. As a 2ndLT I have been assigned a new position of a Heavy Weapons Specialist Leader and a Intel Member. I was tasked to revive the Heavy regiment by actively doing trainings with them, as well as giving them a purpose on the battlefield. When i got promoted to 1st Lieutenant a new role, becoming a Intel Officer, and eventually after achieving the rank of Major the role of Intel Director. As my time being Lieutenant Colonel i was a TCO, Overseer for couple branches and still did all i could for the Intel Branch as a Intel Director.

501st SGT - CMD (Omalic - Stormzy)

I came back under Omalic right after he got Rex, i have made my way through the NCO ranks to the position of the Warrant Officer, where i have been the man in charge of the NCOs. Back then Warrant Officer was equal to a Commander within the battalion, which allowed me to step up and prove myself as a Intel Officer as well as a REGL. Later on i went from Warrant Officer to Major, picking up Intel Director and REGL as a Major. During my time as a Major I made some changes and implemented some stuff, ending up with me moving up from Major to Commander right before Bluejay resigned from Rex. At this point i made a plan with Stormzy where I will go for Rex and Stormzy will become my Executive Officer. After all it didn't work out with me being forced to resign due to my PC breaking down.

501st SGT - Captain  (Bud)

At first i have rejoined the battalion to hang out with some friends, but when I noticed that the battalion is struggling with activity and recruitment I have decided to stay for a little bit longer, which ended up in me starting to care even more about the battalion that I have ever had. I kind of took a responsibility on myself to make the battalion great again. I have picked up a position of Support Officer and revived the regiment. As a Sergeant Major I have been given the lore character Appo and position of Intel Director. Eventually I got promoted to the position of Captain and transferred from Support Officer to the Position of ARFO so I can help revive the regiment like I did with support. Currently I am doing my best to keep myself as active as possible, as well as give the battalion as much entertainment as possible. 

Why should you become a Battalion Commander of your squad?: 

I feel like I should become a Battalion Commander of the 501st due to my dedication to the battalion as well as good intentions and having a plan on how to save the battalion and bring our numbers back up again. I believe that I have traits which would make me a good Battalion Commander. I am a very open minded person, and I consider every suggestion that is brought up to me. I am a very positive person, and I do not favorize people. With that being said even if I don't like you as a person, u still will be able to move up through the ranks and your vote will always matter whenever we will be going over any suggestions. Whenever i am going to make a change i will consult it with my officers first, and after that the decision will be made. I have to point out that i do have the needed experience to run the battalion. I have been in a leadership position of both sub-units, Intel Director, Regimental Leader as well as a Commander position before. I have talked to Bud (last Rex) as well as most of our Officer Corp, and Jedi High Command of our battalion, and I have gained their support on this application. I have served under 8 Battalion Commander's of the 501st Legion, which made me able to gain experience, that combined in my opinion will be very effective.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

Yes i do understand the lore of the 501st Legion, as well as the lore of both Sub-Units.


Monday: 12AM- 7PM EST
Tuesday: 12AM - 8PM EST
Wednesday: 12AM - 7PM EST
Thursday: 12AM - 7PM EST
Friday: 12AM - 10PM EST
Saturday: 4AM - 10PM EST
Sunday: 4AM - 7PM EST
(Note: my time zone is GMT +1)

Estimate of how long you have played on Synergy Roleplay: 

Since September 2017, Something around 3000 hours.

Do you have a microphone?:

Yes, I do.

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

At the end of my term I want the battalion to be running actively with a solid recruitment system. I want my officer corp to be actively doing something on the server, starting from entertainments for the battalion, Trainings, Simulations, Patrols. I want my officers to work closely together and all of us combined into one Battalion Commander in the meeting, with me representing us. 95% decisions that i will be making will be considered with my Officer Corp. I want them to be there helping me as well as ensuring that everything is running correctly and smoothly. I will do my best to create a good base, so that whoever takes the torch after me for Holidays will have a easier job to keep my home functional and active. However here is a brief, where i want to see the battalion when my term ends:

1) Activity - as of right now our activity is very unstable, and I do think that it needs to be worked on. I feel like that if I get the position, and I will be actively playing on the server, I will set an example for my officers, as well as NCOs that there is a purpose to play on the server actively, even if that means me doing daily trainings and operations just to bring our numbers back up. After all, I can't expect my troopers to be Active if I am not. Bud and Brak were not able to get on a lot, as a result it caused a chain reaction for the rest of the battalion. It all starts from the top and rolls down hill. By being an active presence in the battalion, contributing to RP on a daily basis, being on as active as I am now (Even more in some cases), I will put a bandaid on the activity. For the long term I will be adding merits back to officers. This will give more for officers to do, more time for them to sit in each rank gaining experience and help push them to better themselves as well as the battalion.

2) Recruitment - I feel like with recruitment it's the same as with activity - you can't call it stable. There are days when we get more and days when we get none, I feel like having an active Battalion Commander kind off attracts people into joining the battalion, with that being said even if it will be me hosting tryouts everyday, I will do what is needed to bring the numbers up again until I will have a active NCO corp. We want to be appealing, from an outside looking in standpoint and from an insider's point of view. I want to bring back anonymous feedback for officers (a program Craig had in which people came to him, or submitted feedback on someone and it was addressed immediately no harm no foul, without names being mentioned and without drama being started. I will also give more incentives such as recruiter of the month gets not only a credit reward but will work out something with the GM program to get a deployment catered to them. This will result as a deployment for all of the 501st, with that person dictating what kind of event it is, which battalions are deployed with us, and will take charge of the 501st side.

3) Professionalism - when it comes to battle comms I feel like they are in a good state, when they are active, and if someone breaks them, they are being told that battle comms are active, instead of other people joining into an off-topic conversation. I feel like there are things we should still work on, for example our behavior, and how we treat each other. A lot of the issues are attributed to the lack of high command presence within the battalion, as well as a relaxation that occurred because of it. These issues can be simply resolved through actively setting the example, and a presence. I will also be doing training and sims for the entire battalion, going over what could be considered simple stuff such as battle comms and sim etiquette, to ensure everyone is on the same page.

4) Officer Corp - I want my Officer Corps to be active, running trainings regularly, helping each other as they are supposed to, and most importantly I want the whole Officer Corp working together, I want them to be there for me if I need to make any decisions, I will consult them, I want to keep the battalion as transparent as possible, to the point where I won't have to make every major change on my own. I will closely be going through the officers (I will not be wiping the officer corps), but handling issues with individual officers and ensuring they’re functioning at the level needed for their rank. Bringing back a merit system will further add to officer responsibility, gives them more to work for, and a clear line of sight on what's needed for them.

5) NCO Corps - as of right now I do feel like we could use some changes to the NCO Corp, I feel like people don't really have a motivation to play on the server. I will do my best to give them opportunities, to prove themselves as well as just enjoy the server, and have fun while spending their time on it. I will keep on rewarding them for recruitment, training and event leads. As well as bring back a more functioning system in terms of merits. I feel as though NCO’s major problem is lack of leadership, and presence of High command.

6) Promotions - I feel like there should not be anymore mass promotions. I feel like I will make promotions for NCOs the way they are right now, however for the Officers I want it so that they won't be jumping through ranks. Double promotions (for example CPT-LTC) would happen rarely and would have a VERY good reasoning behind it. A key issue right now with promotions is the fact that officer’s dont have merits but the fix for that is bringing back the merit system as stated above.

7) Discipline - I feel like 501st when it comes to Discipline is in a good state. We are not forced to enable talk power in battalion meetings anymore like we had to back in the days, when it comes to our Disciplinary Team lead by the position of Warrant Officer, we always have someone to settle the punishment and deal with any situations, and the officers Know when to step up in the absence of a WO and their Disciplinary team. Overall discipline hasn’t been an outstanding issue, but when it is situations are handled at a professional level.

8) Activities - The 501st Legion on the server is one of the Attack Battalions. With that being said I will want my man to participate in reaction time, breach and clear, as well as holding a line trainings where they would have to focus on their Battle Comms, ACE Reports, paying attention to /comms while fighting off the enemy forces.

9) 332nd Company - my plans for the 332nd Company is to give them an actual purpose. 332nd was meant to be a mentorship sub-unit, and that's exactly what I am gonna make it. I will have whoever the next Vaughn is to work with me and the 332nd Officers on creating the mentorship program which will focus on helping the basic troopers of the legion improve and learn new things. They will be hosting leadership, breach and clear communications and other trainings for the whole battalion. I will make a schedule on when the trainings will be happening and possibly they will be joint with 104th or 212th. The major drawbacks for 332nd aren’t the same as they are for TC. Limiting slots will be something that is looked at for the future (more so than already are) however I believe the real fix is giving them a set role as they were meant to have.

10) Torrent Company - For Torrent Company I want it to be an Elite Sub-Unit which is gonna be harder to get in, and it's gonna be focused on combat and thinking skills. They would be the ones among ARC Troopers to split from the main force and be sent on special tasks/missions. I will be making changes to the way it functions, such as removing the TCT Job, and adding the appo job to the TC Category. Having 2 unlimited sub units adversely affects the battalion, anyone and their mom in the battalion could be TC at the current moment because there are infinite slots. In limiting TC To The named characters it currently has, instead of having an infinite amount of people in a sub unit. TCT Also has no benefit to it as all it is, is a 501st trooper with a red marking on its helmet. The changes will result in 8 Slots within TC plus the Torrent Company Commander.

11) Regiments - as of right now, only ARC is in a state I want all regiments to be. I will be doing my best to work with the Regimental Lead to revive all regiments, to a state where they have active leadership positions so that we would be there just to assist if needed. That does not mean I will give up on the regiments the second we fill the leadership positions out. We would still oversee their progress and how they are doing, we have no interest for some regiments, and others just don’t have people to step up and take charge. The fact that numbers are sub par for the battalion itself result in non functioning regiments. The key for right now is finding someone to adequately step up as the regimental lead.

12) Jedi - For our Jedi I feel like it is in a good state. We have an Active Anakin as well as Ahsoka, who are actively doing stuff with the battalion and our Jedi Program. I want the Battalion Jedi not to be any different from the clones when it comes to permissions and ranks. I want them to be rewarded based on their work and dedication to the battalion, I will be making sure they enjoy the battalion itself, as well as there will be implemented a merit system for the Jedi as well as for clones, so their work can be easier noticed. I want Battalion Jedi to be as professional as possible and giving the battalion kind off a new roleplay touch, as well as a helping hand.

The major issues reside in the fact 501st has little to no presence of high command, and in turn makes it  hard for people to find motivation. We are also struggling with the fact that 501st in and of itself has a small amount of members, as most people in 501st are either TC or 332nd.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

Yes, I do understand.

Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:

Yes, I do understand.

Note: I have been apart of this battalion for 4 years now. I feel like I know it like my own pocket, and that my experience as well as activity, being open minded and dedication can save the battalion, and bring the numbers up to a better state.

My activity is 105 hours in last 2 weeks and i usually don't afk on gmod at all.

Also apologies for any grammar mistakes I have made.

Edited by Black

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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Ever since I joined the battalion. I feel like me and you worked closely together so I get to know you pretty well. In my own experience I think you would make a great rex and a great leader. I'll give you a juicy +1 (As long as you are able to keep Fox away from me if you get rex)

  • Friendly 1

Former Rex - Fives - Walon Vau

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I have a couple questions. Some of them might be me re asking things we talked about yesterday, so that everyone can see and your stance can be officially posted, other might be new.

Right now you have no one of LTC rank or higher(and only 1 active major), what are qualities you would look for in officers when promoting them to fill the huge gap of a command structure right now?

Currently the 501st has a requirement system for promotion of NCO's, what changes if any do you have planned for this promotion system.

You talk about giving officers a merit system, i'd like more info on that, a lot of an officers job can not be defined by giving points in my opinion, what kind of things will you judge officers on? Will it just be NCO requirements but expanded for officers?


Edited by Conrad
  • Agree 3
  • Winner 1
  • Confused 1


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+1 send it

  • Friendly 1

Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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26 minutes ago, Conrad said:

I have a couple questions. Some of them might be me re asking things we talked about yesterday, so that everyone can see and your stance can be officially posted, other might be new.

Right now you have no one of LTC rank or higher(and only 1 active major), what are qualities you would look for in officers when promoting them to fill the huge gap of a command structure right now?

Currently the 501st has a requirement system for promotion of NCO's, what changes if any do you have planned for this promotion system.

You talk about giving officers a merit system, i'd like more info on that, a lot of an officers job can not be defined by giving points in my opinion, what kind of things will you judge officers on? Will it just be NCO requirements but expanded for officers?


1) "Right now you have no one of LTC rank or higher(and only 1 active major), what are qualities you would look for in officers when promoting them to fill the huge gap of a command structure right now?"

In the process of getting new High Command members I would look at these qualities:
-Leadership skills
-Communication skills
I want to point out that I don't want to rush filling the High Command spots out. As of right now I have 1 person in mind I would move up to the position of Commander to assist me in running the battalion, and one possibly two good candidates for Senior Officers, so that our battalion will have a Chain of Command that its supposed to have again.

2) "Currently the 501st has a requirement system for promotion of NCO's, what changes if any do you have planned for this promotion system"

For NCO Promotions I am planning to go back to the merit system we used to have, with possibly changed values. I have got the right people to assist me on making the All-In-One and connecting it to the main roster with a script. It will take a little bit of time to be made, but everything is possible. Assuming that I get the position, the values for each action will be discussed and chosen among with my entire Officer Corp. As of for cooldowns, they will remain as a 3 day cooldown until we increase our numbers.

3) "You talk about giving officers a merit system, i'd like more info on that, a lot of an officers job can not be defined by giving points in my opinion, what kind of things will you judge officers on? Will it just be NCO requirements but expanded for officers?"

I didn't make that clear in my application, apologies. I was planning on allowing my Officers to fill out the all-in-one, but not make it mandatory. I don't want Officer promotions be defined by just numbers. Its more of their actions and behavior, that I want to promote them for. The merit system would be there, so they can find some type of motivation to play on the server. I feel like it kind off would have affect their mindset, or just so they can log the work they did, while there were no High Command members to notice them. 

Edited by Black
  • Agree 1

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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Forum Admin

              Giving officers a merit system? I don't necessarily support that decision. The JO core especially has the responsibility of maintaining and upkeep of the NCO core. Whether that be through systematically altering the Core (doc work, trainings, rewriting standards), or simply keeping them motivated and entertained. The utilization of the merit system was to develop a routine in which NCO's had a outlined and regimented plan as to how they would be promoted. As an officer I feel as though those responsibilities go more, unsaid. By making a requirement based system it feels like you are removing that independence that they have earned. Personally I believe a re-evaluation of the officer core as a whole and re affirmation of JO & SO responsibilities is a much easier and beneficial option. Lastly you mentioned a merit system being "motovation" and "non-mandatory", this again seems to be less of a need for a merit system, and more connected to a simple google doc. 

              If you truly believe that an officer merit system will work, I have a question...; Your reaffirmations of JO responsibilities through a merit system seem to be rooted primarily within tangible activities, to which I generally disagree. How will you ensure that officers aren't just a "reskinned" NCO.

              Since I haven't been here for long, this is your reminder this is a primarily outsider perspective. It seems as though the 501st has had a continuous issue of promoting based upon TIG and not the qualities of an officer that should be achieved. In very rare cases is this chain broken but I have seen time and time again people rise through the ranks that may not deserve the positon they sit in. Here's the question...; As Rex, how will you ensure that promotions (officer in specific) will be earned and standards upheld, to mitigate the "pity promotion" pattern I have seen in the past.

For now I will not -1 until a response is given

TL;DR = I don't agree with an officer merit system, I believe that makes officer another NCO rank. How will you ensure officer quality and their own independence.

Edited by Guac
  • Agree 2

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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3 minutes ago, Guac said:

              Giving officers a merit system? I don't necessarily support that decision. The JO core especially has the responsibility of maintaining and upkeep of the NCO core. Whether that be through systematically altering the Core (doc work, trainings, rewriting standards), or simply keeping them motivated and entertained. The utilization of the merit system was to develop a routine in which NCO's had a outlined and regimented plan as to how they would be promoted. As an officer I feel as though those responsibilities go more, unsaid. By making a requirement based system it feels like you are removing that independence that they have earned. Personally I believe a re-evaluation of the officer core as a whole and re affirmation of JO & SO responsibilities is a much easier and beneficial option. If you truly believe that an officer merit system will work, I have a question...; Your reaffirmations of JO responsibilities through a merit system seem to be rooted primarily within tangible activities, to which I generally disagree. How will you ensure that officers aren't just a "reskinned" NCO.

              Since I haven't been here for long, this is your reminder this is a primarily outsider perspective. It seems as though the 501st has had a continuous issue of promoting based upon TIG and not the qualities of an officer that should be achieved. In very rare cases is this chain broken but I have seen time and time again people rise through the ranks that may not deserve the positon they sit in. Here's the question...; As Rex, how will you ensure that promotions (officer in specific) will be earned and standards upheld, to mitigate the "pity promotion" pattern I have seen in the past.

For now I will not -1 until a response is given

TL;DR = I don't agree with an officer merit system, I believe that makes officer another NCO rank. How will you ensure officer quality and their own independence.

I Already responded to the question regarding the Merit's for Officer, I had that idea when I wrote the application about a week ago, but after talking to some people I have understood that I can't put numbers on the Officer promotions. The Merit system will be a optional thing, that officers can fill out, but WILL HAVE NO AFFECT on their promotions.

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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2 minutes ago, Black said:

I Already responded to the question regarding the Merit's for Officer, I had that idea when I wrote the application about a week ago, but after talking to some people I have understood that I can't put numbers on the Officer promotions. The Merit system will be a optional thing, that officers can fill out, but WILL HAVE NO AFFECT on their promotions.

What, if people are saying don't add a merit system, and you add it anyways because why not, what is the point of then. Just to look pretty?

  • Confused 1

The Clover Crew Member


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1 minute ago, Starfox said:

What, if people are saying don't add a merit system, and you add it anyways because why not, what is the point of then. Just to look pretty?

So, NCOs will be mandatory to fill out the All in One in order to be promoted. The reason why Officers can fill out the all in one, is so their work can be "noticed" if there are no High Command on. They will no be judged by the amount of merit system when it comes to the promotions.


# 1 CPT - 0 merits
#2 CPT - 1500 merits

#1 can be promoted before #2 due to him being ready to move up and #2 will be stuck in CPT until he changes his behavior. The merit system is kind off a tool that Officers can use to find a purpose or motivation to play on the server.

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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19 minutes ago, Guac said:

          As Rex, how will you ensure that promotions (officer in specific) will be earned and standards upheld, to mitigate the "pity promotion" pattern I have seen in the past.

Sorry for making a second post as a response, missed this question for some reason. For Officer promotions, they will have to first go through a vote. With at least >50% positive feedback on them, as long as there are valid and good reasons for a person to be promoted. I feel like making it a vote with feedback from other Officers will stop favoritism going on with officer promotions and avoid promotions happening just based of TiG.

-Junior Officer promotions: - All MAJ+ get a vote based on what work they have done for the battalion
-Senior Officer promotions: - CMD+ will get to vote on candidate's actions and attitude if they are ready to move up.

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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Forum Admin
7 minutes ago, Black said:


# 1 CPT - 0 merits
#2 CPT - 1500 merits

#1 can be promoted before #2 due to him being ready to move up and #2 will be stuck in CPT until he changes his behavior. The merit system is kind off a tool that Officers can use to find a purpose or motivation to play on the server.

So ^this whole response confuses me but for the most part, I agree with your promotional basis and believe you have a good heart and foundation for your plans. Goodluck.


  • Friendly 1

🎀  𝙵𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊  🎀

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+1 I do have one question though that I would like answered
My time in 501st was long and I was a senior officer for a while. Every High Command was extremely lacking in communication and I was basically told nothing. How can you move past the terrible communication skills of the past in 501st and get every officer, NCO, and enlisted informed properly on issues they need to be informed on to properly contribute to the battalion?


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+1. Interesting merit system for the officers though that doesn't mean I don't support it. I've talked with you in the past about you going for Rex and honestly, I don't have a problem with it. You're a good person and an even better leader. You've clearly have the experience and you've got the ideas.

Current: Obi-Wan Kenobi (x2), Guardian Master (x2)
Ex: Rex, Tup, Kix, and Appo, Bultar Swan


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44 minutes ago, FatherHanz said:

+1 I do have one question though that I would like answered
My time in 501st was long and I was a senior officer for a while. Every High Command was extremely lacking in communication and I was basically told nothing. How can you move past the terrible communication skills of the past in 501st and get every officer, NCO, and enlisted informed properly on issues they need to be informed on to properly contribute to the battalion?

From what i have noticed transparency has been an issue within the battalion for some time now. As I have mentioned before, Senior Officers as well as Junior Officers will be related in battalion related stuff. For example MAJ+ will have a vote on Junior Officer promos. All officers will be included in making the decisions about the changes including the battalion. Also we will be posting weekly announcements on what we have added/removed/changed last week. These will be posted after each Officer meeting.

  • Informative 1

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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Some small things i have a problem/see some issues that could arise with your planned structure but nothing major enough for me to think you shouldn't at the very least move on the the interview stage.

Edited by Conrad


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501st is in a really bad shape and in all my experience in the server requirements and merits for a dying battalion is how you shoot it in the head and kick it down the road. Merits for officers in all honesty is a very stupid thing as well because  there job in most circumstances is to lead and oversee why would they need merits to get promoted to get promoted when in almost all likelihood they would be taking an MCOs chance to be promoted by having to fill out their merits and not letting the NCOs do itYou also shouldn't be building a disciplinary team as that lopsided your battalion structuring as where your officers are directly affected when it comes to doing there job and removes one thing they should be doing. Finally my last major issue is you cameback within the past few weeks and the battalion has honestly gotten worse in many ways and that hasn't been your fault, but your solutions are bringing old amd broken systems back to fix a broken battalion, which won't work it will only slow it down even more. -1

Edited by justuscloud5
  • Agree 3
  • Disagree 1
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3 minutes ago, Taz said:

One question, are you sure this will work? 

Last time we did this, there weren't many trainings or patrols due to them being able to do an hour of recruitment a day and have enough points to be promo'd within 4-6 days, which by then they are off cooldown and now meet both the cooldown req and their points req.

I really do prefer this system a lot more since it makes S/NCO's do a variety of things other than watch youtube for an hour while pressing a button and get rewarded for it.

I am pretty confident this will work out. That's why I am planning to change values, so NCOs would be down to do SIMs and patrols and not only recruiting while watching youtube.

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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28 minutes ago, Dinaric said:

So I do have a question before I do place my vote, so with literally all of my experiences and interactions with members of 501st, many of them (names which I will not mention for the sake of not starting drama) have been very negative, mingy, and overall toxic to other players on the server, especially a few others in your Officer Corps. 

How exactly do you plan on improving their behaviors and what will you do to execute that plan to make their behaviors somewhat “semi-decent” as a BCMD? I will put up my vote once I get your response. You probably might’ve explained or talked about it somewhere but I might have missed it.

Starting off, minginess and toxicity is something I don't want to see in 501st. I know that some people are very negative when it comes to interactions with other battalions, that's what we have the "Batt. Relations Officer", he should be making sure that all members of the 501st are friendly and non hostile to the other battalions and players on the server. Now minginess will not be welcome within the 501st. If someone will be acting mingy on a 501st job they will be given punishment. I will do my best to create a best environment the 501st has to offer, where its not just place of seriousness but a friendly and a very welcoming place to everyone who comes to talk/interacts with us.

I plan on improving the battalion by promoting roleplay and making sure that everyone is in line. As I have mentioned being mingy, hostile and disrespectful will not be welcome within the battalion at all and will be punished. 

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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Hello Black,

In regards to your plans on introducing a merit system to the officer corps, how do you think it can improve or boost the officer's morale into getting their requirements met? I, for one personally wouldn't feel awfully encouraged that I have certain requirements made for me to get promoted. I feel like this is the only part of your future plans that is semi-controversal for the time-being.

Other than that, my final vote is a +1. You are extremely respectful in came and I would love to see another Rex shine his inspiration towards the 501st.

(P.S. Please don't mass promo people to officer ranks just cause you have them open. We definitely don't need another one of those situations. <3)

  • Winner 1

Current: Rancor Panda | Honorary Consular

Ex: Delta 38, Kom'rk Skirata x2, Mereel Skirata, A'den Skirata, Omega Squad Fi (XO), Foxtrot MDMK, 327th 1stLT, 501st 1stLT, 212th MAJ, 41st WO, Alpha ARC 22 WO 'Aven', 212th 1stLT Lycanthrope

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6 minutes ago, Red_Panda said:

Hello Black,

In regards to your plans on introducing a merit system to the officer corps, how do you think it can improve or boost the officer's morale into getting their requirements met? I, for one personally wouldn't feel awfully encouraged that I have certain requirements made for me to get promoted. I feel like this is the only part of your future plans that is semi-controversal for the time-being.

As i have mentioned before, they will be optional for the officers and won't be something i will be looking at when it comes to Officer promotions. Its more of a something they can fill out if they want to, I have given a little bit more detail in my other responses. 

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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13 hours ago, Black said:

So, NCOs will be mandatory to fill out the All in One in order to be promoted. The reason why Officers can fill out the all in one, is so their work can be "noticed" if there are no High Command on. They will no be judged by the amount of merit system when it comes to the promotions.


# 1 CPT - 0 merits
#2 CPT - 1500 merits

#1 can be promoted before #2 due to him being ready to move up and #2 will be stuck in CPT until he changes his behavior. The merit system is kind off a tool that Officers can use to find a purpose or motivation to play on the server.

This response seems somewhat confusing. If you aren't judging officers from the merit system, how does it help them to use the system? 

Also, why do you think that a list of things to do will motivate officers? Especially considering the points they have won't factor into their promotion.

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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4 hours ago, Finn said:

This response seems somewhat confusing. If you aren't judging officers from the merit system, how does it help them to use the system? 

Also, why do you think that a list of things to do will motivate officers? Especially considering the points they have won't factor into their promotion.

When i was a SNCO I enjoyed grinding merits. Since its coming back for NCOs i thought i would implement it for Officers as an optional thing they can fill out. Myself i think that as a Junior Officer i would fill it out myself like some Type of a chore, but i understand that not everyone wants to do so. Thats why its optiona and won't be considered when it comes to Officer promotions

  • Agree 1

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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  • Management


I won’t lie I do hold a lot of bias towards the other candidate but quite honestly since I’ve joined the 501st you have been the most active and helpful officer I’ve seen. You actively try to promote activity and role play and host entertainments and help anyone below you with any problems they may have and I admire that and I believe you deserve a shot at an interview. Best of luck Black!

  • Friendly 1


i am literally captain tukk

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