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Vango's Mechanized Regimental Commander App


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*Waived by Director's*

Steam Name: 

Synr.gg | Vango


RP Name: 

104th Jedi General Plo Koon


RP Rank:

Jedi General Plo Koon (Jedi General /Executive Officer)


Steam ID:



Regiment you are applying for:

 Mechanized Regimental Commander




[Not in Timeline Order]


== Jedi ==


[Youngling - General]

(Consular Manager, Plo Koon, Jedi Master, Jedi General )


First of all, my time as a Jedi, I started off as a Padawan and didn’t really come to main my Jedi until after my time in the 41st. After I had come to main my Jedi I moved to the Consular Branch, which is the Jedi branch I have been dedicated to and have felt at home in. I started off by gaining Consular Manager and actively hosting trials, I then started to make docs for the branch which are used in Sage, Seer and Consular all the time. My Work started to get noticed by the Masters, leading me to gain the position of Jedi Knight continuing to work as a Consular Manager. After a month or two I was granted the rank of Jedi Master. My time as a Jedi Master made me think about what it felt like when I was a Padawan and with the common question people ask you “Will my work get noticed”, I made sure I was actively looking over everyone getting the chances they deserve, Teaching countless Padawans and Knight’s to keep going and preserving and a small few of these members have become Jedi Masters. I was soon promoted to Jedi Master Plo Koon where I started working closely with the 104th and helping out with Operations there as well as in the Order, I became the Temporary Disciplinary Lead until I found a suitable replacement to take over. As Plo Koon within the 104th you are equivalent to Second in Command of Wolfpack, as this position I made sure I was working closely with them by helping with docs, assisting with choices for new wolfpack. When I joined the 104th on my Jedi the Battalion Jedi program within the 104th was slightly “unfinished”, I finished up on the 104th Jedi Guides and moved onto finishing up the Wolfpack part of it, gaining quite a few active Jedi along the way. I was communicating with the BCMD and Executive Officer frequently for updates and to bring some new ideas up to them for discussion and implementation. One other thing I was doing as Plo Koon is actively attending meetings getting people's views on myself and others to see how I could assist in making the battalion fun for others and how I could improve as a person. 


== 41st Elite Corps / Green Company ==


[1stLT - Commander Gett]

(Medical Lead, Intel Director, Senior Disciplinary Officer, Green Company, Gett)


I switched from 104th to 41st transferring as a 1stLT, I realised that the 41st had barely any “active” or any officers at all, the battalion had few active players and a majority of the regiments and sub-branches were in quite a state and needed to be fixed, I used my other experience and started working with new transferring active officers to start working on actively recruiting trying to pad out the NCO Core and also pad out the Officer Core, I then joined Medical and had a discussion with the MEDL about changes that could happen to make the regiment better I made some more organised docs and started gaining more members for the Medical Regiment, after a week or two we started to have an active Medical Regiment with an improvement of Zero to One Medical trooper on a day to about Two to Three on a day. I started communicating with the Battalion Commander and other Officers to see about helping out with other branches, eventually I assisted with making docs and helping other branches like Jet, Support and Heavy get back on their toes. I joined Intel after about 3 weeks in the battalion and got the position of Intel Officer, where I was actively logging and representing the Intel team which also had gained a few members, The ITD position was then opened up which was granted to the next in line, once they had gained the position I was granted Intel Overseer in which I made the new roster. A month or two later things started to get up and fully running again with active training's and tryouts happening, I started to push more RP within the battalion which got me to the rank of Captain, once I had gained this rank I went into Disciplinary and assisted in that area by guiding the level of seriousness within the battalion to make sure people don’t break rules and if they do it would result in punishment and making sure people knew that. I eventually passed Green Company Tryouts around this time I gained the position of Intel Director where I had restructured the Intel team and implemented new Intel Managers and Intel Officers who are active and could do their job properly. About two months later I was promoted to Medical Lead where I created an active regiment and skilled Medical Officers to assist with the leadership of the Regiment, in this time I learnt a lot about how to improve my Medical Skills, Leadership Skills and Social Skills. I was actively participating with the Medical Regiment listening to others suggestions/ideas, eventually Medical had reached its peak of members and the current Regimental Lead had to halt recruitment for the Medical Branch. The Current BCMD had made the position of “Gett” open and I thought it be suitable if I went for the position after a week of hanging onto my seat I got the position and the rank of Commander with it, During my time as a Commander in the 41st, firstly I gained the position of SDO(Senior Disciplinary Officer) and assisted the new Disciplinary Lead with the branch. Secondly, as Commander I was actively communicating with 41st leadership for changes to benefit the battalion and also others. I also had improved my relations to the NCO Core and made sure they were getting the recognition and their voice heard. Unfortunately some Family situations which I had to deal with caused me to end up resigning.


== 104th Mechanised Assault Battalion ==


[Over Both Times, PVT - 2ndLT]

(Intel Manager, Medical Executive(when it was a thing)


Before my time within the 41st I was within the 104th this is my second time within the battalion. First of all when I had joined the 104th transferring as a T2ndLT from the 327th, I noticed that the battalion was in a good state, I ventured into the Medical Branch where I saw that it needed some assistance, I bought some new docs and a new tryout, I started to familiarise myself with other members of the battalion and gained the battalions perks such as Tank Training, I then started to communicate with the current REGL who had told me that the current Medical Lead has been removed from his position, of this knowledge the Regimental Lead promoted me to Medical Executive from there I tried to improve communication within the Medics and other regiments trying to do some trainings as a whole. After a small amount of time I was promoted to 1stLT and started working more within the battalion and keeping up my work with Medics too, I managed to recruit some Medical Officers for the branch so they could also assist with the branch and gain the ability to recruit more members for the Medical Branch. I then started to do more training nearly everyday trying to lift people's spirits and get them in the right mindset speaking to them trying to help with improvements for both myself and said person. My 2nd time in the 104th soon came to an end when I moved to the 41st.


== Naval ==



(Intel Director, Engineer Manager, Infrastructure & IA/Discipline Commodore)


After I had passed Naval Tryouts I started to learn more about the server, I resigned from all my trooper duties to continue with my Naval Job, from there I worked on improving myself and learning how to do many different things from the current Naval Command. After I had reached the rank of Petty Officer 3rd Class I was interested in the engineering branch in which I then joined and started to show a vested interest in, I began working on my rp skills through my interest in the engineering branch and was actively participating in current events and creating RP myself. Eventually I was promoted to the rank of Engineer Manager in which I engaged in the process of actively hosting Engineer Trainings. After eventually reaching the rank of Ensign I was able to host tryouts for Naval which led me to recruiting multiple members who became dedicated to Naval. I then became the Intel Director and reworked that, also bringing in new docs and new officers/managers. After a while I reached the rank of Commander which I will admit after a small LOA my activity did struggle a slight bit but I got back to it with full force and handed off my ITD position to someone who I knew was capable. We switched over to Endor resulting in Naval being known as Base Ops. As Commander within Base Ops I started off as IA (Internal Affairs) Commander in which I restructured the entire IA Branch. Due to some other circumstances I moved into becoming the Infrastructure Commander managing the position of Intel Director and making sure that everything runs smoothly within the Navy. Naval soon came to a downfall and then resulted in its wipe and me moving onto becoming a trooper again. 


[Other Experience, Different Servers]


== Republic Medics Battalion Commander ==



(Intel Director)


During my time as RM BCMD I held a strong unit of troopers and made sure that the battalion was not removed once the old BCMD left it in a state. I made sure that the Republic Medics had good active Commander's and people in the right positions. Another thing I did during my time as RM BCMD was build the battalion up with new docs, a new Command Hierarchy and went over everything to make the battalion operate in good condition. I did this because the old BCMD before me had promoted an inactive Officer Corps.  Due to these actions I had to build a new Hierarchy with dedicated players to the battalion. I also made new docs because the old ones were not informative, or stated any helpful information on them.


== Coruscant Guard Executive Officer ==


[PVT - Executive Officer Thorn]

(Intel Director, Infrastructure Director, Thorn, Vanguard Lead, Regimental Lead)


The day I joined the battalion I saw that it was struggling, I joined the Vanguard Regiment and I became the Lead, I started to build it up with some new, active members and more organisation + frequent training to keep spirits up. I kept this going for a while until I was made a Commander and granted Intel Director within the battalion, I started to help out with the battalion's infrastructure and set up an active Intel Team. The Current BCMD resigned and I was made Executive Officer under the new BCMD. As Executive Officer I started to bring some new ideas to the table and communicating with the current BCMD frequently I managed to bring a new squad into the Coruscant Guard.

I then remade the tryout along with my Intel Team and we started to get more of a populated battalion, I then stepped down from the battalion leaving it in capable hands.


Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

Experience within the Regiment

 I feel I should become a Regimental Commander because first of all, I plan to be working closely with both battalions, due to my experience within both of the battalions within the Mechanised Regiment (41st CMD, Plo Koon, 104th 1stLT) I am able to use this experience to my advantage when helping both battalions in training's or developing as a whole regiment.

Keeping Spirits up

 Another reason I feel I should become a Regimental Commander is because I rarely see 41st and 104th talk to each other in the same TS channel and at the same time very rarely see joint training's together, I will talk to both battalions and start organising deployments or training's so they can both work together and learn each others skills, During these training's I would get them to utilise each others Skill Sets (Ex. AT-RT, TX-130, Wolfpack or Green Company). Adding onto this, I would try to host Game Nights so they can have fun meaning it would be keeping spirits up and keeping people happy. Hopefully making them want to do more for the battalion. 

Dealing with Situations

Another reason I feel I should become a Regimental Commander is because I can deal with most situations that come my way, If people need to speak to me about something I will swiftly come up with a solution. One other reason I feel I should become a Regimental Commander is because I am an active player meaning if I am to come across any immature behaviour when I am on I would be able to deal with it, with haste and deal with it fairly and maturely.

Work Ethic

The fourth reason I feel I should become a Regimental Commander is because my previous experience has led me to having a great work ethic, meaning I am able to do tasks effectively and swiftly. This has also led me to having great confidence in my decisions and not having any regrets. I am also confident in my leaders


I feel I should become a Regimental Commander because I see the role as an "Overseer" position, from this knowledge, I would be leaving the BCMD's / Battalions to do there thing, meaning I am only there to assist if they need be.


The sixth and final reason I feel I should become a regimental commander is because I can bring many elements of Discipline to the Regiment. By help out people who are not in the right frame of mind, or making sure that people are knowing of the consequences of immaturity. I feel I should become a Regimental Commander because I would push for the regiment to be well-disciplined and not set a bad reputation for the regiment by being immature. Finally, if needs be my previous disciplinary experience has given me a lot of knowledge on the topic, also learning not to hold biased opinions or feel bad for someone. If needs be I can be very strict and at the same time not be resentful. I would still hold respect for people as long as they hold respect for myself and others.


Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

Yes, I understand the 104th and 41st lore



Times are shown in EST

Weekdays - 5am - 4-5pm

Weekend’s - 10am - 9pm

Actively available in Discord and normally available in Teamspeak


Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:



Senior Admin

Game Master

Trainer Officer


(Over all Battalions)

41st Commander Gett

41st Intel Director

41st Medical Lead

41st Senior Disciplinary Officer

327th Pilot Lead

327th Green

Jedi General

Jedi Consular Manager

Plo Koon

104th Medical Executive

104th Intel Manager

104th TEMP Disciplinary Lead

Naval Infrastructure and Discipline Commodore

Naval Engineer Manager

Naval Intel Director


Do you have a microphone?:

Yes, for a while I have not really used my microphone much but for the past few weeks I have been slightly improving this, and if I gain the position I would be willing to use it more often / Most of the time.


Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

Have a change of Mindset

At the end of my term I would like the regiment to have the mindset of “Let’s find some 104th to do this event with” or, “I’m gonna ask 41st if they want to do a training”. Meaning they are able to just team up without any issue and not struggle due to their knowledge of each other's Skill- Sets. Basically, at the end of my term I would like to see that the 2 Battalions have created more of a bond so when possible work together in Events and got them more deployments set up, They use each others specialisations to there advantage for example, AT-RT’s and TX-130’s or there recon skills. Adding onto this I would like to see my 2 Battalions friendly and communicative with one and another seeing some of them in the 41st or 104th channel just having fun. Also adding onto this, I would like to have developed a bond between other regiments such as more joint training with the Attack Regiment etc. 

Listening to everyone 

 I want myself to have been actively communicative with 104th’s and 41st’s High Command, sorting out problems and taking in ideas so that I could strengthen the bond between 104th and 41st. By taking these ideas into account and speaking with each battalion to implement them. I would be active on the server being a role-model for the regiment, making it somewhere people would want to join overall having increased numbers.

Maturesense/Reaching a level of maturity

At the end of my term I would want to see that officers are active and have been participating within the battalion. I would also want my regiment to have been well-trained, meaning they are mature and well disciplined. Going by this statement, that issues within the battalion have been resolved with a matter of fairness. I would like the battalion to be sensible and making the right decisions when possible or all the time. Making sure they are full of common sense.


How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

Getting Advise

First of all, One way I plan to improve relations between each battalion within the Mechanized Regiment is by regularly communicating with each of the battalion's and the battalion's officer corps+ and get advice on what they would like to see from me and how they would want to see things happen. Meaning everyone would have an opinion on what they would like to see in the regiment and any ideas for the regiment to be used in improving the regiment itself, or certain aspects such as, Training's, Ideas for Deployments etc.

Getting more Deployments/"Big Events"

 I also plan to improve relations within my regiment by speaking to some Game Masters and getting some Mechanised Deployments for them to utilise each other's Abilities and specialisations to complete whatever the task may be. During these deployments I would push them to learn and develop new knowledge of one another. Another way I would improve relations within the regiment is by speaking to other Regimental's and BCMD's of other regiments to organise group training's where each regiment are able to learn and utilise not just there own specialisations but other regiments capabilities too. This would mean not only the Mechanized Regiment being restricted to train with 2 battalions but able to connect with others outside of the regiment.

Pushing more RP

Thirdly, to improve relations within the battalion I would push for more RP, for example, I would gather up the 104th and 41st that are online and join into one channel, with this I would then talk to some admins to get some droids set up and maybe a bomb. This would cause people that are online to have fun and not being bored and two, it would allow for communication and consolidation of both battalion's working together as one. One other way I would push for more RP is set up possible tests for each battalion within the Mechanised Regiment, they could create a team of 104th and 41st and face off against each other team to complete an objective (these tests would involve aspects of RP, Team-Work, Communication and Discipline), The battalion which had completed these tests would win rewards for each participant within the winning team.

Putting Focus into Struggling Battalions

Fourthly, If any battalions were struggling within the regiment, for example if 104th were struggling and 41st were more populated I would focus on assisting with 104th more than the 41st but still being assistive, and openly communicative with the 41st. An Example of how I would how I would help 104th if they needed assistance more is by participating within the battalion more, whether it be within events or speaking to the BCMD to see if I am able to help out with certain regiments within the battalion and recruit for them.

Regiment Meetings

 Last of all, I would be actively talking to leadership so I can set up monthly regiment meetings where the battalions could talk about issues they have with the regiment and improvements they would like to see. During these meetings, we would also discuss how I currently would be doing at my job. During these meetings each battalion are able to communicate with one another and learn from others. Another way this would improve relations is because along with these Regimental Meetings, NCO's and other people that can host training's, are able to announce it in person if they would like to host training's as a regiment or do a joint regimental training.


Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:



Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:


Edited by Vango
Adding a thing on

Current: Vango

Former: Mechanised Regimental | (First) 41st MEDL CMD Gett | 104th General Plo KoonNaval Commander Vango | Jedi General Adi Gallia Sinker | Serra Keto | Battalion Commander Wolffe

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+1 Active and a dope dude, Good luck!

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I've known you for a long time, back when I was initially in 104th last May. You taught me a lot with Intel, which I probably wouldn't of learned if you weren't ITD, but then you became one of my Commanders and I always saw the work ethic you had and the amount of passion you put into your work. At this point in time, I do not see a better candidate than you. I do hope you stick to your word on this post, and follow through in doing what you're saying you do. +1 my man. Good luck

  • Friendly 1

Kal Skirata                                                                                                                                                   Bacta                    Marvel                     Brooklyn


I beat Jad in a spar first try.

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Not going to lie, I did not expect this coming, safe to say that Vango has been one the most hard working jedi in the order and aswell as being plo koon he gained much praise from his superiors, despite him not using a mic In most cases he has been an essential addition to the order. He will be amazing in this role. +1

Edited by XGears
  • Friendly 1

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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-1 Sorry, but the other candidate is more fit and you dont talk much, and that is highly needed in a position like this. Communication is key

Edited by Spite_Slays
  • Disagree 7

Former: Veteran Admin, 41st Commander and REGL, Chief Medical Officer

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I'd Say that this photo comes to the conclusion that Plo Koon is a 41st Jedi. . . All Jokes aside Intel god vango is a great fit for the job and will do great as Mechanized Regimental. Fat +1

  • Friendly 1

- Your Local Headass, Bruise.

Former: Jedi Master,  BCMD Gree , Recon RCMD Head Admin , GMM, Adi GalliaCommander Faie X2, Cooker

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Forum Admin

+1 Vango puts in alot of work so he'd suit this

  • Friendly 1

I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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  • Friendly 1

Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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GM Leadership

+1 Good luck man

  • Friendly 1



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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Head Admin

+1, seems like a better app 4han most regimentals. 

  • Friendly 1

Current: Head Admin | Specialized Regimental Commander

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-1 yes you might be good, but you not using your mic is going to play a big factor for the position of Mechanized Regimental. I yes you are Plo Koon and he is a member of Mechanized, I feel like Skylur is the better applicant. 

  • Disagree 2



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54 minutes ago, Grief said:

-1 yes you might be good, but you not using your mic is going to play a big factor for the position of Mechanized Regimental


13 hours ago, Vango said:

Yes, for a while I have not really used my microphone much but for the past few weeks I have been slightly improving this, and if I gain the position I would be willing to use it more often / Most of the time.


I just want to state that from what I have gathered from your comment that you feel I will not be using my mic if I am to receive the position. As I have stated in my application over the past few weeks I have been trying to improve my mic usage, but sometimes unable to use my mic around 2-3am, If I am to receive the position as I said, I will be open to use it most of the time. I do not want to change your opinion, just state something I had said.

Current: Vango

Former: Mechanised Regimental | (First) 41st MEDL CMD Gett | 104th General Plo KoonNaval Commander Vango | Jedi General Adi Gallia Sinker | Serra Keto | Battalion Commander Wolffe

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-1 Vango I've known you for a while and I think your a good dude but not good enough to fill the position. 1 you refuse to use your microphone around people and will only use text chat and that makes you somewhat weak because you uh can't really put your foot down. 2. You have always had spotty activity on the server even as a CMD and that does and will cause trouble. 3. You only really understand Intel from everything I've seen from 327th to now you've been good at doing Intel but not really anything else because you refuse to use your mic. 4. You are scared to put your foot down on people mainly cause you don't use your mic and I guess not knowing how to put people in their place. And I'm sorry but in all honesty although you are a friend of mine I just do not think you have what it takes to be a reg overall.

Edited by justuscloud5
  • Agree 1
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Why are people getting shitty for someone not wanting to use their microphone? I guess that rules out all favorable non-mic users applying for commander positions in the future instead we’ll take a mumbling moron who doesn’t know what the fuck they’re talking about half the time.


Honestly, it’s easier to roleplay when you’re typing, you’re more creative and unfortunately on a roleplay server you won’t get made fun of as much for doing it.


Vango, you seem like a good guy and well experienced, hope to see good things from you!



  • Agree 5
  • Friendly 1



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-1 reasons below 

1. I hardly at all see you in game or interacting with people on server. 
2. after 327th got yeeted you went to 41st and went inactive, you then joined DU after that and went inactive, and then resigned. Your track record to me hasn’t been that great . 
3. Yes not using your mic is a valid reason however it’s a dumb thing to mention. However, from what I have seen in hear is you aren’t the one to put your foot down and tell people to shut it when needed, this is a needed quality to be in charge of a regiment. 

  • Agree 1
  • Informative 1
  • Friendly 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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Vango. Vango. Vango. I feel as though you are capable of holding this position, However First off, I have been in the 104th for a Little over 9 ish Months or so total and just recently(Around 4 months ago) I became active again. I have worked with you on documents. Your work ethic is great, you can work your heart out on a non-verbal side of things and it shows. This is the catch, You have been an active 104th Commander(Plo Koon) for what almost 2 months and I haven't heard you peep a fucking sound besides your soundboard. I am a LTC, someone who is pretty close with 104th High Command and yet, I haven't heard you speak a word. If you are to gain this postion how can anyone be confident in your ability to lead not only a single battalion but Two. Logistically it doesn't make sense. If I cannot have faith in your ability to communicate when communication is key. How can I expect you to run the Mechanized Regiment? (I want an answer to this before I vote)

  • Agree 1

Null-5 "Prudii"

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+1 I've known you from the start in 104th. All you need to do is "use" your mic. Being Regimental needs you to step up in everything including the most important thing communication. Keep in mind I'm not saying that you have no chance at all to do the job required of you as you've done fine without a mic but, the bigger picture requires you to do so and you'll most likely see that if you get the spot. Anyways overall your great in all the aspects of what REG would require you to do... BESIDES the mic part might be a issue in my opinion that shouldn't stop you from trying whether u decide to use it or not. Therefore Good luck.

  • Friendly 1
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6 hours ago, Agua164 said:

If you are to gain this postion how can anyone be confident in your ability to lead not only a single battalion but Two. Logistically it doesn't make sense. If I cannot have faith in your ability to communicate when communication is key. How can I expect you to run the Mechanized Regiment? (I want an answer to this before I vote)

To answer your question Polik, first of all, I interpreted this 2 ways (either How you know I will use my mic, or how you know I will be able to lead it so I will answer both)

In previous positions I have used my microphone frequently before, and trying to use it more recently. If I am to gain the position as my application says, I will be openly using it most of the time as communication is key as a regimental. Secondly, using my mic in the past during sims, events even deployments has been properly coordinated and successful. Answering the second interpretation, I would like to state that my previous experience in leadership positions has taught me a lot about leadership, learning from other Higher Ups, and their different techniques and abilities within leadership positions. I have used my leadership skills/abilities within events etc (using my mic) and it has went eminent. Personally, I feel you can be confident in my abilities to run the regiment because guaranteed I would be using my microphone meaning leadership from myself would be clear, strong, confident and successful.


If you have any further questions, don't be afraid to ask

Edited by Vango

Current: Vango

Former: Mechanised Regimental | (First) 41st MEDL CMD Gett | 104th General Plo KoonNaval Commander Vango | Jedi General Adi Gallia Sinker | Serra Keto | Battalion Commander Wolffe

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@Spite_Slays After I resigned from the server and then came back a few months ago, I just need/needed to get used to using it again

Current: Vango

Former: Mechanised Regimental | (First) 41st MEDL CMD Gett | 104th General Plo KoonNaval Commander Vango | Jedi General Adi Gallia Sinker | Serra Keto | Battalion Commander Wolffe

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@Vango Do you think you can go more into detail? I’m not trying to be rude or anything, I’m just wondering if you have something like social anxiety, if you’re just shy, if there’s something wrong with your voice that you don’t want people to hear, or even if it is just that you don’t want your parents to hear you? Because usually, no matter what game I play, I love conversing with others around me and even if I were to take a break from all video games, I feel like using a microphone is the best way to communicate. 

Former: Veteran Admin, 41st Commander and REGL, Chief Medical Officer

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4 hours ago, Vango said:

To answer your question Polik, first of all, I interpreted this 2 ways (either How you know I will use my mic, or how you know I will be able to lead it so I will answer both)

In previous positions I have used my microphone frequently before, and trying to use it more recently. If I am to gain the position as my application says, I will be openly using it most of the time as communication is key as a regimental. Secondly, using my mic in the past during sims, events even deployments has been properly coordinated and successful. Answering the second interpretation, I would like to state that my previous experience in leadership positions has taught me a lot about leadership, learning from other Higher Ups, and their different techniques and abilities within leadership positions. I have used my leadership skills/abilities within events etc (using my mic) and it has went eminent. Personally, I feel you can be confident in my abilities to run the regiment because guaranteed I would be using my microphone meaning leadership from myself would be clear, strong, confident and successful.


If you have any further questions, don't be afraid to ask

If you can promise me that you will use your microphone then you will have my vote.

Null-5 "Prudii"

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On 4/21/2020 at 3:47 PM, Grief said:

-1 yes you might be good, but you not using your mic is going to play a big factor for the position of Mechanized Regimental. I yes you are Plo Koon and he is a member of Mechanized, I feel like Skylur is the better applicant. 

I mean Minus 1ning someone's application due to him not using his mic is kinda biased.

+1 I don't care if you don't use your mic, Great guy.

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+1 So for the people complaining about how he doesn’t use his Mic, lets be real, you’re most likely be speaking to him in TS, So you can see his typing, and I also would put into consideration that the people themselves are also the issue when it comes to complaining about that because you don’t want to spend a little bit of time looking at TS chat just to see what he says. Anyways there’s that, but I think vango is qualified for this as he did good back then when I was in Naval before it got wiped and  still tried when it was hard to work at that time cause there was people attempting to remove the commanders, but regardless Vango still worked through it, and from the looks of it he’s still working since he wasn’t a General last time I saw him, also I’ve heard the mythical voice of vango before, only thing I know is your activity is quiet unpredictable, but I’d just wait and see instead. spacer.png

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“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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+1 bad at ark but good at gmod :)

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