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Moose's Attack Regimental Application


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Steam Name: Moose

RP Name: Foxtrot RC-39 Captain Gregor

RP Rank: Major

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:93203957

Regiment you are applying for: Attack



Not in chronological order

SOBDE (Foxtrot)

This was one of my favourite times on the server. Under the leadership of Octo as Gregor and Lucky and Buzz as my squad mates this is where I learned how much teamwork matters. This time for me was a time of great learning and gaining experience. I really enjoyed my time as a Foxtrot member. I might even say that it was my favorite time in gmod. As we were Foxtrot we were outreach to the 212th. This is when I gained a massive respect for 212th and knew that at one point I wanted to be in the battalion. This was when Billiam was Cody and when I met a guy that I would run into down the line known as Jagger.

501st (2ndLT - Colonel)

Lucky my Foxtrot squad mate and I joined the 501st when we left Foxtrot Group. The 501st at this time were at a weird point because they had no one that could go for Rex. We joined and began to help out with the battalion. I became Hardcase and really liked the work that came with the 501st. It helped me understand the inner workings of how a battalion works because we were rebuilding some of the docs and structure. 501st was one of the main battalions of the clone wars show so we always had large numbers at the time so it helped me to lead bigger groups.

Doom’s Unit (PVT - 2ndLT)

Doom’s Unit was the first ever battalion that I had joined, I really liked the shields and the Z6 that came with the classes. However I did not expect to get hooked on to gmod and what it would bring. I just fell in love with the server. It was great the gameplay, all the interactions and RP and the seriousness of the server. But what I think really is what hooked me to the server was the community and the people that came with it. Back in the day it was really fun but I was just starting out and met a lot of good people like Sugga here. This is where I learned how the server works, what all the battalions do and how RP works.

Shock Troopers (SGM - Major)

The second battalion that I was a part of and one of the longest stints that I had in a battalion. I really enjoyed my time in shock, this is where I met some of the guys that I still know today. Shock was almost like a second home to me. I met many good people and this place was where I learned how to really lead a battalion and how to find work to do and do it well. To sum it up I met a lot of good people, learned the rules of the server pretty well and learned the responsibilities of an officer. I came back to Shock troopers a couple of times just to many to list.

104th (Forgot my rank)

Spent a little time here on IFN. It was good to spread my wings and try a lot of the battalions to get an understanding of all of them.

91st (Forgot rank)

Another brief stint in the 91st, met a lot of good people and saw how things were run.

Galactic Marines (2ndLT)

I was GM for a little bit while Medic was commander. I rank transferred in and I learned a lot about tactics and battlefield planning there. Again another minor stint I was there for maybe 1 or 2 months.

5th Fleet Security (2ndLT)

It was fun while it lasted, I joined the 5th when it first came out because a lot of my friends from shock were joining it. It was when Qal was commander. It was a great experience to see how a battalion was built up from the ground. With very inspiring leadership it was a great time.

SOBDE (Miscellaneous)

I was also a part of the Aiwha squad as Di’Kut and Darman. It was fun at this time too I believe I only really lasted a squad leader  term for each. I don’t really have much this time because it was brief.

327th (2ndLT - Captain)

The 327th was the last battalion I was a part of on IFN. Honestly I can’t really member much about it. But what I do remember is making a cringy recruitment video for it that featured Zander and a few others. I left IFN when everything went down to join Synergy.


501st (SGM)

The first battalion I joined was the 501st when the server started. Kain was the first Rex and again I helped to make new docs, spreadsheets etc. I remember that pilots were a new thing and I was interested and I soon voiced that I wanted to become the Hawk from TC. After many days of trying to prove ourselves I manage to get it. So I was in TC and helped out with other members' tryouts. I can’t say that I have learned a lot here because of my experience before but it was really cool to be a part of a new community that is starting up. Working with the 501st when synergy was just created helped us get numbers in the battalion because we were having a lot of new community members join and see 501st that can be recognized easily.

38th (SGM-Commander I think)

The second battalion I joined was the 38th which was really fun. At the time the numbers were not the greatest but I sort of enjoyed that. Working in a smaller group that you knew better was a great change of pace for me in the hussel and bussel of everything else. It was also cool cause I had never joined a RP focused battalion before and it really helped with my RP ability. I was there till it was removed then took a 1 and half year break.

104th (PVT - 2ndLT)

When I rejoined the server back in September it was different. The server had changed from what it used to be but I adapted to it, it wasn’t a bad thing either. It was really fun in the 104th. I am glad I spent some time in it instead of the little time I spent in it before. Got used to how senergy worked again and met a lot of good friends like Skylur and Gears.

Jedi (Youngling - Master)

I never really played Jedi before I was mostly always focused on my clone but I met some good people and got into Jedi. I attended trials and got to knight fairly quickly. I helped out in the order with trials and made some documents. I became a Shadow manager and soon became master. I had a great time as a master and got to meet a lot of new people and work with groups. It showed me how to work with a group of people in charge and to oversee a large number of people. I eventually left because I felt I had to tone it down a bit on how much I played and try not to get burnt out.

212th (2ndLT - Major)

Ah finally caught up to date. 212th is what I joined after I left 104th and Jedi Master. I joined and settled in fast and met a lot of good people. I was determined to get a Foxtrot position because I was one previously. I tried to help out where I could and I was offered the position of Gregor. I have now been Gregor for 3 months and it may just pass the best moments that I previously had. I worked hard in the 212th and Foxtrot, and for a long time we had a full squad. I really enjoyed my time in the 212th and met a lot of great people that I could not praise enough for the work they have done to help me and the 212th. Shout out to you all <3.

Regiments and Such

I have held many regiment leadership positions in a multitude of battalions from everything from jet trooper lead to heavy. It would be hard to mention them all but I have probably been in almost every regiment. In most of those regiments being an officer or leader of it. 

Why should you become a Regimental Commander?: I think that I should become the attack Regimental Commander because I have experience in both of the battalions but more than that I love working with the 501st and 212th. The interactions and people in the battalion make the community for me, the game is there but I love the interactions from people across the world and getting to work with people. I have been told that I work well with people and have good social skills. I also will help the 212th and 501st wherever I can with whatever they need.

Do you understand the lore of your regiment?: Yes I understand the lore and am always willing to learn more. 

Availability: Monday to Friday 3pm EST to 7pm EST, Saturday all day, Sunday is a break from Gmod.

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:



Jedi Master

Arligan Zey

Kit Fisto

Shadow Manger


First Hawk

 ^And a bunch of ranks but these are the coolest in my opinion and some low rank staff positions.

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?: At the end of my term I would like the 212th and 501st to be on really good terms. As in like in the show how the 501st and 212th would work so well together. On top of that I would really like to have the special operations of each battalion to work really well with each other, the Reg cmds and the server. Not to say they do not already but it would be cool to take them to an even more elite level. At the end I would also like to have the 2 biggest battalions in the server with the most number of troops while at the same time having some of the best trained troops. These plans may be hard to accomplish but I will try my damn best for the next 2 months to fulfill them.

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?: To start to improve relations between the battalion it starts off with sims and training. Figuring out how each battalion works and how the higher ups operate will give a base to start building off. The next step is to do 212th and 501st deployments together. This will allow troops and officers to get a gage of the ability of the other battalion and have fun at the same time. Finally just general interactions with each battalion will help strengthen relations such as combining forces while numbers are low and chilling in the others teamspeak. With you know the standard meetings and operating procedures to make things go smoothly.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes

Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yes

Edited by Moose

Money Moves

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So I have a few things of note I wish to ask you.
I honestly don't see you a lot, now idk if it's a time zone issue or I just don't notice you. But I maybe see you once or twice a week at most.
Now, activity isn't a big issue when it comes to regimental's and I can let that slide.

You spent more time on writing your experience than you actually told us why you should get the position in the first place. Having experience in both battalions and liking the people in it doesn't mean you deserve the position anyways. The only real thing you've said is that you've got good social skills and that you work well with people, which while is important, is not the biggest thing when it come to regimental. I would rather have someone who may not be as fun to work with, but keeps the battalions in check and helps out where needed, than someone who is just there so he can hang out with us.
Something bigger however, is that you don't really give much when it comes to how you want to improve the battalions underneath you. 501st just lost it's BCMD and is probably unstable at the moment and would love to have an active and guiding hand from a regimental. 212th is actually pretty good atm so I don't have much to say about it.

Something that's always brought up is why haven't you done x to improve things in your current position.
So I'm asking you this now, how have you attempted to improve relations between 501st and 212th, help improve both battalions, and how would your role as regimental allow you to do that you can't do already?

Im not voting until I receive a response.

Edited by Mitchell
  • Agree 3
  • Informative 1



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Now this is one old boy coming back from the dead to play on the server again.


But like Mitchel said you need to detail more of your plans and why you should be a reg as they are a little light on detail and are very generalized.

What I would like to see addressed:

1. Specific problems the attack battalions are facing right now
2. What are some of ytour plans to promote RP within the battalions under your command
3. How you plan to work with the other regiments and HC to further your goals?



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@Chambers and @Mitchell

You bring very good points and Ill provide the answers. First off Mitchell to answer your question about my attitude as a regimental. Yes I did say that I am there to hang out with the battalions however on that I take whatever my role maybe very seriously and will. I believe that to become a good leader you must connect with the people you are leading to understand them. I may have wrote a bit to much about that and less about the discipline that I have for myself and the expectations I have for others. I have quite the plan laid out to help the 501st and the 212th in there current state. As you said the 501st has no battalion commander as well the 212th does not have one either. There are 2 people that have posted commander applications for there respective battalions that I have gotten to know and talk about plans for the future with. Now concerning issue present inside each battalion there are some I can mention while others I can not. The main issue facing both battalions right now is lack of high command. I know that in the 212th we have only one XO and no commanders presently and in the 501st only 1 XO and commander. Though both battalions have very strong and loyal officer corps that would make excellent candidates for high command. This would be one of my first duties as attack regimental is to help with the transition of new BCMD's. For example daily check ins, battalion reports, giving reports myself to the battalions on what I observe. For the first 2 week's while the new BCMD settle in I will act almost like an advisory to help the transition go smoothly. On the question of promoting RP in the battalions I personally want to see the 212th and 501st work quite closely to each other like they were in the clone wars. To accomplish this I would set up attack regimental training, competitions and events. On top of these ideas I would like to work with the gamemasters inside and outside the battalion to create events that center around the 501st and 212th. Inviting other battalions along these campaigns will also be a given. Leading on to how I will work with HC and other battalions on the server. Personally I want to have some of the best train troops on the server and to do that you have to train with everyone to acquire their skills. Along with these trainings I would conduct specialized patrols that involve the attack regiments and a battalion that helps us complete the mission. For example there is a downed ship at slate with wookies, I would bring along the 41st to translate and the DU to provide defense at slate. As for working with HC I think it would be good to have a regiment vs regiment competition along with reports to the marshal commander I will ask the more senior HC for advice as I am new and take after how they work to help model my own.  Thanks for taking an interest and if you have anymore questions at all feel free to ask. 

Money Moves

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+1 Good luck my guy

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  • Director

+1 Talked with 501st about it we support him

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+1 don’t flop

  • Friendly 1

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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+1 Moose has been nothing but hard working since i oversaw his youngling trial, it had been a pleasure to work with him in the order and great to see him achieve master, Ive also had the pleasure of being under him in Foxtrot where he took the spot of Gregor over Jagger when he got Cody, Which was a massive role to fill and has done nothing but excell in that roll and become and intergral part in 212th. This man can do this, with all my heart i know he can.

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Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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+1 Moose demonstrated to me first-hand when he joined 212th he had what it takes to get things done. I made him Gregor when I was Cody after being Gregor myself, and he did a solid job leading Foxtrot. There aren't many candidates for the position that I know of at the moment, and I believe he's got what it takes since we could use an ATT REG to assist with 501st (referring to the HC wipe) - as well as 212th where-ever they may have problems. 

I spoke with Moose on his plans to assist with 501st and 212th and he definitely has drive. He has immense experience and did the proper thing of speaking to each battalions' respective leaders on their opinion of him and what they'd like to see him do if he got the position.

Best of luck.

  • Friendly 1

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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Current: Just Some Guy
Former: Senior Admin | TRO x2MAJ | Styles | Rys | CG x3 | Thire  | 21st x3 | Guardian Manager | Alpha-98 Nate | Sith Apprentice | Many more battalions  Serra Keto [9 Months] | TGML [9-10 Months] | TGL | Knight 8

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Forum Admin

+1 has the experience and knows what to do

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I added the Pepe emojis onto the forums

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Head Admin

+1, mans made time to talk to the 501st when we had quite some numbers in the channel and made his plans pretty clear. With this I can support you with confident. Good luck Moose.

  • Friendly 1

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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You have been ACCEPTED for a commander interview

Please contact myself or Traditional to organise your interview before 04/28/2020 or your application will be DENIED

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