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Bro's Spec Reg Application


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Steam Name: Bro


RP Name:  2ndACS Parjai Major Bro


Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:437706712

Regiment you are applying for: Specialized Regimental



Engineer Lead of the 212th

Since I’ve become an engineer as a PFC I’ve put my sweat and soul into engineering and into the battalion, increasing engineer activity in and outside the battalion. Pushing forward roleplay is what I’ve supported since day one of the training moving up the ranks of engineering and even through Naval at the time. Within my time as Engineer Leader I at one point had a max total of sixteen engineers on roster. I feel as though my time as a leader of the Engineers both inside and outside the 212th has helped me discover a great potential in my capabilities in leadership.

212th Engineering to 2nd Airborne

When I was recruited into the 2ndAC it was during a time where the sub-unit was at a low. When the lack of activity was showing the Commanders were forced to get rid of a sub-unit. Unfortunately it was going to be 2ndAC. This had frustrated me and so I went and asked the current Cody(Perri) to become a 2ndAC Sergeant in order to help possibly revive the unit. Within a week I had recruited fifteen members into the 2ndAC, and activity pushing the unit into a much better position. Which earned me the rank and lore name 2ndACXO Bear leader of the Parjai squad. Shortly the sub-unit started to run smoothly. We were no longer on the chopping block, and instead the 2ndAC was to remain. With further work I was allowed the right to revive and remake the elite Parjai Squad. Where initiates are pushed to their limits while also becoming good leaders for the battalion and server itself. With Parjai’s help 2ndAC has been well trained and organized and have pushed further to  help the battalion and raise their standard in combat and in roleplay.

Engineer Leader to Support Overseer

Due to my accomplishments with the engineering regiment and the work I’ve done with other support leaders I was made the Support Overseer of all of the support classes. I made a great effort to push all three regiments on completing their own tryout docs and put active leaders into each position. Within my time we had established medical record documents that are still used by the 212th currently to keep check on any and all troopers within the battalion.The 212th support regiments still thrive and new SUPOs have a solid foundation to build upon. 

Engineer Manager to Chief of Engineering

As a clone of the 212th, I’ve taken my roleplay with engineering further out into other battalions where Admiral Yularen recognised my work and asked me to become his Engineer Manager. With the help of other Naval members we worked to create a Engineering Document and new Engineering Handbook. Due to my work and success with the Engineering Handbook I was made Chief of Engineering. I layed down a foundation for all those who are to come after me so that they may thrive, helped advise, and guide Chiefs of Engineering since.

Commander Cody

As Commander Cody my focus was on inner battalion relations and roleplay. I had taken it to myself to help regulate trainings  to improve the 212th’s standard. Throughout my term we had increased in activity and recruits while also actively improving the quality of the recruits. We also had taken in the sub unit of Foxtrot and helped the creation of documents and helped the public relations for this change. (look into this)

Engineer Manager to Chief of Engineering

As a clone of the 212th, I’ve taken my roleplay with engineering further out into other battalions where Admiral Yularen recognised my work and asked me to become his Engineer Manager. With the help of other Naval members we worked to create an Engineering Document and new Engineering Handbook. Due to my work and success with the Engineering Handbook I was made Chief of Engineering. I laid down a foundation for all those who are to come after me so that they may thrive, helped advise, and guide Chiefs of Engineering since.


I’ve been in Navel since Skeeti after being asked to join and brought in to assist and push the engineering branch in trainings and leadership. Throughout that time I’ve earned the respect of my peers in the ranks and have earned my way as a figurehead. After reaching the Rank of Honorary Lieutenant Commander I had set focus on repairing and pushing the newly made Base Ops by assisting in the creation of the tryout doc, hosting consistent trials, Engineer training, and getting people into Base ops and filling the branches. I was made Colonel and Stepped up to become Chief of Engineering again and kept well formed and updated documents throughout the base. As current Vice Admiral my duties fall to leading Naval, administering actions and meetings, in addition to promoting ambition with my troopers and promote activity.


Sith Acolyte - Dark Council Member

Within the Sith order I had focused on my branch of the Dark Honor Guard then soon the Order itself. I had led the Dark Honor guard through three Dark Lords. I had established the branch and solidified the tryout and training documents while keeping good activity to assist and grow the branch. Overall I was at the latest the oldest council member and assisted keeping what I could active through RP and trials.


Why should you become a Regimental Commander?: I have dedicated myself to RP on this server for over 2 year and leadership qualities I have learned over my life as an Eagle scout and project manager. I feel I can benefit the growth of the specialized regiment as a whole with my leadership and roleplay. I am a resourceful team player who excels at building trusting relationships with battalions; innovative problem-solver who can resolve problems with creative solutions; clear communication skills aimed at understanding troopers’ needs and providing corresponding resolutions; able to manage time effectively, prioritizing  tasks and able to meet deadlines; and savvy with provided programs. For these reasons I should be the Specialized regimental.

Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:  I understand the lore of the 21st, Doom’s unit, Rancor, and Alpha. In addition, I am willing to learn more lore that is brought to me like Havoc Squad.

Availability:  Over Discord I am available to talk between the hours of 9am-12am
Over TS or in game between 
Tuesday/Friday from 9am-2pm and 9pm-12am
Saturday from 8pm-12am
Sunday from 9am-4pm

Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

212th SUPO
Dark Council Member
Senator Gume
Admiral Yularen
Investigation Manager
Engineer Overseer

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:  3748:51:51. 2/22/2020

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:By the end of my term I’d see all of the specialized battalions to thrive in roleplay and combat working close with other troopers to take down any threat that comes to the Republic. I pride myself with family values and a strong work ethic to push inter battalion relations and I plan to.

How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?: Communication is a key focus of mine and I find it important to keep up with conversations and talks inside and outside each battalion. I plan to address any problems that come up as a group effort, and keep a transparent open door policy. Having such transparency will help improve inner and outer regiment relations.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes I do.

Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?: Yes I do!

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Honestly, Considering your experience and knowing you, you can pull this off. +1

  • Friendly 1

Currently trying to not be a forum gremlin

Former Chancellor Palpatine | Former Yoda & Mace Windu | Former Shaak Ti & Anakin | Former Delta Squad Scorch | Former Mas Amedda | Former Director | Former Management

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-1 Last CMD+ Position you ran for and got you wanted to "save the battalion" you then proceeded to be inactive and the battalion Crumbled... Naval is still rebuilding. Now you want to run for a position LARGER than the last one you were in and failed at? Makes sense.... not to mention you are running with Little to no insight on how this regiment works or the battalions within it. You have Never even been inside this regiment Why on Anaxes should you be put in charge of it? 

  • Agree 3
  • Disagree 2
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21 minutes ago, Rose said:

-1 Last CMD+ Position you ran for and got you wanted to "save the battalion" you then proceeded to be inactive and the battalion Crumbled... Naval is still rebuilding. Now you want to run for a position LARGER than the last one you were in and failed at? Makes sense.... not to mention you are running with Little to no insight on how this regiment works or the battalions within it. You have Never even been inside this regiment Why on Anaxes should you be put in charge of it? 

I appreciate your input but I will state that I was the only person in a position to run for Admiral, and during my time activity held at it's peaks both I and the operatives. I had left the position for two reasons, 1st being my pursuit of education and 2nd having a replacement ready. Foxey is doing a great job and I am glad he had replaced me when he was comfortable. Currently my schedule has freed up since then now that classes have died down. I do have knowledge and insight on how battalions run especially with my talks with each BCMD's in the regiment.  

Edited by Bro
Minor grammar
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Bro, you're an incredibly experienced individual and you're a natural born leader. I can't definitively say that Naval would still exist at all if it weren't for you, and as such I have tremendous respect for you. There are a lot of names in this race right now... I don't envy the choice the Directors will have to make.

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6 minutes ago, Bro said:

I appreciate your input but I will state that I was the only person in a position to run for Admiral, and during my time activity held at it's peaks both I and the operatives. I had left the position for two reasons, 1st being my pursuit of education and 2nd having a replacement ready. My schedule has freed up since then now that classes have died down. I do have knowledge and insight on how battalions run especially with my talks with each BCMD's in the regiment.  

10-20 minuite conversations =  Knowledge and insight? how many times was technodad denied in similar situations?


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3 minutes ago, Rose said:

10-20 minuite conversations =  Knowledge and insight? how many times was technodad denied in similar situations?


Dooms Unit isn't the only battalion within the specialized regiment. I have worked closely with 21st before and a little with Rancor. I do not plan to speak on this much further because I believe this can simply be responded in pms overall. It is starting to feel more of an argument then a discussion,

Edited by Bro
Final Adjustment
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1 minute ago, DracoOdinson said:

-1 agreeing with rose i will switch to a plus one if you tell me what you plan to do with the spec regaments

I plan to assist the specialized regiments with communication inner and outer battalions and regiment. One thing I have focused on as prior BCMD is that communication and cooperation go far, and having people work together as a family gets things done efficiently. While Doom's unit already has this feel, I plan to spread it throughout the regiment. In addition I would create and push trainings between battalions in and outside the regiment.

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5 minutes ago, Bro said:

I plan to assist the specialized regiments with communication inner and outer battalions and regiment. One thing I have focused on as prior BCMD is that communication and cooperation go far, and having people work together as a family gets things done efficiently. While Doom's unit already has this feel, I plan to spread it throughout the regiment. In addition I would create and push trainings between battalions in and outside the regiment.

"want to promote communications and inner regiment trainings" sounds like every Reg app ever... what sets you apart from the rest?


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1 minute ago, Rose said:

"want to promote communications and inner regiment trainings" sounds like every Reg app ever... what sets you apart from the rest?


I have proven it through my term as Cody, working with both 501st and 327th. I have also shown that I can promote the mentality it takes to get these tasks done. My connections with other battalions will also help with setting up these trainings and making them definitive and meaningful.

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Attack Battalion's and Specialized are a little different lol we all have our own systems and specialties. And having someone come in with an attack battalion mindset could be detrimental to the regiment... where as any one of the other applicants who are in and have been in the specialized Regiment that already understand this are much more prepared for this than you may be. Not to mention pretty much everyone has "connections with other battalions" one of the Commanders in DU has never heard of you. Its kind of a terrifying thought to have someone running who doesn't know a commander in the regiment they are applying for.. 

  • Disagree 4
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1 minute ago, Rose said:

Attack Battalion's and Specialized are a little different lol we all have our own systems and specialties. And having someone come in with an attack battalion mindset could be detrimental to the regiment... where as any one of the other applicants who are in and have been in the specialized Regiment that already understand this are much more prepared for this than you may be. Not to mention pretty much everyone has "connections with other battalions" one of the Commanders in DU has never heard of you. Its kind of a terrifying thought to have someone running who doesn't know a commander in the regiment they are applying for.. 

     I feel you are over exaggerating the idea of a different mindset or view as a regiment, I am not here in impose or outright change any processes that already works. In addition 21st also use to be an ATK battalion and is now a Spec, and helped the regiment itself.
     As once famously said before "if it isn't broke then don't fix it" and it a misfortune that I have yet heard of this commander you speak of but it should also be understood that there is a chance we just haven't met before or interacted it happens in real life and game.  

  • Agree 1
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17 minutes ago, Rose said:

Attack Battalion's and Specialized are a little different lol we all have our own systems and specialties. And having someone come in with an attack battalion mindset could be detrimental to the regiment... where as any one of the other applicants who are in and have been in the specialized Regiment that already understand this are much more prepared for this than you may be. Not to mention pretty much everyone has "connections with other battalions" one of the Commanders in DU has never heard of you. Its kind of a terrifying thought to have someone running who doesn't know a commander in the regiment they are applying for.. 


Imagine having all of these qualifications for a job position that is open to all but being told you can't have it from some dude because you didn't work at the company previously.

  • Funny 2
  • Winner 1

Former Commander Cody "2 Terms,6 months"

Former Attack Regimental Commander

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9 minutes ago, Bro said:

     I feel you are over exaggerating the idea of a different mindset or view as a regiment, I am not here in impose or outright change any processes that already works. In addition 21st also use to be an ATK battalion and is now a Spec, and helped the regiment itself.
     As once famously said before "if it isn't broke then don't fix it" and it a misfortune that I have yet heard of this commander you speak of but it should also be understood that there is a chance we just haven't met before or interacted it happens in real life and game.  

It sounds like you can’t really help us. Our regiment runs itself. And a 21st or DU will be better for the position. You could probably help 104th. I’m sure cloud would love the help. 

  • Disagree 1
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22 minutes ago, Rose said:

It sounds like you can’t really help us. Our regiment runs itself. And a 21st or DU will be better for the position. You could probably help 104th. I’m sure cloud would love the help. 

As stated, DU is not the only battalion within the specialized regiment, and I have also already stated that I understand DU can run itself. But understand I am applying for the regimental and not your BCMD

Edited by Bro
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+1, I love the thrive to support a once undesired position. Bro made the right steps to apply, He got waived and he talked to all of the parties involved. I see no issue of someone from the outside of the Regiment who can give another point of view. Good luck to all of you.

  • Friendly 1



I did things for the server. idk what you want from me.

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In a crowded race this has begun to be, I have to start being carful to throw support behind anyone. If what Rose said to be true, that makes the case for you worse in my book. While I don’t care for people outside a battalion, or in this case Reg running for the office, it’s just a higher mountain to climb. So summing this up, I unfortunately have to -1 your app.



Edited by Puck
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+1 Had a chat with Bro about my concerns and voiced my questions.

Upon answering the questions I got an understanding of how much he has worked and communicated with the BCMDs of the battalions that fall under Spec. Not only that but I was questioning his ideas for the battalions but as he pointed out, some of the best things can come from those who have a different and and aspect.

I will say this, to anyone who is questioning this application - speak with him and you will sure change your mind.

  • Friendly 1


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Head Admin
On 2/24/2020 at 12:10 AM, Austistic said:

+1 because brother from a long time ago

Pretty sure you can't vote as you're applying for the same position, might wanna yeet that message outta here.


Now for my vote, +1. Talked to me beforehand too and I came to the conclusion that of you make true what you told me you have a very unique idea for the regiment as it just changed into the setup it is in now. Good luck.

  • Friendly 1

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Retired Founder

Unfortunately your application has been DENIED.

This is due to the other applicant receiving the position prior to your app being accepted.

You may apply for another commander positions after 04/06/2020.

// Moved to Commander Applications - Denied

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