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Make the map night time


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Name: Piff | Dash-29

RP Rank: Commander

Suggestion: Make the map night time

Implementation: Basically change the map to look like the Titan base to where its night time instead of daytime, i think this would look cool on Geonosis since it would be harder to navigate and since i'm pretty sure its already hard to make different parts of the map either day or night it could just be made all night, As well, this would give a better feel to Umbara and Anaxes since and possible Endor since Umbara is already seen to be dark and we've seen a Night time Anaxes and Endor

Lore: None

Workshop content if applicable: None

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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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7 hours ago, Pog said:

-1 Would be cooler to see a day/night cycle (if that's even possible). Right now staff can just edit the sky rather than making it a full time change.

The issue with that is the lighting, when you “set” it’s not really setting it and the lighting since the map is day time on default, the daytime lighting is still there


8 hours ago, Fyi said:

It's not really as easy as just "setting it to nighttime". Maps have to be set up to accomodate nighttime, from my understanding.

If the new map has that kinda feature, it'd be cool.

Well, it’s not easy, but it’s more simple to “set” the map to one or the other since it’s a command when making the map itself that messes with the lighting and how the map looks, if I remember correctly you would have to use a command to have a map fade from one lighting value to another so it’d either gradually increase from one value to another, but the issue is with this, it would start to add lag and that is basically the issue with having day and night systems, that’s why it’s a lot better and more stable when you have only one set time, you could also get rid of the “cycle” all together and just be able to change the time of day instead since having it naturally fade and change times would cause too much lag

so basically TLDR; It’s possible to do a night/day cycle through hammer or source SDK whatever you want to call it, but it causes lag on large maps like ours and It would be more stable if we’d be able to change it directly from day to night without the fading away off day or night or just having it as one set time or value better said in terms of doing it in hammer

also forgot to add, even by doing this there’s still some shadows that are going to be messed up which can be fixed by lights, but they still are kinda annoying, and also addons are not the way to go for a day and night system cause that’s how you kill frames and their the buggiest shit alive

Edited by Piff

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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  • Management


I would prefer to keep it day unless we found some way to add a night/day cycle. I don’t want to look around to see everyone with their flashlights on all the time because it’s just a wee bit dark personally.

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i am literally captain tukk

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3 hours ago, Marvel said:


I would prefer to keep it day unless we found some way to add a night/day cycle. I don’t want to look around to see everyone with their flashlights on all the time because it’s just a wee bit dark personally.

It’s possible but you’d be giving up some server performance during the cycle so unless it was set to a certain time for a while it would help with performance cause when it’s changing time of day is when it’ll lower performance and also like I said I would say addons aren’t the best option and instead get it into the map itself and I mean I would say it’d be better for a vote to be made about it

Edited by Piff

“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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Is it doable? Yeah.  I’m not sure how much it would take us from what we have,  but it would be a pain in the ass.

Do people want it? With Sky Editor, you can do this to a degree and people seem to enjoy it.

the issue we had previously was the fact it was an add on causing lag but if we were to get it incorporated into map it shouldn’t be an issue


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  • Coordinator

If you use the editors we have i believe if ya do it you can set it to a night time look 
@Stormzyyy did the other day

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I feel as though this isnt being percieved in the sense it is, i believe he is wanting a Night and Day cycle in which nighttime you would have trouble seeing and makes “Dark Theme” events more inticing i would say yes since using editors changes nothing but the skys look for the map and it honestly looks dumb giving a night and day cycle would give units like RC and Recon a better immersion in their Roleplay within +1

Edited by Aeon



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18 hours ago, Stormzyyy said:

You can, I placed all 3 editors in the staff room for people to use. 

The only issue with the editors is that they don't actually change light levels on the map. It's nice to see a night sky, but it doesn't look so hot when the ground is still just as bright as before.


Honestly the most immersive thing would be to integrate the map lighting into a mod like stormfox. It's not too hard to set up in hammer, and the results are really cool. As cool as a night version of a map is, or even just a day/night cycle, it doesn't compare to having lights and shadows accurately react to the time of day or weather. It'd be cool for events too. Probably won't happen, cause pretty much every outside light source would need to be changed, but a man can dream.

|Longest Serving Attack Regimental Commander||Master of Quests|


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